Categories: Bigg Boss OTT

Bigg Boss OTT 3rd September 2021 Written Episode Update: Nia leaves

Bigg Boss OTT 3rd September 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 26 8 AM
Everyone wakes up dancing.

8:45 AM
Nia says old houses are cleaner than this. Raqesh says Akshara is so filthy. She says no one did it. Raqesh says Divya doesn’t clean after making tea either. Nia says at least you can clean the mess you create. Nia says this is so dirty. Raqesh says we should decide one time to cook. It’s so dirty. Pratik says if someone is hungry then what will they? Just keep an eye and ask them to cook. Raqesh says who would see? Pratik says who has a problem. Pratik says it’s the cooking team’s responsibility. Akshara says people leave their things on the slab. Pratik says I don’t know who is Raqesh trying to impress. Raqesh says I have 10 years of experience unlike you. He says Shamita cleans it every morning. Nia

says it has to be clean.

Moose says it doesn’t matter, Raqesh keeps bringing in how wise is he. Nishant says he has an opinion, let him speak up. Moose says he’s senior-only then he can have an opinion? Nishant says he didn’t say that. Moose says why are you getting in it? He says why are you? She says I can say what I want. He said wrong. Nishant says you’re wrong. She says you can’t tell me that. Nishant says he only answered you Pratik. Pratik says if he’s so senior, he should clean it. He told me I am new. Moose says he has said it before.

9 AM
Nishant says to Neha he didn’t mean it. Pratik asked why are you trying to impress Neha? Neha says I don’t know, I am not jealous. Why is Pratik also overdoing it? He’s also after Nia. He’s irritating me.

9:30 AM
Moose says why do you fight with me? He says go away from me. There are no set of rules. She says okay I will say that I came to talk but you didn’t listen. She goes to her bed. Nishant comes to Moose. She says why are you here? He says my eyes are tilted I am not looking at you. I am talking to Gaba. He says Gaba don’t teach me. Moose says don’t sit with us. Nishant says Bosslady should be given rights and Divya should be given a chance. She plays well. I think.. Moose says think before you speak. He says please give the buzzer option. Today it will be blared. Neha will be blared too. Moose says you will. He says Divya should be given a fair chance. Moose says it was fair back then too, Why didn’t you? Nishant says my eyes were fogged. Nishant says I want buzzer more than captaincy.

10 AM
Nishant says to Moose I can see you getting spicy. You will see it. moose leaves in anger. Neha throws a suitcase at Pratik. He says you will hit me. She says go and talk to her. Neha throws things at Pratik.

Moose says it isn’t about Pratik. He says are you deaf? She says Raqesh always says it. Nishant says it’s about context. He says I don’t stand for wrong. moose says he’s your friend. Moose says he’s my friend yet I always stand with you. Don’t be unfair to me for Raqesh. She says you think you know everything. She says don’t laugh.

10:15 AM
Nishant says there should be court. My mind is breaking. Pratik asks what happened? Moose says clear it with him. Nishant says you both are friends and I don’t have issues with it. Her favoring to you is more to you than our connection. It will bother our connection. Nishant says I don’t ask her to not talk to you. He says she jumps in things. I do to. Moose says he has a problem with me. Nishant says the way you do it, I have a problem with support. Pratik says Moose you should do what you think is right. She says it comes to me in the end.

Shamita says to Gaba their coins are in the bag. Nishant says if something happens between us I would have a problem. Pratik runs in to save his bag. Nishant says I am having a conversation. Moose says by blaming it on me? He says I have an issue. She says tell me in one sentence what is it? He says whatever is your emotion to him it’s fine. She says then what’s the issue? If you don’t mind it then why do you have an issue? He says you can do what you want. He says I feel I don’t understand, that you prefer this friendship connection. Moose says I am genuinely saying I want to be your friend. I am trying to not think about Pratik. He says I do things from the heart. She says so do I. Nishant says for three days I will be exactly like you.

Divya says Nishant please keep Pratik here, I am opening his bag. Akshara will fight Neha about her basket to distract her. Akshara fights with Neha over her basket. She says pick your cup first. Akshara says don’t shove me. Neha says I only touched you. Pratik says what is happening? Akshara says she doesn’t pick her things.

Pratik says to Moose you were right about what you said. She says it always comes to me. Pratik says that’s his opinion.

10:30 AM
Akshara and Neha keep fighting. Shamita says what are you doing? She says Raqesh asked me to do it. Shamita laughs. Neha says at least I have one real friend here. Pratik hugs Neha. Akshara says this will give you more cameras and help you. Pratik says we should hug again. She says she has the whole culture of this country in Akshara’s palm. Akshara says the world knows. I don’t need to tell. Pratik says hug again. The world is seeing. Akshara says they are all-seeing. Pratik says flipping is your game. Nia says move forward. Pause Akshara. She asks Neha and Nishant to sing and dance. Pratik and Neha hug and say it will help, it will help. Everyone laughs. Neha sings you have opened your legs. Pratik says your mug.. Nia says good one. Pratik says final touch. He hugs Neha again.

11 AM
Divya says to Raqesh I know you don’t care, I told Shamita and she told Neha. We did it for her benefit. raqesh says sort it out with her. I can’t deal with it. I am done. Gaba says you should lock him in the bathroom. Raqesh says we should both do it. Gaba says I am already saved. I have 42. You should do it. He says to Divya he’s nonserious. Nishant says to leave it. Save yourself.

Akshara says send this bomb to your husband. You can get me kidnapped as well. Do what you want. Nothing will work. I have even seen death. I am not scared of anything. Neha says what is she. She says I meant the crackers. Akshara says she said my husband will see you and send a bomb. Pratik played it around. She is threatening me? Divya says if he can control his wife that’s more than enough.

11:15 PM
Divya says I don’t trust Moose when it comes to Pratik. I don’t care. Nisho is smart but Moose will drown him by supporting Pratik.He never changed his game for Moose.

12 PM
Biss boss says the task to become the next boss man and boss lady is over. Bring your coins to the garden. Everyone comes to the hall. Nia says no more time to steal. Nishant helps her count. Pratik has 44. Shamita says to Raqesh and says she said Raqesh said it. He says I didn’t. Nia says Gaba and Akshara have 56. Raqesh and Shamita 44. Neha and Pratik 50. So Neha Pratik and Akshara Gaba are the contenders. Bigg Boss says there will be a task between the three contender connections.

As guest Nia’s time to be here is over. Everyone is shocked. Bigg Bos says thank you for doing this task. Everyone claps. Nia hugs and meets everyone. Nia says it was the best. It was absolute honor. Nia says it was so much fun. Nia dances. Divya hugs her. She says more power to you guys. She leaves.

12:30 PM
Shamita says Gaba, what you guys were doing in the morning, when Akshara was fighting, did Raqesh asked you to? He says no. She says Akshara said Raqesh asked them to. Gaba says we planned to take the bags. Shamita says she said Raqesh asked her to.

Shamita asks Akshara did Raqesh asked you to do it? He says I didn’t. She says we all planned it. Shamita says Gaba said Raqesh didn’t ask them. Akshara says let’s talk when they are here. Akshara says Raqesh we were doing it for you. He says if I had to say it I would say it to Shamita myself. He says I didn’t want to.

12:45 PM
Akshara says Shamita is being bad. Raqesh backed out. He said I never wanted it. Gaba says she asked me. Nishant says it’s useless if they don’t want to play. It’s okay even if it goes wrong. I won’t let them be the captains even if it isn’t me.

1 PM
Neha says I don’t have any problem with Nia. She looked sensible. I had a problem with your attitude. He says what? She says you flipped suddenly. You said it’s your life. He says I didn’t even think about it. I was busy planning my task. She says it’s my problem. I am sorry. He says don’t be.

1:15 PM
Pratik says to Nishant it should be either of us. Nishant says I want to become the captain. Nishant says we will see. Pratik hugs Moose. She says don’t do it. Nishant says our issue isn’t sorted out? He says what’s the issue? Moose says you flirt a lot. He says okay I won’t. Moose says why didn’t you answer him? He says what would I?

Moose says he’s like that. He’s scared what he did with Nia, Neha saw it. She’s mad. It’s weird. I also shoved him. Nishant says he’s not taking you seriously. Your face changes when he comes. She says I told him we will play separately.

2:30 PM
Nishant says I told Raqesh we will play separately. Pratik says to Neha Nishant and Moose will team up with Gaba and play against us. I can see it. Neha says they are strong as well. Divya says I will stick to my friends. Nishant says I am here to play. I will do it in the right way.

2:45 PM
Bigg Boss says a special guest will be with you all. Ankit comes on screen. He comes to promote his show udaariyan. He says we are shooting in Punjab. He says to Shamita you are my crush. Your connection is so good. He says to Akshara and Gaba people respect your connection a lot. Neha and Pratik people are fan of your singing. They laugh. Pratik says I am learning from her. He says Divya ji.. how are you? She says I am just fine. I don’t have a connection. He says ask colors, I can come for you. She says I won’t mind at all. He says to Nishant and Moose you both are too natural.

Ankit asks each connection to explain why they should become a connection. Pratik says I always felt my connection would be strong. Neha says we are spending a good time. It will be nice if we get to become boss man and boss lady. Ankit asks who is next? Gaba says the mutual understanding and purity of two friends is very important. I didn’t become captain yet. I am trying my best for it. Akshara says our friendship is very strong so we don’t have to put extra effort. Our connection is real.

Moose says I felt like I wasn’t being seen. But Nishant has been pushing me. It’s because we have small egos but faith in each other. A lot of people are confused in the fog of the crowd. But we never were. And he’s so cute. Nishant says we were strangers but we felt a connection. We were never forced to maintain it. She gives me complete room to do what I want. My childhood was lost, she brought it back. It makes us stronger. Ankit says I can choose for the advantage. only one couple. I choose Nishant and Moose. There is something in the store room. Bigg Boss will tell your advantage soon.

They come to the store and see a big paper. Moose says isn’t it too much? Nishant says I don’t think so. Nia also told me our efforts are seen. We are who we are. We are not faking anything. We should go with the flow. Like we have been doing forever. We should cherish this chance. Moose hugs him.

5:15 PM
Moose asks what are you thinking? He says Divya asked me what’s the scene with you or would I ever break the connection? She says why was she asking? Divya said I could only ask you Gaba or Akshara. The show is about connection. I told her if there’s no connection, and I have chance to go forward. I can’t break Moose’s heart. Moose says she looks for chances. Nishant says it doesn’t matter. Moose says she’s b*t*hy. He says it’s a game. Moose says she only talks to you. Nishant says you think it matters between us? I don’t think so.

5:30 PM
Shamita says getting to know someone shouldn’t be so difficult. We are fighting on small things. What’s the foundation? If you have to do your thing you can’t play a connection. He says you never understand me and always react. There is no point in communication. Shamita says I respect what you said. Let’s not bear it and focus on the game. Shamita says I am trying to understand you. He says let’s not give up. She says you said it’s over. He says please stop. I will not talk. Shamita says we are not finished yet. He leaves.

Shamita comes to Raqesh and says let’s go out and finish this conversation. It isn’t very mature. Nishant says they are more about correction than connection.

Shamita says you have been through a bad marriage. He says not a bad marriage. She says I am mean that it failed. I have been through relationships that created trust issues for me. It’s an ongoing process. I did it 100% for you. He says I still feel guilty about it. She says that’s not why I did. He says I know you needed it. Was of no help. Can we let it go, please. She says yeah. He says I want you to keep smiling. I don’t like your sad face. She says don’t make me sad. He says I want you to be strong. Shamita is in tears.

Pratik teases Moose. He kisses her cheek and says I am kissing my little brother. Shamita says Akshara lies a lot. Raqesh says yes. Nishant says why? Raqesh says she’s always negative.

Moose says to Akshara when I talk to you I know it won’t go forward. Akshara says I never do that. Moose says Divya provokes people. When Nishant and I fought about Pratik. She said she’s upset because I am speaking to pratik. What would I say? I noticed today whenever there’s fighting between me and Nishant, she won’t talk to me. SHe called Nishant when we were talking. Then she says to Nishant if he would want to change his connection. I told Pratik to stop flirting. Divya said she and Harsh lead on people. Then Pratik started teasing. Akshara says you are wise. You have made your way. Only move forward wisely.

Bigg Boss says time for today’s report card. The audience is happy with your performance.

10 PM
Nishant says I want to ask something. Akshara says what? He says I will do it tomorrow. Akshara says I know it’s about Pratik. I don’t care. They don’t exist for me. Divya says it’s before they existed. Akshara says he sees his mom in everyone. Nishant says you also fell for him. She says never. I don’t like such boys. Divya says Pratik used to torture me so much. Akshara says I never understood that matter. I thought it was planned. Then after a few days. Nishant says it changed after Karan mentioned it.

11:30 PM
Shamita hugs Raqesh.

Day 26 12:30 AM
Divya asks how are you against Pratik now? Nishant says it was all-natural. He didn’t save me from nomination. I would get it if he did it later in the show. We were good friends but things shouldn’t change. So I told him we will play on our own. We all have opinions. Tomorrow only focus on the task.

Episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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