Hey guys I know I don’t reply you back, but don’t worry, I’m very happy that you like my story! I want to thank you all for your comment.
I hope you all enjoy this story kiss from me <3
Ch- 19 https://www.tellyupdates.com/broken-heart-ragini-swara-laksh-sanskar-chapter-19/#comments
Ragini wakes up early and comes down. She wears a beautiful blue churidar.
Sumi and Janki are in the kitchen, so she go to them.
Ragini- Good morning mama, good morning Sumi ma
Janki- Good morning Laado
Sumi- Good morning Ragini
Janki- Kya baat hai tum subah subah ut gayi ? Are you practicing before going to your sasural?
Sumi- Haan Janki see your Laado never wake up before 7 a.m, and today she wake up before 6 a.m
Ragini- nahi ma nothing like that, I have to go mandir and then at the orphanage.
Janki nods and smiles at her daughter.
Ragini drives to Mandir and enter.
Ragini praying- God why I'm feeling that Sanskar is not happy with this wedding? And if he is not happy why he accept?
God, I never ask you something, but please I don't want to be heart breaking again. Since I'm young I have to pass your test, and I have succeeded one by one, even you save me from dying, please I prefer to die rather than have a heartbreak. I know you will never let me down.
And yes please, help me to find the truth, I never lose hope in you. You are the one who listen to me without saying nothing, you don't judge me, that's why I love coming here.
I know Laksh will take a good care to Swara. He is my best friend, he is like my brother. He will never let Swara down, he will be a good partner for Swara.
I have another request for Anshu and Avni, please don't separate them, they are so adorable. Twins cannot be separated, they love each other very much. Whenever I saw them, I saw the pain in their eyes. I can feel their pain, they are like me, they will never share their pain. I feel I'm connected to them. Please even if you don't hear the request about me, but please heard this request. Give them the love of a parent, parents who will love them like their own.
Ragini finished her prayer, and then the priest comes and give her prasad.
Priest- You have a good heart, maybe it will be your worst enemy. Don't forget, sometimes our happiness is more important than others.
I will pray for your happiness.
Ragini was confused about the priest confession, but then tell- Don't worry, my happiness is my family.
The priest just nods and goes. Ragini too drove toward the orphanage.
It's almost 7 a.m and she enter. She feel something and then said
Ragini- Why I'm feeling that Sanskar is near me?
Avni- Didi she screams breaking Ragini's thought
Ragini kneel down and hug her- Why are you screaming like this
Avni- You know someone will come and see us, but Anshu is not happy.
Ragini- Why? where is he?
Avni- He don't want to go out, he is in his room.
Ragini stands up and goes to Anshu's room.
Ragini- Anshu please open the door, it's me Ragini
Anshu- Didi I don't want to talk with anyone
Ragini- Anshu don't be stubborn, I came to give you chocolate, you know your favorite ones, don't you want to eat it? If you don't open the door I will give them all to Avni
Anshu opens the door, he was crying. Ragini hugs him and tells- don't worry, I won't let them separated you two. I'm sure you will be happy.
Anshu- Saach?
Ragini- pakka
Anshu and Avni hug Ragini. Sanskar was here and saw all this. He was happy to see Ragini because he decide to tell her the truth, that he cannot love her.
Ragini gets a call and then goes out. After sometimes she came to Avni and Anshu and tell- guys I'm sorry I have to go. Don't cry ok I'm sure this time you will be not separated.
Avni and Anshu kiss Ragini and tell her- We love you so much Didi.
Ragini- Love you too my babies.
Sanskar was about to call her, but she was in hurry so he cannot.
Ragini comes to her house, and tell- Mama I have to go, remember I have tell you that I have to work with my dean friend son?
Janki- Haan
Ragini- I have to go today morning, I will change and go ok?
Shekhar- Laado has your breakfast at least
Ragini- I will buy something on the way.
She goes and change into a formal dress. She wears beautiful dark tailor with a red top inside. She comes down and grab her keys and drove to the address. She comes in front a big building, she park her car, and get out. She comes to the receptionist and tell
Ragini- Hello, I'm Ragini Gagodia I have to meet the M.D
Reception- Wait a minute.
She call someone and then give the instruction to Ragini. Ragini nod and walk to the lift.
She goes to the M.D office, she feels something in her heart, but then brush off. She was about to knock but suddenly the door open so she fell down. She shut her eyes but she doesn't feel hurt, she feel someone hand on her waist. She opens her eyes and was lost in the eyes of the person.
( Yes the person is Sanskar)
Sanskar too is lost in Ragini's eyes.
He thinks- Her eyes are the windows of her soul. So pure, so innocent. Then he brush the thought off and try to stand up. Ragini's chain is stuck in Sanskar one shirt. Ragini finally removes her chain on Sanskar shirt. She stand up and said
Ragini- I'm sorry
Sanskar- it's ok
Ragini- So you are the M.D of this company?
Sanskar- Yes, and why are you here?
Ragini- My dean is uncle friend, so he recommended me. I didn't know it's was your office.
Sanskar- Yes, in fact, our counsellor will go to his retirement so I want him to train the best student so that he can join my company after his exams.
Ragini- Ok
Sanskar- Yes, I don't like to mix professional and personal life.
Ragini- Don't worry Mr Maheswari
Sanskar- ok I will call my secretary you will go with her, and she will tell you all you need to know.
Ragini nod, but before going she tells- I'm sorry I will break the rule, but don't forget we have to go to the mall in the evening, and our plan will start.
Sanskar nod.
Ragini day was epic, she was tired because she have to read all the clause of Maheswari office. She doesn't have breakfast neither lunch. She was feeling dizzy, but then she take a bottle of water and drink all.
She come to the canteen and command a sandwich. She eats and feel better. She comes to her cabin, but then she remembers that she have to go to the mall. She thinks to go and check with Sanskar, but he was not at his cabin. She enters and was about to go, but her hand touch aa photo frame, and was about to fall down, she take it and sees a girl with Sanskar happy.
Ragini said- He is very handsome when he smiled, I never saw him smiling.
In no time someone snatched the photo frame in her hand, and shout at her
Voice- How dare you to touch my thing?
Ragini was shocked to see this side of Sanskar- I'm sorry, I call you for…
Sanskar- Get out, don't you dare to touch my stuff. Who are you to touch her face?
Ragini- Sanskar, I mean Mr. Maheswari
Sanskar- Get out here
Ragini- No ( with the same tone) First tell me who she is? Why are you reacting like this?
Sanskar- She is my love so better stay away from me.
Ragini has some tears in her eyes, but don't show them. She goes out and Sanskar looks at the photo frame. Ragini takes her purse and drove to her home. She is hurt and in pain, Sanskar doesn't love her.
Ragini- Why he is marrying me ? Have I to found out?
In the same time, Swara come. Ragini see her and tell- Are you ready, we are going to do some shopping with Laksh.
Swara blushed- I know she will come and pick me.
Ragini- Ok I will change into jeans and top. I will come in few minute.
Swara nods and goes downstair. She wears her jeans and top and go downstair. She sees Laksh with Sanskar. Seeing him, Ragini hide her tears.
Ragini- Challo
Laksh- In fact Ragini tum bhai ke saath chale jao
Ragini- No I will go by myself
Swara- Ragini doesn't be stubborn and take some time with your would-be husband.
Ragini smile sadly and then tell- No it's ok, I have to pick someone before. You three go I will come after.
Ragini ignores Sanskar and goes with her own car. Sanskar wants to talk with her, but she ignores him totally.
After sometime Ragini come with someone, and Swara happily hugs the man.
Laksh was jealous, Ragini saw this and smile. Then she looks at Sanskar, he too looks at her. For the first time, Sanskar saw the pain in Ragini's eyes. He feels bad for her condition, but he don't know what to do.
Sanskar ( in mind)- I think it's better like this. She will feel bad for sometimes then she will move on. I cannot love her.
Swara- Oh Yuvraj, it's a very good surprise.
Yuvraj- I came to know by Ragini that you are marrying? Who is the luckiest person?
Swara- Meet him Laksh he is Yuvraj. Yuvraj he is Laksh.
Ragini- Laksh you know Yuvraj love Swara, and he also proposes her. But this idiot refuse to marry a dashing and handsome boy.
Laksh ( in an angry tone)- So If he is dashing and handsome why you don't marry him?
Ragini- I cannot because I L…
She was about to say that she love Sanskar but then tell
Ragini- I cannot because I don't love him. But Swara does
Swara- Ragini how dare you? How do you know that I love him?
Ragini- I know everything ( she smile) come we will select our dress for the engagement party.
Laksh catches Swara hand, which is unnoticed by Ragini and Sanskar.
Ragini- Swara go with Yuvraj, he is more fashion than Laksh. He knows how to suit you.
Swara goes with Yuvraj and Ragini tell- Come to Laksh I will select some dress for you.
Laksh watches angrily Yuvraj and Swara and then look at Ragini. She enjoys watching his condition.
Ragini- Come
Laksh- Why don't you go with bhai? it's also your engagement.
Ragini – Don't worry for me
Laksh was upset, he want to be with Swara, but Ragini doesn't let him go near Swara.
Laksh- Kya Yaar, let me go with Swara, she must need me?
Ragini- No she is with Yuvraj, nothing can happen to her.
Laksh- But I need her
With that, he goes to Swara.
Ragini comes near Sanskar and tell- Now watch Ragini's brilliant idea.
They follow Laksh. Swara was alone, selecting some dress. Just then Laksh drags Swara and hug her and tell her- I love you Swara, please don't love this stupid Yuvraj.
Swara- I love you too Laksh
Ragini claps and said- Finally you confess yaar. I have to bring my cousin brother to make you jealous.
Laksh- You what? Ragini ki bacchi
Laksh chases Ragini and catches her. He hug her and tell- Thank you
Ragini break the hug and tell- Go to your Swara now, spend time with her.
Laksh nod and goes to Swara. Swara smiles at Ragini and thank her with her eyes.
Ragini smile seeing them happy.
Sanskar- I'm sorry for the morning outburst
Ragini- Don't worry, I will not come between you and your love. I just want to know one thing, are you happy with this marriage or anyone force you to?
Sanskar looks at Laksh and tell- Laksh don't wish to marry before me, that's why I accept the proposal.
Ragini is sad with the revelation but didn't say anything. Sanskar saw this and don't know but want to hug her. Ragini goes out and cry, Swara comes to her and tell- Ragini why are crying?
Ragini look at Swara and hug her- Nahi it's just tears of happiness.
Swara- I know you well Ragini! This is not tears of happiness.
Ragini- Don't worry for me, I'm alright. Go and select something for Laksh.
Swara doesn't want to go, but Ragini forces her to go. Swara goes to Laksh and tells him everything.
Swara- I think Ragini is not happy with the marriage, but I saw in her eyes love for Sanskar.
Laksh- It's not Ragini but Sanskar bhai is the problem
Swara- What?
Laksh- Nothing doesn't worry I will talk with her and bhai.
Ragini drove back to her home. Before that, she drops Yuvraj at his home
Ragini- Thank you so much for your help
Yuvraj- It's ok Ragini Di
Ragini comes to her home and call everyone.
Janki- Kya hua Laado? Where is everyone?
Ragini- Mama I don't want to marry Sanskar.
In the same time, Swalak and Sanskar come. They were shocked, even Sanskar.
Janki- Kya?
Ragini- It's my decision I don't want to marry him.
Swara- Ragini what are you saying don't you l…
Ragini- Nahi Swara, please
Laksh- Ragini what are you saying? Why you change your decision?
Ragini- Laksh by forcing someone into a relationship will never work.
Sumi- What are you saying beta?
Ragini- Mama Laksh force Sanskar to marry me. He said to him that he won't marry before him. That's why Sanskar agreed to marry me, but he love someone else. I don't want to come between them.
Swara- Sanskar is that true?
Sanskar doesn't reply, he just stares at Ragini, but Ragini doesn't look at him, fearing that she will break in front of him.
Ragini- It's my decision, I don't want to marry him. Don't question him, please.
She cannot hide her tears anymore so she goes out.
Ragini- Ma I will go upstair, you guys carry on.
Janki- But Laado…
Janki think- I don't know but why I'm feeling that you love Sanskar. Why you try to hide your pain and tears?
Swara was sad, Laksh too. He doesn't know where to go now, confront his bhai or console her best friend.
Shekhar and Dada came, and Janki tells them everything.
Shekhar- It's ok if she don't want to marry him. My Laado did the good thing like always. She will be dull for sometimes, but then she will move on. We cannot snatch her happiness, she underwent too much. If she is not happy with this marriage then let it be.
Dada tells the same.