Hai aki…. A advance very big wala happy birthday to your Jazz….!!!
This is gift for your Jazz…. For advance happy birthday, here is my advance gift…
And, all the dog lovers out there… this OS is for you all…. Enjoy this…
And you may find my character as Kriya here, who hates dogs..!! hehe, don’t kill me…!!
“Ragini..! Ragini..! Take your dog away..!”
Kriya shouts as if world is going to end..!
Ragini comes in frustration and takes her dog in her hands,
“Kriya, I said you 100 times..! This is not dog..! this is choco..! you got it..??”
Kriya: dog is always a dog.. Whether it has any name.!
Ragini: oh, then shall I call you human being instead of kriya..??
Kriya: Ragini..! whatever, your choco has licked my legs. I hate it..!!
Ragini: oh, really..! choco, let’s wash your tongue. How dirty might have become yours tongue, licking her leg..!
Kriya shouts: Ragini…!!!!
At breakfast…
Kriya got plate full of upma before her and Ragini is making choco eat omelet.
Sumi: what happened kriya..? eat…
Kriya: maa, of that dog omelet and for me upma..??
Ragini: I will break your teeth kriya. I said you 101 times, this is choco.. not dog..!
choco shouts bow..!
Ragini: got it..??
Kriya: aahhh..!!
Sumi: today is choco birthday know…
Ragini: yaa, that’s why omelet for breakfast, chicken for lunch, evening a big cake, and night.. 101 Dalmatians movie..!!
choco keeps moving it’s tail in excitement.
Kriya: this house has become a dog house..!!
She sighs.
Ragini’s phone rings.
Ragini: haa Laksh… I’m coming right now..!
Ragini: maa, I’m going to meet Laksh.
She is about to take choco also.
Kriya: what..? you are going to meet Jiju with this one also..??
Sumi: kriya, you also go with Ragini…
Kriya: but why me..?
Ragini: me, Laksh and choco will enjoy the climate… you are body guard to us..!!
Kriya shouts again: Ragini..!!!
‘Bow bow..’ choco shouts.
Kriya is driving the car. Ragini is sitting beside her. choco is in back seat looking out from window.
Ragini looks at choco.
Ragini: awww…. Kriya.. see at choco. I think, it’s a clever man in her previous life. See, how it’s thinking deeply…! She only should know what is she thinking.
Kriya holds her head with other hand.
Ragini: choco says out frankly when something which it won’t like. If it’s tail is down, then it is sad..! when it’s tail swinging it is very happy and excited..!! but.. when it’s tail is straight.. it’s very angry… her teeth are…
Kriya: Ragini, you know about dogs a lot..!!
Ragini: I don’t know about dogs. I know only about choco..! by the way, who is dog here..? is that you..?
Kriya shouts: Ragini….!!!
They reach the destination. Laksh was waiting for them. He was holing a dog too.
Ragini gets happily out of car looking at him. She opens the door. Choco runs to that other dog. They both are playing.
Ragini: hai laksh..
Laksh smiles saying hai.
Ragini bends and pets that dog too.. ‘aww, kooger..!!’
Laksh: Ragini, leave them alone..
Ragini smiles.
Choco and Kooger are playing. Kriya beats her head to car looking at them.
Laksh: your sister seemed to be frustrated…
Ragini: she hates everything which human beings like.
Laksh and Ragini sit beside each other.
Laksh: by the way, why did we meet..?
Ragini: you only called…
Ragini looks at both dogs.
Ragini: hey.. see choco, how cute. She runs like a little teddy bear..!!
Laksh: even Kooger, when he shouts, whole colony scares..!
Ragini: you know, Choco can jump from heights…
Laksh: kooger can jump from all rings…
Ragini: choco can eat bowl of pedigree at once..!!
Laksh: kooger can break the chain which it is tied.
Ragini: my choco is greatest..!!
Laksh: maybe, but my kooger is great that it..!!
Kriya comes..
Kriya: hehe, jiju and didi.. you came here to understand each other because, in three days there is your marriage. You have not come to discuss about dogs…!!
Raglak together shouts: don’t call them dogs..!!
Kriya shocks.
Laksh: Ragini, take out your dog from my kooger. My one has bathed today morning.
Ragini: how insane..! how can you call my choco as dog..? your kooger is only dog..!!
Kriya confuses: but, truth is, they are really dogs..!
Laksh: ok..bye..!!
Ragini: I won’t talk to you until you say sorry…!!
Laksh takes away kooger and Ragini takes away Choco.
Both choco and kooger look at each other sadly.
Kriya in middle..
‘dogs can separate humans and humans also separate dogs..?’
Then suddenly, some thief robs bag from Kriya.
Kriya shouts.. ‘help..help..’
Ragini and Laksh turns back. Choco jumps from Ragini’s hands and Kooger jumps from Laksh’s hands.
Both choco and kooger run to chase the thief. Kriya looks mouth opened.
Kooger grabs that thief pant… he falls. Choco jumps on him and bites his shoulder.
All people keep looking at them amazed.
Choco takes bag from thief into it’s mouth and kooger shows it’s sharp teeth to him and shouts bow.. bow..!!
That thief scares and runs away.
Choco brings bag near Kriya. Kriya who was surprised bends to it takes bag and pets choco… ‘aww choco..!! I’m so sorry. I love dogs from today… no..! I won’t call you dog again…! Thank you to kooger also..!!’
Kriya plays with both kooger and choco.
Ragini and Laksh stand beside them. They both look at each other.
Laksh: I’m sorry Ragini.. in deed your choco is great…
Ragini: even your kooger..
Laksh: not mine or yours. They both belongs to us…
Ragini: aww…Laksh….
Both holds their hands and move closer to each other.
Kriya: guys, I think we should leave them alone.
She looks at both dogs.. they both were busy in playing.
Kriya: hehe, it’s me who should not disturb all…
She silently goes away….
Ragini and Laksh are sitting beside each other and her head is resting on his shoulder… they are looking at their pets…
Kriya: I can never understand dog lovers..!!
The end…..
howz it..???
???that was cute??
really liked it
thank you ekta
And yes a very happy birthday to jazz ??
Thank you
I am crazy about dogs
hahaha…. do u have a pet too..?
Yes and its name is sheru
Aww this is such a cute story??. Loved it..
thank you priya…
Happy birthday jazzy
Nice os
thank you dear…
Thank you
i will convey ur wishes to her
thank you megha
Amazing sis
thank you sissy…
I can’t say which pair was more cute raglak or choco kooger ..loved it
haha.. thank you dear…
Aww…so cute asthu…
thank you darshu
Awwwwwww a cutipie dogg…..I love dog’s yaar…..it was amazing .
thank you ashnoor..
Hehe…!! Superb…!! I am same like kriya…who don’t like dogs…!!
hehe..same like me chandu.. haha..
Aww it’s so cute os dear and loved it a lot. I’m also crazy about dogs. Even I have a pet, her name is Snoy
thanks a lot ammu… wow.. snoy…
Really yar I remember my mom by reading it she usually used to give much imp to our vicky(our dog) she used to make amolet specially for it if he don’t like the curry nd me nd my brother used to eat dal rice I used to be very jelous of him but I really miss him now
hmm…really dear.. pets arw like our sibilings.. even I’m missing my kooger.. that’s why.. i remembered it here.. thank you dear..
Superb os
thank you malu
It was sooo cute…love it
thank you somya..
thanks ammy
It’s very cuteeeee
thank you dear
Soooooooo cute os astu……loved it alot…..
i didn’t hate dog but am scared of dogs…..if I saw dog run away from that place….not only dog i got scared of every animals…takecare astu dear….
Happy birthday to u jazzy….may Allah give you all blessings and happiness to u…..takecare jazzy….
thank you so much dear
Thank you
i will convey ur wishes to her
so cute
thank you
Sis itssssss tooo cute sweeet amzinggg OS realllly loved it
but dear who is jazzy???? Well i m a dog lover as well its sweet
thanks a lot dear.. jazz is my friend’s dog..
thank you abi
amazinggg amazinggh episode even i love dogs i have a pet dog too and happy birthday to jazz from my side to
thank you so much dear..
Thank you
i will convey ur wishes to her
Frst of all a veryyyy happpy brthday to Aki ki jazzzy????
D story is tooooo amaznggg awesome superbbbbbbb n cutestttt?????loved it astra????it’s realllly veryyy sweeet…loved it!!
Heheh although m not at all a dog lover…seriously sayng m realllly scared of dogs…heheh even I cn nver understand dog lovers? jst lyk kriyaaaaaa?
Bt my teja is a dog lover??so from her side …lots of love to Chocco n kooger??
Keep rockng n stay blesssed sweeety?????????
thank you so much fairy dear…
haha…and the name is jazz yar.. not jazzy…
..!!!hehe actually it’s fault of my autocorrect…..sry 4 dat n i know it’s jazz not jazzy?
Thank you
i will convey ur wishes to her
Akshu ye tere leye tha os..omg meko nai pata tha yr….awwwe!!!!!happpy brthday once again to ur jazzz….hehehhe????vaise brthday kb hai????
thank you so much dear, ha birthday kal hogaya on 24th feb…. yesterday i was missing from TU, just opened it and got Astra’s beautiful surprise. and your wishes too…..
astra can u just clarify that this jazz is not me there is some confusion regarding names lol mine bday is far not near and its a dog
yes dear.. i will surely mention it. it was my friend’s pet..
Yeah astra plz jst clarify it dr plz…!!!!actually it’s creating a lill confusion…
awesome loved the ff
even I love dogs
happy birthday jazz di
thank you dear
.omg..!! dear it’s not our jazzy.. it’s jazz… a pet of my friend…
Thank you
i will convey ur wishes to her
hello my dears.. jazz is my friend’s pet and it’s bday is today.. so i wrote an OS for her.. and it’s not Jazzy yar.. it’s jazz…
Yeah ????
thank you
thank you arjuna…
happy birthday to ur friend’s pet jazz haha even i did not understand dog lovers because i am really frightened of dogs
Thank you
i will convey ur wishes to her
thank you dear… and ya.. even i don’t understand them.. hehe..
Amazingly funny Astra. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
thank you priya..