Hello friends?thanks for your support.keep supporting me and commenting your views on it…
Episode starts with now flesh back is end shaurya is still stand there but mehak leave.
Shaurya…..no mehak not this time….mujhe tumhe avoid nhi kerna chahiye tha sari misunderstandings clear ker leni chahiye thi(I didn’t avoided you I should clear all misunderstandings)?
Now I’ll rectifie my mistake.. I don’t go you so easily I love you very much and one I will prove this to you?
Karuna comes to shaurya…..so your wish is fulfill now we can leave?
Shaurya…..maa?ok let’s go and call hareesh too
While they are leaving all comes to see off them…mehak stand behind mohit…..shaurya comes to mohit and pull his cheeks softly and say bye bye sweet heart??with seeing mehak…
Mehak?…move back…shaurya smiles and thinks she will never change….while the are teen ager he always to wants to be a friend of her but she…she is always avoiding him infact not only him but also others too..don’t know what is her problem?
Mohit…..bye bye jiju?shaurya…..??mehak….?mohit
All laugh karuna says it’s ok beta he also know this…they leave
In khanna mention?????????
Karuna comes to shaurya……and says shaurii if now you are agree than we can bring her as my daughter in law?
Shaurya….???she is your choice how can I reject her..
Karina….I know that’s why tomorrow we are going to her house for taking her hand…
Shaurya…..maa why you are in so hurry at least talk to her is she is ready or not…
Karuna…..she never tell me no?
Shaurya….ok than may I sleep now it’s too late maa?….ok ok I’m leaving
In sharma nivas??????????
Swetlana …….jeevan when they getting married now mehak is 22.
Jeevan……don’t know.. may be when karuna decided?
Swetlana…you have to tell her…hmm
Mehak in her room….thinking….why he was coming here after 5yrs. after that he will denied to merry me but look….he comes here with his mother how dare he?
Tomorrow I ‘ll be meet him and said I will not marry you,I just hate you.she slept in thinking?
Next day….karuna comes to sharma nivas….and says to jeevan and swetlana…now this time is perfect for their marriage if you both are agreed than we can fixed the date….all are happy to hear this…off course.(mehak hears all)
She thinks all happens because of shaurya??why he come here?
In khanna mention????????mehak comes talk to shaurya….servant says…he is in his room..she goes his room.
Shaurya how dare you….shaurya in shirtless??she turns back…..
Shaurya……how dare I????? How dare you…you come in my room without knocking and ask me this question(with wearing his shirt)
Mehak……your finished shall I start??w
Why you sent your mother for marriage proposal.. Shaurya……..you know everything a while it was fixed when we are children than why you asking this question??and I’m not send her it was her wish I’m just fulfilling her wishe
Mehak……Till now I remember everything what you did with me? I hate you..I never get marry you..(hear by karuna)
Karuna….remembers everything and think is shaurya was moleste her??he is my son how could he..she got pain her hand to chest,feels dizzy??and almost sit down
Shaurya…..sees her…and run to her maa maa what happened to you…
Mehak is also….aunty?
Karuna…..don’t you dare to touch me shaurya how could you??
Shaurya….maa??I did nothing
Karuna……..??????go from here and fainted
Shaurya…..maa maa…lift her take to her in hospital…
Doctor…….she got heart attack.
Shaurya…..she will be fine na?….don’t say anything now everything is possible let’s hope for the best…doctor said
Mehak is also with shaurya……maa will be all right shaurya don’t be negative have Patience….
Shaurya……it’s all happens because of you….you never given me a single chance to explain what was exactly happened….now see your misunderstanding was always increasing
That day I was drunk mehak and thought it’s my dream because you never comes to my home..and that day I only huged you from behind because you were very afraid
?? but you get me wrong….since childhood I liking you but now if anything would be happened to my mother then I’ll never forget you….
Mehak……….I know that it’s nothing happened with us but I don’t know that you were drunk and thought it was your dream..
But why you can’t tell me the truth because since five years I’m thinking that you are very cheap guy and you want to get me advantage?
Shaurya…..because after seeing your condition I was afraid that don’t know you were listen me or not…….you always avoiding me you never accepted my friendship…..
Mehak…….now she is realizing her mistake??
Doctor comes to there…….now she is fine you can meet her……they both hug each other? suddenly they realized and break their hug……
Shaurya comes to karuna…..maa you are ok?
Karuna….never show me your face leave form here…??
Mehak comes……maa you taking him wrong.he did nothing it was my misunderstanding now it’s clear?
Karuna…….really and hugs her?? she hints shaurya to come her…he also hugs her??maa I’m sorry.
Mehak…..Maa I’m sorry because of me you suffering?
Karuna and shaurya realized now…..mehak is calling karuna as maa…not aunty?
Shaurya……she is my mother n than why you calling her as maa?
Mehak……tells to karuna…..because now I’m agree for marriage….
Karuna…..hugs her??
All are happy
After 2dayes karuna is discharged
Both families are started preparation for marriage…. Till now mehak is not open up with shaurya….
Marriage day???????????
Marriage retual started…they got married????????????????
Wait wait wait wait?????????
Story is not finished yet.don’t wants to know why mehak always dreaming that horrible dream….. And most important is mehak ever tells her filling to shaurya???thair romance and many more interesting scenes is on the way????
Keep commenting guys because your positive comments are encouraged meto write it..comments here?????
Plz next part come soon as possible…
Hi,,,, Sarah,,, this part is also awesome yrr,,, thank god their misunderstanding got cleared,, I hope now we can see some romance of mehrya,,, anyway wait for next part,,,,
Hello apna and tania dear
thanks for your comments.yes definitely as soon as possible I post it
Ufff I did another mistake….. When karuna was in hospital shaurya said to mehak,if anytime would be happened to my mother I never forgive you..(not forget)..
Ufff what’s wrong with this spelling correction shi kerne me bhi galti??? not anytime it’s anything
He Sarah this is awesome yar and I really likes your writing style with this cute emoji in fact I can’t ever read any story without pictures.
Thank you so much dear for your compliment? even I also don’t wanna read any story without some pictures that’s why I using emoji???
Nic sarah see u soonplz write soon waiting for ur next ff
Nice… Plz next part soon
Thanks Hani and Neha dear
I know guys I’m already 2days late but I was very busy. Possibly I tried to post next part today.