Hello everyone, thanks for your support avoid grammatical mistakes.I know I’m doing so much errors.please forgive me.I’m trying my best to understand you…
Episode starts with shaurya driving car and thinking how can I face her(mehak) After seeing me what will be her reaction.whatever was happening before 5 yrs.is she forgive me or not??
They reached sharma niwas?????
They enters in house jeevan welcomes allkaruna…….where is mehak????
Jeevan……she is busy with mohit and company…
Karuna……no problem we will meet her whenever she free…
Shaurya is looks whole house and thinks after 5yrs.I’m coming here but this is same as before
Swetlana comes there and join them….ohh hii shaurya how are you…after long time I’m seeing you??
Shaurya…….I’m fine aunty? how are you
Swetlana…..ohh please don’t call me aunty look at me which angle I looks like your aunty…even mehak’s friends called me sister??
Shaurya….ohh than I’m sorry sister??
Shaurya thinks she never change?
All are collect in hall for cake cutting… Shaurya is looking very tensed…how can I meet her..
Mehak enters with mohit and his friends….as he see’s her turn his face back for hiding him to mehak….till now she didn’t notice him…she busy in cake cutting..mohit cuts cake first he feed mehak than after all ??
Karuna…..shaurii you meet mehak??look she is looking very pretty??
Shaurya turns his face and see her…she is really looking very gorgeous…. His heart is beating very fast?????bakround song …..tere samne aa jane se ye dil mera dhadka hi….ye galti nhi hi teri qusur najer ka hi….
Karuna calls mehak…..shaurya getting scared and again turn his face….mehak sees them but not shaurya… Come there with smile..namste aunty and unkal.. How are you… hum log to theek hi tum btao aaj ka special menu kya hi(we are fine you tell what is tonight menu?)hareesh said this…
Karuna …..uff aap bhi n ??
Mehak it’s ok aunty no problem
Karuna….mehak meet him??but what is this he is not shaurya…he is Waiter?
Karuna…..uff ye ladka bhi na pta nhi kha chala gya(this boy… don’t know where is he)..mehak…..who is he aunty?
Karuna…..no beta he is not person
Mehak …..ok aunty I have to leave otherwise all children are create mess…
Karuna….hmm..you may
Karuna…..sees shaurya is behind the pole and act like he is talking with someones?
Karuna….what are you doing here ?you didn’t meet mehak
Shaurya….maa this call is very urgent so I come from there?
Karuna ….don’t lie
Shaurya…..no maa it’s true…
They come…..
Shaurya ….sits on chair and searching to mehak and feels sad…..
Shaurya……you are fool you come here to meet her and look you can’t meet her because of your foolness?(talking with himself)now mostly people are leave…now only shaurya’s family and close relatives are there…mehak comes to meet karuna….aunty khana ho gya apka(have food na)yes beta I’m done… A hairy a is still thinking….mohit come there and show his gift were given by his friend….diii see…shaurya comes there and stand in front of karuna..in this scene mehak is between them…mohit show to mehak one toy when someonns touches it’s shout.. Suddenly the toy shout… Mehak get scared? and closes her eyes back her foots….
Shaurya is behind her and hold her by her shoulder… They share eye lock??
They meets each other after 5 yrs.
Mehak???what are you doing here…
Karuna …..that person was he mehak whos I want to meet you….
Mehak….looking tensed
Shaurya….hello mehak..how are you
Karuna…..shaurya abb chale beta?
Shaurya…..maa wait I want talk with her
Karuna leave them alone
Shaurya…..I know you are very angry on me but please at least say something..
Show me at least your anger on me but please don’t be silent??
Mehak…still silent?
Shaurya…..grabs her shoulders…
Mehak….stunned after getting her sense push him away..?? with teary eyes
Mehak……what you are doing stay away with me..what you understand every girl is your property..no shaurya I’m not..I’m your would be wife but still I’m not your wife?
Shaurya….you again taking me wrong Mehak??let me explain
Mehak ……no need…she leave from there… Shaurya….??shaurya looks her sadly..
Flash back #####
This mehak is 17 yrs.her 12th class board exam is going..she is very upset because tomorrow is her maths exam…she is solving questions.. She listening some voice…
Swetlana……crying badly with calling her mother…
Mohit is also cry to see her
Mehak cimes to her….why you crying is something happens…papa to theek hi n?
Swetlana……he is fine but my mother is in dengr I have to be with her she is dying?
Mehak…..??ohh but my exam
Swetlana…..here my mother is dying you take care about your exams….
Karuna there to meet mehak….she see swetlana is scolded her?
Karuna……what is your problem why you always scolded her?
Swetlana……acts no dii its not like that I am trying to understand her my mother is dying so we have to her home..let it be your exam..
Karuna……you go with your husband and son but mehak is my would be daughter in law so she gives her exam after she goes your mother’s home.
Swetlana….????I wanna kill her always protect mehak.
Karuna you leave.. I’ll take care of mehak and now she is going in khanna mention with me?
Mehak?hugs her
Swetlana…..but shaurya is also there than how could she..karuna….no he is in Delhi for his study so she can.
(Actually mhehak and shaurya knows that they are would be husband and wife so karuna decided while they not finished their study they can’t meet each other because they are still teen ager so it’s not right for them… all are agree)
Mehak comes in khanna mention first time but she is not happy…she feels bad for swetlana and also missed mohit ??
Karuna…..gives her shaurya’s room and said this is yours room and take rest.. Mehak…hmm
It’s night mehak is still studying…
Karuna…..talks with shaurya on phone..asking him how goes to his study… It’s good maa…karuna….when you come home…..not this weekend?
Karuna??thank god..ok beta now it’s too late go and sleep tomorrow is your birthday ..this is the first birthday when I’m not with you..I feels bad..shaurya…..yes maa I same here..say her good night and cuts the call.
Shaurya is lieing to her he is in taxy with his friend Vikki.. And comes to home to gives her surprise that’s why he was not tell anything to her..
Vikki….I know why you are comes here??shaurya…acha to bta(ok than tell me)because you want to meet mehak hi na….shaurya??no no it’s not true..
Vikki…. Don’t lie I know everything you like her so much.
Shaurya…..yes I like her infact I want to talk with her. What she likes or dislikes but she is always in different mood..don’t know why she is always sad..
But not this time….I tell her everything what I feel about her??
Vikki…. Bhai khayalo ki duniya se wapas aao(come back in dream land)it’s 12your birthday is start…happy birthday
Vikki…no it’s your 20th birthday sirf thanks se kaam nhi chalega..I bring vine for you????you have to share with me..
Shaurya…..no bhai you know I’m not drink
Vikki….no no now you are adult study in college and most important you are my best buddy you have to do this and drink him forcefully…
Shaurya……enough yar it’s taste is not good??
Vikki…ok ok
Vikki drop him khanna mention and leave
Shaurya….not in his sense..so he decided to not disturbing maa…he comes to his room and see mehak is sleeping on his bed.??
He thinks that he is dreaming.. How could is possible that mehak comes here and in his room..he go to his bed and laying next to her..he is looks her she is looking beautiful he kissed her cheek softly still thinking it was his dream….he slept??
In morning at 5….mehak start dreaming that horrible dream and in sleeping she is telling no no don’t leave me how could you come back.. Don’t go??
Shaurya wake up hearing her voice thinks still he is dreaming…he hugs her from back and said see I’m here I’m not leaving you don’t cry..
Mehak….wake up suddenly feels her touch….she pushed him badly and come out of the room crying???
Shaurya….mehak Liston let me explain
Now he is realized it was not his dream it was real?
Karuna is also come there sees mehak is crying badly??
Karuna….what happened beta.is you bad dreamed?
Mehak..hugs her and cried??
Shaurya is also comes by calling her name
Mehak…..take it long long breath yes actually she is suffering from panic disorder.. Whenever she cried she got panic attack??in this condition she is not able to take breath properly,shivering, her BP becomes low…all are stunned to seeing her condition..she takes heavy breath… Shaurya start rubbing her feet had hand…this was the first time when he afraid so much to loosing her because of his mistake… Karuna….calles jeevan..he said she got panic attack gives her auger and salt water she will be fine…..karuna bring it and drink her…now her BP gets normal she breath properly..
All feels relaxed??
Karuna…beta what happened to you is shaurya tells something bad or did something please tell me..
Shaurya gets tensed??
Mehak….actually when I wake up I saw shaurya in my room don’t know what was happening with me why I get it panic attack…
Karuna….ok ok you just take rest I will be come.
Karuna tells shaurya come with me..now you tell me realty..
Shaurya….maa mehak was right exactly same was happened… I want to give you surprise so I come to here…no one get disturbed so I go in my room but there I saw her and she me don’t know why she get panic?
Karuna….ok I believe you but you should inform me you are coming.
Now mehak is compeletlly fine.she want to go for her exam.karuna help her..
In shaurya’s room….he gets angry on himself he punch on wall..
This is the first time when he feels his love for mehak and afraid too lossing her?
He decides to he will never comes in front of her?
Flesh back ends#####
I know guys this flesh back was very long but this is the demand of this story…have some patience and enjoy the story and please comments your views and suggestions here??????
First….thnks for a long part……
And you know that i love your ff…
I m waiting for your next ff…
I hope… Tomorrow same time… I m read your ff… Coz after read your ff… I m going for sleep…
And before sleep… I love to read your ff….
And plz trying to adding some romance between our mehrya…
Over all ….i love it so much….
Thanks dear
I’ll tried to provide you regularly bed time ff….don’t worry dear romance is on the way but you should wait one more episode..till now you knows that mehak is what kind of girl so this time romance is not possible..
Love u so much dear for ur ff waiting for next ff
Thank you so much dear
Nice ff
Hi Sarah your FF is awesome yar I love it keep writing
Alisha and geetika dear
Hi,,,, Sarah,,,, how r u,,, and ur ff is so good,,, lovely yrrr,,, and I am very happy to know that u write ff on our mehrya,, great,, very nice,, wait for next part,,, sorry for not comment on ur previous part,,, and i know I am late here,, sorry for it also,,, I hope u remember me,, love uuuu,,,,
Hi Tania
glad to see you here..yes dear off course I remember you and thank you so much for your comment…don’t say sorry dear it’s ok at least you comment here