Boss Fallen For His PA(chapter 2: some revelations)

Hello everyone!!

Really sorry for the delay!!  Let’s start!!

Recap: Riddhima finds about Vansh being her boss!

Riddhima: but why did you both hide your identities? I am angry!

Vansh: nah me and hiding not in my dictionary. We also knew a few minutes before.

Riddhima: ohh 😲 

Angrey: we will never hide anything from you as we promised na yesterday!

-flashback starts-

They all were in the restaurant

Vansh: who are in  your family Riddhu?

Riddhima : I am an orphan with no one to call family.

Angrey: no Riddhima you can consider me your brother and huh vansh (cur-off by Vansh)

Vansh: friend call him your brother not me. I am your best friend from today!!

Riddhima (laughing): look angrey bro his possessiveness. Oh hello I don’t want so much possessiveness here!!

Vansh: come on Riddhu when you are my bestie I will have to be a bit possessive who knows who will hurt you!!

Riddhima: ok then you both have to promise me that you both will never hide or leave me!!

Vangre: Riddhu promise 

Riddhima : ye kya promise hai? (What kind of a promise is this) I haven’t heard of it !!

Vansh: that is a special promise which can only be given by 

Angrey: vansh and angrey to their 

Vansh: Riddhu 

Riddhima: I have started doubting if you both are an couple? You both come together, go together, eat together and also complete each other’s sentences. 

Vangre was shocked at her outburst.

Vangre: NO Riddhu 

Vansh: never he has ishani in his life and I have no one in my life.

Angrey: boss what the

Vansh: look Riddhu he is speaking my sister’s language 

Riddhima: ohh so angrey bro you love his sister but very bad you didn’t tell me..

Angrey (holding his ears): sorry sorry pari!!(angel) I will not hide anything in the future and yes I love her a lot but I want her to achieve her dreams and then marry her!

Riddhima: proud of you bro!! I know Ishani Raisinghania before she is my friend and also my bestie from past one year!!

angrey was shocked and shouted: WHAT!!

Riddhima: yes!! I saved her from the punishment handed by the police officer due to her behavior and I saved her by manipulating the police officer 😂

And she narrated her story due to which everyone burst out laughing  at her story of meeting Ishani. Suddenly Riddhima spilt her coffee on her hand and then Vangre scolded her for her stupidity then wiped the coffee off her hand and applied some ice!!

~Flashback ends~

Riddhima: you guys are crazy 😜 

Vansh: he is in Ishani’s love but me no!! I am intelligent!

Riddhima: intelligence is less but self obsession is high!!

Vansh: come on Riddhu 😳

Vansh: we have to go to a hotel for a meeting at 3pm so let’s go.

Riddhima: I want to eat something cause I am really hungry now but it’s ok let’s go.

Vansh: sure??

Riddhima: yes

They went to the hotel;

Vansh: this hotel (cutoff by Riddhima)

Riddhima: is yours.. I know but why are you always self- praising yourself. If you do this no one will praise you and I don’t think anyone does other than your closed ones..

Vansh: Riddhu 🙄🙄

Riddhima and Angrey started laughing due to his reaction 🤣 and reached the room which was booked for them but then someone knocked on the door. It was the receptionist: Aisha

Angrey: yes Aisha 

Aisha: Sir you have a meeting at 1pm with Vishal Khanna. The meeting time was changed as he needed to do this deal quick.

Angrey: ok go now! (She left) boss we couldn’t make the presentation due to riya now what only 5 hours are left as it’s 8am now!! I will do it soon so I will (cut-off by Angrey)

Riddhima: don’t worry!! I am the PA of VR and also I am Riddhima best friend of VR so get me the file bro I will do it.

Vansh: but Riddhu

Riddhima: no ifs and buts!! Bro go and get the file!!

Angrey and Vansh thought to themselves that VR who never lets anyone scold him is now getting scolded by his Bestie and PA 🤣 

After getting the file, she started her work on the bed and continued working without having breakfast!! She was concentrating on the work that she forgot her breakfast. Vansh noticed she was working hard without having breakfast and was impressed by it. He was praising her with Angrey also he said that she was the right match for him as he is also like her: a workaholic but then being her bestie he asked Angrey to get some food for her.

Vansh took the tray of food near Riddhima and asked her to eat! Riddhima was stubborn and refused it.

Vansh: don’t be so ziddhi (stubborn) Riddhu

Riddhima : Vansh let me do this and food I will eat after the meeting

Vansh: ziddhima please have food cause my bestie needs food to be strong and also needs energy to do the meeting successfully!!

Riddhima: no I have to make this!

After constant refusals Vansh said: so then Riddhu I will feed you!

Riddhima: fine 🙄

Vansh: open your mouth sweetheart!

She smiled listening to him and while working was eating. Angrey was amused as he had never done this before but ignored his thoughts as his sister was special!

He started feeding her and she was eating happily but still was working!! 

Finally her work and food was almost done!!

Riddhima: phew 😅 bro check this!! And now enough vansh. I can’t eat more

Vansh: last mouth! Come on eat it sweetheart 🥺😊


Vansh: good girl 😁

Angrey was adoring the duo while rechecking the file and watching them. 

Angrey: wow pari (angel) it’s prefect!! Ok take rest boss till the time meeting comes and pari (angel) you too.

Riansh: ok

After angrey goes;

Riddhima: you go and rest!

Vansh: didn’t you forget something?

Riddhima: no maybe you!

Vansh: not me you! And you didn’t take medicine

Riddhima: I will take later 🥺 (trying to ignore that topic)

Vansh: now!!

After a lot of refusals and convincing vansh fed Riddhima her medicine.

Riddhima: I hate it

Vansh: here chocolate 🍫 

Riddhima (while eating): thank you love you a lot! You know what I want and in what time (she kissed his cheek in happiness) here you also have.

They both enjoyed the chocolate 😋 by sharing.(sharing is caring 🤣)

Vansh: shall I ask you something as it’s still 10am

Riddhima: yes you have all rights!!

Vansh: why do you live in a hostel? And how did you lose your parents??

Riddhima (stammering): vvaannsshh aah aah

Vansh: do you trust me?

(Teared-eyes)Riddhima: yes but don’t judge me!

Vansh: never sweetheart! 

He hugged her to calm her down!!

Phew 😅 done ✅ for today!! 

Let me know what you think about Riddhima’s past!

So hope you liked it! Ignore my mistakes cause I typed this really quick!! 



Don't worry 😉 be happy 😊 It's just my catchphrase 😂 I just love immj2,reading and writing stories....

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