Hello everyone thank you so much guys for your support…….
Episodes starts with…….. Now shaurya is leave for London mehak still very sad and deep thinking…
Swetlana again call her for money……
Mehak……no way I can’t say this to shaurya ….this amount is very much..
Swetlana cuts the phone in anger???
Day is passing…..mehak’s face smile is gone….she always looks very sad in fact when shaurya calls her even not that time she looks happy…
Finally that day is coms when shaurya is coming..
In evening shaurya comes…..all are very happy to see him???
Mehak is just look at him did say any thing..
Shaurya is notice her…than he thinks may she again avoiding me…..don’t know why she is doing this????
He gives gifts to karuna and hareesh which he bought from London…..but not mehak
After some time in shaurya’s room….sharya comes and say to mehak……so are you angry on me because I didn’t give you any gift??
Mehak…..no I’m not and turn her face..
Shaurya……omg you are looking so hot in anger ?? that’s why I didn’t give you that gift which I brought for you….any way here is this….open it….
Mehak….no expression on her face…..what is…..shaurya….it’s dress for you..??
Mehak….ohh ? and keep it side…
Shaurya……mehak wear it and show me how looks it on you….
Mehak…….no shaurya not now…???
Shaurya……mehak please yaar just for 5min..
Mehak…..ok I wears it but just for 5 min…..ok no problem
She goes to washroom……wear it….that is western outfit in blue colour with full sleeves(full length gowen)
She comes out……shaurya looks her and almost loss himself in her beauty???
She is looking gorgeous in that dress….
Mehak…..see I wear it now I’m going to change….
Shaurya…..comes to near her and start to get romantic with her….first he tells wow kya baat hi you looks so hot in this dress….I know you never wear short dresses that’s why I get it this for you??
He holds her waist and pulls her closer…..Mehak …….shaurya what are doing…leave me…???
He pulls her more closer and kiss her forehead after than her cheeks,neck…. She is continueslly stoping him but he did not….again he comes to come more closer to her and about to kiss her lips…..she pushed him hardly…. And say enough is enough shaurya…????
Shaurya…..??? don’t understand what he did wrong with her…
Shaurya……what happened to you mehak….you never react like this….
Mehak…..ohh really I’m over reacting??
What about you shaurya….always wants to intimate with me….you always tells to me
That you loves me so much…..no shaurya this is not love…. It’s lust??
Shaurya…..hurts very much after hearing this…mehak you take me wrong.. I really love you…
Mehak…….no shaurya ….I was right you are very lustfully person.. I can’t see you…about to leave…??? with tears
Shaurya……holds her hands and pulls her closer….ohh I’m lustful person, my love is not love it’s love than tell when I touched you without your permission???
I’m always respects your feelings….and you always ignore me…
Mehak….free herself and says stay away from me shaurya…..I don’t love you…just go from here???
Shaurya…..acha you don’t love than what was that in my office……your concern for me,your tears for me,in fact that day I kiss you without your permission but didn’t say anything…. What was all that…..how did you change in 5 days???
Mehak….in slow voice….down her face… That was my mistake??
Shaurya……ohh mistake?? and tells to her get out from here I can’t see your face?????
Mehak…….totally broken heart????
OK I’m going???
Shaurya……turn his face and say leave?
Mehak leave from khanna mention without telling anyone, without any luggage….
Mehak….reached in sharma house…
All were shocked to see her in late night…
Jeevan asked her….what happened mehak why you coming in so late….all is ok n..
She….looks him in anger…and said yes now all is fine??
Jeevan says nothing…..just wants to read her face… Swetlana…..ok go to your room and Chang.. After that we will talk….
In khanna mention…….. Shaurya realize his mistake and tells to himself you know her very well she is never tell her feelings to anyone even these what you did….???
May problem is another and she expressed it this way….. I have to say sorry to her and start searching her in whole hose….but he can’t find her…he thinks my be she is in sharma house.. And leave for sharma house??? he is very tensed to thought about her….
In sharma house………..
Mehak comes to hall asking for mohit,jeevan said he goes for his 1 night camping….
She about to leave…..
Swetlana……..so mehak you said to shaurya what what I said to you….
Swetlana……???but why.
Mehak……amount was so much I never paid to him that’s why…..
Swetlana……but you are his wife why you return him money… …half right of your on his property… Than 5 lakh is just a small amount…
Mehak……no not my right not on him nor his property..
Swetlana……mehak why you come here in late night????
Mehak…..still not answer
Jeevan also asked same question….
Mehak……..I leave him???
Swetlana and jeevan gets shocked???
Swetlana……..scolded her and say what you done mehak?? I kept you in my home to sees this day….I give you food,roof on your head and when the time came to paye for all these you tells me that you leave him….
What you think before 14 why your bring to you again in house….
Jeevan……Svetlana…..let it go n ……we will talk in morning??
Svetlana…….I’ll talk to her right now…how dare she..
Mehak…….???? with full of tears..
Swetlana…..because of shaurya,his property and money…… He brings to here..
Because….. Your were the would be daughter in law of khanna’s
Mehak…..starts crying badly????
Jeevan….let it go n…she get panic attack again??
Swetlana……so what she is doing this drama since childhood because no one tells anything to her….blo*dy dramebaaz?
Shaurya……..is behind the dore he heard everything….
Mehak…..while crying no need to say this I know everything…. That day on bus stand he almost leave to me but he come back because he knew that I was the khanna’s would be daughter in law…..???
Jeevan gets shocked…… When you got to know this….
Shaurya is also very shocked to hear this..
Mehak……..got a attack….she is falls on floor….
Shaurya……runs to her….all are shocked to see her conditions…..?????
She is not breathing..
Shaurya……comes her….mehak mehak get up.I can’t live without you…
Jeevan runs for bring suger and salt water..
Shaurya……open you eyes mehak,see I’m here I’m not angry on you…he hugs her and says…I love you mehak…..???
Shaurya……drink her water but she can’t…
She is unconscious???? he shake her shoulder forcefully…. She come back little…. Shaurya….drink her full…
Jeevan is also sits next to her…he is also about to touch her but shaurya holds his hand and say…..don’t you dare to touch her…she is my wife… My Megan
I Liston everything….
Mehak…..get in sense……. Seeing this he leaves his hand and hug her…thank God you come back…..I’m sorry mehak…..
Mehak is also gets emotional to see him and hug him back….
Now she is fine but shivering yet…
Shaurya…..go for home mehak…I comes to take you??
Mehak…..is not able to walk properly he lift her and they leave….
In khanna mention….. He again lift her and bring her to room..
Shaurya……mehak why you not share these things to me..I’m your husband and I love you so much??
Mehak……what did I share… He was my own father who left me in unknown city when I was just 8 years??
And what did I share with you…..after my mothers death my father left me with my grand parents……after some month when they died in accident…. He again left me with my Nana nanai,where all family members called me as upsguni(unlucky)..?????and anyone who lives with me he will be died or leave me????
Mehak continually speaking….. And crying
What did I tells you they were beat me and…..??
Shaurya…….puts his fingers on her mouth and say…they are bad memories mehak….forget them all….I’ll give you new happy memories…??
Mehak…..no shaurya….I’ll forget them all but let me speak today, I bear this burden since childhood…
Shaurya…..ok speak up all and cry but last time because after tonight I’ll given you only happiness??
Mehak…hugs him and say what you think why I insulted you…because I was afraid if you also leave me like others than what I do….
I’m sorry shaurya because of my bad memories I hurts you very much??
Shaurya…..no mehak…no need to say this it was my fault… You were upsen since 5 days and I didn’t notice this??
Mehak…..Hugs him again and say I love you shaurya but little more than you??
Shaurya……smiles and says I know?? thank God you said this..??
They hugs each other and spend all night like this….
In morning….this is the first morning when mehak didn’t saw any dream?? she awake happily…she feels so relaxed like which bourdon she kept to on head someone removed it on her head??this morning is very beautiful???
She looks shaurya he is sleeping… and still hugs her..she smiles and says this man is really impossible??????????
And after that they lives happily????
???????????????? the end???????
So finally I completed this story thank you so much guys for having Patience wait for 6 episodes it’s not so essay..??? and thanks for your support and love…. Love you to all??????
Keep missing me?????????
Awesome ya keep it up I am waiting next episode oh.more exciting …
Geeta it’s finished yar….no more episode..
You ended… I expected for more episodes..
Anyways it was to good I mean beyond that… I could relate with mehek’s pain somewhat… how it feels to have such family I know it very well…. Loved your writing very much…
Thanks Aakriti for your comment???
Sarah after a long time I am reading ff Because people are starting to write but leaving in middle ….your all episodes are very nice and realistic dear
Thank you so much
What is this yrrrr,,, Sarah,, why u ended it,, so soon,, I except some more part,,, it’s going so good,, but u ended this,, plz write another ff,,, I really love to read ur ff,,, so plz,, and about this story, it’s a very nice story and also a nice ending u gave to us,,,, thank you,, and love u,,,
Why you expected more episodes dear…..when I stared writing It’s end was confirm,if I write some more episodes than I will definitely not justified with this tital….thank you so much dear for your comments and support??
Gud ending…..i want see u with another ff….?
Thanks akki for your comments and support
Kah do ki ye jhut hai….
I can’t sleep without read your story’s…
How i m sleep now…
Awesome story Awsome love…
But i m sad…
Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
Keep writing next Story as soon as possible…
Coz you are very good writer…
And thnks for complet this story…
But i m missing you badly…
I feels too bad dear but everythings has own destiny and being a author of this story I think this is the best end?? whenever I think some other story I’ll definitely write it…I missed you too dear? once again thank you so much….
Sarah you are awesome yaar and your story is amazing……but why you ended so soon I’m also expected some more episode anyway your end is also very nice.started with horrible dream and scary morning and finished with a happy morning…love you too dear I want to see you with another ff…
You get it exactly my point dear…..this was the journey of horrible to happy morning??? definitely I write it some others but you should wait….first let me think n after that I write that?? thanks dear for your comments and support….
finally mehak said her feelings. and sarah now i am your fan yaar. your story have lot of emotions and love . it was very short and sweet and simple love story. i think you should continue some other love story like this . i am waiting to for that. anyway.
be happy. and be romatic. otherwise we cant get any romatic stories like this .
Thank you so much Divya for your wishes??? and thank God at least someone is here who’s not complaing that why I finished this
I really don’t know what I write more in this….. Kabhi kabhi kuch khaniyo ko khubsurat mod deker chor dena hi behter hota hi(sometimes it’s better to leave the some stories to give a beautiful way)???
Ihave become ur fan Sarah….. U write so good..awesome ending yaar…Iam waiting for ur next story.
Thank you so much Rimmi?
One more thing that I forget to share with you guys…….. I’m also on Instagram with the name of its_karanvohra if you guys wants to see mahirya’s pics and interact with me so just follow me