Actress Chhavi Mittal recently shared a picture on her social media account where she can be seen wearing a nose pin. One of the users commented on her post and called her regressive for wearing a nose pin. She wrote, “Why Chhavi wearing a nosering, it looks regressive. Modern women should discard such regressive practices and set examples. They should promote modern thinking. Do men wear?”
Chhavi who is known as someone who never minces her words gave a befitting reply to the user and wrote, “I wanted to address it which is why I shared it on social media. There are some people who seek attention but I ignore them and never entertain it. But this girl wasn’t doing that and her point of view about things needs to be changed. I don’t want to embarrass her, so I did not share her name.”
She adds, “I take all my comments seriously and engage with my followers on social media. I don’t have a problem with her saying that wearing a nosering is regressive but comparing it with men is what triggered me. Men don’t do it so why am I doing it? Why are we compared to them? Men don’t wear sarees, but women do, so is that regressive? In a way, she was trying to say that men have become progressive and women wearing a nose pin have become regressive.”
Chhavi concluded with, “I have had this nose pin for the last 30 years. It’s just that recently I changed the size of it and I am wearing a bigger pearl which is more visible. Everyone has a right to be what they want to be and wear what they want to, that’s the message I want to share. In fact, the person who made this comment is regressive in her thought. Nobody has a right to judge anyone.”