The Blessed Love – THAHAAN ( part 37 )
thanks darl for the support and love…i started my new FF ” Behind the screen – MANYASA ” with my long time darl REENA…pls support us there too…its a completely a different one…so pls ppl read it and express ur views ter too…even t negative things also welcomed ?
and coming back to our Blessed Love – THAHAAN…i was not posting regularly as before..but i assure hereafter i ll post it…and ppl pls tell me if it s going on t bad track too..pls express urself just spend 2 mins of time in t comment box…tat ll really make my day…thankiew
here it goes…
bihaan starts to sleep….
thapki was depressed about her carelessness
( mind voice – everything happened just because of my carelessness…i should be shameful…i didnt take care of him as he do always..m really sry bihaan )
thapki sits beside him and massages his hair and looks at him
( mind voice – he is looking soo innocent when he sleeps )
thapki falls on t bed beside him later..
thapki hears some sound at midnight she wakes up and sees bihaan..he is shivering…thapki puts t bedsheet on him..but he never stopped shivering….thapki switches of t fan…and touches his forehead..the fever is still high
thapki : oh my god..its still high..but he took t medicines why this is happening to him
thapki holds bihaan hands
thapki : bihaan don worry nothing will happen to u
bihaan opens her eyes and sees thapki
bihaan : its very cold here..can u pls put another bed sheet ( in a shivering voice )
thapki : sure
thapki takes t another blanket and puts it on him
but bihaan still shivers..thapki got panic and cries and prays to god
thapki calls the receptionist…for a doctor
receptionist : sry mam..he is not here now..he will come after 3 hrs only
thapki shouts at the receptionist and cuts the call
thapki goes near him and hold his hands..
thapki tears starts falling on his hands..he opens his eyes
bihaan : ( tries to stop shivering ) i am alright stop crying first
thapki : everything happened because of me
bihaan : chuk chuk ghadii i am fine
thapki : i should checked u..but i didnt take care of u
bihaan : nothing is ur fault…switch on t fan…i know u ll sleep only when t fan is on
thapki : no noooo
bihaan : i am okay thapki..if u keep crying..i will get worse..i dont want to be t reason for ur tears at any time
thapki looks at him ( music na na…na plays )
thapki wipes her tears…bihaan closes his eyes…thapki sits in t bed near him
bihaan controlled his shivering and acts he ws fine to make thapki feel better..but after few mins he started shivering again
thapki sees him and holds his hands….bihaan sees her and hold her hands tightly…thapki comes near to him…bihaan turns and avoids eye contact from her…thapki sees bihaan shivering…she hugs him without thinking…( darmaiyan female version plays ) bihaan gets confused and hugs her tightly…bihaan feels t warmth of her body…and stops shivering…they both hugged each other tightly and slept…
at morning….
bihaan wakes up from t bed and he finds thapki in his shoulders…he sees her face and body is full of sweat…he realised because of him she slept without fan…he switches on t fan..and removes her from his body gently..and gets up…thapki slepts comfortably
bihaan stands in t balcony….and started to gaze at t streets
after few mins..thapki gets up from t bed and finds bihaan absence and started to search him and sees bihaan in t balcony..she come there
she touches his neck..
bihaan : i am completely fine don worry
thapki gets relieved on seeing him fine
bihaan : are u too tired yesterday
thapki : why are u asking
bihaan : see t time
thapki sees t clock and its 2 o clock and gets shocked
thapki : omg its 2..hw its happened
bihaan : its ok…v have flight on 9 pm
thapki : but we wasted this day too
bihaan : hmm
thapki : but bihaan i want to go for shopping..can v goo
bihaan : hmm sure..
thapki nods and goes to restroom…
they both get ready by 3 o clock
bihaan : thapki i am very hungry can v go and eat first
thapki nods..they both went down and had their lunch…
bihaan gets a cab and they reahed a shopping zone near by…
thapki started to purchase for everyone in t home..bihaan gets bored…bihaan asked thapki to do t shopping and he sits in t waiting hall
bihaan sits and started to recall about t last night..hw thapki cared for him and how they slept ( mind voice – whenever i starts to make a distance from her..she is jus coming too close to my heart…i dont know wat v have destined for..but i need her to b wit t me till my last breath )
bihaan thinks of t lock bridge…bihaan gets up and goes to thapki
bihaan : thapki i need to go somewhere..pls finish ur shopping and go to our room
thapki : wer ar v going
bihaan : i told u tat ter is some imp work…u just go don ask stupid questions
thapki : then go why are u telling me also
bihaan : thapkii i am going to get coolers..ts soo famous in paris for rahul..
thapki : hmm fine goo ( smiles )
bihaan left t place and gets a cab and reaches t bridge
bihaan gets a lock and write t as THAHAAN forever ? bihaan smiles and locks t…bihaan takes a photo of t lock hanging n t bridge…
bihaan throws t key in t near by river and shouts happily
bihaan gets in to t cab and sees t lock picture ( t pic ws showing two lock pics in t first one t reads t as THAHAAN and n t sec one t reads t as BIPKI ) bihaan took t pic of his lock alone..but t another lock also came in to picture because it was next to his lock
bihaan : ( mind voice – bipki wat a funny name )
bihaan hides t pic in his vault app
thapki reaches t room and starts to pack t things…while packing t things…a key fell down..thapki bends and takes t key and smiles
FB starts :
john : don u write ur guys name
thapki : ofcourse i have a seperate lock
john : wher did u get t
thapki : from my home..i know about this sso longer…from my childhood i have this lock..i had a strong belief tat one day i ll come to paris and will put this here by writting my name along with my husband name
john : ur soo sweet vaanii but y dont u tell him..can i call him
thapki : no noo..he will make me upset..cant u see he s very disinterested over t things
john : oh i see
thapki shows t lock t was heart shaped lock…t just glitters soo much..and t was to lovely
john : wer did u get t
thapki : i made t
thapki write t as BIPKI
john : wat does t mean
thapki : bi stands for bihaan and pki stands for thapki
john : who is thapki
thapki : myself oly
john : then vaani??
thapki : ppl use to call by thapki due to my weakness
john : then y r u writting this name
thapki : bihaan will call me thapki oly
john : did u feel sry for t
thapki : not at al..i am getting used to t
john laughs…
john : you can even write it as THAHAAN where TH stands for thapki and HAAN stands for bihaan na?
thapki : i want his name to come first
john : so lovely
thapki puts t lock in t corner
john : y r u putting t here
thapki : i dont want any other lock to be wit us
john : vaani this s a private place…see t ll filled t soon and then even u won recognise u later
thapki : its ok john…i won b here tat time
thapki takes a photo
john : ok throw t key
thapki thrw t five keys except her’s
john : didnt u threw t key
thapki : i dont want to…i want to keep it with me
john : but why
thapki : john..u wont understand leav t
( mind voice – we still was nt in a relationship..we are just per t rules of our marriage i should not do this..this is purely for lovers..we wont be t one..but i love too be wit days are not fulfilled until i see his face…i am getting worried if he is in pain..if he is happy then i am also finding myself more happier..i really dont know t reason behind..but i know one day i will get to know t real meaning of our relationship..tat time i will decide…whether to threw it or break t…if v get in to love i ll threw this key happily wit him..if it becomes something else i will break this..lets see wat my destiny is ? )
thapki : can v leav
john : ur soo different come
thapki sees t lock for few mins and goes to t place where bihaan is standing
FB ends
thapki puts t key in a small locker and keeps t safe in t suitcase
bihaan knocks t door
thapki opens t…
thapki : did u got t thing
bihaan : no t shop ws closed
thapki gives him t coolers
bihaan : where did u bought these
thapki : shopping zone itself
bihaan : thank you..but why u bought two
thapki : one for my brother
bihaan : brother ???
thapki : rahul
bihaan : oh atchaa
thapki : t other one for u
bihaan : thank you
thapki smiles
they both gets in to t cab…
bihaan : did u enjoyed here
thapki : i loved tis place…i enjoyed very much here
bihaan : reaally
thapki : yes
bihaan : but i dont think i took you to many places
thapki : its okay bihaan i really enjoyed
bihaan : atchaa..then v ll come again next year
thapki nods
they reached t airport
bihaan : thapki come its time to check in
they both gets in to flight..thapki sat at t window and bihaan sat next to her
the air hostess announced everone to wear seat belts…
bihaan wears t and sees thapki s troubling again and he puts t
bihaan : i really don know when u get used to t
thapki : really soon
bihaan : can i order something
thapki : i don like anything here…if u want u can order
bihaan orders something
t air hostess served him…on seeing bihaan eating..thapki too felt hungry
bihaan notes tat
thapki : is it tasty today
bihaan : yaaa…but u said u dont want anything
thapki : but i am feeling hungry now
bihaan : ( smiles ) and orders
air hostess : i am really sryy sir this dish was not available…v hav Red Wine Braised Beef with Polenta
thapki : no nooo no need u can go
bihaan : if u dont mind v can share
thapki : noo u can eat
bihaan : okay
bihaan started to eat
thapki : wat is this by t way
bihaan : mac n cheese meal
thapki : ok ur insisting too much..i will share t for ur sake
bihaan : its ok no prblm..i am not troubling u
thapki : naii naii i didnt say like tat..if u eat in front of me u ll get stomach pain na…i don want tat too happen i will eat
thapki grabs his spoon and eats
thapki : woww its too nice..why dont u buy me this on t previous flight…
bihaan smiles on seeing how s she eating
thapki : ts enough for me…u eat
bihaan : its ok..i am hungry eat t remaining too
thapki : don try to b mahan aatma tat won suits u
bihaan : atchaa..( bihaan grabs t spoon and eats t )
they both puts t eye mask and starts to sleep
they slept too early…
thapki slips and her face lands safely on his shoulder….
At morning…
bihaan wakes up and sees thapki face and smiles
thapki also wakes up and takes her face from his shoulder..
thapki : wen v ll reach
bihaan : witin 1 5 only they announced
thapki : hmm
t flight landed..thapki and bihaan comes out…bihaan goes to waiting hall
thapki : why are v sitting here
bihaan : bhaai ll reach within 10 mins..
thapki sits beside him
thapki : bihaan i need a coffee
bihaan : go and order i looking like a servant
thapki : idiot ( murmurs )
bihaan : wat
thapki : nothing bihaan jiii
bihaan smiles
thapki goes…
dhuruv and shraddha comes there
dhuruv hugs bihaan
dhuruv : how ws ur trip bhaiii
bihaan : ya it went well…I know ur’s went too good
dhuruv : how do u telling
bihaan : u even forgot my bday
dhuruv gets shocked
dhuruv : m really sry bihaan….it was a big mistake…pls forgive meee
bihaan : bhaii chill why are u using big words nd al..its okay come
bihaan walks forward…thapki listens everything nd joins bihaan
dhuruv gets upset and sits on t chair
shraddha : dhuruv come on we ll goo
shraddha saw tears in dhuruv eyes
shraddha : dhuruv babyyy why are u crying now
dhuruv : I shouldn’t forget his birthday..t ll definitely hurted him
shraddha : I don’t think soo…he is fine..cant u come
dhuruv : u don’t know anything about bihaan
scene shifts to thapki and bihaan
thapki : bihaan why did u asked him..he felt soo bad
bihaan : u know how much I felt bad on tat day….i thought he would atleast wish me on t last min…he always wishes me on t last min of my bday…but he never did
thapki : bihaan I know..but
bihaan : I really don’t know how these ppl are changing just bcoz of a girl
thapki : don blame girls
bihaan : atchaa mahan aatma..u won understand come
dhuruv comes there…bihaan sees him upset
bihaan : bhaiii pls don give sad faces…pls…I am seeing u after a long time
dhuruv : I am really sry bihaan
bihaan hugs him
bihaan : now promise me u won forget my bday
dhuruv : till my last breathe
they both hugged again
thapki smiles
shraddha : ( t drama started again )
they get in to t cab…
precap : NYD ( sry ppl I didn’t decided seriously )
next episode : on Friday night for sure
u just continue it……
ll do sadia
Beautifully written suhanaaaaaaaa ? so honeymoon finished …wt next???? thahaan ko itni jaldi pyaar ka ijhaar karne math dena….. aur thoda nok jokhs, tashan, thode misunderstandings ,fighting,passion sab hone do …..?
thankieww vinlora darl
its surprise even i hav not decided anything 
Awesome wala episode suhana..can’t wait for the next part of both the ff .keep rocking as always.. Looking forward for more thahaan scenes darl
thankieww diviee swtiee
suree u ll get hw much u want 
Oowoww amazing yarr episode and it writing skills also very amazing so nice episode..
thankiew anchal swtooo
Once again u rockedd. I wish that u always remain blessed. N sorry dear nowadays um really busy in my studies so that’s why I’m unable to comment n read ur ff early. Sorry for that. N how r u feeling now? Just get fine and take good care of urself dear.
its okay darl
m feeling perfect now
don worry and take care of u too swthrt 
Amazing to hr episode hota ha yar.but seriously paris ma zada maza a raha tha?
thankiew rafy swthrt
Nice episode dear shivering scene was mouth opening keep rocking
Wishes for ur new ff i read that ff tooo it was very intresting
thankiew juveriaa swtttt
u created a account..nd wen is ur new ff coming 
Soon dear plzzzzz support me there
Beautiful beautiful it’s really better than the serial ???????
thankiew darl

Awesome update n love your story lone it’s much better than da stupid serial itself can please make thm realise their love for each other really soon please n more thahaan scenes.
thankiew aneesa
surely ll do tat swthrt :*

Awesome Wala episode suhana di. Thapki pyaar ki writers have to think like u , if they start thinking like u there trp will definitely increase
thankss jaggguuu
love u 
abida thankiew
wer r u from ?? even i had a best friend named abida
tats wy asked dr
OMG shivering scene ……awesome…awesome….awesome…AS Asual superb.. i love u baby ma….
loveeee uuu tooo kumzzz

Awesome… I like your story rather then t tpk.. Wht happened in tpk is very sad.. Your story s amazing.. I love it so much..
Cant waiting for the next ?? keep writing dr…. ? n take care of your self ?
thankieww inara
fr ur grt words
thanks for t love 
What will be a junior thahaan later dr?? Hahaha i hope so… Very happy ???
waittt itna jaldi kyu ?
Suhana dii so good loved this epi a lot and aww that thahaan bipki thing is so cute and also the shivering scene??? and well ur ff always makes me smile when i read i always think that actual Tpk is nothing and by reading ur ff i m watching tpk ?
Btw do u have instagram or fb dii? If yes i send my id to u by messaging for security purposes ?
joyeee swtoo i am in insta nd fb tooo…send me ur id in private msg darl
v ll keep n touch 
Jajab wow awesome

super ?? really aww loving it ….already read 15 times ??? that lock scene ?????? ….. Lots of love ???
noorrr thankiew for spending ur tym by reading my FF darl
No ur thanks ?? ….I need u thanks u love ur ff …I want u always writing…Love you ???
Amazing episode dear
thankiew rifa dr
Once again u nailed it dr. It’s so cute tht thahaan n bipki scene. Actual tpk serial is nothing compared to ur (writing skill) ff. Infact it worth commenting u thn tpk updates. Eagerly waiting fr nxt luk fr ur n ur friend s’ other ff
thankiew dilll
soo much for ur wishes and ur unconditional love 
Its awesome
I am loving it
Pls excedd it 100 episode or 200 if possible
Its amazing
thankiew sakshiii
ll do tat if u be wt me 
Nice??????? too good…..
Very nice..
No words at all my suhana….
Waiting ????
Bt dont have patience…. ???
Update soon….
thankieww anuu
ll do tat as soon as possible 
Woowww fantastic epi..once again u proved that ur a dynamic writer.. Shivering part & love lock scene were amazing!! Anda shivering part vasikkum podhu enakku “Priyamanavale” film yaduvandeii..hkz…how are u feeling now dr??
thankiewww swttyy
i didnt watched much films than hindii
m totally fine dr

hi suhana nice epi I loved it and I too have written a ff plse read it
thank u joylin
ll definitely read tat too swthrt 
First of all 10000 times sorry for the late comment dear
and thank u sooo much my doll for thia marvla epi…. seriously ur an impressive writr yaar… u have no idea hw much i lv ur ff… ♡♡ it is tooooo good. I am vry happy today but by reading ur ff ur ff made me happier… actually ur story getting better day by day darl…. keep shining suhana and ur writing makes me to wait eagerly for the next one.. i dont kknw hw to express my hapnss ….. u just burnd it yaaar !! Aur pls naaa plssss upload daily like before swthrt..u knw wll that i cant live without ur ff…. i undrstnd u r bc but try to upload it….. once again lov uuuu soooooooo muchhhh

jackieeeeee thankieww u soo much
pls don ask sry to me
u just making my day to glow always wit ur words
i ll do tat in future hopefully 
I just lovet it thanku soo much for the epi thhaan for ever love u??
thankiew nithyaaaa swthrt
Still waiting for the next one ?
sryy inara t ll get uploaded within 3 hrs
Still waiting for yours fan fiction dear
srryy darl t ll get uploaded withing few hrs
U rock it again???…really awesome ff???…keep go…waiting for next part..

thankieww shivani swthrt
love u !!