Fan Fiction

The Captives – Five Shots ~ Ria (Chapter 1)

The Captives – Five Shots
Chapter 1

In case if someone missed out on the introduction, here’s the link below:

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It’d been two years since the incident at Goa had taken place and miseries had taken over everyone’s lives in Sarna and Taneja mansions. They couldn’t believe the fact that Kunj had left all of them and he wasn’t with them anymore. Usha had a few minor heart attacks after the incident and she was under the utmost care. She wasn’t allowed near the fire but, she was adamant to help out the people of the house and also, it would help her to keep herself away from Kunj’s thoughts.

Twinkle who had gone under a great shock on learning about Kunj’s demise was now normal but, she didn’t give up her hopes of Kunj returning in her life. She always hoped that Kunj was alive and it was just a matter of few days for which Kunj was away from them. She believed it to be a dark phase of their life which would get over quite soon. She still dressed up as a married woman with the vermilion on her forehead and the mangalsutra around her neck.

The night before this incident had taken place, the couple had the most wonderful night of their married life. They had consummated their marriage and after two months Twinkle had learnt about her pregnancy. The family members were happy knowing the news and considered the child to be the last symbol which would always keep Kunj alive in their memories. During the fourth month of her pregnancy, the doctor had advised the family to take care of Twinkle who was going into depression because of Kunj’s death.

At this time, Mahi had come back to India and helped Twinkle forget her sorrows and get her out of depression. She stayed with her the entire while and after five months Twinkle delivered a healthy baby girl whom they named Kaira. The family was very happy at the moment but, happiness doesn’t stay in one’s life for a long time. A few days later, Mahi met with an accident and the family immediately rushed her to the hospital. She was quickly admitted and the operation began. After a matter of few hours, the doctors had conveyed that Mahi was safe. But, unfortunately an hour later the family was informed about her death.

The families couldn’t believe the news and had broken down on learning about her death. Leela and RT had decided to relocate and move to London so that the memories of Kunj and Mahi didn’t affect them but, Twinkle convinced them asking them not to run away from the situation and rather face it. She asked them to think about her as well as she needed their support and love to stay strong and handle the Sarna family who had completely broken down after Kunj’s demise.

A day later, the families decided to throw Yuvraj outside the house as they considered him solely responsible for Mahi’s death. They had discussed the matter for quite a long time the previous evening and had concluded that it was Yuvraj who was behind Mahi’s accident of falling down the stairs. They supposed Yuvraj to spill oil or something on the stairs which could’ve made her slip and fall down because he had previously made an attempt to kill her. Yuvraj denied the fact and told the family about the love that he had developed towards Mahi in the past few months but, the Tanejas and Sarnas had their own mindsets and had warned him to leave or else, they’d be handing him to the police.

Anita Luthra, Kunj’s murderer was still set free as there wasn’t any evidence against her which could prove her the culprit. The Tanejas and Sarnas had been continuously trying to find out clues against her and hand her over to the police. On the other hand, she being oblivious of everything had captivated two people whom she believed to be her most important players who could save her from getting arrested by the police. The captives had been trying their level best to get out from her captive but, seemed like it wasn’t so easy and they had been struggling for almost two years now.

So, who are the captives and why are they held captive? Is there any motive of captivating them? If yes, then what is the reason behind all this which separates these two captives from their families?

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Hello, everyone! Thank you for all your comments and support. I tried replying to all your comments and hope I’ve not missed out on anyone. I’m extremely sorry if I did.

Please do drop down your thoughts below. I’d be eagerly waiting whether you liked my way of writing or not! If not, I’ll be writing the next chapters in my previous style. Suggestions and criticisms are always as they’ll help me improve but, no abusive language.

Best regards,

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