Fan Fiction


Hi friends divya shankar is back with an os first of all I want to say something dr here so many divya’s r Thier u don’t get confused I. M rock star divya remaining r plane divya’s. ….R0ck star is my code k..??dis is my 4th os…??

Next thing is I want to say something regarding controversy tat anu who stole something and write about it dr pls leave tat matter all will do mistake one or other we shd only hv forgive mind to forgive her….??but one thing I wished to say no value for sinciarity u used appreciate her u used to comment not only many used to analyse her work u make her top now u only made her down u didn’t recognise her sinciar work so only she choose wrong path not wrong but she stole now I too feeling same ur not giving respect or ur not liking or loving my work ur not accepting i decide not to write any..but if u love me and if u like my friendship i will stay here…even shaheer rk and all coming to my dream and saying come to my page divya we r waiting read ur stories…?..I told wait dr now its rainy season full rain no tower telly full server eror…??I will come in summer season even swasan child will read my story in WiFi 5g….???

If you not like me definitely 100% not 100% but 500% I will stay here only bec sinciarity love affection friendship another name only dis divya not divya rocks star divya samji u give so much love tat to ocean full of love i never forget tat one really i.m always here to disturb u awake u provoke u… back to back let’s begin

In india different class of pupil r Thier like low class high class middle class here our heroine also came from low middle class family she is d only child for her parents. .eventhough they r poor Thier parents only dream to make her very good doctor…??
Today her child high school result day as thier wish she has topped d class…?his parents were so happy his father asked her today I. M so happy asked me wat u want,she told tat day I ask dress of 2000rs if u wish u can get me tat dress papa..father k ma…
Next day father has bought tat dress give to her daughter,mother asked his husband how u got dis much amount..he replied tat day baby ask me dress but i.m not able to buy tat dress bec due to less money but today I give my blood he give some money in tat money I bought dis dress then don’t tel dis to baby she may feel bad..
Asusual she studying in her college one day she came home and ask her ma my friends wearing chain bracelet nosepin ma if i wear nosepin I look good know Ma. .ma pls get me nose pin ma..
Next day mother brought nosepin and made her to wear it’s beautiful ma..I love u ma..she goes to coll..
Father asked his wife..Hey where u got dis much money(as u all know gold is very costly now gold rate is 3200 per gm)
She replied baby asked nosepin we not able to buy it so I kept my mangal sutra they give me money in tat money I bought dis nosepin..I always be in home she used to go coll who will c me..she is a ranker educated all will c har..she need it so I bought it..we r poor rite but our poorness y shd effect our child she may leave in happy don’t tell her about dis she may feel guilt….?
As her pu completed now she selected her medical seat but for medical seat she requires 1,ooooors she told dis to her parents ..
Father brings money and gives to her daughter she take it and joined to medical seat.wife asks his husband where u bought dis money did u robbed any bank,,,,,,,? Father replied no no I didn’t robbed any bank yesterday baby told she need money tat day I hv given blood to one person today he need kidney so I sell my kidney to him for one lakh and bought dis money..morever I can leave with one kidney even i can earn money I can do same work with his one kidney..
Mother says I really lucky to have u as my husband don’t worry our dream will pursue shortly our child will become a famous doctor our difficulties will soon melt like ice god will hear our sorrow, happy days is not so far….??
K father mother simultaneously k k we shd not say dis to her she may feel bad….????k samji

As her education is complete today is d most memorable day thier dream is going to be fullied,,, thier sorrow, Thier difficulties,Thier hungryness,Thier poverty is going to be vanished,,, Thier life is waiting for dis day ..she is not only my child today she is a doctor…??

Evening parents r waiting for her arrival they r so excited to c her not her but a doctor who is her child…but god will is different

Door bells rings

Father mother holding flowers to welcome her….Thier heart beat raises they opens d door with wide smile but Thier smile vanished by d scenario of Thier child dead who waiting to c Thier dream Thier love Thier affection Thier child is no more…babyyyy her mother screamed with painfull of tears…one who waiting to welcome happiness but Thier happy surrounds with saddenes..she screames she smashed her bangles.. pupil lies body on d bed she comes near baby I know u doing prank to make us fool I know ur sleeping to give us surprise u know we r waiting to c u,then baby where is certificate show me I know ur the topper no one can beat my baby do u know papa is not feeling well he is waiting u to check him get up baby check ur papa ji come here she hold his hand bring near to dead body ji show to her no no she is not her she is doctor now our baby is doctor until then his father is stunned not even single word comes from his mouth he comes to his baby body he caresses her face baby do u know today ur mumma made kheer ur fav u didn’t notice get up baby today we only make u eat with our hands get up baby in our life nothing more than u today dis life only not breathing for whom sake we have to live tel me…y god u done dis to me what we hv done to you daily we pray for you tat only bad ah tell each day ur giving so much trouble like he’ll atlast we thought our sorrow ends here a new day begins here but Wat u hv done u again send to dis he’ll not he’ll but a “LIFE WITH NO FEELINGS WITH FULL OF BLINDNES” today onwards no pooja for u ur place is not here he just went to throw god photo behind tat photo he saw a letter he take tat letter and start reading

I know ur awaking me but sorry ma papa I already went so far which no one can cheat me no one can use me I. M really bad girl i.m not able to be ur good daughter I have cheated u I hv hurted ur feelings ur dream your love i play with u all so god give me big punishment for me u always get me whatever I like even though I know we r poor we shd not accept or Dream more but also i used to ask big things with or without u used full fill my all wish u show d path with no difficulties but u didn’t teach or show how to walk in tat difficult path bec u don’t like me to face any difficulties in life u show happiness with caring heart ur best parents in dis world even i cannot able to give such love to my child oh child oh sorry I didn’t say u na how I cheated you how I cheated my unborn baby,papa ma when I ‘m studying in 4th year of medical I met with a boy name called sanska…. he used to follow me wherever I go like a dog, first I didn’t agree he blackmail me like sucide if u not agree I will die no life without you etc I believe firmly my heart follows his heart beat once a rainy day I was standing near a tree he comes with umbrella we both share umbrella as rain increases my dress get wet then i told I will go by myself my parents are waiting for me he told me my house is near anyway we love each other if you believe me we can have a cup of coffee(everything changes in a cup of coffee it’s 100% true my life changes Thier) I believe him blindly I give my entire body to him not only body but ur hope ur dream ur life to him after some days I came to know i.m pregnant bec it is not a big deal bec I. M a medical student which I know.,asusual like all mother I. M also happy. I went to share dis news with sanskar he too happy for it but yesterday is d worst day in my life i never expect my life turns 360° I can’t imagine sanskar and his wife kavitha came to college to collect certificate as he marry a week back they r going to London so they came to say bye to dis country, it just kills me he kills my heart my love my trust tat movement I may slapped him and hold his collor and ask him to give me a justice not for me but for my child but my parents doesnt teach me dis they always thought me not to hurt others i don’t want to hurt tat girl she is also a girl who came with many dreams i dont want to trouble them let them leave happily…I just keep my pain with myself,next movement d only thought come to me is my death next thought about my baby if i leave for my baby sake also dis world doesn’t allow my child to leave happily instead they curse has fatherless child.more than they curse u ma papa. ..I dont want dis society to harm u bec of my indeeds more than I don’t hv guds to face u ma papa so I decide to take my baby with me I. M d bad mother in dis world who is killing his own child… god will forgive me..dis is d only punishment which give justice to me bec of my blind love….sorry papa ma don’t miss me don’t cry for me I. M Thier BEHIND UR EVERY SMILE” ….IF u cry I would flow and go away from u…?
Now dis os and letter ends here……??

Moral:don’t love blindly if u love also don’t believe firmly some may miss use it ..death is not solution for all problem bec of her one dabba decision today her child who is waiting to c his 4G world has loss his life…a mother and father lossed his princess which she go far place even they cry also she won’t come back again…so don’t do sucide and all if u do mistake u try to rectify tat..for every prb Thier is a solution..only thing we shd know d formula tats it …if we loss lover husband child anything we can get it in some circumstances but we can’t get a parents with caring heart pls give justice to ur parents…??love ur parents.respect to ur parents. .but don’t love or believe blindly..if u can…? If u hv strong will u love and succeed…love is not important but success is important…??

K friends how is my story hope u like it i hv change my writing skills little bit..I wrote yesterday but due to network error its deleted again i wrote it now…anyways bye dr tc miss me every moment of ur life ur’s rock star divya….???


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