Fan Fiction

he broken hearts which were meant to meet… Asya OS (by Zuha)

I know you guys are waiting for my Asya FF, but an idea popped in my mind and I thought of writing it for you guys? I hope you will like it and comment on it, and if you don’t like it so u may show dislike towards it but no abusive language as I got a bashing comment yesterday on my newly started FF, “Objection My Lord! Ragsan (Few shots)”
And if you guys get time plz so read it…
And here is the link for you;
I hope you will read it…

Well now before wasting anymore time, let us get to the story…

A rainy, night in New York, a girl and a boy are seen, the girl is wearing a pink shirt, and a blue denim, without any make-up…Tears are rolling down her eyes…

The girl is focused, top-to-bottom,and she is none other than our bubbly Zoya, but today the tears are hiding her bubblyness…A boy is seen standing in front of her, he is wearing a black T-shirt, with a black skiny jacket with blue denims, and he is none other than Khadoos Zil e Ilahi, Asad Ahmed Khan!

Zoya: How can you say like that Mr.Khan, I love you, and you easily said, “Sorry Zoya!”
Asad: Look, Ms.Farooqui..You are a very good friend of mine and I respect you a lot, but Love, I am sorry, you are not my type!
Zoya: How can you say, I am not your type, am I not beautiful?
Asad: It is not like that, but…
Zoya: But…
Asad: I didn’t want to say but I always wanted to marry a traditional girl, who respects tradition, and does not wears jeans, should be mature, and I know that you are very much irresponsible, as I have beared you for 2 yrs as my PA!
Zoya: Allah miya! What’s wrong with you! You, you think I am irresponsible just because, I am late sometimes, I misplaced the USB drive and ..
Asad: And we lost our clients due to it!
Zoya: Whatever! But these things are nothing before my love?
Asad: That is what I am trying to say, I don’t love you Ms.Zoya Farooqui! I am leaving and reach the office at 8!

And he leaves, shattering Zoya?? Zoya thinks, ”My Love for you, is eternal! I will love you till my last breath!”

The next day, Asad reaches office…Time passed, and it was 10, Zoya didn’t arrive, he called at the reception.

Asad: Call Ms.Zoya Farooqui, and inquire where is she!
Receptionist: I am sorry sir, I forgot to inform you that Ms.Zoya came here at 8 and left a letter for you.

Asad gets the letter, which said;

“Mr. Khan!
I am leaving you, you will never find me around you, I am leaving, not only your life, this place as well, when I came to New York for my job, you were the first friend of mine! But I lost my friend as well, because of my stupidity! You are right, I am stupid, I make mistakes, but I want to tell you something, I delibrately made mistakes, so you scold me,I came late so you scold me, I love your scolding as well!
Because I love you and will forever!
And look I am not late today? At 8 sharp!
and only yours,

As Asad finished reading the letter, a tear dropped from his eyes, unknowingly!
Days passed, and Asad got a new P.A, but Asad was not able to forget Zoya.
One day, Asad got a call from Bhopal, and it was his mother, she told him that he has to come to Bhopal as her sister’s alliance is fixed and she will be getting married soon. Asad booked his tickets for Bhopal and left for there.
As destiny wanted it, Zoya was also living in Bhopal, with her Api and Jiju. Zoya was now, not the girl who lived freely, she was now changed totally changed (What change you will get to know later) Zeenat fixed Zoya’s alliance with Akram (The one Zoya was getting married in serial episode 1) and Zoya also accepted it, knowing the family’s concern. Days passed and Zoya’s wedding neared.

Anwar: Zoya, I totally forgot to invite Dilshad apa, will you go to her residence and give her the invitation card?
Zoya: Sure jiju!

And she leaves…

Zeenat: I am so afraid for her, this girl has changed a lot!
Anwar: You are right Zeenat, but leave it on Allah!
Zeenat: Yeah you are right!

There at Asad’s residence, Najma has married to Imraan, and they both are settled now, and Asad is leaving back to New York, when the door bell rings…

Dilshad heads towards the door, but Asad stops her;

Asad:I will see Ammi!

He opens the door, and is left shocked at the sight! He finds Zoya at the door steps, but not the Zoya, who he knew, but a different Zoya, who was wearing a red long kurti, with a yellow shalwar, with a scarf tied around her head! Both Asad and Zoya are shocked to see each other after a long time! (Mitwa sad tune plays)

Dilshad: Zoya beta, come have a seat
Zoya:No phuppi, I am here to invite you at my wedding, it is next week Friday(she says looking at Asad)

Upon hearing it Asad felt as someone has stabbed his heart, with a knife! (Mitwa sad tune plays)

Zoya: Phuppi, I am leaving! And please do attend my wedding, and you too Mr.Asad Ahmed Khan (looking sadly towards Asad, as still she has hope that Asad may say something) and do bring Najma with you guys as well! Allah Hafiz!
Dilshad: Allah Hafiz!

Asad was all the while speechless…as Zoya leaves she looked back towards Asad with the hope that he will say something but in vain, Asad left for his room, and locked himself there, as he was feeling horrible from inside, and he was not aware of the love hidden behind his pain.

Finally, the marriage day arrived, preperations were on full swings, all were happy except for the bride, our Zoya, tears were rolling down her eyes!She was left alone as the groom’s family arrived! When Zoya felt some strange voice around, he noticed Asad trying to enter her room via window…Zoya was all shocked to see him.

Zoya:What the hell are you doing here!
Asad:Look Zoya, we don’t have time, listen to me very carefully. Akram is a bad guy, A BAD GUY! Look he has married twice before, and he only knows how to use girls, so please don’t do this Nikah!

Zoya turns , facing his back towards Asad, and remembers his rejection, and tears roll down her cheeks, and she hardly says,

Zoya: Please leave! And who are you to tell me whom should I marry and whom should I not! You are just a stranger to me, and it is better you leave from here!
Asad: You idiot! Why are you giving yourself in wrong hands!
Zoya: It is my life and I can take decisions, and why you even care!
Asad: Because I love you! Dammit!

Zoya was over whelmed hearing it, and turns to find Asad, on his knees;

Asad: Will you marry me!
Zoya smirks; Well issi baat pe aik sher arz hai,
Taxi ke peeche bus, bus ke peeche lorry,
Shaadi toh ho jaye gi pehle bolo sorry!
Shukria, shukria!

Asad holds his ears and apologize to Zoya, and Zoya accepts his propasal,and they share a tight, passionate hug!

*****The End*****

So here it ends, I hope yoy all enjoyed, and please share your views regarding it via comments.

Love you guys!
Zuha Fatima.


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