Hi guys I am back with shot 8. Guys I know I promise to post soon but I got engaged in a competition that’s why cant write. A big apology from everyone
LINK OF MY ALL PARTS-Click here for all episodes
Omru- bhabhi we need to bring shivaay from down
Omru-how Bhabhi he is drunked
Ani-ok atleast bring him
Omru- ya ofcourse bhaibhi
Om(from down)-bhabhi is too heavy
Ru(from down)-also is moving in any direction, we cant control him
Ani-stop making excuses if you both cant do a single work also then I am coming down
Omru-no no Bhabhi we will try
Ani- that’s like my devars
Omru(murmurs)-aapka devar hoone ki tu saaja mir rahi hai(we are getting punishment to become your devars)
Ani-did you say anything
Om-no bahbhi how can we interrupt you
Ru-good going O! impress Bhabhi more. you are trying your best to become bhabhi’s favourite devar but you forget that your competition is with rudy
Om-SHUT UP RUDRA and think something our plan failed
Ru-how can it be successful, it was your plan
Om-mistaken it was our plan
Ru-ok but still you agree in that plan that’s why it failed
Om-oh really
Ru-yes any doubts
Om-yes ,it failed because of you
Ru-really no
Ani-you both are coming up or shall I come down
Omru-no Bhabhi we are coming, we are late because of this idiot(they were pointing towards each
Ru-wait O!I have another plan
Om-what!are you sleeping before
Ru-no I am standing here with my eyes open, cant you see
Om-I don’t mean that, it is a idiom
Ru-what are that
Om-you will never understand , just leave and tell plan
Ru- I am leaving now but need to tell later
Om- yaa fine , tell paln
Ru tells om his plan
Om-this will work, I am sure
Ru-ofcourse as it involves only mine thinking
Om-ok I agree you are a genius, now go and arrange things
Ru-finaally ypu agreed, if you agree before than time wouldn’t be wasted and he left
Ru climb up on his best speed whereas om was trying to bring shivaay up
Ani-where is rudra
Om-he is checking the way
Ani-ok but come fast
She goes to see ragini
Ru-Om I am ready
Om-good I am have also reached
By this time anika reached there and shivaay and ragini were sitted on mandap
Ragini passed a wicked smile to the photographer and video maker
Mantra started, ragini was very happy as her dream has come true and shivaay were not in his
senses(he was thinking anika so he performs every function)anika couldnot see this that’s why she sat behind the pillar and cried
Marriage ended and they started leaving
Ragini-now I am your Bhabhi
Om(murmurs)-in your dreams
Rag-did you say something
Om-unfortunately you become my Bhabhi but now nothing can happen
Rag-yes now nothing can happen, you need to accept this
Om-yes Bhabhi now nothing van happen sit in car
Rag-what did you just said
Om-bhabhi, so what now nobody can change the fact that you have become my Bhabhi
Om-I have forgetten something so I am coming in 5 mins
Rag-come fast, take care
Om- I will and thanks for concern but not needed
He went to see rudra
Om-what an acting rudra, you were rally looking like a pandit doing all aarties and poojas
Ru-I am experienced it so
Om-ya practice makes a man perfect
Ru-O! you do want me to become pandit
Om-no but I suppose shivaay is because you always have to become pandit in his maariage omly
Ru-yaa you are right, sab log mujhe playboy khate the par bhaiya toh mujse bhi aage hai(every1 say me playboy but bhaiya is ahead of me)
Om-teen teen biwioo a sukh (3 wife happiness)
Ru-par pyaar sif ek se(but he loves only one)
Om- chal aur kaam bhi karni hai(come we need to do other work also)
They are shown giving money to ragini’s photographer and video maker
Omru- our whole work is done, now we can sleep peacefully
They went to car and om drone the car to oberoi mansion
They all(sivomru+ragini) enter shivaay’s room and omru push shivaay on couch
Rag-what have you done I want to sleep with shivaay
Om- ragini we dont do anything shivaay was moving here and there so he fall
Rag-ok vaise bhi kar se toh sona hi hai uske sath(ok otherwise also he will sleep with me tomorrow onwards)
Morning 10’ clock
Shivaay wakes up with a huge headache and omru offers him lemon juice
Shi-thanks but how do you know that I need this
Omru-watch this video, you will understand everything , careful watch
Ragini passed there and say good morning shivaay, good morning omru
Ru(murmurs)-till now the morning was good but when you came the morning has become the worst morning ever
Ragini offers shivaay green tea
Shi- I don’t drink tea in morning
Rag- oops sorry what you need I will bring that
Shi-don’t be formal I will take it myself
Rag- omru I need to talk to you
Om-ok we are coming
Rag-when are we going to tell that I have got married to shivaay
Om-ragini pls understand shivaay was drunked he don’t remember anything first let him know then others will know it. let shivaay handle this
Rag(in mind)I-ik this situation will happen that why I appointed my photographer and video maker. these photos and videos will be all over social media and news
Shivaay watches the video and was shocked to see the video
How can I get married to someone else when my life is anika, this cant but who me here, I need to see the video again as omru can never let me married to someone else
He watches the video and hear a crying sound he found it that it was anika’s crying sound and understood that this was done by anika but cant understand why
He again and again watches the video and in all the videos he found that he was missing something , then suddenly he remembers his and tia’s fake marriage drama and after that it was easy for shaivaay to understand that the pandit was none othe than rudra, at that no1 can exprees his felling, his happiness was on peeks and his kanji eyes was saying a lot but he spoke nothing
He quickly drove his car to O. Mansion and hugged omru after reaching there(they were alone)
Shi-thnk you soo much, you both saved me or else that anika has got a full proof plan to marry that naagin
Ru-bhaiya you are also saying him naagin
Shi-jo hai vohi kahoga(the thing that is true that will only I will speak)
Ru-you should thank me as this all plan was done by me
Shivaay looks at om surprised and om nooded yes
Shivaay quickly hit rudra’s head and said now my baby brother has grown up
Ru-only in height, I will never stop troubling you
They both laugh and hug
Om-obru moment without me
Ru-tht’s my line O
Om-but I can copy as I am your brother
Ru-no o!you are not my brother you are my life infact both are mine life
Shi-stop being santy and do obru moment fast I need to find anika also
They habe an obro moment and lafzon ka yeh rista nahi palys in background
Shi-but I don’t understand that why anika do this
Om- because she loves you and she thought that your happiness lies in that naagin
Shi-how can she even imagine that I forget her so soon
Ru-as you thought she forgot you,same way
Shi-yaa it was all my fault only naa from your side
Omru- any doubt
Shi-bhabhi’s devars
Shi-just tell why anika did this
Omru-ony1 person can tell this
Meanwhile in happy home chawl-
Anika-have you shifted me to your other institute
Samar-yess ani but why
Ani-there is a reason, I cant tell you
Samar-ok don’t tell but I have booked a flat on your name pls stay there as delhi is a big city and new to you
Ani-there is no need of it
Samar-do you agree or should I cancel the shifting
Ani-no and thanks for help
Samar-in friendship no sorry no thankyou
Guys really sorry for such late update will try to post next one soon
The next one is most awaited shivika reunion and worth a reading episode
Awesome…waiting for next part update soon
Good one
myy darling you nailed it
super chappy
and shivaay booking a whole theatre just to see that vedio carefully …
my godd?????Paisa ped pe ugta hai kya??
omru convo was amaazing
post the next one soon..??
and yaa if u haven’t read the 8th part of my ff …here’s the link

if missed any chappy or the previous ones link is there itself in the part 8..
love you loads
take care of yourself
Awesome episode yaar… Plzz do post the next update ASAP.. Loved it to the coreeeee
Dear Mona
OmRu Is Really Funny?Rudy Is Smart?First Time Om Impressed With Rudy Plan?OmRu Murmured Is Also Funny??Shivay Call Raagini Is Naagini??Rudy Ka Plan Serial Main ShiTia Marriage Main Fake Pandit Banna Hai Main Socha Nahi?Over All It’s A Awesome Cool Funny Full Episode ????
Keep It Up?
Take Care And Stay Safe?
super awesome
update soon
Awesome update
Amazing.. Superb.. fantastic.. update… omru convo was fabulous… Rudy Ke to kya kahene.. Awesome… waiting for the next part.. plz post soon…
Awesome dear..