Bound To You – Chapter 14 – Jealousy

Hello everyone! I was down with a very bad migraine three days back. But thankfully, it has subsided now, and I’m doing very well now.

Those of you who have missed the previous update, here is the link :

@Amyra Thanks and congrats for being 1st! Virtual hugs and virtual money for you $$$ (hehe)
@RiansHLoveR Thank you so much. Yes, your doubts on him were correct. They already love each other, but are afraid and egoistic to admit it.
@1234Aayu Thanks a lot. Haha, I’m excited too!
@Sweety21 Thank you dear
@Shreya Thanks a lot.
@Scarlet Flower Thank you dear
@Anisha Thank you dear
@Nandhana Thank you so much. I’m glad to see you enjoying the story.
@Prapti0809 Thank you so much. Yes, you were right dear. And about Vansh….well that will be revealed in the next chapter after this.
@Maanvika Thanks a lot
@Parita Thank you so much. You enjoyed Vansh’s jealousy, now I hope you can enjoy Riddhima’s too (hehe)
@Mary Thank you so much. Yes, Aryan definitely deserved all of that. We’ll have to see if Riddhima will be able to leave India and will Vansh let her do the same…
@Pomu Thanks a lot. Yes you are right. Hope you have fun reading it (wink)
@Ravneet Thanks a lot
@Anannya07 Thank you dear
@AarushiSoni Thank you so much. Yes, Aryan really stooped low for the sake of money. Trust me, even I was very eager to post this chapter as well as the next ones. But unfortunately wasn’t feeling that well.
@Aisha08 Thank you dear
@Jayashree Thank you so much
@Vkjhp Thank you dear
@Priyadharshini Thanks a lot
@Niyati12 Thank you dear
@Priyanshi_13 Thank you dear
@Ayesha Thanks a lot. You can call me Nia.
@Dreamy Girl I don’t want to reveal much, but whether Kabir will turn negative or remain positive, for that you’d have to stay tuned.
@Priyanka Thakur Thank you so much. Yes, they are acting like school kids always arguing with each other, lol.
@Neetu Thank you dear
@Priya Singh Thanks a lot
@Riaa Aww, thank you so much. Even I feel like laughing when I sit down to write those scenes. Ngl, they act like a typical ‘miya-biwi’. It’s almost like they can’t stand each other, yet can’t live without one another.
@Jayanthi Thank you so much. I know how much you adore both the children (trust me, even I do). But you might be disappointed to find them absent from the scenes in this and the next chapters. But I hope you still continue to enjoy the story (hehe)
I don’t know why, but there’s something about Aryan’s face itself that gives him such a negative vibe. It’s almost like I cannot imagine him in a positive setup, that’s why put him in negative light in both of the stories, lol.

Riddhima was busy chatting with Ronita’s cousin, Anisha, when Vansh approached them.

“Hey beautiful!” He said resting his arm against the table beside them.

“How dare he flirt with me in front of everybody!” thought Riddhima. She opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off midway by Anisha.

“Hi handsome!” Anisha fluttered her lashes.

“I don’t know why some people think that whatever I say is meant for them,” said Vansh looking pointedly at Riddhima. “They really need to get out of their mirages.”

Vansh gently slid a finger down Anisha’s face. “You’re the most ravishing woman I’ve ever met. No woman in my life ever made me feel this way about her….”

Riddhima fumed listening to this, while Vansh thoroughly enjoyed the effect he was having on her.

Anisha started blushing.
“Shall we dance?” she offered her hand.

“My pleasure, beautiful.”

Vansh took Anisha to the dance floor and they gave a sizzling performance on “Na Jaane Kahan Se Aaya Hai”.

The rest of the crowd watched them in uncomfortableness, as the couple got quite touchy-feely with each other during the dance.

After their dance was over, Riddhima pulled Vansh aside.

“What was that?” she asked agitatedly.

“What? It was just a dance,” said Vansh. “Whoa, whoa! Don’t tell me you got jealous on seeing me and Anisha together. You forgot, you and Kabir also had been dancing together, just a while ago?”

Riddhima gritted her teeth. “Mine and Kabir’s dance was a completely clean one. Not like yours and Anisha’s, uncomfortably sensual. If you want to dance like this, why don’t you go to a nearby pub, instead of a family function?”

“That’s what happens when two s*xy and hot people get together. We both have such a sensual chemistry, that the sensuality automatically comes out into our dance,” teased Vansh. “Not like some, unfortunately boring people.”

“You are impossible, Vansh!” snapped Riddhima.

“Thank you,” came his mocking reply.

Just then, Ronita excitedly came up to them.
“Wow, I didn’t know you could dance so well. You literally set the whole floor on fire, Jiju.”

Now it was Ronita’s turn to get bashed by Riddhima.
“What is with this ‘Jiju‘ every now and then, huh? He is NOT your freaking Jiju! Understood?”

Ronita said, “Di, I know he is my ex-Jiju, but adding an ‘ex’ before, would not look very nice….”

“He has a God damn name! Why don’t you call him by that?” said Riddhima annoyedly.

“Di! He is quite elder to me, and if I take his name so casually, it will look really disrespectful…”

Riddhima shot an I-cannot-believe-you look in her direction.

Vansh cleared his throat. “Hmm, you can call me Mr. Raisinghania, if you want.”

“Mr. Rai–sin–gha–nia? Don’t you think it’s too long? It’d take so much time to read this name aloud, that not only would me and Roshan get married, but we’d also have our kids by then,” said Ronita matter-of-factly.

Both Vansh and Riddhima facepalmed.

“Ok, you can call me Sir, then,” said Vansh, trying to hide the irritation in his voice.

Ronita refused again. “Are you my college professor or my Boss at workplace, that I should call you as ‘Sir’? I can’t even call you ‘Bhayya’ because that would seem very informal, and we don’t exactly have that kind of relation between us yet….
So, I think Jiju is perfect!”

Riddhima let out a grunt in exasperation.
“If Vansh is crazy, you are no less. God knows why I have to be the one dealing with all the crazy people!”

Saying this, she marched away from the scene.

Ronita started giggling. “Wow Jiju, what a superb plan to make Di jealous!”

Vansh became quiet. “It’s nothing like that. I had no intention or desire to make her envious.”

Ronita said, “Come on Jiju! There’s nothing that can escape my sight. I saw you stealing glances at Di, even when you were dancing with Anisha. And when Di was dancing with Kabir Bhayya, your eyes were stuck on her during that time too!
You can deny how much ever you want, but the truth being that you still feel for her. And so does Di as well. She tries a lot to keep a hard exterior, but from inside, she gets weak in the knees for you…”

Vansh became immersed in deep thoughts. Was Ronita right? Did they still hold feelings for each other? Did he still feel for Riddhima, even when she betrayed him? WHY?

Just then, Anisha collided with Vansh and spilled some juice over his clothes.

“What the…?” he muttered.

“I’m so sorry,” said Anisha trying to wipe it off with a tissue. “Let me clean this up.”

Vansh brushed her aside. “It’s okay. I’ll do it myself.”
He went to the guest room upstairs to clean himself up, while Anisha smirked thinking that everything was going as per her plan.

The party was running smoothly, when all of a sudden, the lights went off.

“Why isn’t the generator on yet? Let me check up with it,” said Kabir.

“Everybody please relax. The lights would come back on within sometime. Please stay where you are,” said Riddhima. “Rhea and Reyansh, are you both okay?”

“Yes, Mumma,” replied the kids.

Mrs. Francis arrived carrying emergency lamps along with her.

Just then, Riddhima’s phone started ringing. One look at the screen, and her face fell.

“What is your problem? Have you decided to never let me live in peace?” she said.

“You are the one not letting me in peace! The lights are off and it’s so dark that I can’t see anything,” grumbled Vansh.
“And what kind of house did your dumb brother take on rent? It’s nothing short of a godown, and you don’t know which thing your foot will hit next. Aaahhh!”

“What happened?” asked Riddhima getting concerned.

“I think I hit my foot with the table. Listen, come upstairs to the guest room at once with a candle or an emergency lamp,” said Vansh. “I’d have used my mobile torch, but the battery is pretty low so….”

“So? That is not my problem,” retorted Riddhima. “And I am not your personal assistant to come behind you at your every call. Solve your own problems. Goodbye!” She hung up.

Even though, she gave him an earful over the phone, Riddhima was getting worried for Vansh.

“Before that madman hurts himself more, I should take one of these emergency lamps to him,” she thought to herself.
Saying this, she took the flight of stairs up to the guest room.

Vansh on the other hand was extremely furious. He threw his phone on the bed.
“This woman is unbelievable. Has no humanity left in her!”

He unbuttoned his dirty shirt, and tried to fumble with his belongings in the dark for a clean shirt.

Just then, he heard someone enter his room.

Vansh heaved a sigh of relief. “Thank God you came. But why didn’t you get any torch or candle along….”

Before he could say anything further, he felt a pair of arms enveloping his bare chest from behind.

Vansh was completely taken aback. “Riddhima, what are you doing?”

As he felt her breath against his back, he remembered the moment when he and Riddhima had got intimate with each other. He’d hate to admit it, but that night had been one of the most beautiful moments of his life….

Just then, the door opened wide and a bright light almost blinded his vision.

When he rubbed his eyes to see who it was, he was shocked beyond words to see Riddhima standing at the door with an emergency lamp in her hand.

“If she is there, then who is the one hugging me from behind?” he thought.
He was shocked when he turned around to see that it was Anisha!

He pushed her away, but it was too late. Riddhima had already angrily shut the door and stomped off.

“How dare you!” Vansh growled at Anisha, trying to put on his shirt quickly. “God knows what she must be thinking about me!”

“So how does it matter?” said Anisha seductively. “She is your ex-wife, not your present one.”
She tried to touch him again, but got shoved away instead.

“Don’t try to mess with me by taking undue advantage of your gender,” Vansh pointed a finger at her. “I won’t even care that you’re a woman before teaching you a lesson. So better back off!”

The lights were back and Riddhima was standing outside the guest room in the corridor. The same vision kept replaying before her – a shirtless Vansh cozying up with another woman.

“He is my ex for crying out loud! Then why am I getting affected on seeing him with someone else, when I clearly hate him to the core?” she thought with tears in her eyes.

“Riddhima….let me explain!” She heard Vansh come behind her.

No, she couldn’t let Vansh ever know how hurt she felt. She couldn’t show her weakness to him only for him to take advantage of it later on….

Riddhima composed herself and turned around to face him.

“What crap is this! You can’t go around spreading filth in mine and my brother’s house. If this is what you want to do, why don’t you carry this out in your own house, or even better in a hotel?
And didn’t you find any other girl except for Anisha? She is Ronita’s cousin for heaven’s sake. What if this leads to some problem in Roshan’s and Ronita’s marriage?
Also did you even once think about the children? They are roaming about freely here, what if they caught you in such a compromising situation? How would they feel?”

Vansh felt disappointed. This was not the reaction he was expecting. He had hoped that she’d behave like a jealous and crazy wife, but here she was, acting all mature and unaffected.

He pulled her by her arm, causing her to fall against his chest, and looked straight into her eyes.

“Are these the only reasons making you upset, or the real reason being that you cannot see me with someone else?”

Riddhima stared at him for sometime and then looked away.
“You’re my ex-husband, why would I feel something like that?”

Vansh whispered, “You said something along the similar lines seven years back when you saw me with Ahana….?”

Riddhima came back to her senses freed herself away from his grip.

“That time, I was married to you. Not anymore. You may sleep with as many girls as you want, I wouldn’t even give a damn!”
She tried to sound strong, but her voice was still shaking.

“Why do you always have to think wrong about me?” asked Vansh with pain in his voice. “I am innocent and it was Anisha who took advantage of the dark and hugged me without my consent.”

Riddhima was still not convinced.
“If she was the one to hug you forcibly, why didn’t you push her away? To me, it looked like you definitely enjoyed it too!”

Vansh explained, “It was dark and I couldn’t see who it was. I thought it was you…..”

“What?” Riddhima blurted out. “You thought it was me, who was hugging you like that? How could you even imagine something like that? Yikes!”

Vansh said, “You are saying ‘yikes’ right now, but seven years back, your reaction was completely opposite when we both…..”

“Stop bringing up the same ‘seven years back’ again and again. What happened at that point of time, won’t happen ever again,” said Riddhima.

He stayed quiet for sometime before saying, “Well, I wouldn’t mind if something like that happened between us again….”

Riddhima couldn’t understand this man at all. On one side, he would go around reiterating the fact that how much he hated her and constantly taunted her, and on the other side, he was making such suggestive remarks.
What did he even want?

Vansh on the other hand felt satisfied to see the same jealousy in her eyes, that he often felt on seeing her with Kabir together. Only Vansh had the right to hate her, to hurt her, and…. to love her madly. No one else did.

Just then, they saw Anisha trying to sneak out of the room.

Riddhima managed to catch her just in time and crossed her arms across her chest.
“Do you want your parents to know of this lovely act?”

“Listen, you are not my teacher to complain to my parents,” Anisha snapped at her. “Besides, Vansh is your ‘ex-husband’, so just blo*dy move on!”

“Not me, but you need to move on, Anisha,” said Riddhima angrily. “You should know that you cannot try to get physical with a man without his consent. What would have been your reaction, if everything had been reversed, and it was Vansh who tried to touch you inappropriately?”

Anisha chuckled. “I didn’t expect you to be so dumb. Don’t you know that all men want and think only about one thing 24×7? In that case, they’d be more than welcoming to the touch of any God damn girl. In short, you can say that they actually enjoy such things.”

Riddhima shouted, “How are you an adult and still have no idea how consent works? If a man requires consent to touch a woman, so does a woman before touching a man. Is this so difficult for you to understand?
I’d have loved to inform all this to your parents. But I won’t do that, if you apologize to Vansh right now for your inappropriate behaviour.”

Anisha realized that it was in her best interest to obey what Riddhima had told her to do. Or else if her parents got to know of this, then she herself didn’t know what they might end up doing with her.

“Fine, I am sorry,” Anisha said half heartedly. She was about to leave when Vansh called her out.

He said, “When a man tries to touch a woman without her permission, he is called as an eve-teaser or a molester. But do you know what is a woman called who does such things?
I don’t want to say that specific word aloud, but let me tell you that she would be considered as nothing less than those ladies belonging to Mumbai’s red light area who go around inviting every other man walking on the streets to their rooms, even the uninterested ones.”

Anisha gasped at this insinuation.

Vansh decided to take the insult a little further. “And most of those women do that for money, because they need that so badly. So here,” he took out some money from his pocket and offered it to her. “Take this. Maybe you need it too.”

Not able to bear the taunts any longer, Anisha stormed from there.

Vansh broke the silence after a while.
“Thank you,” he said. “For saying something in my favour for the first time in my life.”

“I know how it feels when someone wrongly raises fingers upon your character,” said Riddhima looking at him painfully. “And I wouldn’t want anybody else to go through the same turmoil that I, unfortunately went through.”

Vansh opened his mouth to say something, but she ignored him and left from there.

All the guests had left, and thankfully, none of them had any complaints or whatsoever with the arrangements.

It was at this moment that Kabir snuck inside the house carrying drinks.

“Sshhh! Be quiet or if Di gets to know of this, we will be finished,” said Roshan, guiding Kabir to the verandah.

Kabir grinned. “There is nothing that I fear to this extent except for Riddhima’s anger, of course.”

Roshan clinked his glass with Kabir’s. “Cheers!”


Roshan and Kabir kept downing drinks after drinks, until they fell totally inebriated.

Roshan started laughing out of the blue.
“I can’t believe that I am getting married within a month. #RIPBachelorLife!”

He tugged a finger at Kabir’s chest.
“Hey, why don’t you get married too? Till when will you remain single like this?”

Kabir replied, “Just because you are getting married, doesn’t mean you will want to get every other single guy married as well.”

“Come on Kabir! Don’t act like you have no interest in marriage and stuff. I’m sure, there must be someone who makes your heart swirl.”

Kabir started smiling. “Yeah there is someone,” he said dreamily. “But unfortunately, she doesn’t see me in the same light.”

“Did you ever express your feelings to her?” Roshan enquired.

Kabir shook his head.
“I’m scared thinking that what if she gets angry on me.”

Roshan facepalmed. “Why would she get angry? You are good-looking, sincere, good at heart, have a respectable job and belong to a nice family. What else would a girl want?”

“Yeah, but apparently all these are not enough to win a girl’s heart in today’s times,” said Kabir sadly. “I don’t know why, but girls nowadays don’t seem to care for the good guys, and go running behind the bad ones.”

Roshan shushed him up. “Rubbish! Look at me, did I not get the love of my life in spite of being your so-called ‘good guy’?
Until you don’t confess your love to her, how’d you know what she feels for you? Who knows, she has bern waiting all this time only for you to take the initiative?”

Kabir’s eyes widened. “Really?”

Roshan patted his back. “Come on, today is the day! Go and confess your feelings to the love of your life. Don’t be such a coward!”

Kabir stood up all buffed up, and said, “You are right! It’s high time that I disclose my feelings to her. And today, I’ll do that.”

When Riddhima spotted Roshan and Kabir slumped up on the couch with empty beer bottles lying around, she became furious.

“What the hell is all this? Kabir is so drunk that he’d have to spend the night here itself. I can’t allow him to drive in this state,” she said.

She asked Mrs. Francis to escort a drunk Roshan to his room, while she did the same with Kabir.

“Once you are sober in the morning, I will teach both of you a good lesson,” scolded Riddhima.

Supporting Kabir with her arm, she tried to lead him upstairs with much difficulty. But instead, he went and lay down on the sofa.

“Kabir! We need to take you upstairs, don’t trouble me like this,” said Riddhima, placing her hands on her waist.

“I never trouble you,” said Kabir, his speech becoming unclear with time. “In fact you are the one who always troubles me, and my heart.”

He gave a tug at her hand, and she landed beside him on the sofa.

Riddhima tried to say, “What are you trying to do?”

Kabir placed a finger on Riddhima’s lips.
“Not today. I have hidden my feelings for you since a long time, but I can’t do it anymore.
I love you, Riddhima.

Riddhima was stunned. She didn’t know how to process all of this. Did Kabir really love her, or was he just being drunk right now?

“Kabir, you are not in your senses now. We’ll talk about this later.”

He held her hands. “But, I really, really love you a lot Riddhima. And I can do anything for you….”

“I appreciate that Kabir. But unfortunately, I don’t feel the same for you. I consider you nothing more than a very, very good friend. And I’d want things between us to remain like that only,” she said sympathetically.

Unbeknown to both of them, Vansh was listening to their entire conversation from a corner. Even though he was angry because of whatever Kabir was saying, but he was also relieved to know that Riddhima had no feelings for him in her heart.

Kabir on the other hand was heartbroken. He had mustered up enough courage to pour out his heart in front of her, but she outright rejected him. However, he decided to not give up so easily.

“I know that you feel nothing for me. But I promise you that my love would be enough for the both of us,” said Kabir.
“In fact, not only for both of us, but also for Rhea and Reyansh. I will give them a father’s love, and will never differentiate between them and my own children.”

Riddhima had had enough and she shouted, “Stop it Kabir! How dare you bring the kids between all of this? We don’t need your so-called love, neither me, nor my children. So you better keep your greatness to yourself.”

Saying this, she turned to leave, but Kabir caught her hand from behind.

“You never behaved with Vansh in this manner, then why me? In fact, instead of ignoring him and rejecting his approaches, you went a step ahead and….slept with him! You slept with the same man whom you were supposed to get arrested? Where were your morals at that time?”

Riddhima was shell shocked. The very person whom she always considered as a good friend, was questioning her for the choices she made as a woman?

“How dare you Kabir!” she said.

But before she could say anything further, Vansh came and punched Kabir’s face. He fell down to the floor, unconscious.

“Vansh!” she screamed. “What did you do?”

Vansh thundered, “He asked for it. Who is he to judge and comment upon a husband-wife relationship? Who gave him this much right?”

Riddhima knelt beside Kabir and examined him.
“Are you mad or something? Kabir was drunk for crying out loud, and you hit him in that state? His breathing is becoming slower. Gosh, I need to take him to the hospital.”

Not wanting to take Vansh’s help, she tried to carry Kabir by herself, but he was too heavy for her.

Growing immensely impatient, Vansh came and easily picked up Kabir in one go. Riddhima followed him outside.

“Thank God you brought him here on time. Or he could have died from hypoglycemia,” said the doctor. “He shouldn’t have binge drunk that much. Tell him to be careful next time.
He is fine now, but he’ll be able to gain consciousness after 2-3 hours. Until then, we’ve to monitor him.”

Riddhima thanked the doctor.

“Now that Kabir is out of danger, I think we better go back home,” said Vansh casually.

She looked at him with contempt. “Do you have any humanity left in you or not? How can I leave him here in such a vulnerable state?”

“Even after all that rubbish he said to you some time back?” taunted Vansh.

Riddhima said, “Yes, even after that. Because he really needs me a lot right now. And one more thing, whatever has happened, it is purely between me and Kabir. There is no need for you to meddle in my affairs.”

Vansh gave her a bored expression. “If you are so eager to become Mother Teresa, be my guest. I won’t stop you. It’s getting really late, and my sleep is really precious to me. I am going back home. Goodnight, Teresa!”

By the time Vansh left the hospital, the sun had already risen. Instead of going back to his own residence, he drove back towards Roshan’s house instead. He tiptoed inside, taking care not to wake anyone up.

“Everyone must be really tired from yesterday’s night and must be sleeping soundly. This is the best time for this,” he smirked to himself.

Without making any sound, he went into Riddhima’s room, and started searching it.

He become frustrated when he found nothing.
“What the hell!” he groaned.

Realizing that there was nothing in this room, he quietly left from there.

But unfortunately for him, Mrs. Francis had already seen that. She decided to inform Riddhima about the same.

After Kabir had gained consciousness, Riddhima came to meet him.

He looked ashamed and kept his head hung down.
“I am really sorry for my misbehaviour last night, Riddhima. Don’t know what had happened to me.”

She said, “I hope you are feeling better, Kabir. I have completed all the formalities for your discharge and even booked a cab for you to take you back to your house.”
She took a deep breath.
“But whatever little that was between us, is over for now. Don’t ever show your face either to me, or to my kids.”

Kabir tried to protest but she was in no mood to listen to him.

“When I was called characterless in the court, I was so damn broken. With Roshan still in US for his treatment, I had no one to share my pain with except for you.
You consoled me and helped me to pick up the broken pieces of myself….and now you do this? You’ve hurt me a lot, Kabir. And I don’t want to have to do anything with you any longer.

She left from there leaving a lamenting Kabir to himself.

When Riddhima reached her house, she found Mrs. Francis looking very worried.

“What is the matter?” she enquired.

“Vansh! I saw him snooping in your room when no one was looking around,” whispered Mrs. Francis.

Riddhima started panicking. First of all, what was Vansh still doing in her house when he should have very well gone back to his? And what was he doing in HER room?

“What was he searching in my room for? Or even worse, did he plant some illegal things like drugs or weapons to trap me in a false case?” she shuddered.

She ran to her room, and frantically tried to search the wardrobe, the drawers, everything, but found nothing.

“Why did he come into my room then? What if instead of that he planted a spy camera or a micriphone in over here?” she thought in despair.

Just then, her phone started buzzing. It was Kabir.

He said, “Before you hang up on me, I just want to tell you that I did not call you up to talk about ‘us’. Rather, there’s something really important. But before that, make sure Vansh is not around you.”

Riddhima replied in the affirmative.

“All arrangements have been made for your escape from India to Fiji.”

“What?” she blurted out.

“Yes! Tickets, visas, your stay, security, and rest of all the paperwork has been done too. Your departure is scheduled for day after tomorrow, and it’s going to be a connecting flight via Chandigarh.
Vansh will never even have the slightest idea about where you guys could possibly be at.”

“But Kabir….I think Vansh is upto something.”
Riddhima narrated to him everything that Mrs. Francis had told her about.

Kabir became anxious, but he knew he had to calm Riddhima down in such a situation.

“Don’t worry. I’ll come there in a while with my necessary scanners that will help in looking for any unwanted items in your house. Just relax, Riddhima.”

Just then, Riddhima’s eyes fell outside the window. Vansh was standing below, and talking to someone on the phone. She couldn’t hear what he was saying, but he seemed very worried. He had the same look on his face that he had seven years back when he was about to leave his house to kill his two captive men.

She saw Vansh kick his car in frustration, and soon he got into it and drove away.

Riddhima understood that she had to follow him, just like how she had done seven years back, in order to find out what on earth he was planning.

Riddhima follows Vansh in her car. Someone hits her on the head and kidnaps her.

Kabir angrily asks Vansh about Riddhima’s whereabouts. When he says he doesn’t know, Kabir threatens him.

Kabir and Vansh point guns at each other.


That is it for today guys. Do comment below.

Question for you : Who do you think kidnapped Riddhima?

Peace out!







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