Celestial Love vs Human Love { Maitree, Ashish SS – -Part 5 }

Ashish : Maitree the sound is coming closer…

Maitree : I also noticed .

Suddenly the voice got clear. It was a song .

Maitree : This song….I have heard it earlier…It is singing by Gandharva…

Ashish ; Now I understand what you were saying was right Maitree…..Maitree…some one is there..But only shadow is visible…

Maitree : Yeah may be two….Let’s check…

They goes to the corner side and what they find there made them to feel much shocked..

They saw Gandharva romancing  with a girl . Maitree was very much shocked because that girl exactly looked like Maitree.

Indravallari poo choodi varum sundara hemantha rathri 

Enne nin maarile maya malarile mandara malarakku

Ividam vrindha vanamakku

Suddenly that girl hugged Gandharva emotionally and said : Due to curse from Gandharva King I can’t be with you always….We can never unite…But I swear I will take rebirth as human being in earth and will become your celestial angel forever…


Gandharva : It will take centuries for getting a rebirth. But till that time as per the rule of Gandharva Lok I need to bring fairies at Gandharva Lok. By making human girls as fairies I can always remain as young. I will never get old. The more fairies I will give to Gandharva Lok Gandharva Raj will be pleased and he will provide me Magical Herb and by eating that one I will always remain as youngster. From one place to another I will travel and find fairies. But the moment when I find you as my fairy I will stop my search and I will come to you.

And I promise I will sacrifice human birth and accompany you to Gandharva lok. Once you find me as human girl I mean the form which you loved me you should took me to Gandharva Temple….There with the special sword you should stab me and I will remember whatever promise I did to you now.,….Then my life as a human being will be ended and I will transform as a celestial angel , your princess forever….Yours Mitralopa …One and only Maitreyi

Gandharva:But I can’t kill you . ….Maitreyi…

Maitreyi : I will kill myself if you can’t kill me ….Whatever happens never allow any one to destroy Gandharva Mandir….Because if Gandharva Mandir is destroyed then I can never become your angel Gandharva Chitrasen.

Gandharva : Maitreyi!! I will never allow any one to destroy the Gandharva Mandir…

Maitreyi : Our love is not the usual one…..For making fairies you need to attract young girls with songs…..Perhaps afterwards they won’t live long.

Gandharva ; I don’t care….I cares for you only Maitreyi..

Maitreyi : And I cares my Gandharva only. Capture girls , make them as fairies and once I tooks rebirth you have to attract me also . Because in human birth I won’t remember anything….

Gandharva : I know….But making you as fairy when you are human means…..I need to kill you like the way I have to kill all the girls…But I can’t kill you…

Maitreyi : We have no other option……

Seeing all these Maitree screamed ; No!!!!

How can I be so cruel ? How can I be these much merciless ? So all those deaths….That means I am also responsible for it…My Kalyani Buwa Maasa….

Suddenly Gandharva appeared before her

Maitreyi !!

Maitree : Just go away…I hate you…I am Maitree, not your Maitreyi….And what I saw now…..I won’t believe this….

Gandharva ; You saw truth only.

Ashish ; What does that mean ? Are you really Gandharva or any Tantrik who is doing black magic ?Or any ghost ? Or any supernatural creature ?

Gandharva : Interesting what all descriptions you are giving me you blo*dy human creature…

Saying this Gandharva beated Ashish and Ashish fell down with a scream…Maitree screamed : Ashish !!



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