Fan Fiction

” Caught In Love Embrace Of A Wild Beast – Twinj ff !!”…..shot 13 ( REVELATION)

” Caught In Love Embrace Of A Wild Beast – Twinj Ff!!”……

Hello everyone!…. Sorry for making u all wait for so long……
Thanks to everyone who commented on the last episode….

Loveleen I hope u got the answer to ur questions in the last article I posted… I wanted to revert back to the comments but I was unable to do so….

Let’s start with the episode
Episode starts with kunj’s tormented face…. Tears r still flushing due to which his eyes is rubicund…. His sobbing nd pain can even make one eye’s bleed… Even a stone hearted person loses his tears seeing his pathetic condition… His spurious sob is effecting his heart to feel clumsy… But he is unaffected by these emotional turmoil…What he needs at the moment is to strengthen his Twinkle to win the battle of life nd death paramount…

All the memories spent with Twinkle is flashing before his vision……His heart is aching badly with each nd every minute’s passing forth…

After sometime doc comes out from ICU….

Seeing him kunj’s heart started to beat faster…. Fear of hearing something not expected from doc is sending a numerous dithering to his recesses of heart..

Kunj clears his tears nd asked him with a hope.. ” How is she?… Tell me plz….”.

Doc is able to see his deteriorating plight…

Doc-” Mr Sarna calm down… Just relax yourself…. Ur wife is completely alright… Though the poison overtook her senses nd due to it we felt so much difficulty while operating her… At one time we lost our hopes to save her but miracles do happen… Finally God has heard ur prayers nd see he gave u ur wife back…. ”

Kunj’s joy knew no boundaries…. In spite of being happy he started to sob more harder…

Doc -” Control yourself Mr Sarna… Why r u sad know infact u should be happy that ur wife is fine…. Aren’t u happy? “….

Kunj hugs him…..
K-” Thank you sir…. Today what u did for me I will indebted for it to u for my whole life….. U gave me my world back…. These tears r the symbol of my happiness that I got my life back after struggling with hardships….. Can I meet her “….

Doc -” U shouldn’t be thanking us coz what we did was out of my our duty towards our profession nd u ppl trust on us…. Yes u can meet but plz don’t disturb her…. Right now her body is weak she needs to be propelled from the trauma completely… “..

K-” Sure doc I won’t… “…



Kunj enters the ward nd see’s Twinkle sleeping calmly….

He moves towards her nd sits beside her….
He holds her hand nd kisses on it…. He started to caresses her hair’s nd bends closer to her to place a peck on her forehead….

While kissing on her forehead a tear drop falls from his eye’s which is drops on Twinkle’s closed eye’s….
Kunj takes unconscious Twinkle in his embrace…. Due to his touch… His pain… Twinkle slowly ; slowly opens her eye’s but kunj didn’t noticed this……

T-” Kunj “….. She breathes heavily…

Kunj is shocked to hear her soft voice… He breaks the hug nd see’s her awake…..

K-” Twinkle….. Twinkle…. “….. He is trying hard to speak but only the single word is coming out from his mouth….. Tears r constantly gushing from his eye’s…

Twinkle smiles seeing him and actions him not to cry more nd pleaded him to wash off his tears…

Kunj smiles brightly nd in a gasp he clutched her tightly… While Twinkle also responded back….

The hug is full of satisfaction that still their r destined together…..
They both wanted time to stop so that they can relish this moment for eternity… Being in each other’s clinch is giving them tremendous amount of atonement coz of having their loved one in their arms… No other thoughts do matters to them at that moment…
The fear of losing eo for once is tending them to hold them even tighter… Both of them r getting pleasure to envelop the one they love… Kunj is breathing in her smell, feeling her fast beating heart against his… While Twinkle is carrying the feeling that kunj is all her’s…..

Kunj speaks… “See Twinkle our love finally prevailed over the miseries.. We won…. I will never let you to leave my hand again…. I will protect u , care for u ; will love u forever…
These few hours made me realised ur importance in my life…. That one mere thought of losing u was making me realise the darkness in my life without u… I can’t afford to leave u… Never….. “..

Twinkle breaks the hug nd cups his face…. She kisses his lips….

T-” My bhuddhu (stupid) hubby what u think that so easily u will be free from my clutches…. No never… Forever ur whole life more to say for this life nd for next birth also u r imprisoned in my love… I won’t leave ur hand so easily……my love for you is eternal….. I LOVE U…. nd now u will say that u don’t love me then I will say that you do… Then u will again disagree to it nd for proving that I’m right I will again drink poison…. Tell me this will only happen na!! “…. .

Kunj gives his one eye brow look… Nd both burst out laughing….

K-” Same mistake won’t be repeated again….. I LOVE U TOO MY EMPRESS…. U R RULING YOUR BEAST HEART JAAN… “..

Both smiles nd touches their foreheads…..

Day’s passes by….. While Twinkle was still at hospital being under observation…. Kunj’s love helps her to recover soon…


Kunj is feeding soup to Twinkle when Leela nd Rt enters the room..
Seeing them Twinkle’s feels so esthetic…. While Leela controls her grief seeing her…

Kunj moves back… While Leela comes nd stands beside Twinkle’s bed…..

Twinkle moves to hug her but Leela moves back…. Twinkle gets baffled seeing this..
T-” Maa u came here to see me.. Then why r not embracing me… ”
L-” I came here to not shower my motherly love upon u but to see you regretting on ur choice… This boy kunj was ur decision coz of which u betrayed us nd see what r u getting in return…Coz of him u r lying here…Nice choice I must say!!…. Finally my words r showing their presence on ur married life…. Very soon coz of him ur life will be ruined… For us u died on the day of ur marriage….. Nd still u r dead for us… ”

Twinkle is not able to control her pain seeing Leela’s anger towards her…..
While kunj is not able to see her in that condition….

He speaks….
K-” Enough is enough…. Not a word more… What u all think that she is responsible for hampering ur status nd respect….so let me tell u Mrs Taneja u r wrong…
She never wanted to marry me but it was me who forced her to do so…. She tried hard to reject my proposal but I warned her that if she won’t be getting married to me then I will slaughtering down u both to death.. She was never behind me nor she loves at that time… She used to hate me….. I did wrong with her…. I created those situations so that u can doubt on her character nd disowned her nd see I did that……. “..

L-” U did all that purposely but why….. What enemy u had with my daughter…. Tell me or else I will smear ur blo*dy face “…

K-” Today I have to speak truth or else I won’t be able to face myself for whole life… Now I can’t carry this sin burden more on my heart….

I did all this bcoz Yuvraj blackmailed me to do so.. … “…

All gets shocked…
T-” Yuvi….. But why… He used to love me then how can he think to force u to do all that cheap thing’s with me “…..

K-” No Twinkle he never loved u in fact he was always in a search of opportunity to take revenge from u nd ur parents….. Whenever he meets with me he always say one thing… That he will destroy ur family…. He will mark a in washable stain to your family reputation… Even I asked him they reason behind his enmity but he never told me …. ”

L-” OK once I trust u with ur talks but tell me why did u accepted his orders so easily…. For what he was blackmailing u? “..

K-” I know what I will say now u all won’t believe on it but that’s the only reality…

I accepted his orders coz of my sister ; Mahi’s sake….. Six months back Yuvi met with Mahi at Mumbai in her official conference nd somehow he managed to woo her…..
One night Yuvi made her have heavy dose of alcohol coz of which she lost her perceiving power nd he took the advantage of her situation nd clicked some intimate pic’s with her… And that pics he used against me as my weak point…
At once I was shocked to realise that he got too close with my sis but he told me that nothing happened between them he just took this pic to use a weapon but if I not do as per his orders he will leaks these pic’s in social networking sites nd will defame my Mahi……

I asked him to tell me what he wanted me to do…. He straight away told me that I have to help him to destroy Taneja empire nd Twinkle being the weakest point of Leela nd Rt will be targeted to seek his revenge…. “..

Leela starts to clap…….
L-” Just to save ur sis life u played with my daughter’s feelings… U harassed her nd now u say that u love her…. Huuhhh!….. Bullshit person like u can’t never love anyone…. U not only snatched her respect but also Chinki’s one…. “…

K-” No……. For God sake stop saying this again nd again….. I didn’t harassed Chinki nor Twinkle…. But it was all Yuvi’s plan….. That day also he called me at hotel to discuss something nd when I reached at the room number he told me ; I heard some noises coming from the room …. I broke the room door forcibly nd found Chinki lying on the floor… When I tried to catch Yuvi he again blackmailed me nd ran away… Nd then Twinkle reached over their along with police… Nd considered me as a culprit.. I begged to her but she wasn’t ready to trust me…. I was so helpless that though I was knowing about the real culprit but still I was not able to reveal his name… My lips were sealed coz of my sis love…… “…

Twinkle feels guilty for what she did with him….
T-” But kunj if u r saying this then what happened between us at ur farmhouse “….

K-” Twinkle it’s true I got u kidnapped as per Yuvi’s saying but I didn’t even touched u…. One of my female frnd made u changed ur clothes nd covered u with bedsheet so that when u wake up at morning u can believe that we got intimate…. Yuvi wanted ur respect to be mutilated……
For making him believe I did all that but he don’t know that I didn’t did anything wrong with u


But when in the morning u woked up u were not ready to believe it nd for making u to trust on it ; I pushed u on the bed nd kissed
Not only this he was the one who was keeping his eye on ur every move… He told me that u r going to police station nd I should stop u from lodging to compliant….

Remember Twinkle u talked with Yuvi that u want to meet with him at hotel to clear all the misunderstanding between u both but instead of him I reached at the hotel room…. It was Yuvi only who called me nd told me to meet with you at the hotel room nd get close to u so that at the right time he can enter the room nd prove u wrong in front of ur parents….
Yes I agree that time I got closed with u but at that time my love for u was genuine…. I fell in love with you at the first sight when I saw u playing with children as the park… ”

Twinkle eyes him adorningly….

L-” I don’t believe u…. I’m sure it’s ur some sort of planning behind it…. Its ur new game plan “…..

Someone speaks from behind…
” It’s not his new game plan but he is saying true… He is innocent…. It’s that cheapo Yuvi behind all this… “….

Everyone turns back nd finds Chinki standing….

Finally the most awaited moment came…. This was the real reason behind kunj’s Beast behaviour…..
I hope u all liked it… Do tell plz….

Still more secrets to to be revealed in upcoming episodes… So stay tuned…
Only 2 shots r left for this ff to come to an end.. So please keep supporting like always u all do….



Cute ....bubbly... smart... zyada hogaya na...but a big fan of Twinj # me ...myself..die hard fan of musical voice ARIJIT SINGH #

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