Haiii guyzzz…thnqqq so much for your comments and support…I m really feeling happy seeing your sweet comments…ok let’s go to story…
Khushi goes to the edge and shouts arnav ji!!!! But she didn’t find. She cries badly and starts scolding lav as she took her husband’s life.
Suddenly someone places hand on her shoulder. She turns back and feels super happy to see arnav. She cries and hugs him. He too hugs her and smiles.
Arnav: khushi I m really happy to see you like this. I never thought you will be normal again.
Khushi: yes arnav ji I thought I’ll die on that day.
Arnav places his hand on her mouth and asks not to talk like that. She smiles. He kisses on her forehead.
Khushi: but arnav ji I thought lav killed you.
Arnav: she is not lav khushi. This is our plan to make you normal again.
Khushi: our?
Arnav: yes. he calls them.
Megha and abhigya reach them. Khushi gives a strange looks at them. They all smile seeing her.
Khushi: arnav ji who are they? Why are they smiling like that?
Arnav: I’ll tell everything khushi but come let’s go home first.
She agrees. They all leave from there.
In mansion
They all sit in living room and maintain silence. No one speaks a single word.
Khushi: now tell me arnav ji. Who are they?
Arnav is about to tell but megha stops him and asks abhigya to introduce themselves. They share their story since beginning. Khushi gets shocked at once.
Khushi goes near pragya and hugs her.
Khushi: I m sorry pragya whatever happened till now is because of my friend.
Pragya: no khushi you don’t say sorry. After reading that book I came to know who sweet person you are and the way how you tried to help you even she harms you.
Khushi: how did such a book get published?
Megha: it’s not published she is sending it to people who have common interest of reading books.
Khushi: oh yes!!! I remember.
Abhi: can you tell us what happened before your accident?
Khushi says ok and starts. Fb begins.
One day khushi gets a call. She sees her mobile. It’s editor…
Editor: hey khushi!
Khushi: hello sir!
Editor: I have asked you for your story. Yet you didn’t submit you soft copy. It’s getting late and publishers are asking me about your story.
Khushi: I m sorry sir I have finished it but due to some problem I didn’t come to you.
Editor: ok I m free today come to me with soft copy.
Khushi thinks about arnav’s words and lav’s. She says but sir
Editor: don’t try to tell anything come soon.
Khushi hesitantly agrees to him. She thinks now what to do? If I don’t go then he won’t support me anymore so let me talk to arnav ji once.
She calls him and intimates. Later she thinks what to do now? Arnav ji is busy today but however I should go. She gets tensed and walks meanwhile shyam comes there.
Shyam: hey khushi! What happened?
Khushi shares her problem with him.
Shyam: hey khushi I m there na I’ll come with you.
She gets happy and thanks him. He asks her not to thank him. She agrees. They both leave from there.
They both reach editor’s house. She goes to his room. shyam too follows her. khushi greets him.
Editor: hello khushi! Did you bring that soft copy?
She gives it to him. He views it in lappy. They both start discussing about the story. He asks khushi to correct some places meanwhile shyam gets a call. He goes out and attempts the call. One of his clients asks him to come as he has hearing the next day. Shyam hesitantly agrees.
Shyam goes inside and intimates her about the call. She says ok I will take care of myself.
Shyam: you stay here only. I will be back after 1hr and will pick u here.
She agrees. He leaves from there.
Khushi and editor again start discussing about the story. She starts correcting in his lappy meanwhile he too gets a call. He goes aside and attempts the call.
Khushi is busy with her work. She doesn’t concentrate on anything. A man comes from back.
Man: hello madam what are you doing here?
Khushi: who are you? I came here on work.
Man: I m sir’s assistant and what work?
Khushi: he called me and asked to bring my story so I came here. Why?
Man: what? How can this be possible?
Khushi: what happened?
Man: sir went to Kerala for holiday then how can he ask you to come?
Khushi: what? But he called me and asked me to come.
Man: ok madam if you have doubt just call him and confirm yourself.
She takes her mobile out and makes a call to editor. He picks her call.
Khushi: where are you sir? I came to your house.
Editor: sorry khushi! I’m at Kerala.
Khushi gets shocked once and drops her mobile. Man asks her to go. She comes to her senses and picks the mobile. She stands up meanwhile fake editor comes there.
Editor: hey khushi! Why did you stand? Did you finish your work?
Khushi sweats as she understands that its lav.
Khushi: sir! Actually I have some other work so I m leaving.
Editor: but shyam didn’t come na?
Khushi: yes sir but I should leave as I have important work.
Editor: no khushi! First of all finish this work.
Khushi gets scared and tensed to as she understands that she is in danger.
Khushi: who are you?
Editor: what is that question? I’m editor.
Khushi: stop nonsense!!! I know you are lav and it’s a trap to take my life.
Editor smiles at once and changes to lav. khushi is hell shocked to see lav’s scary avatar.
Lav: wow khushi!!! Wow!!! You are too intelligent but bad luck this intelligent girl is going to die in few minutes.
Khushi freaked out and runs from that room. She is about to open the main door but it gets closed. She runs to upstairs and reaches balcony. Lav appears there and gives evil smile. Lav comes close to khushi but have close eye contact.
Khushi: ok I know about my death but before that tell me why are trying to kill me?
Lav: I don’t need to answer for your stupid questions.
Khushi: you have to answer me because who gave you the right to take innocent lives.
Lav: stop this nonsense!!!
Khushi: I know you killed rahul and riya. Now you are getting ready to take my life. Is this for arnav ji? Are you jealous that I got arnav ji instead of you?
Lav: I don’t have any feelings on anyone and it’s my duty.
Khushi: what? But why?
Lav: because I m “cursed”.
Khushi gets shocked and steps back.
Di, arshi, jo, siri, bindhu, pratyusha, somi, bhoomi, suha sis, sweety, gayatri, ranveer, lekha, shruthi ravichandran, mannat, riyashri, meghna shanti, myna, loli, nannu, monesha, tarun, kavs, ria, pavani, harry, twinkle, khushi, reshma, kavya, deepu, arshi, shravya, durga, vanitha, priya, fan of ff, reena, apps, pranati a big big thank youuuu for ur sweet comments…I m overwhelmed while reading them…I wish you guyzzz always support me like this…
Love whatever my name ur enjoying my story I guess that’s enough anywyzz thnq so much…
Blossom yes all are staying in same house….thnq so much..keep supporting…
Deepa I’ll try to complete 50 epi…haha if I drag more they will surely throw tomatoes and eggs at me so I don’t drag but will present accordingly what I have planned..thnqq so much for such a great support..hope it will continue like that…
Varsha yes I m anjali…that’s why I m not watching real kkb anywyzz thnqq so much..keep supporting…
Amrutha thnq so much amrutha I m really happy to see ur comment like this…hope u alwyzz support me like this…
Varshavenkat my name is anjali only and I thought to reveal it on the last day of this ff but so many are asking my name regularly so I have revealed it in advance…thnq so much for your support..hope it continues…
Silent reader I can understand ur frustration after watching yesterday’s epi but its afterall an imaginary story and even it won’t happen in reality so take it easy…thnqq so much…keep supporting…
Angel stop teasing!!! I know what you want to day but not here we can talk about that later…thnq so much..keep supporting…
Paru omg I didn’t expect such a lovely comment from you. Feeling so happy that you liked my story so much and thnq so much for such a sweet suggestion if time favors everything goes well but till then I’ll continue here writing ff so I always need a support from you ppl…hope you continue supporting like this…
Guyzzz epi ends here…plzz do comment and share your opinions…I wish u like this epi..keep supporting as alwayzz…byee guyzz…
Sema interesting n scary episode yaar really tat editor one i didn’t expect yaar really sema…
Awesome episode as usual. U r really talented. In how many epi’s r u planning to complete it
Feeling bad as we couldnt read amazing ff aftr it ends.. but its ok.. u have to come back with another horror movie..?… ur ff is not less than a movie…
Hai sweety….nice yaar..but y lav cursed Khushi….really wonders yaar… Pls revel yaar waiting for the next episode
Awesome twist but why is she cursed? Who cursed her? So many questions running in my head. Updates asap
Wow super twist and very very interesting but feeling bad that it’s going to end. Still i have trust that you will come back with another horror sequence.
I am waiting for your ff since morning as you will reveal secret today but you gave a bug twist and made this ff more interesting. How you get this kind of ideas yar? Whatever addicted to your ff. Even you end this you have to start another.
Arshi fan its awesum epi but i felt today a bit short … sorry if it hurts u …. … but i hvae to say what i felt … that s what the comment means …. and plz again tell me how lav is sending the book to the people … and also if that editor was fake whom would have called her .. so much queries plz tell me …. and why lav is behind khushi
Hello Arshi fan! I am a silent reader of your ff and big fan of you but never commented anywhere this is the first time i am commenting i love your ff so much when the day begins i will check my mobile for your ff until you post it. I am such a crazy and i seriously wanted you to start another after this ff. I wish you will consider my request.
Superb epi and again another twist with lots of questions. Just love your ff and waiting eagerly for next episode.
Awesomeeeeeeeee epiiiii yaar………..wat lav is cursed but how n y??? Km will wait fr nxt epiiiii……… Nd ur name is anjali u reaveled it in previous epiiiii ha srrrryyyy I didn’t saw it but nice but I want to know one thng r u elder to me I’m Cllge 1 st yr srrryyyy if u felt it wrong here all r my diiiiiii tats y…….. Today s epiii was superrrrrrrbbb
waiting fr te nxt epiiii nd plzzzz write more horror ffs ya I love ur horror ffs nd srryyyy I was not able to comment ur Othr ffs but love it………….. U r dng great job managng three ffs in a beautiful way I love it if ur elder will u accept me as ur sissy……….waiting fr nxt epiiiiiiii very egarlyyyyyy……
Nice eagerly waiting for ur next update
New twist… how many twists yaar… as usual episode was awesome…. khushi is back …
I am so happy for her..
What happened to lav?????
Awesome episode yrr. It’s really unbelievable as from where u get such ideas. I really like ur style of writing. I really hope that time permit & one I may b able to read a mystery book written by u. Till then I vill enjoy ur ff. I came to know that it is going to end so jst one request next wenever u start a new ff like this please jst let me know before so that I can find, as I don’t open tu for serial updates bt I nly open this for some ff.

God bless you…
Take care…
Always b happy & b safe…
May u achieve peak of success…
Di, u r really awesome. Come with another great horror ff.u r really talented .I am very big fan of your ff.and y lav said that she is cursed. Many questions are raising in my mind.today’s epi is nice.give big updates not small updates. Waiting 4 ur next epi egarly and even 4 ur next ff.
awesome awesome super…
omg lav is cursed bt y who cursed so many questions anyways plz cont soon egar to read more n ur ff is a special one
No words!!! You are ?????????????
it’s a lovly epi pls update the next epi soon
Superb di…love your ff. Pls update soon.
superbb yarrr
Diiiiiii….teach me.how to write stories…..seriously….its tooooooo cooooollllll…….I’m.having my cranberry juice ryt now…..wen I read ur story I was gulping d juice vry faster as to know Wat hppns nxt
Marvelous di!!! I didnt expect this twist of course i know you will keep unexpected twists only but this is awesome. I just love your ff a lot and waiting for your next update and other two ffs also. Post them.
Just loved it and u have to write another such horror and thriller ff after this one gets over.
Sorry i was unable to comment as i am busy with exams but today’s epi is awesome and eagerly waiting for next epi
Super..liked it so much…..
Just a small episode. Upload a big episode anjali.nice ff
Nice epi and love the twists….
Finally khushi’s truth is reveal. I just enjoyed today’s epi and waiting for next epi. Post it soon.