Fan Fiction

He is my brother….Atharv (Episode 6)

The episode starts with Ravish and guddi waiting for other bus. Just then the bus arives and they see Atharvand vividha in bus . Atharv andvividha comes out of the bus and says to Ravish and guddi that they forget there documents in home only . Ravish and Guddi thanks them.Atharv says now we should go home come Vividha we should take some other bus going to Ajmer . Ravish says if you both come here then you must come with us in campus . I want to introduce you to my head . They all agrees for that.

They reach in campus and see the atmosphere . Vividha says guddi know i am sure you will learn some manners here its good for you . They go to meet head incharge in his cabin . They say can we come in sir . The incharge says yes you may come . They wish good after noon to him . Ravish introduce first himself and then he introduces Atharv and vividha- guddi . He says sir He my brother Atharv . He care me like his son from childhood . Sir says nice I must say Ravish you are very lucky to have a brother like Atharv . Ravish says yes sir i am the luckiest in the whole world iam sure . Atharv says no sir he just do lots of praise of me in people iam just a ordinary man but he makes me god . I don’t want to be God because god have to tske care of whole world but my world is in him and my maa only . I am the selfish person in the world because i want all the happiness in the world just for brother and mom . So you can say me selfish person . They all laugh .
Atharv and vividha going back home . In bus Vividha recalls Atharv words that he says in campus about his love and care for his family . She thought sometimes we are not sble to understand someone gor whole life and sometimes just a second needs to understand them . Today I understand you Mr. Adial(stubborn) Atharv sujata . She looks at him lovingly . He sees him and says why are you looking me like madly . She says nothing , iam not looking at you iam looking outside the window . When will Ajmer comes and when i will get free from you . They start arguing.

They reached Ajmer . He says come i will drop tou by richsaw . She refuses as she says its a small city and people will do gossiping. He says you dont need to worry about world . This world will talks for one two days and then they will forget this . The main thing matters is your thoughts only if you feels comfortable then you should do what you want not what the world wants from you to do . First you should give importance to your self your feelings . Openly express your feelings . She agrees with his thoughts and they go in richsaw . Suddenly rainfall starts Vividha says stop richsaw and runs under shed . Atharv is still standing on road and enjoys rainfall . She sees him enjoying in rain and thoughts to go there and enjoy . She goes . Thunder strikes and vividha hugs Atharv tightly . ….Jana Na Dil Se Door Plays …..Kailash going from that road and sees them openly huging in road and comes out of car . He shouts Vividha . How shamless you became that you hugs him in front of public on road . Comes with me . He takes him home . Vividha while going looks Atharv . Jana na dil se door plays

Precap- Kailash scolds Vividha for her doings and says today i am ashamed of you . Vividha thoughts of Atharv words . She takes her stand in front of kailash that we are not romancing it just thunder strikes and i got afraid thats it nothing is between us believe me papa . Kailash looks on .


Hey everyone. Hru ? i hope all good. I am back with my new version of stories . I know i left few stories before uncompleted but not now. I will deliver full content on time.

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