Fan Fiction

Born for u….living for u (epi 16)

Hello guys…I am so sorry I was dragging it too’s epi will clear it…so here goes…

In the lift…ragsan were still in the lift stuck up…while ragini was looking here and there sanky was thinking about the earlier incident ..a small smile crept on his lips..ragini notices him smiling..
Ragini: u love her a lot na..
Sanky(not in senses): haan more than my life…
Ragini’s smile vanishes…sanky realizes what he said..

Sanky: what? ..about whom u r asking..
Ragini: swara? Who else..u love eachother na?
Sanky burst out laughing while ragini is confused..
Sanky: oh god ragini shona is my best friend and nothing more…
Ragini unknowingly smiles..

Ragini: oh…I thought u u were in love..
Sanky: no infact I love someone else..
Ragini: so who is the lucky girl…
Sanky:La..(lift starts moving suddenly) Thank god ..finally we’ll be out..
Lift opens at a certain floor and they get out of lift completely forgetting the earlier topic…
Swara and lucky were waiting for them…

Swara: where were u..we were waiting for u..
Sanky: got stuck up in the lift…
Swara: oh..come ragini we got lot to do…
Sanlak:oh no…

But are dragged by the girls..
Ragini tries several dresses…swara gives her a navy blue off shoulder gown to try..
Ragini: but dii..i don’t wear these type of clothes..
Swara: I know ragini but trust me u’ll look great in this…
Ragini wears it and comes..sanlak are awestruck to see her….
Swara: oh look at you..u r looing like..
Sanky: angel
Swara: yeah..ragini wear this for a special moment…
Ragini blushes…
Swara: try these too..

Sanlak: stop swara we r hungry..
Ragini chuckles…
Swara pouts..:okay lets go grab something..
Ragini: u guys go..i’ll change and come okay..
Laksh: but ragu..
Ragini nods assuring they leave..a pair of eyes is continuously watching them

At food court..
laksh: where is this ragu…yaar
sanky suddenly places his hand on his heart..
swara: what happened sanky..r u okay..
sanky: I feel something terrible is going to happen..
here ragini comes out the shop and is about to when a hand closes her mouth and drags her from there…..
laksh: guys I think we should go and search her…
swara: even I feel so..
they reach that shop and search for ragini…
but cant find her anywhere..
laksh: I cant find her..oh god we shouldn’t have left her alone..
swara: lets search down
outside the mall yuvi is dragging ragini..but he notices swasanlak and hides behind the wall..
meanwhile all the three reaches the place and start searching the whole place frantically for ragini..
sanky finds a chain..

sanky: guys its her chain..
swalak look at him hopefully..
swara: are u sure this is her’s?
sanky: I am damn sure I saw it in the lift..
laksh: we need to find her asap..come lets go..
sanky: no..she is somewhere close by..i can feel her
swalak look confused..
sanky: its actually.i can always feel when she is around..

he looks here and there and finds her dupatta flying from the wall and points there..
sanky: there she is..
swalak look there and goes to save soon as sanlak reach ragini and yuvi…yuvi punches sanky but gets a kick from laksh and swara runs to hold ragini..
so some serious fight is going on between sanky,laksh and yuvi and his men..
here ragini is standing with swara both worried anout sanlak..
…while sanlak are busy fighting with yuvi’s men..yuvi approaches swarag..and slaps swara..swara falls down..and yuvi gets hold of ragini…
Yuvi: relax everyone..u want her na…sorry guys if I don’t get something I really get angry..if she is not mine thanshe can be no ones’s

He looks towards the truck that is coming fom opposite side..before sanlak could realize what’s happening yuvi pushes ragini across the truck…boom..
Everything is silent…sanky falls on his knees with a thud like s lifeless body looking at his world falling apart…while swara and laksh run towards ragini who is lying in the pool of blood…
Swara comes to him anf jerks him: sanky get up we have to take her to the hospital…
Swasan sit behind while laksh is driving…ragini is lying in sanky’s lap while swara is wiping her blood which is continuously flowing from her head..laksh is driving like a maniac..

All r worried for ragini..that no one can hear sanky’s faint blaberring..
Sanky: nothing can happen to her… nothing can happen to her….
Swara is wiping the blood when sanky’s eyes fall on ragini’s cleavage which is slightly visible due to accident and swara is wiping the blood…then he notices it..his world….
Sanky with shocked expression…
Sanky: she is here…ladoo
Swara confused..: what..
Sanky :ladoo is ragini…
Epi ends with confused faces of swalak

Precap: reunion of RAGSAN


Me...hmmm I talk a lot...really lot..I love Prabhas and tejaswi a lot..crazy fan of Ragsan/Sangini/Tevar...

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