Recap:Sanskar surprise date.They flew sky lanterns.
It was a heavenly moment for them.They wish to pause this forever.
“How was the date bhabi”. Both turned and smiled seeing them.
“Deepu..thanks a lot yaar..this is higher than my expectations”. Sanskar hugged them.
“Swara ..this is vipal our Art director.. You already know Deepu our cameraman”.
Swara:”Thanks Deepu and vipal for this wonderful ambiance. “They talked for sometime.
Deepu:”Sanskar here is ur bike key and we r leaving good nyt buddy”
He hugged him.
“Take care babhi”. They waved hands.
Suddenly swara remembered uttara and dialed her number.
When she pick the call she immediately said”Sorry sorry “. But uttara giggled and cut her words “How is my bhai’s surprise.?”
“What ….u know about this”.
“Yah but today evening only.Bhai told me about this surprise date he planned. So I stopped my arrangements in terrace”.
“Oh uttara sorry again”
“No very very happy after all what we planned that happened na”.
“Shona come let s go”.He called her
“K ..we r coming to home uttara..bye”.
She cut the call and they moved towards the bike.
Its 11.30 they reached home.
“Sanskar you go to room, I have to meet uttara”. He nodes.
When he reached the corridor found Ragini holding an empty bottle, came towards his way.Their eyes met but he avoided her.But she stopped him.
“1 min Sanskar”.
At uttara’s Room
Swara twirl her and jumped.
“Bhabhi ..haha I didn’t know that my bhai is this much romantic.. Wow great”.
“Yes uttara it was the most beautiful day in my life”.
Uttara: “now you go and sleep bhai is waiting for u”. she blushed.
When she reached the coridoor , there was a big argument between Sanskar and Ragini.she is fuming with anger.
“You r a double minded person. Stop your game Sanskar..what u r planning with Shikhar”.
“Be in ur limits Ragini , that none of ur business”.
“Yes its my business.. My sis is also involved and she is my responsibility”. she shouted.
“Shut up Ragini.. Enough don’t try interfere with my personal matters and she is mine my wife”.
“Ragu and Sanskar “.
They turned, swara is standing there with tears.She came there and hold Ragini’s hand and dragged her to balcony.
“I want to say something important”.
When swara start speaking… Ragini’s face became pale..eyes became smoky..she held a chair for a support when her knees became weak.Without say anything she stormed towards her room and locked herself. Swara ran behind her and knocked the door continuously but no response.Then she slowly slid down to the floor and hugged her knees tightly.After sometime she again knocked the door, this time hardly which makes sounds on the hall.
“Ragu plz open door..”. She opened the door. Her eyes became red and face became dull. Her face reveal her pain and she cried a lot and she is carrying her leggage on the right hand.
“Am going to my house.”
“What u saying .?”.swara held her wrist.
“Why should I staying here.. No one in this in house”.she jerked.Tears are rolling down from her eyes.
They stayed silent for sometime.Swara hugged her. This was the time Ragini breakdown fully on her embrace.
“Why didn’t u tell me before didi..why?”.she started sobbing.Her weight full on Swara and she slowly slide down on the floor crying vigorously.
“You suffered a lot..and I didn’t aware of this fact.. My di is a victim of …”
Swara is completely broken seeing her state .At that time Sanskar came there.
“Swara pls go…I will manage her… She is in a shock don’t worry”.He dragged her from there.Then sat beside on Ragini.She covered her face with her palms.
He make her stand Forcefully seated on the bed.
“Ragini plz calm down”…. But she again started sobbing.
“Plz stop it ..i know u cant bear this truth that’s y I hide everything r very weak inside Ragini..swara forget her past, now moved on her life .But seeing u in this state she will again.. “.He pated her shoulder.
“You are her weaknesses Ragu…don’t cry in front of her..she can’t see your tears”.She raised her head and think something.
“Sanskar I want to sleep”. Saying this she laid on bed.He looked at her covered her with a blanket.
When he reached room Swara is seated on bed by hiding her face on knees.He tapped her shoulder.
She looked at him with teary eyes.He embrace her in his arms.
“Don’t worry shona she is alright.., and i can’t see these tears again in your eyes.”He kissed her eyelashes.
“Now sleep”.
“I can’t san”.
They heared a knock on the door. It was Ragini.
She came there sat on the bed.
“Sorry to disturb you both, I couldn’t able to sleep without talking you”. Sanskar start to leave from there.
“Where u going Sanskar , I want to talk to u both ,sit here”.
She took swara’s hand in her palms.
“Di I know i behaved wiredly many times, its bz of the pain that haunting me inside, leave that oky now…and am very very happy for both of u.”
They are looking at her without blink their eyes.
“Ofo don’t stare me like that..”. She smiled and kissed her forehead
“Good nyt di”.Left from there.
“This girl na uunbelievable.Shona now u sleep..see how she is..”.
She nodded and placed her head on his shoulder.
Its morning 6 am Swara wakeup from sleep and she is still in his embrace.its raining heavily on outside, their windows are not closed so that she can hear the rythem of falling rain.She looked at her beloved husband who is sleeping like a baby, she is staring at him lovingly and touched his nose gently , a curvy smile appeared on his lips.Suddenly he opened his eyes and she fumbled and try to get away from him.But he tightened his grip on her rolled over her, his hot breath sending butterflies to her stomach.He captured her trembling lips and ran his fingers through her hair .Feelings are overflowing from their heart and its the effect of intoxicant love, now they can’t resist thier burning desires .He nuzzled his face into her neck and grasped her tighter.
“I love u shona”. She slowly closed her eyes to feel him completely.while his wet lips are start to explore her smooth skin. she snaked her arms around his bare shoulder whispered against his ear “love u too”
That moment She sliped into a dream world. It was a grassy land with white daisy flower fields she is wearing a white gown with open curly hair adorned with some white flowers.He is in a white a shirt and black blazer. They are lost in each other eyes by holding hands.Butterflies are flying in between them. she try to catch one of them, but she couldn’t able to catch she again moved to catch that time ware wolf surrounded her.she looked for him… shouted for him.But they dragged her into a corner by crushing those flowers in the field….She try to scream…her throat is last
“No”. she screamed and pushed him away and covered her self in a bedsheet.He is clueless and held her shoulder and shake her.
“What happened shona”. She is breathing heavily start shivering and faint down into his arms.
Suddenly doctor words came into his mind.He cursed himself for what just happened before…
Guy’s how u all…after a long time..
I don’t know what I wrote.. May be u found its boring.
Shradha and Vinitha…miss u badly..
Love u all…stay blessed…I didn’t mention everyone name..but thank u guys for the support….
Previous link

Thank u maha..
Wow…at last u upload..
Thank u radhika…
Oh Sethoothyy what a luck yaar!!
I miss you all too but im off on a tour rite now I’m in Vellore Tamil Nadu just left Chennai yest now will be heading to Rameshwaram n other places it’s like I’m on vacation n I’m roaming n roaming n roaming?? I ve not seen any ffs since many days? miss u too yaar how sweet of u sethuuu now I got free Wi-Fi of this hotel so just switched in n saw ur ff felt so happy
N btw BEAUTIFUL episode finally ragni also got to know his truth?
Hi shradha… Am waiting for ur and Vinitha’s ..there is a surprise for u .vaishu will tell u about the surprise…
Am very very happy u know…so u r enjoing tour wow…
Am also lucky yaar..I can’t believe my eyes..the person we r searching is here..ithini jaldi milengaa..thanks god
SMILEY!!!! <3 <3 <3
nice…. plz post next part soon
Thanku divya…posted this epi with much difficulty.. I mean I have to study a lot…
Oh god…. After such a long time…. Missed it sooo much….. Ragini came to know everything???!!!! Now at least she won’t hate or be bad with him….. Loved swasan proximity but ahh swara needs time…. That’s justified and I know sanskar will be with her as her biggest support
Thanku neha…happy to know that u loved it..
Awesome….but pls post asap
Thank u so.much Dr….
Awesum bt ur posting aftr long u pls give SUMMARY of this ff pls i missed some part n ur giving long gap so pls to post long summar of dis ff pls pls..
Summary… Kittu..sorry am really want to give u a summary of fiction…but it will take time…if it possible I will post into next week…sorry I have to study a lot…that y..
Thank u soujanya….
Hi Sethooty..
How r u..?? After a long time.. Missed u a lot dear..
N episode too good dear.. Hope sanskar catch real culprit early..
Love u tc dear
Hey Falguni…after a long u dear…hope u fine..what about puppet show?.. How is going…in b/w u didn’t post ur fiction.. I read the prologue.. Ur language writting style is so good…
I m little sick bcs of weather changing..
N puppet show started n going awesome..
I posted chap 1 also.. Bt after that I didn’t find time.. N also I quite to continue that.. So sorry for that.. Ty
Oh k …here also raining.. Season I got cold for 1 week…thank god now am k..get well soon dr
Ya dear..
S2U dear.. I also got cold.. N due to that head ache sneezing n all bt
I m better now..
Ty for wishes .
Awesome. Eagerly awaiting for next asap. Plzzzzzzzzz post daily if possible
Thank u Reethi…
It’s nice. Missed u so much. Eagerly waiting for next update dr.
Thank u shiksha..ur first comment
Thank u ria…
Plz update asap
Thank u shagun…
Awesome…. But plsßssss post asp??????
Thank u ammu…r u a malayali?
Awesome part.
Thanku Dhara..
nice update next ASAP
Thank u tani…
Thank u tani…
Thank u anu..
Seetu di nice epi yaarr ,after many dayss again saw ur update….hmm….
Now shraddha di nd vinitha(khukhi) i tooo missed u guysss a lottttttttttttttttttttttttttttt actually u r d main reason dat i forced seetu di to update epi…dey r many things to tell u guys….there r many surprises nd shockings news…a very very socking news….u will jump after listening dat surprises….but prob is dat we cannot tell u in dis page…but its really imp…..shraddha di especially u won’t b able to bilieve dat i think….so u guys shld contact through fb…vinitha nd shraddha di i know u both r having accounts…so u both especially vinitha for sometime keep ur laziness aside nd pls activate ur accounts guys…pls pls pls bahut important hai u guys will b very happy after dat surprises u won’t b able to believe ur eyes… pls pls plssssssss……MY FB ID IS “VAISHNAVI MEDAM”……..i am waiting for u guys….so pls make it fast whenever u see dis mssge…….
Vinitha my khukhi where r u ???
Stop being lazy and come on fb -.- -.- -.-
Shraddha di vinitha whenever u see d above mssge reply here….i am waiting for u guys…pls
Hi sethooty….i m vyshu. U got confused thinking i m vaishnavi. Well, i was a silent reader before and started to comment regularly from last month. Sorry, i didn’t comment earlier. I would like to say i love dis ff so much and i will comment from now on.
Ohio..yah I misunderstood.. U as Vaishnavi.. Actually I used to call her as vaishu…but am happy that I got another vaishu….
Wat misunderstood di??….is she writing any ff nd did u thought it was me???????
Superb dear
Thanku Tweety
Finally Rags cme to knw truth… nw everything ll fyn bw ragsan… bt wat abt our lucky boy… still he is absent… I thnk nw rags wont leave the real culprit… she ll join her hands with sanky to find real culprit… I knw sanky ll support his swara bt dnt mk swara to feel bad for behaviour towards sanky… eagerly waiting for nxt but wat to do… u have xam na so ll wait… by the by dis epi was awesome yaar…

Thanku nive….if my mum get knew about not studying.writing and reading fiction. Omg….she will kill me…
May be next week I will try..not sure..
Lucky Will come soon from USA …I already planned for him…Yah Rag and sanky will join together now…
Ha ha ha… sethu ur mom will kill u.. but in my home they cmes to knw I’m writing ff… all will tease me… they all wont leave single chance to pull my leg..!!! poor me ?? upload nxt epi wen u r free..

Wow after long time updated…. Awesome….. Pls update next asap dr….
Ys shan..actually planned to update after one month..many one asked so I updated…
Awesome dear
Thank u anu….
Fiiinally ur back…awsm episode..i know sanky will b wid hr in thin n thick situation…but feeling gloomy fr shona…i want hr bubliness crazy stuff wid sankyy…
Off course I will do dear..she and sanky kids will back with..masti and fun…k
Seetu di abhi tak koyi reply nahi aayaa ??????
Am also check everytime yaar…she is in tour …bcy Hongi…internet bhi shona chahiyenaa..
She commented one of the fiction as reader..and I asked her r you my vaishu…?
Thanku kumu..

Love it love it love it… <3 is ur studies going..on…
Superb episode dear,when u started u told u r not that good in writing, but trust me,u have written a beautiful ff,and today’s episode,I loved it. Keep going dr,not specifying anything…loved it…enjoyed reading…
Thank u Vini..????