Fan Fiction


sorry friends for this iam not in mood for writing anything….so lets go to the story…
purab: abhi…
abhi: purab…dont think too much..lets go…no need of any arrangements…as this marraige is not the one which is done as grant…
bul: this you talking to me like this?
abhi: ya…
pur: bulbul…this is because of your di..otherwise..
abhi”: dont give full credit to your di..this is because of love…pragya smiles…
they all get down…

aliya: bhai…bhai…i really loves you alot..i dont want to lose you..i have no enemity with you..i only have one enemy thats this pragya…because of her i lost everything…my bhai..dadi…family…purab…
bhai…i make this pragya away from you…as i need my bhai…i cant liv without you,,,bhai just listen to me…
abhi claps…aliya…you are amazing? what an acting? u loves me right…purab are hearing it?aliya…do you knew what is this love? its not an acting..its feeling…that one can feel not by words it touched our heart…its pragya…who taught me that…aliya..when anyone said you to go away from my life for me…do you do that…but my pragya did it for me…do you see what bulbul do when she feels that pragya is going to die…can you do that for me…you cant do that…for that you need a loving heart that is not with you..
aliya is crying…

abhi: aliya….i will not make you out of this can still live here…but dont ever try to come infront of me..or talk with for me you are dead…as everytime you did crime..i will punish and tell you you are not my sister…but still i loves you…but from now…it everyone around me can do wrong with me and why iam?
pragya: tinkus..
abhi: fuggi…just one minute..
tanu: abhi…is this the way you talk with your sister?
abhi:shut up tanu…whom you are teaching me….and do you think of yourself…do you have anything to tell you as right…tanu can i ask you one question…in this whole 2 years..dont you love me atleat once..
tanu:ya abhi..

abhi: joot tanu…joot…u only love my status and money…tanu…ya i loves thats not love..i thought thats i thought you are my status…but this stauts is not life…tanu…dont you just think of your doing this what you have own…where is your so called love…to be happy you killed your own child…is you have any right to talk as humanbeing..even animals love their own children..
tanu is crying..
abhi: i knew you all will never changed by these words..iam wasting my time by this …purbul fuggi..lets leave now…
they goes..they all reached temple…
sarla..beeji…were already there..infront of lord…purbul did their marraige once again…they take elders blessing..
sarla: betaji…they both will stay withus..
abhi:maa…noneed of that,..they are not saying with us too..i have al;ready arranged suit room for them…as they spend some day there…

bul:maa thats right..
pragya:ohoo really? bulbul get shy…
they all laughs..
purab:so abhi we are going there…
abhi: wait i will drop there as these all are my rights…
pragya: dont you knew its bahan who drops into bedroom at first night…
sarla: we are you both decides..pragya and bulbul hugs maa and beeji and leaves..
abhi and pragya dropes purbul and goes..
abh while driving..

fuggi…as they are enjoying this day..what about us..if you wish i too get one room for us..
pra: tinkus..why are you like this
abhi: because iam mad on you..
pra:now where are we going…
abhi:just wait and see..i have a big surprise for you…
pra:still surprise..
abhi:fuggi…now our life is going to be with full of happiness and lot of surprises…
abhi stops at beach..
pra: here..
abhi:ha…as i met you first here…they both look at each other(allah warriyan plays)…
abhi and pragya sits at the beach looking at the moon..pragya lies her head on her shoulder..
abhi: fuggi…how cute was this na…

abhi: our it starts and how its end..fuggi i wish to lets lov once again..
pra: what do you mean?
abhi:just go back…
episode ends..
so lets see what he really needs…


iam crazy about myself....

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