Fan Fiction


In Pune

In a small house, a girl is seen struggling to get up from her bed . She is weak and has bandage on her head and hand. A young man comes and helps her to sit down . The girl is Nandini .

(Introducing Yuvraj Thakur as Yuvraj Singhania  )

Nandini looks at him and smiles . She remembers what happened two months back when she first saw him .

Nandini’s POV
I opened my eyes slowly only to find myself in a new place. I tried to get up and sit but it was hard. Suddenly someone came and helped me sit properly in bed. I noticed I had a bandage in my forehead and hand . I asked him ,’where am I ? And who are you ?’. ‘ I’m yuvraj singhania ,this is my house . I saw you lying in a pool of blood on the road side, so I brought you here ‘,he said. ‘And yes , the doctor said …’, he added but hesitated to speak the rest. ‘ what did he say ?’, I asked him. ‘He said ….you …are…pregnant ‘, he said . What ? I was pregnant ? I broke down . I didn’t know where Manik was. This was a happy moment he should’ve also enjoyed, but now I can’t go back . I cannot ruin the family’s happiness.
I asked him which place this was and he said Pune . I hope Manik will be happy wherever he is.
End of POV


Nandini’s POV
Yuvraj is  such a kind man . He looked after me these two months. ‘Here is your food and medicine and do call me if you need anything . Now I’ll go get ready . I’ve got an appointment in one company.’, yuvraj said this and kept my food and medicine on the table. He said bye and left. I do really miss everyone.
End of POV

7 years passed

Malhotra companies once again reached to a height by now and Manik is still living in memories of Nandini. He hopes she will stay safe and happy wherever she is. Manik had rejected his marriage with Soha. Soha was broken after her relationship with Harshad broke , he had cheated her just like he always used to.

Manik’s POV

It was 7 am in the morning and Nandini came inside the room and kept my morning coffee in the side table. She smiled widely and asked me to get up. She ran her soft hands through my hair and insisted me to get up. I woke up and brought her close to give her a kiss on her forehead. But then all of a sudden she wasn’t there. It was just my imagination. Nandini , wasn’t there. Not sure whether she will be back ever. Nandini , why are you doing this with me ?? I got up and got ready for office. It’s a complete different world without you Nandini , all alone but I’m sure you are happy that our company is once again on the top list. As per yours and dad’s wish , I’ve achieved it . Pls Nandini , wherever you are come back.

I went to office headed towards my cabin. I went and sat in my chair thinking about Nandini when someone came in and interrupted my thoughts. It was yuvraj singhania, my P.A. after Nandini left . He has helped me a lot and he also shares the credit for our company’s success just like Nandini. ‘Sir, the meeting starts after 10 mins ‘,he said . ‘Yeah , I’m coming’, I replied. I headed towards the conference room followed by him.

The meeting started after sometime . ‘This year ,like all the previous years , we will be invited to ‘New Era High School’ in Pune to give out the prize for the talent contest winners.’, dad explained. I studied in that same school. Every time I visit the school, I get back my old memories. It’s in Pune so it’s around a 3hrs trip . ‘The contest is next week ‘, dad added.

End of POV

In Pune , New Era High School

In a first grade classroom, the teacher walks in and students wish her . She makes an important announcement-‘Next week is our school’s talent contest for primary section. So students, whoever wants to participate pls give me your names and what you are interested in. ‘The teacher writes down some student’s name . She asks a boy ‘yes, Anshuman, which one you want to participate in ?’. ‘Teacher I would like to participate for speech’, he replied.

After the classes got over and it was time to go , Anshuman waved at his friends and started walking to his house .
He rung the door bell. His mom opened the door and he hugged her . ‘Mom , I’m going to participate for elocution. And guess what ? My topic is ‘My Mom’ and I’m gonna speak about my lovely mom . ‘ he said excitedly. She gave him a kiss on his check and said ‘my Ansh is a very good boy’. ‘Mom , everyone’s parents are coming , only my dad won’t come . Mom , who is my dad ? Why isn’t he here yet ? Doesn’t he love me ?’, Ansh asked leaving his mom in thoughts …

Will Ansh’s mom be able to answer his questions ?

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