Thank you soo much for your amazing comments…Keep supporting..
And i reveal the pairs later…as i am confused which pair i should make…..
previous episode;;
EPISODE starts…
swara’s eyes is filled with tears….and laksh was looking at her sadly…
Seeing eachother, both remembers their old moments…
how happy they were with there love…how they both fights….how both teased eachother by saying about there love..and atlast how they got betrayed by their loves..
laksh cups swara’s face and wipes her tears…
laksh;; no…swara…no….we both are gone through lot of difficult situation…but now we should move on…and by seeing you here…i can understand you also escaped from your home like me…is it..
swara nods..
swara;; you are right we cannot change, forget, edit or erase the can only be we should accept it…and move on…but my hateness will not end laksh..but laksh…is my love that much weak…?
laksh;; i know it..because i also have hateness towards the people who played with my emotion….and swara never blame yourself…there is no mistake of yours in this..the mistake was of the people who betrayed you…the people who doesn’t value your love…the people who with others emotion..
swara;;yes…you are right laksh..i should not blame myself…but. i don’t know what will be my future laksh…
laksh; swara….don’t fall weak..Just accept your past without regrets..handle the present with full confidence…and face the future without anyfear…
Laksh’s words were giving swara both strength and hope….
swara;; thank you laksh…
laksh;; ?
swara;; don’t know…but i feels to say that…
laksh smiles…
laksh;; so…”friends”{says forwarding his hand}
swara looks at him…and shakes hands with him..”friends..”
Laksh POV…
I thought to move on in my life alone…but after seeing swara in the plane…don’t know what happen to me….maybe i didn’t feel to leave her by seeing her broken state…Soo i asked for a friendship….and now the girl who i fighted the most is my friend know…i had always started fighting or teasing when the moment i see her ….but this time…i didn’t fight….may be because i know the pain she is going through now…At this time i truly wish swara to be successful in moving on in her life…i know i cannot make her forget her past…but i want to make her move on…without any regrets about her past…..and by seeing swara…my hateness towards that mr and mrs. sanskar maheshwari is just increasing day after day…..don’t know…after try hard also..i feel intense pain when i denoted ragini as mrs. sanskar maheshwari….
Swara POV…
Laksh’s words had a great power…his words was making me stronger….it was giving me the strength to fight my life…..When he was saying these words to make me strong ..i was sensing the pain he had inside…the pain of less love from his childhood…the pain of betrayal…the pain of lossing the love…the pain of lossing trust…the pain of leaving loved ones far away…He had never told how he feeled when he get less love…not even ragini…but i came to know it as i read his dairy secretly….i just read it by thinking i will get somthing to tease him….but after reading….tears rolled down my cheek……i came to know his pain…but at that time i think after ragini comes to his life permantely…then he will forget this pain….but…now….everything went wrong….he again fail to get the love….
Next day morning;; 9;00 am…
The plane has landed london…swara and laksh steps out in london airport….they steps there thinking not to make them go back…because they came here to live a new life…..
They steps in london city…the whole city is been decorated as it’s the valentians day….everyone is enjoying this day except the two broken hearts….
They both moves to there hotel……In the hotel also….all were enjoying there valentians day….millions of couples were enjoying their enjoying there valentias day over the world….but some of them were heart broken…and here the broken hearts are swara and laksh….
Actually in the past for swara and laksh …everyday was a valentians as there was with there love with them…..
Both without looking eachother wents to there respective room….swara after enters her room and closes the door….within seconds she falls on the ground like a thud cryingly…she recalls her last valentians day with sanskar…..and how he and she kissed eachother for the first time on that precious day….
On the other side…laksh was also heart broken…he sanskar and he plans to surprise their love….how he enjoyed that whole day with ragini….
IN india..
maheshwari manssion…
Ragini is crying badly in her room…
sanskar enters …seeing him ragini wipes her the tears…
She understands sanskar is drunken as he was not able to stand properly..He keeps his hand on the table…but slips and was about to fall as he was drunk…but at the correct time ragini hold him…sanskar looks at ragini with teary eyes…within seconds..he pushed her soo hard that she she falls in the ground like a thud…..he closes the door angrily and shouts at crying ragini…
“You can never be my swara…You can’t never become like her….My swara is such a pure hearted girl…who cannot cheat anyone….she is not at all like you who cheated everyone for your need…you destroyed swara , laksh and my life…because of you swara and laksh go away from me….you are such a selfish girl that you played such a cheap game with us and made me helpless to marry you….you destroyed our life for marrying me….now see how i will make your life like a hell…you will regret for marrying me…for making swara and laksh away from me..”
By saying this he faints and falls on the bed….Ragini cries hardly by seeing this…
Ragini;; “I am really sorry sanskar….I didn’t want to play with your feelings…but that bustard made me helpless….i am really sorry for making you away from your swara and laksh…i can understand your i am going through the same situation…”
She looks at laksh and sanskar’s photo hanged in the wall…He goes near that touched laksh and cries hardly by saying “i am ssorry laksh..”
Screen Freezes………
Precap;; not decided
Thankz for reading… …and sorry for the mistakes…
Nice…..u made me cry a bit…plz decide the pairs as swasan n raglak…..?
Love rags
plzz try to reveal the pairs soon..otherwise in future it w’ll hurt many readers…hope for swasan bt final decision is urs..don’t take too much time for it…feeling sad for swaragini and sanlak
Awesome yaar. Happy friendship day. Update soon ?????
Nice update dear…
Awesome bt make it swasan n raglak
Try to add more ragsan scenes also
all are in pain, but only ragini knows the real reason, hope they will get their true love soon.
I thing ragsan is a couple next part soon
Plz reveal d pairs in nxt chaptrs bcoz evry1 is reading for dere fvrt pair… n if u chnge d pairs den its gonna hurt d readers…
Reveal in nxt chap… want swasan bt u can choose whichever u want bt reveal
Outstanding dear.
Its awesome and emotional too..Really Its superb..According to storyline I will say that make it Swalak and Ragsan
I am swasan fan…
Yet I will say make it swalak and ragsan…
Feelng bad for everyone…bt more for ragini as no one is dere for her… hope everythng get well soon…n i dnt care about pairs…bt plz in dis ff i want swasan n raglak..
keep rockng dear
Nyc feeling bad fr rags…reveal pairs
Please revereveal the pair soon hope it’s swasan plz BTW awesome. ..
Plz swasan and Raglak….
Plz unite swasan its not sanskar mistake na…he didn’t want to marry Ragini…. She make him marry her…yah Ragini is also helpless….
Plz swalak and ragsan it will go with the story
Its not sanskar fault than why he bear the punishment of loosing his love. Pls dont make it ragsan. Swara sanskar loves eo. Coz of someone else mistake why should they suffer. And laksh what is his fault? Pls its a req make it swasan & raglak coz they love eo.