Fan Fiction

Can I fall in love, Episode 26

Pratima and Dadi Bhavna and Suhani’s grahpraesh.
Prat : Welcome home.
She hugs both of them.
Sau : Now, Sharad and Yuvraj lift Bhavna and Suhani, only then you can enter the house.(hope you remember that scene)
Yuvi : Bhaiya, you lifted Ragini bhabhi, she is very lean, but see Suhani, do you really feel that I would be able to lift her?
Everyone laugh.
Suhani fumes.
Suh : Look Mr Yuvraj Birla, I am not that fat.
Yuvi : Oh really, haven’t you seen mirror?
Suhni starts to beat him.
Yuvi : Ouch stop, you wild cat.
They laugh harder.
Gauri : Viyu enough, don’t you dare to tease my bhabhi!
Yuvi : Bhabhi ki chamchi.
Gauri : Of course.
Gauri takes Suhani and Bhavna along with her and goes inside.
Sh : Gauri, it was guru who made all these comments, why are you punishing me!!
Everyone laugh.

Yuvi’s POV:
Where is Suhani, I haven’t seen her after grahpravesh. She is no where inside the house, may be garden, of course she will be.
I went out and found Suhani sitting on the bunch. Wind was blowing slowly. She looked very beautiful in moon light. She seems to be in her own world, very calm and she was smiling. There is nothing important then this smile of hers. Her hair was dancing along with the wind and she was enjoying it. I took her picture, but she didn’t notice it. I stood there for a while, admiring her, I don’t want to break this moment, and then I went to her.
Me : You are here, I was searching the whole house for you.
She was shaken by the sudden interference. She looked t me.
Suh : (guiltily) I am very sorry Yuvi, I didn’t want to trouble you, I was feeling a bit odd inside so I just came out.
Me : Relax, don’t be guilty. I just said. By the way what are you doing here?
Suh : Enjoying wind.
Me : You really enjoy nature na?
Suh : Yeah, I love everything bout nature, like rain, wind, climbing up trees, talking to plants,
Me : Talking about plants, I have something for you. Come with me.
I led her into the garden.
Me : Wait here, I will be back in a while.
I came back with her favorite rose plant, she was amazed to see it and smiles broadly.
Me : Today, it is a new beginning of our friendship, so let us start this by planting this together.
Suh : (amazed) how did you,
Me : I know everything about you.
She laughs.
Me : Come on now.
We planted it together.
Me : Suhani, go and wash your hands.
She gave me an irritated look, but obeyed.
Suh : (showing her hands) Is my hands clean guru ji?
I acted like examining her hands closely.
Me : No, you still need to improve.
Suh : You….
She was about to beat me and I ran, she came after me, but couldn’t not catch me. She fell and called out my name. I turned back and saw her struggling to get up. I went to her and gave a hand. She holds my hand tightly and got up, and then started punching me. Only then I understood that she faked falling down.
Me : Leave me it is hurting.
She laughs.
Me : It is getting late let us sleep.
She stared at me.
Me : What happened?
Suh : Nothing, few days back, when I was sitting like this at night, it was my Papa who took me in.
Me : Suhani, I know no one can fill your Papa’s position in your life, but I promise you that I will support you like he did, I will always be your strength, just like him.
She smiles.
We go inside.
End of POV.

Meanwhile in Shavna’s room:
Sharad was searching for something.
Bh : (Taking a file in hand) Are you searching for this Mister?
Sh : Thank god, where did you get this from?
Bh : (beating him with the file) Keep your room clean.
Sh : Why are you acting like guru?
Bh : What if I does, I am his sister.
Sh : You brother and sister will make me mad.
Bh : (laughing) If we are like this, just imagine how Yuvi and Suhani will be.
Shard too laughs. He advances towards her.
Sh : (pinning her on wall) Don’t always think of your sister, sometime think about us too.
She pushes him and tries to run. He holds her wrist and pulls her towards him.
Bh : What are you doing?
Sh : I can do anything, you are wife.
She blushes, she hugs him.
He lifts her and takes to bed.

Precap :
Yuvani argue.


You can complain that roses have thorns or you can rejoice that thorns have roses.

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