Categories: Chanchan

Chanchan 12th August 2013 Written Episode Update

Chanchan 12th August 2013 Written Episode, Chanchan 12th August 2013 Written Update

CC is busy in the kitchen and Maanav comes and wants to get romantic…However, CC is pre-occupied in her tension of defeating Mayruli…She tells Maanav that Mayruli is an expert at everything and anything and will be stiff competition for Kaumodi…She also thinks that no one can be so perfect and sweet at everything and her appearance is probably fake…

Manav however, is in a romantic mood but CC was not picking up on the signals…The only way Manav is able to gain CC attention is by kidnapping her and again he tries to get romantic but he is interrupted by the entrance of Dadaji…

Dadaji wonders what CC and Manav are up to so late..Manav struggles to come up with an excuse as to what he and CC are up to…The moment is diverted when CC says that she

will go and make his room…

The following morning, UB tells the family as Dadaji is here, no one will speak aloud about Mukat and Kaumodi’s situation…Mukat gets a letter to congratulate him and honour him for becoming the youngest business leader of the year….Manav reads the invitation and says that the invitation is for both husband and wife….Dadaji is proud of his grandson…

Mukat however wants to share this news with someone else…He leaves the table and calls Mayruli and shares the news and thanks her for all her help…He says that he wants to celebrate the honour with her and has booked a table for 2 in an Italian Restaurant at 1pm…Kaumodi overhears the entire conversation and is upset..

She tells UB, CC and Manav…Manav believes that Kaumodi should be the one who should share in the celebration…CC starts with what is right and says that Kaumodi has equal right to the honour as she looked after the family when Mukat could concentrate on the business…She vows to get justice for Kaumodi…She say she has a plan and says that she will need Manav’s help…

Manav calls Mayruli and informs her that the restaurant appointment has been delayed by an hour…At the restaurant, Mukat is waiting for his mistress…He notices Manav, CC with Kaumodi, Sanjana and Ranjana entering the restaurant…They approach Mukat who informs him that he is here meeting some business client and asks them to leave…however, the family stay and decide to eat food with Mukat…

CC quite cunningly switches off Mukat’s mobile phone and tells Kaumodi that Mayruli wont disturb them during their lunch…They order different dishes but Kaumodi is unable to use the fork to eat pasta and embarrasses Mukat…He scolds her in front of everyone and says that this is the reason as to why he is unable to go anywhere with Kaumodi as she has no class or elegance…He leaves the restaurant after paying the bill..

Back at home, CC says she thought that in public Mukat would not scold her but her plan backfired…UB says that Kaumodi will accompany Mukat for the honour celebration…CC says that she will dress her and pick her outfit…UB says that she has already brought her a sari…She showd the sari but CC is not liking it as its very heavy and not modern..She tries to explain that the sari is wrong but Mukat enters and says that Kaumodi will not accompany him for the party but Mayruli will…

Once Mukat leaves, CC thinks that Kaumodi will need to have a makeover to impress her husband…However, UB thinks they also need divine intervention to help Kaumodi…However, once again CC is not impressed and says that her plan will work and will march forward with it…

The following morning, Mukat asks for CC phone as he is unable to connect to Mayruli but he has no luck with CC phone either…CC knows the reason why because Manav is talking to her in another man’s disguise…

PRECAP – Manav in disguise is talking andn flirting with Mayruli…She informs him that she is single…Manav says that CC was right that there is more to her than what she shows and her real face needs to be revealed to Mukat

Update Credit to: Sheena

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