Bulbul: How many times I have to call u Dodo Bird?
Pragya: Argghhh! I am telling u many times not to call me as Dodo bird!!!
Bulbul: You are a Dodo bird! Ok tell me now where are u?
Pragya: Ma never told u?
Bulbul: No..she is cooking in kitchen. When I asked her she said Dodo bird fly to find food.
Pragya was getting annoyed of the name Dodo bird.
Bulbul: I can see u….Dodo bird’s face is getting red!
Pragya: I will bite and eat u!
Bulbul: Arrey Dodo bird doesn’t eat humans. Check its diet in google. Ok?
Pragya ended the call in frustration and Anita looking at her laughed.
Anita: You are called as Dodo?
Pragya: Stop it Ani!
Anita continued to tease her by calling Dodo which made Pragya to cry.
Anita: Omg! You are crying?
She said that by hugging her.
Pragya: I am not Dodo! Ok?
She said that by weeping.
Anita: Okok…for this u are crying…
Pragya nodded her head and smiled lightly.
Anita: Tell me why Bulbul calls u Dodo?
Pragya: She says I am like a rare piece…Dodo bird is extinct na…so she said I am as rare as Dodo….
Anita: Aww that’s very cute na…Like u are unique…that’s what she means in a funny way….
Pragya was stubborn and denied Anita’s words and walked towards Anita’s house.
Anita smiled at Pragya’s stubborn and innocence.
She too followed her back to the house.
Days passed.
Finally it’s 20 Feb!! I am super excited! I have packed everything and now going to airport! Finally I am flying off!
I let a deep sigh of relief looking at my ticket to Frankfurt, Germany.
Oh god! Why is this journey to airport looks so long!
She thought that by looking at the traffic jam.
Cursing the heavy traffic in Mumbai, she started to dream of Frankfurt and the other destinations that she planned to visit with full of fantasy.
Bulbul: We have reached the airport Dodo!
Pragya came back to her senses and frowned at Bulbul for calling her Dodo again.
She came out with her bags and Bubul was keep on chuckling at her angry sister.
Bulbul took the luggages for Pragya and followed Pragya inside the airport.
Bulbul exclaimed: Oh Dodo! Don’t fly now itself! U still have time to fly off!
Pragya with her heads up in a arrogant way walked further.
After a while she turned back to see her sister.
Bulbul smiled and Pragya was still looked angry.
Bulbul lip sync Dodo without sound and Pragya seeing that again turned back.
This Bulbul is so annoying! Dodo! In which angle do I look like a Dodo bird!!
With that thoughts she walking further and was stunned to see him.
Bulbul came near Pragya and patted her shoulder.
Pragya came back to senses and looked at her blankly.
Bulbul: Dodo! Are u here? This is still Mumbai!
Pragya: NS is here…
Bulbul: Kya? NS?
Pragya: Naughty star…
Bulbul chuckled hearing that and shaked Pragya from her stunned position.
Pragya: Wo..Bulbul that’s a long story…look there! That is NS!
Bulbul looked at the direction she pointed and was surprised to see him.
Bulbul: You know him before?
Pragya: Just recently…
Bulbul: I have seen him before….but can’t remember when and where…
Pragya with shock: What? U seen him before?
Bulbul: Leave all this aside! U go and check in first.
Pragya went to check in and he was in front of her too.
Within her she felt today she can find his name easily by asking the person in the counter when it’s her turn.
I knew I can find his name easily! Today for sure I will know his name.
She gave a proud smirk with those thoughts.
He turned behind. He saw her with a smirk too and pointed at her by talking something to the person attending to him. Hearing that the person smiled and nodded her head.
Pragya seeing that looked behind and wondered who is he pointing at. What is he telling? I can’t hear what is he telling!! Damn if there is no people in front of me, it would be better. But my bad luck there is a family of five in front of me in the queue.
Then it was Pragya’s turn and the procedures were finished.
Pragya with hesitation asked :Err…just now a man with a red cap was here right? Can I check his name? He is my childhood friend but I forgot his name…
The lady with a wide smile: Mam…He told me you are his fiancé and whatever fights the two of u have, he requested you to not make it publicize by asking his name and irritate him…
Pragya shrieked: What? He told like that? I will handle him for sure!
Lady: Mam…I still have others in the queue to attend to…so hope u can understand that…
She said that by showing her hand to the queue behind and Pragya with embarrassment moved from the queue.
He looking at this from a distance laughed silently.
Pragya walked furiously towards him and was keep on staring at him.
“ Looks like u are hot!” He said with a smirk.
“ Liar! Why did u said I am your fiancé??”She asked in a high pitched tone.
“ Same to u! Am I your childhood friend?” He replied.
Pragya looked away and said “ I just wanted to find your name…so I lied…”
“ I just wanted to give u more time to find my name…so I lied…” He said that by adjusting his cap.
“ Fine…nice to meet u NS!” She said with a pleasant smile.
“ I am not surprised Ani told about me…and ya Nice to meet u Pragya…” He responded.
“Did u know before that she would share about u to me?” She asked in a surprised tone.
“ Vaguely…” He said and signalled to her that there is a place to sit.
“ Oh…then u are also going to Frankfurt?” She asked in excitement.
Abhi smiled at her and nodded his head.
“ That’s great! I have someone whom I know to be at a fantasy land…” She said in a dreamy tone.
He raised his eyebrow at her and said “ I am not going for holiday trip though…”
“ Then for what else?” Pragya questioned.
“ Personal issues…” He replied in a serious tone making her not to ask him anything further.
Bulbul ran to where they were sitting and she asked Pragya to talk to her personally.
He stood up saying “ I can be away for a while…if you two want to talk personally”
“It’s alright…I can talk to my sister near the food outlet there….” Pragya replied and she walked together with Bulbul far from where Abhi was.
Bulbul: Dodo! I know who is he!!!
She said impatiently.
Pragya: Who? Faster tell!
She asked in urgency.
Bulbul: Don’t know his name but u rejected him!!!
Pragya in confusion: What? What are u telling? Can u tell me clearly!
Bulbul explained the matter leaving Pragya shocked.
She looked at the direction of where Abhi was and couldn’t believe what she had done before.
To be challenged….
Love to give long updates but I am just stopping where my brain stops working if not it would be longer. Hope u all can understand
Awwww!!!! You stopped it really in a mysterious way……..SO EAGER TO READ THE NEXT ONE………..Lovinggggg it!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Reshu! Was tired halfway writing it too?? so I stopped it!
Very nice…awaiting for next…update soon…
Thank u Sowji???
U r stopped at the wrong time sissy y pragya rejected him hw sis abhi know tat anita will share about him with her omg damn interesting curiosity increased lovely update sissy enjoyed keep rocking eagerly waiting for ur nxt update sissy
All your doubts will be revealed one by one in the upcoming updates? Hopefully Mokshi sis?
Superb episode…. waiting for next one…sissy.
Thank u Sangi!?
Ohh god such a cute update abd bulbul tellng at last was awesome loved it love u akka?????
Hehe cute update ah? ?? Thank u sis!?love u too???
I think she rejected him when he came as a groom for her. So that y he tell there as her as fiancé… Just my guess.. Bu the way…pls update soon. U stopped in suspense yaar…thats not fair…
Yes u are right! But he doesn’t know she is the one who rejected her!?
Hai, am a silent reader of ur ffs. It s awesome yarr. I just love ths story beynd d limit.
Hi Vaidhu! That’s so sweet of u and thank u for reading my ffs???
Super dear….
Thanks friend?
awesome chapter waiting for ur next update
Thank u Abhigya?
its tooo amazing dear,,, u are too cute
I am not cute haha?? btw thanks for finding it amazing lopez?
As usual awesome update dii.. loved it.. eagerly waiting for next part dii.. love you.. take care
Thank u priyanka sis for your eagerness. Love u too and take care?
Awesome..eagerly waiting next episode
And i think may be abhi a guy who sugesst to married pragya before
Partially right Priya. Keep reading to know more? thank u for reading??
awesome..!!!! & am glad .. u came back!!! than qqq soooo much!!! i really enjoyed the part where abhi said pragya is his fiance & pragya said he is her childhood frnd!! smart move of abhiii
;)loved it&waiting for the next update sis!!!
Glad that u enjoyed the part sis??? and no need to thank me for this haha I just scribble whatever comes up in my mind.???
super diii….
Thank u Akshaya sis???
Thank u Afiaa??