He tried to awake her by sprinkle water on her face and caressed her hairs placing her head on his lap. She slowly regain her consciousness, but an unknown fear is clearly visible on her face. This made him feel more guilty that he is the one who is responsible for her present condition.
“I don’t know what happened to me sanskar”. She held her head.
“It’s aching”. her eyes closed and opened at once.
“Shona I will apply balm.you r still tired yesterday night we came after midnight only na.you will be oky once you get a proper sleep.” He patted her cheeks .fumbled words to console her. it was most awkward situation for him in which he can’t unable to meet her eyes.she looked at his face which shows mixed emotions.she herself confused in her behaviour and she knows how she spoiled their togetherness, the moment she want to cherish as their eternal love and he too wanted her badly at that time.This reality give more pain.she try to get up from bed and leaned over the bed with the support of pillows and cupped his face.
“I know I hurt you, don’t need to cover it, am sorry I spoiled everything which you have right on me.She almost burst out in tears .He engulfed her in his embrace and patted her back slowly.
“Shona it was my mistake”
“San don’t call it as a mistake am all yours and I love you”. She nuzzled on his chest.
“I know sweet heart”.
“I think am still stuck in that state which not letting to move on and that horrible dreams are haunting me, I won’t be a good wife “(sobbing)
“Shona am here na, I will remove all the dark shadows from you and we will together make it possible and who said you are not good wife ..it was you who completed me..it always you. entire life is for us to make out together and I will wait for u till the right time . ”
She looked up towards him.
“But san..”
“But San..”. He didn’t allowed her to complete.. Placed his fore finger on her lips and kissed there.. A lone tear escaped from her eye corner and hugged him tightly. He too hug her back even more tightly by slowly placing the comforter which is going to fall from her bare shoulder.
At downstairs:
When swara and sanskar reached the hall Annapoorna is doing her morning aarti in house temple.They stood there and prayed for sometime..and take blessing.
“You both r going somewhere?”.
“Yah mom today is Sunday na ,we r going to meet one of my friend house.will return at eveng”.
They looked each other.
“Oky beta go and enjoy. If it possible try to reach home before 4 pm.”
“Why..? Anything important mom”.
“Actually I want to say something important to u and swara.But yesterday I didn’t get time to inform you about this.plz try to come early as possible “.
“What we r not going anywhere, first tell me what’s the matter”. Swara also looked at AP in confusion.
“San we will go another day , I think its important”.
“No swara , you two go and I will tell u only in eveng”.she crossed her hands across the chest and convinced them to go for outing .At that time ragini reached there.
“Am also leaving”.
“What suddenly u r going”.
“Di you forget.. after 2 week my college will reopen and I have to finish my assignments. So its better to leave from here before the kids awake, otherwise little devils not allow me to go”.
“But ragu beta, atleast have your bf”.
“That’s oky aunty am going to home only na”.
“Oky then come with me laddo, we will drop u”.
“Raigini jiji you r going…golu bhayaa….” They all frawned hearing a scram from upstairs.
“Mitti”.. All said her name in union
Ragini sat on the floor along with her bag placing her hand on forehead.
They left to GM along with golu mitti and kittu.
Shekhar got surprised seeing them on morning
“Shona I thought after marriage you completely forgot us.”
“Its not like that baba he is bcy in shooting so”.
“Don’t make excuses , I know how much my son in law is bcy” He give a side hug to sanskar.kids stormed into the house like bees.
“Sanskar you always come here to drop these little devils, and I know u two guys are going for a romantic date right?”.Both get embarssed.
“Baba actually we r planned to visit you on next day. But Ragini said she will return to home today itself.. So”
Sanskar search for words.
“Its oky I understand.. Enjoy your moments”. He winked him and hit him playfully.
“Shekhar don’t tease my son in law
..he is like u…for ur kind information plz tell me how many times u allowed me stay in my mom house.” shekhar looks sumi in disbelief.
“Sumi you stayed there in diwali and durga Pooja”.
“Sanskar ask him which diwali and durga Pooja?.. shekhar keep mum
“Those diwali when shona was 10 yr old”
Swara and sanskar laughed hearing this.
Shona …come I will give u rasgulla”. At that time ragini whispers in sanskar ears.
“I want to talk to u about di come to balcony”.
She waiting him for there
“Sanskar do you think that idiot can find the culprit.. How to can you so careless about this matter”
Sanskar in mind(she won’t change)
“Do you have any pbm with shikhar? or was he a prey of in adventures of ragini “.
“Yah I know him”.
“Seriously then I will pay him double..if anyone escaped from your grip …he is something up to the world”.
“Sanskar.” She make an angry face.
“Ragu..if he get succeed in his mission still i can’t able to move further procedure.”
“Why..?”she shocked
“Listen rag your di is not fully recovered from that incident. It easy to read about gang rape victims in news papers…but truth is that they can’t survive from their mental trunima…this society don’t leave her and her family.I can’t bring her past in front of her again..which I want to erase forever.
Ragini heard everything silently.she is in delima that is he right or wrong.but one thing is sure for that she want only her di happiness.
Sanskar swara bid bye to them.
“Sanskar you didn’t tell me where we r going”.
“Its a surprise “.
He smiled.
After two hour journey they reached near the gate of a small house.
When they rang the door bell, someone opened the door seeing the person who is standing near the door step. Swara jumped in happiness.
I didn’t expect this much response sorry couldn’t able to reply u guy’s..lil bcy..many of ur words touched me….Thank you so much….love u all…shradha plz come back soon army is waiting….
Awesome… i thought after telling so much dis stuoid sethu vanished. Thnk god u showed up.. tc
Navi….yaar thanku so much…not for the comments…bz of u only I got the ‘delivery OS’ from Nive….today only I read that one….I msged her….about to msg you see u r comment…
Haha that black magic worked on me…..
Lots of chocolates for u both..
No thanks sethu.. and u knw u did not tell me abt ur new job.. im angry and sad..
congratz for new job dr. Whn u gt settled with new atmosphere tell me.. hope u like it.. tc dr.. all d bst…
and season 2 im laughing sethu.. and i should thnk u bcz of ur challenge she accepted writing LBA ; season 2 we cn nag her.. wt do u think??
Hahaha see our black magic worked and ur going to kerala.. wt a coincidence..
tc sethu..
Haha navi…we should do..everything fair in story and Ff…Nive next target is season 2….we wil apply same black magic
Oho navi am already in Kerala…just shifted to another place… Yah my roomate is from Coimbatore..
Navi…..am shocked…. Seriously… Ne enthaa paranjee….malayalamo….guruvayoorappa….haha
I think I told u about my job change….am.in trivandrum……tomrow morng I have to go
Aaha nee trivandrath povuaano

Sookshikkanam ketto kunje sethu aka malar
I think we need a season 2 of ‘The way u are’.. What u say…? That os worked on my greedy mind….now am terribly missing luckyji swara ragu ma , sanskar and ani….
Navi don’t be angry…am an innocent girl..puppy eyes
Hahaga hw cn i be angry in u sethu.. i m leaving u innocent babe.. thn yup we cn do black magic on nive. Hifi… if she comes to knw she will kil me anf iwil bcm betrayer…
:'( :'(
nxt sethu dat malayalam lines ate wrong ah?? Wt i meant is Wow your going to trivandrum.. take care.. my child. Translate in malayalam. If wrong forgive me..
Ha ha ha .. lol… Enama nadakkudhu inga…?? Ena vachi comedy kemedy pannalaya…?? Navi so u r tat main culprit who started about season 2… and sethu thanks for ur chocos it’s really yummy …? ?
Waiting for ur ff.al last u updated
Thank u Dr….
But nice
Thank you Dr….
Thank you dr
Thank u
Thank you
awesome…!!loved it..!!
Thank u Dr….
Awesome loved it
Shan thank you dear….am a fan of ur heartless queen…such a lovely story suspense…its my fav…I also read destiny mend its way in one go…couldn’t able to comment…last epi which as wn got kidnapped…I have to read epilogue… Didn’t get time…..keep writing….
Thank you sooo much dr….. ?I write my true life partner another ff dr…. Just 5 episodes finished…. If u have time read it…. ?
awesome epi waiting for next part n dont be late dear
Thank u Dr…I will try
Thank u
Superb……….. .. Loved swasan’s scenes………??????
Awesome update my dear……. Lovely??
Love u Dr…
Sanskar is rite, it’s very difficult to gang rape’s victims out from trauma….
Mica…am very happy to see u r comment here…..noticed ur comments on serial update…you r different… Thoughts and views also reflected comments… Read ur Hug walaa os and is on current track…it was outstanding extraordinary… I didn’t rember whether I commented there or not…
aaww..i’m always blabbering there to burst out my frustration..
, that why i missed this awesome ff
there, we are shameless fans :D..
well, seem i never see this ff before,
happy day dear!
Awsome epi dr!!

Welcome back dr..
Im soo glad 2 see dis ff again..
lv it 2 da core!!
Waiting 4 da precap dr..
Keep writing
be happy always
lv ya
Haha chanu….finally u r a register member now….loved ur comment.. It encouraged me a lot…once u said u want to became a doctor.. Hows the preparation going on…?.
and upper 1 is my 1st cmnt!!! 
yipeeeee… nw im a member in tu…
wow!!!! Sethu drl!!! Do u remember me!!?? *shocked
im soo hpy after reading ur rply…
Abt preparations.

Ummmmm.. ya…
im doing my a/l nxt yr..
bt dis dys im nt studying bz I am da wed planer f my sisos wed..
Heee hee
Chanuuu..registered member..aawwwww
Heee heee..yup..

im a registered mmbr
yaay yaay…
im dancing my hpy dance!!
Myna…my silent reader…thank u so much…
Very nice di..??.i like dis sanky’s character.. He manages everything vry well….nd i hope we will find shraddha di
Love u Dr…
AWWW…it wz such a lovely epi……uh alwyz nail it. …..
Thank u dear….
superb…welcome back
Thank u vyshu
Thank u Dr….
Thank you…dr
Awesome. I they went to that kid’s house whom shona met in hospital.
Haha omg….dhara u guessed it….yah u r right…
BTW how could I forgot u…my regular reader from first epi…
I too guessed same..?
Finally u posted it ah Malar. I loved it. Awesome?
Thank u Dr…..
Happy to see you back. Nice episode. Was eagerly waiting for this episode.
Thank u anamika…
Fabulous dear.. Loved swasan scenes???..keep it up dear… Waiting for nxt..
Take care
Keep smiling?
Thank u uma…
Haha avasanm njn kndu pidichu ur ff
It’s really nice
Manjula…didn’t expect u here….kandupidichu kalanjalae….
Missed last two epi of ur Ff…lil bcy….
Thank you for the comments
Wow… Thanks for coming back.. I was missing this ff.. . Thank you so much for this
Omg… Pikachu…. Drunkard sanskar..
.I don’t have any idea about you r following my Ff…loved ur Ff …its my fav….
Finally u posted…. missed ur ff so much..
Loved it
Continue soon
Thank u so much…dear
Good good awsum at last u posted hope so swara’s pain will vanish soon by sanky’s care n love post soon waiting for next
Thank u dr
Amazing!!! Thanks for the summary!! Read just now..
Feeling soo good to see you back!
The way of writing the summary was soo ? splendid!!
Loved it di!! Post soon!
Thank you kritika