Fan Fiction

Can Love Happen Twice?…..Dheera/Saathiya……SS (SHOT-1)

Hello Guys….I am Mansi starting a new Dheera SS….Dedicating this SS to Jasmine who wants me to write a Dheera SS on the concept “What happens when Meera is the same which she was in her childhood like sweet,innocent,caring girl then how she would have ended up with Dharam”which was given by her….This SS is the continuation of my earlier OS-Tum Mere Ho~GoGi….I hope u all will love it…Soo here it is….

Mumbai is shown

Hotel Taj Land is shown

A huge hall is shown occupied with reporters and big personalities….A man is shown coming in the hall….His face is shown blurred….He comes on the stage with a book in his hand…The reporters starts asking him questions which he answers…

Reporter:Sir could u give us a insight on ur book….
Man:Um…Yaa…Why not…

He flips the pages of the book and starts….

10 years ago

Rajkot is shown

MODI’S VILLA is shown

Whole Villa is shown….Radha Krishna idols are shown….A girl is shown coming to Pooja room….Her back is shown…..She starts singing “Hey Gopal Krishna karu aarti teri….”

GoGi’s room

They are shown sleeping….Hearing the voice GoGi wakes up….

Jaggi:Gops if u are here then who is singing there….
Gopi:Jaggs I am too thinking the same….Let’s go and see….

They goes from there and comes to Pooja room….They gets surprised to know who it is…


The girl’s face is shown and itt’s Meera….

Jaggi:Today u sang the aarti I am proud of u….
Gopi:Yaa!!…But where is Ram??…Is he still sleeping….
Meera:Papa’s Pari….

Meera hugs Jaggi….A boy comes there….

Ram:Yaa Mom I had gone to collect some flowers…..

Gopi hugs him….

Suddenly Gopi’s phone rings…She picks it and gets very happy….

Gopi:Rashi bhabhi…

Mumbai is shown

Modi Mansion(MM) is shown

A lady is shown holding her phone…She turns and it’s Rashi….

Rashi:How is my devrani Gopi???…..

On the other hand…

Gopi:Absolutely fine….U called after so long….How are everyone….
Rashi:Yaa!!!….Everyone is fine and missing u,devarji,Meera,Ram….How are they???….I am still angry at u for not coming to Sita’s engagement function….
Gopi:All are fine….Bhabhi what to do here work was more when that happened….But I saw the pictures which u sent of hr engagement…..She looks very happy with him and everyone accepted her BF too…..
Rashi:Hmm…He is really a nice guy and Sita herself choose him for her….After 3 days Sita’s marraige is there with him….This time I want no excuses….U all have to come….
Gopi:Yaa bhabhi we would definately come…As our work also got over we are shifting to Mumbai….
Rashi:Really…We are waiting for u all to come….

She cuts call….


Gopi tells everyone this news….All gets happy…

Meera+Ram:Wow Sita di marrying….
Jaggi:We all are shifting to Mumbai now…
Gopi:Jaggs from last 10 years we are here only due to work we shifted here….
Jaggi:We had to now no worries as we will be meeting them after 10 years….

Scene shifts to MM

A lady approaches Rashi…


Her face is shown and she is Radha….

Radha:Rashi bhabhi what did they say….They are coming naa….
Rashi:Yeah and infact they are shifting to Mumbai now….
Radha:That’s wonderful news…..

Rashi instructs the servants to prepare their rooms and make their fav food….Rashi calls everyone and tell sthis news….All gets vvery happy to hear it….

Next day…

GoGi with family arrives there….Kokila takes aarti of them and welcomes them….They take elders bleesings….They comes in….

Meera and Ram hugs everyone….

Rashi:My Meera….

Rashi hugs hr…Meera kisses her…

Meera:Where is Vidya and Sita di???…

Vidya comes down…

Vidya:I am here di….

Meera hugs her….

Vidya:Finally u came….Was missing u a lotttt….
Meera:We too missing u all a lot….

Vidya hugs GoGi and Ram….

Rashi hugs Gopi….

Kokila:Gopi dikra…Jaggi dikra….

Kokila emotionally hugs Gopi….

Kokila hugs Jaggi…

Gopi hugs Radha,Hetal….

Jaggi:Where is Sita???….

Sita comes down….

Sita:I am here Kaka….

She takes everyone’s blessings….She hugs Meera and Ram….

Everyone talks….

Hetal:Time moved so fastly….They all were so small yesterday and now they are all grown up….
Gopi:Yaa Bdimomji….That were the golden days….

They recalls playing with little Tolu,Molu,Vidya….

Radha:Even Tolu,Molu are married now….Miss those days….

Rashi gets emotional….

Rashi:Now after two days my princess will get married and start a new life….

She recalls playing with little Sita….

Everyone consoles her….

After 2 days…

Sita’s marraige…

Mandap is shown….Rashi and Jigar are shown welcoming guests….

Tolu is shown with his wife Sona….

Molu is shown….

Meera:Molu Bhai where is Piya bhabhi….
Molu:She is getting ready….

Piya(Madirakshi Mundle) comes down….

Piya:I’m here….

Piya greets everyone….

The groom Ankit(Ankit Gera) comes….Rashi welcomes him…..He sits in the Mandap…..

Ankit greets everyone…..

Panditji:Bring the bride…..
Gopi:I will bring her….

Gopi goes to bring Sita….Sita comes down with Gopi…..She gets very happy to see Ankit….

Panditji starts mantra’s…..Ankit and Sita stands up for pheres…..Everyone throws flowers on them…..Ankit wores Sita mangalsutra and sindor……They takes elders blessings….Sita hugs Rashi and Jigar and cries…..

After Sometime….

Vidya:Jiju where u taking Sita di???….
Meera:Yaa exactly….
Ram:If u haven’t decided then I suggest u some romantic places…..Can I…

Sita holds his ears…He gets quite….Everyone laughs….

Ankit:I have already decided to take Sita to Mahabaleshwar….

Sita blushes….Everyone teases her….

Kokila:Sita dikra take rest now…Tomorrow u need to get ready early….
Sita:Chotti Dadi u too….Ok…

Sita and Ankit goes from there to their room….


Meera is shown in her room….

Meera;I am not getting any sleep what to do….Ohh yaa I can the book which di told…..But where it can be….

She starts searching the book…Finally she gets the book….She reads the name “I Too Had A Love Story by Ravindra Singh”and instantly falls in love with it…

She sits on a couch and starts read
ing it….
She finished the book in one go….

Meera(Crying):No love story should be met with this fate….But why do I feel it’s just a pseudonym and somebody else wrote it….I have read the book which matches this writing style….Ohhh yaa that book….But what was the need to use other name when….I need to find out….

Meera rushes to home temple….She prays to kanhaji….

Meera:He deserves someone’s love….Please bring a sweet girl for him….Help me in finding more about him….I know my fav writer only wrote it….I need to know why he kept his identity hidden….


Ankit and Sita takes elders blessings and goes to Mahabaleshwar…..Meera goes to her room and searches on net more about the author but in vain….Finally she gets success in finding his address….She gets very happy….

Meera:Without wasting time I should go right away…..

She tries to leave but Parag stops her…

Parag:Meera dikra where u going???….
Meera:Dadu just for sightseeing….
Parag:Ok but take Vidya and Ram too with u…

Vidya:Me and Ram will accompany u from home but outside that u can go everywhere u want to go….
Meera:Thank u Vidya and Ram….
Ram:Now let’s go di before someone stops us….

The 3 goes from there….

Meera in an auto reaches a Mansion…..She looks at it and checks the address…She gets happy to finally reach that place….

Meera:Address is same….This is the house then….

Meera walks towards it but someone stops her….

Meera:I just came to…I am a budding writer….Wanted some tips on writing from….
Man:So what…It;s sir’s order no one should be allowed inside the home…
Meera:But…Who are u???….

His face is shown….

Man:I am his manager….Shravan Patel…..I can’t let u in without his orders…..He doesn’t want to meet or see anyone…..
Meera:Please don’t do this….I am his biggest fan….I won’t take too long….

Shravan decides to help her….He goes in and talks…

After Sometime…

Shravan:I tried he doesn’t want to meet anyone….U can leave….

Meera looks at the Mansion….


Meera is shown standing outside the Mansion….Shravan told her many times but she din’t….

Inside the Mansion

A man through the window sees Meera still standing there…..He closes the window….

He:I clearly told I don’t want to meet anyone after what all happened….I just want to stay alone….Her image is coming in front of me why??….Should I let her in or not??….She is standing from quite a long time…I should….

He calls Shravan to get her in…

Shravan:U can go in….Sir wants to meet u….

Shravan takes Meera inside….

Inside the Mansion

Meera comes in….She looks at it….A man is shown coming down….His face is shown blurred….

Meera(Happily):Dharam Suryavanshi sir…..I am ur very big fan…

Dharam is shown…

Dharam:Shravan told me….See I…
Meera:I know what u will say but u should’nt go away from ur fans…
Dharam:Soo u are a budding writer right???…
Meera:Um…Um…Nope I lied so that u call me in….I just wanted to know why u use a pseudonym when u are a big writer….
Dharam:Wanting to gain a entry u lied….What are u talking about???….Why would I use a pseudonym???….
Meera:That’s what I want to know….U wrote this book “I Too Had A Love Story”….

Dharam gets shocked….

Dharam:Nope I din’t…I have,…
Meera:U only wrote it as I found ur other books writing with this book same…Din’t u wrote “This love that feels right”???or this one “Ur dreams are mine now”???….
Dharam:I agree I wrote this books but not the one u are telling…
Meera:U have….I can say from ur eyes….I read the book in one go felt really bad for u….U deserved love…

Dharam gets emotional but controls himself….

Dharam:Now u may leave….
Meera:So u are accepting u only wrote it right???…
Dharam:Yaa I wrote it for…
Meera:Tell me….U can share with me….
Dharam:I already spooked about it now I don’t want to face anyone….Go!!!!….
Meera:DS I won’t go…U tell me…

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