Chale na Zor Ishq Pe (Ishqaan – Ishq par zor nahin) Part 5

Hi Guys.. the next part is here..

I have written it keeping some practicality in mind, after all life is not a fairy tale. But in case any of you feel that my storyline is not in the right path, or if you’re not enjoying it please let me know.

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Ishqi got ready to go to her office, and when she came out Ahaan was standing there, by his car. He wore a navy-blue suit with a black tie, rare combination but he looked so good in it. When she came to him, he opened the car door for her.

“I will be dropping and picking you up everyday from your office” he tells her.

“You don’t have to do that Ahaan”

“I have very less time Ishqi and I am going to make use of every minute of it” he looks at her intensely.

Ishqi smiles and gets in the car, and they start driving to her office.

“I am sure you know where my office is, just like you know my home address. You got it from Mr.Mehta right”?

“You were always very smart Isqhi”

Ishqi turned her head to look out of the window and smiled, Ahaan had complimented her. But her smile soon died down when she remembered something.

She looked at him again and asked

“Ahaan, what about Riya, you were going to marry her. And now you are here to marry me”

He took the car to the side of the road and stopped.

She looked at him questioning him silently

He took her hand in his, and she just looked at him

“Three months ago, when Sonu told me the truth I realized it was all a misunderstanding. That you were not at fault. And the thing which I had buried deep down finally came to the surface, that I liked you and I wanted you in my life. So, I broke off with Riya. I tried searching you, but because you had changed your name, I couldn’t find you”

He had searched for her and that filled her heart. Out of their own will Ishqi’s other hand moved to their joined hands. And they just held hands looking at each other. The honking sound of the vehicles bought them out of their thoughts, and they immediately took their hands back. Ahaan dropped at her office and left for his work. For a few days he would work from his office here. He had also taken a flat for him to stay, so that he can be with her.

As soon as Ishqi entered her office, there was a huge bouquet on her table. Her secretary told her it was delivered in the morning. She happily took the card and her face fell; it was from Rohan… Ishqi felt guilty as she thought they were from Ahaan.

Just then her phone rang

“I hope you got my flowers, how is your day going” Rohan asked her

She thanked him for the flowers, and told him about Ahaan dropping her to office, and that he was searching her, but couldn’t find her.

Rohan was silent listening to this, he knew that Ishqi was developing a soft corner for Ahaan.

“How about a dinner date tonight” he asked her.

Ishqi was already guilty of not having the same feelings for Rohan, so she accepted.

“I will pick you up at 8, we will go to your favorite restaurant” They had some more small talk and then carried on with their day.

It was already evening and Ishqi came out of her office, she was wondering if she should call Ahaan to pick her, but he was already there waiting for her. She came to him and smiled.

“Can we have dinner tonight” he asked her

“I am having a date with my fiancée tonight, sorry cant make it” she said while sitting in the car, and didn’t miss the annoyed look on Ahaan face, good even she felt the same when he used to be with Riya. Wait, was she actually admitting to have been jealous of Riya. Her feelings were confusing her.

He dropped her at her home and went away silently.

Coming back to his home, he called someone.


At the restaurant Ishqi and Rohan were having dinner, but both in their own thoughts.

“Ishqi how about we take a vacation for a few days, it will be a good break for you too” Rohan asked

“You know I have given another chance to Ahaan, how can I leave just in between”

“Ishqi, if Ahaan proves himself to you, that he trusts and respects you, then what”?

She looked at him but didn’t know the answer to his question. He was right, then what?

“What should I make of your silence Ishqi” Rohan asked

She looked at him and took his hand in his “Rohan, right now I am really confused, you are a very good friend of mine, please give me some time, I will answer your questions”

How would she answer those questions when she herself didn’t understand them? Her relationship with Rohan was getting strained because of this, she had to find a way.

That night once Rohan dropped her home, she thought about what she had to do next. She had feelings for Ahaan, that was true, but they weren’t compatible. With all these thoughts she drifted off to sleep

The next day Ahaan picked her again and dropped her to office, this had become their daily routine, he would pick and drop her daily. And they would have small talks on the way. They hadn’t known each other much, so these daily trips helped them understand each other more.

One such evening Ahaan was waiting to pick her up from her office. It was already 7PM and still she had not come. He waited one more hour, but still she didn’t come. He was thinking if he should call her, but he thought that might disturb her work. After an hour he could no longer wait and called her, but she didn’t pick up. He went to the reception to enquire and he was told that Isqhi was busy and asked that she should not be disturbed.

The next morning Ishqi walked out of her office and saw Ahaan sleeping on the sofa at the reception. She took a moment to admire his lovely face, she gently touched his cheek, and he woke up.

He smiled at her “come, let me take you home, you must be tired and need to rest”

“Are you not going to ask me anything” she enquired

He just looked at her “I am not sure if I have that right to ask you anything”

“Our server went down last night, the server from where people order our company products, and I was getting it rectified. It is huge loss even for one night if people can’t order. But you didn’t have to wait for me Ahaan” she said emotionally.

“Looks like the server is rectified, else you wouldn’t be out” he said playfully.

She laughed at that “come let’s go” he told her and started walking ahead

“Ahaan wait… this situation is an example of how my work is. I might not be there for you or family at times like these when there are crisis. At this kind of times my work will be my priority and family might have to take a backseat. You believe that for a woman family should be the most important. Do you think if we come together, you will be ok with these situations” she finished and waited, her heart was thudding with what Ahaan answer will be.

Ahaan came near her “I understand it Ishqi. You have built this company from scratch, and you must have put lots of effort in it, just like I have. Its not easy to be successful. I wont lie and say it didn’t affect me at all, but I promise to be more understanding in the future”


Hope you all like it, I want Ahaan to understand and adapt, and change his preconceived notions about women… Like for ex how important Ishqi work, dreams and ambitions are important to her, just like his work is for him. Please do comment, so that I know if its going in right direction.








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