Fan Fiction

The Blessed Love – THAHAAN !! ( part 7)

The Blessed Love – THAHAAN

Hi guys..hope you all with me now in each moment of the story…plss do comment…it matters alot…thanks for the support….b with me as it goes
Bihaan got a call and it was his friend rahul who called him to come and attend the culturals with them…bihaan refused bluntly for thapki ( I don’t want to see her) rahul forced him and accepted to come on insistence.
Bihaan ( in mind voice- its long time…I saw rahul on the final day of the college..he went to delhi and he never returned as he is workaholic I should use this opportunity to see him and everyone..i have no other go .)
Bihaan started to sleep over the sofa.
On morning.
Vasundra came to bihaan room and ask him to get up as the time is showing 2 pm in the clock.
VASU : are you okay beta??
BIHAAN : m fyn ma..nothing to worry yesterday night I was not having a proper sleep…that’s why I didn’t wake up still.
VASU : ok u want to sleep again.
BIHAAN : m alright now…I am planning to go to my college today for the cultural ma..
VASU : whom you going to enjoy with…u are graduated bihaan
BIHAAN : some of my friends are still in the college and my friend rahul told that he will come I am going ma..
VASU : ok then…have fun.
Vasundra leaves..bihaan started to get ready..bihaan wears a blue tshirt with black jacket and sets his hair like a hero in the movies..he took his coolers and keys and get down.
Bihaan reached college…and he saw rahul waiting outside the auditorium for him…rahul wored a blue tshirt with a black jacket similar to bihaan…they got surprised over each other.
Rahul : B for bihaan pandey…how are you ?
Bihaan : m totally fine..cant you see ? how are you?
Rahul : it’s a blessed life very happy
Bihaan : blessed ? what u mean by that?
Rahul : I got a girl for my life. So I am blessed.
Bihaan : are you in love ? but generally you hate girls like me na?
Rahul : everything got changed by her…I got to meet her in my office…now we are in love..we gonna get married very soon.
Bihaan : atchhaaa….u lost ur bet…remember ?

( FB starts where rahul and bihaan standing in the mountain and promising each other by saying we hate girls we wont let any other girl come in our life )
Rahul : do u still remember that ? its funny
Bihaan : ahnn ahnn its seems to be funny.
Rahul : I thought you are also will love someone..but you neva changed.
Bihaan : don want too..
Rahul : mark my words bihaan..if you find your partner…you will realize the meaning of love.
Bihaan : stop boring rahul…can we get inside.
Rahul : sure come.
They sat with their gang and started to tease the performances and the people around them..bihaan seems to be happy and he thought he came back to his college days. Suddenly the anchor announces “ now you guys going to witness a group dance of business studies 3rd years girls “ Bihaan shocked to see thapki in that gang…
Gang member : bihaan do u remember the girl who is standing in the left ?
Bihaan : ya I remember her..she is such an attitude person I have ever met in my whole life. I don’t think she knows to dance.. ( says funnily)
Rahul : what are you guys saying? Who is she?

One of the person in the gang starts to explain the things which happened in the college on that day..but bihaan constantly looking at her angrily and remember how he got slapped by her..
The performance started…thapki dances in the centre of the group and the music starts ( manwaa laage….manwaa laage…) she was dressed up in a skirt with a short top…she looks beautiful than anyone in the gang…she started to draw the attention of everyone so as bihaan’s attention..bihaan looked thapki on each and everymoves…he was mesmerized and suddenly he lost his angry mood and started to watch her without a blink on his eyes…and the second song starts ( prem rattan dhan payoo…) she looked like a bride and her moves was fabulous…every one was silent over the performance…and they started to praise all of them..but bihaan doesn’t even looked who is standing near to her…his eyes focused thapki alone…and the third song starts ( kala chashmaa…) everyone in the auditorium roars for that song…thapki and the other girls went inside and changed their costumes they came with a kalachashma outfit which is similar to the katrina’s outfit…but thapki dressed decently..she wore a short top which covered her hip too..she started to dance..
Bihaan was already got mesmerized with her previous and now its his idol Katrina song and she smashed the song with her moves…bihaan saw Katrina moves in thapkii….the performance ended..everyone clapped for their performance..bihaan friends started to whistle and bihaan started to clap unwittingly only for thapki..
Rahul : they totally rocked it..i guess they will win the first prize.
Gang member 1 : ya rahul…we never expected from this gang…they smashed it.
Gang membr 2 : did you saw thapki…she rocked too…atleast she knows to dance ( says sarcastically )
Rahul : stop it broo…she seems to be a innocent girl.
Bihaan watched her till she moved inside and came back to his world.
Rahul : did you liked it?
Bihaan : the choreography was good..everyone done well except that chuk chuk ghadiii.
Rahul : u mean thapkii..she done it good oly bro..
Bihaan : u wont know her real nature…stop this topic and come out..we will get something to eat.

Precap : Thapki apologizing to rahul ( thought him as bihaan ) and after hearing her words……. rahul turns thapki gets shocked on seeing him…. bihaan too reached the spot…3 of them gets shocked.

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