Celestial Love vs Human Love { Maitree, Ashish SS- Part 4 }

In much fear Maitree ran inisde the house.

Dadi : Maitree what happened ?

Maitree : Dadi there is something going on at that Gandharva Mandir .

Dadi : What ? Did you see Gandharva ?

Maitree : I saw Kalyani Buwa Maasa there …I mean whether it’s a soul or ghost….I won’t go there anymore….Dadi ..

Dadi : Maitree !! You are in danger now….

Maitree : Dadi !!

Dadi takes Maitree to a dark room .

Maitree : Dadi why you take me to this room ? This room was locked for so many years…..

Dadi : Sshh!! Before things get worse immediately the anger of Gandharva should be controlled .

Maitree : What are you saying Dadi ? I am not understanding anything.

Dadi : You have certainly did something which Gandharva is not liking . That’s why he warned you like that …..I will call Tantrik . Only that’s the way you will be cured…

Maitree : Tantrik!!! But they will do black magic which is banned now….Dadi this is not right …

Dadi : Don’t teach me what is right and wrong …All these happened because you crossed this village and started going college….

Maitree : Dadi !!

Dadi : Just shut your mouth and sit there.

Tantrik arrives who looked like a witch. He chanted something and Maitree got fainted.

But he wasn’t able to continue the black magic as suddenly the whole room’s things started moving here and there….A big storm was formed inside the room and both Dadi and Tantrik got trapped inside them.

Suddenly an oracle was heard but the image was not visible ” Leave Maitree . She is my princess and you don’t have any right to do harm for her ”

Dadi : Gandharva !! Forgive us …We thought Kalyani’s ghost will capture her body . That’s why Tantrik came.

“Just Leave Maitree else I will kill you both .”

The storm got ended. Tantrik and Dadi ran outside .Soon the door of the dark room got closed. Tantrik gives a red dhaaga to dadi and says once Maitree comes back she should tie the dhaaga at her wrist  . So that Maitree will be protected. Tantrik goes away.

Gandharva comes near Maitree and looks her . Slowly Maitree opened her eyes and she gets shocked to see Gandharva

Gandharva held her hand and looked her sharply.

Maitree : Don’t come to me. You can trap other girls but not me Gandharva…Just go away …I ….I don’t like you….You are a beast …..What you did with Kalyani Buwa Maasa ? I will find it and will expose you….

Suddenly Gandharva gave a daring look and Maitree stood as bold though inner mind she was feeling so much fear.

Gandharva : How can you prove it ? She is already dead…..

Maitree : That means did you ? ? Did you killed my Buwa Maasa ?

Gandharva : So silly …You are going behind those dead corpse …What about the living person who is close to you ?

Maitree recalled the way Ashish’s forehead got wounded…..She feels worried for him.

Maitree : Don’t dare to harm Ashish . If you do that …

Gandharva : What will you do ? I am Gandharva ….The king of Celestial World …..The powerful owner of Gandharva Mandir …

Maitree : I will destroy that Gandharva Mandir with my hands…..

Gandharva becomes silent

Maitree turns to go . Gandharva holds her hand from back

Gandharva ; Perhaps you have forgot everything. When you turns 21 I will take you with me .

Maitree : Who are you to decide my life ? I will never come with you ….Not now and not in any circumstance.

Gandharva : I will wait for you…

Maitree ; Better you wait for to face the battle of truth. Because now onwards I am in search of finding the truth.

Gandharva : You are challenging a Gandharva.

Maitree : If you have courage then accept the challenge and leave me…By scaring people and trapping them into your celestial world won’t work anymore. And I challenge I will prove it.

Gandharva : And if you fail then..

Maitree : As per the deal I will come with you when I turns 21.

Gandharva leaves her hand and goes away. Maitree takes a breath of relief

Maitree came out from room.

Dadi ; Maitree …

Maitree : Dadi from now onwards this room should not be closed like these. It should always be open.

Dadi ; Beta this room is for that purpose when a soul or ghost attacks .

Maitree : Dadi it has gone….And better we don’t remember those things….

Dadi : Maitree !!

Maitree : What ?

Dadi : Beta these much boldness in you !!! But few time back you was shivering in fear.

Maitree : I have learned to conquer my fear Dadi.

Dadi : Something has happened to you.

She ties the red dhaaga on her wrist.

Dadi ; Don’t remove this dhaaga from your hand.

Maitree goes to her room .Dadi feels confused.

Next day 

Ashish : Maitree after classes you usually go home. But you are saying you want to go somewhere else.. Why ?

Maitree : You are my best friend are you ?

Ashish : Of course. But what’s the matter/

Maitree : I need to go police station.

Ashish ; What ?

Maitree : Yes you heard it right.

Ashish : Maitree….Any problem ?

Maitree : He is the one and only problem creator that Gandharva…I need to find everything. And in my search this is the first step.

Ashish : Maitree !!

Maitree ; Are you ready to help me or not ?

Ashish  ; Maitree…..I think you are so much upset…..Do one thing your buwa’s home is nearest to the college na. I will drop you there.

You may take rest and let your mind be free..

Maitree ; I am serious….I want to find the truth behind the murder of my Buwa Maasa Kalyani……

Ashish : Okay Maitree…I will come with you..

Maitree : Thank you for trusting me Ashish.

They both goes to police station .

Inspector : That murder happened so many years back. And the whole village believes because of Gandharva’s curse only she died and her dead body was find in river. That time from none of your family member came for the enquiry and case. After three generations why you are keen to know it ?

Maitree : Sir I feels something is going behind it. And I guess If I get the file and post mortem report of Kalyani Buwa Maasi then I can find …

Inspector : Maitree Thakur ……Don’t deal with this….Better you study well

Ashish ; Sir she is a member from that family and she has full rights to know it…

Inspector : But those time who investigated the case how it got closed many of those officers are either dead or become very old. They are no more in service. What will you do beta ?

Maitree : Sir please I need that files….Please…

Inspector ; Whatever is been kept here it’s incomplete record. Whoever tried to find truth they faced so many unusual things….So take care…

Inspector handover the files…

Maitree : Thank you Sir..

They both gets inside the car and while going back suddenly heavy rain started bursting and the roads became flooded with water….

Their car almost got drowned .Maitree and Ashish managed to took the file and both of them went inside a building on side road as only that part was left which was not drowned in water. Both of them went inside and sat in corner.

Maitree : Ashish what will we do now ?

Ashish ; In this heavy flood there is no electricity , phone signals won’t work. Once the rain stops I guess we can find a way….

Maitree ; I am sorry . Because of me you also …

Ashish : Maitree it’s a natural calamity. This has nothing to do with your buwa’s death.

Maitree ; I don’t know Ashish. But I feels something dangerous is going to happen…

Suddenly they heard foot steps of some one….

Maitree : Ashish !!

Ashish ; I am with you Maitree. don’t worry

He holds her hand and they both looks on the side where the voice was heard.



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