Hello girls! I am back! Hope u guys didn’t forget me… if u guys are new to this story or don’t know me, I am Hima. I am sry for not posting these days… now i will only be able to post on Saturday and Sunday!
And again sry for not replying to ur comments…!
In case if u guys missed the previous episode, here is the link:
Twinj walked out of the room.. there was an awkward silence between them.
As they were going past tanyas room, they heard a lot of noises- giggling, laughing, some cheesy romantic lines, some awws…. Twinj looked at eo. They could immediately make out that it was yuni.
They opened the door silently and entered the room. Our lovebirds didn’t notice them. Yuvi was playing with tanyas hair.. and she was blushing…
Again yuvi told some cheesy line and tani blushed and turned towards the door were twinj was standing.
Tanis eyes widened and she jerked yuvi away…
Yu- what happened baby, everything alright?!
Ku- ur baby is alright yuvi, but I don’t think u r going to be alright today! (kunj smirks)
Yuvis jaw fell. He looked at tani and then at twinj…
Yu- bhai! Di! what r u doing here?!
Tw- its my house and u r asking me what am I doing here?!
Yu- why do u guys always disturb us while v r romancing?
Tw- oho! Romancing huh?! Sry sry u both continue…(she chuckles)
Ta- if u both stand here how will we?!(she realizes what she said) I mean to say-
Ku- tani u will mean to say everything!(he winks) aren’t you both ashamed of romancing infront of ur brother and sister?!
Yu- bhai…
Ku- kyaa bhai….!
Tw- u both r still kids and are talking about romance…
Ta- di…. v r not kids n all ok?! And yeh kaha ka logic hain that u can romance infront of us… but we cant?! Kno yuvi?!
Twinj looked at each other with unshed tears…
Ku- twinkle ur hair smells sooo good! (he digs himself in her hair)
Tw- thank u babe… kunj u know what?!
Ku- hmm…
Tw- u r the best! I love you!
Ku- aww! See who is saying this….(he teases her)
Tw- shutup kunj! U na… uggh! I hate you! (she turns her with her hands crossed)
Ku(pulls her by her waist and hugs her)- aww! I love you too!
Tw- I said I HATE YOU not I LOVE YOU!
Ku- twinkle…. I know that ur I hate u means I love you….(he turns her and she lands her hands in his chest) right?!
Tw- no!
Ku- yes
Tw- no
Ku- yes
Tw- no!!
Ku- no
Tw- yes…
She realizes what she told and smiled….
Kunj pulls her more close to him.. their forehead meets and leans for a kiss… just then… yuni enters…..
Ku- yuvi…!!!
Yu- areyy bhai if u want to kiss, u should have atleast closed the door behind you(he jumps and sits on the bed followed by tani…)
Tw- u cant knock and come?!
Ta- how do v know that u r romancing from here?!
Yu- and bhai… thank to god that it was us… what if it is was someone else…?(he smirks)
Ku- now u pray to god….
He starts running behind yuvi and twinkle starts running behind tani… while running they bang on to eo… they looks at eo and bursts out laughing…..
Fb ends.
Tani understands what she said- sry di bhai… I didn’t mean that… I am really stupid.. really sorry…
Tw- its okay…
Twinkles P.O.V
It was not okay .… I want my tears to flow down but not infront of kunj…. Cause my tears are his weakness….. but things changed.. may be not now……
P.O.V ends
Ku- lets go down… they are waiting for us….
He turned and walked towards the door with the unshed tears in his eyes….
Kunjs p.o.v
How can it be okay for her?!! My tears starts flowing… I told myself no no kunj u cant let down the tears.. its her weakness.. but time has changed so must be her too….! Maybe I just don’t mean anything to her anymore! Uggh! Don’t think too much! Relax!
P.o.v ends
All the 4 walks down…. Usha and manohar hugs kunj…. And usha and bebe goes and hugs twinkle…
Be- v r really happy to have u as our daughter….. leela ji told us that u said yes to the marriage…
Le- and I am also really happy to have u as my son! (she hugs him)
Twinj fakes a smile….
Ma- so leela ji… yeh rishta pakka kare?
Le- if our children is happy then… why think again..! yeh rishta humare taraf se pakka!
Us- humare taraf se bhi pakka samajhiye….
All hugs eo with happiness in their face…!
Yuvi forwards his hand.. and tani keeps on it… he whispers to her
Yu- see I told u not worry…
Ta- yaa.. see hw happy all are!
Yu- wish this happiness be on their face forever…
Ta- and we too….
Yuvi winks and side hugs tani….
Twinj looks at eo…. Mujhko barsaat bana lo plays in background…
Precap- wedding preparations
Phew!!! So todays episode also over! Was it boring? Should I stop the FS?
U guys liked it?
Uggh!! I am so irritating right?! anyway I will try to post tmrw also…..
Plz share ur views!!
Love you all!! <3
Awwwww!! That soooooooooo sweet?????lovely. Loved it
Its not at all boring
Post next soon??
U made me angry now…R u mad that we don’t like it and it’s boring and all.. Plz don’t think about this again..infect I love ur ff sooooo much yarr.. This is just amazing..
Ur truly great writer.. I want to read u from more..so don’t u dare think of stopping
This ff… got it..
Well today’s epi is just awesome.. Naughti yuni r just funny yarr.. Love the whole epi very much.. Now excited 4 their marriage preparation.. So plz post soon..
Stay happy.. Love you..!!
nice epi hima loved it …..
Hey him itsvawesome do continue soon
Episode is not boring at all it’s amazing and you are not going to stop it?????.posttt soonnn
Loved it too good ?
Liked the flashback and UV and Rani are so cute
Post soon can’t wait
Love you ??
awesome amazing fabulous
Awesome.. Yuvi n tani are so cute.. and loved the fb.. Plz don’t stop the fs.. eagerly waiting for the next
Amazing episode.. n yrr past?? wat twinj scene yrrr.. ??
Hima so cute
Flashback was so cute
Loads of love keep smiling
Nice and tani and uv were cute and twinj flash back was cute
Hey hima awesome episode yaar
Loved the episode and twinj fb too
Will u be my friend ????
Do cont soon…
Hi Hima … how dare u say that u write boring and all … don’t dare ro say that again .. coz u write outstanding … i love ur ff … post soon …
Love u ..
Will u be my friend??
ohhhhhhhhh god hima amazing lovely adorable till now
loving it soooooo mch soooooo cute n emotional osm fabulous
love u lods♥♥♥