Chakravarti Ashoka Samrat 4th March 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Radhagupt tells Chanayka that Ashok was seen practicing in school and you know who helped him? Chanayka says Siamak, his soldier comes and says i was waiting for your student Nirjaraa but she didnt come yesterday, Chanayka says she cant deny my order, find her, he finds lion(chandragupt) there and gets worried that what problem it can be.
Bindu ask soldiers that Dharma went from palace and nobody even told me, where did she go? soldier informs that Dharma was seen going somewhere in cart, she was worried about her son, Bindu ask do anyone know about her son? dasies no, she never talk about her family, Justin says dont you people know that a wild animal is in jungle, if Bindu was informed then he would have prepared for her safe journey, Khurasan informs that we have
Scene 2
Bindu comes in jungle. Khurasan says crows are coming here so it means someone is being hunted by wild animal, they find tyre marks, Khurasan says this way goes to Patliputra, justin points to his soldier, soldier comes to Bindu and shows bangle to bindu saying he found it in jungle, Justin says whose it can be, they go in jungle and find deadbody there, it is covered with leaves, Bindu is shocked to see same bangle in her hand, her face is damaged, Khurasan ask to cover her face, Bindu recalls how Dharma treated his wounds with utmost care, how she showed him way on many things, he says the one who protected me, the one who gave me new life, i was not able to protect her, forgive me, Khurasan says it was her fate, a wild animal attacked her, Bindu says i wont leave that animal alive now, he leaves.
Chanayka gets the same bangle, he ask soldier to find that deadbody is of Dharma, he ask if you saw her face? soldier says her face is damaged, Chanayka says i want proof, he ask about Nirjara, soldier says dont know about her, Chanayka says i had appointed Nirjara for protection of Dharma, where did she go, Radhagupt ask if this news is true then? chanayka says Ashok should not know this.
Scene 3
at funeral, dharma’s body is covered with white sheet, Bindu says to her that i am sorry, i couldnt protect you, but i promise you that now your son’s responsibility is mine, i will meet him, will say sorry to him and will take up responsibility of his upbringing, Bindu ask to give her funeral a royal respect, he covers her body with Maurya’s special sheet, he orders to find her son and bring him to me as soon as possible.
otherside Radhagupt shows ring (which Bindu gifted Dharma on their marriage) which he found near deadbody,he recalls how Dharma had that ring, Chanakya says that this is of Dharma’s only but i still dont believe this, Radha says all proofs prove that the deadbody is of Dharma only and about Nirjara, it can be that she went to enemies side, it is proven that Nirjara didnt protect Dharma, this means Dhrama is dead..Chanayka says very unfortunate, Ashok what will happen to him, i promised Ashok that i will protect them both, if Ashok gets know about it then it will be huge problem.
PRECAP- Helena says that Ashok will not able to bear death news of his mother, he will not remain in control of Dharma. Otherside Chanayka says that if Ashok ask me about his mother’s death then i should have answer to give it to him. later Ashok is heart broken and is leaving Patliputra, he finds a lady in veil and hugs her saying i knew Maa you are alive, he looks at her face and is stunned. otherside Chanayka says to this soldiers that Ashok will try to leave Patliputra but we have to stop him at any cost.
Update Credit to: Atiba