Hi guys this is sowji frankly say i am very happy for all comments…i request and kindly asking u plze encourage me forever if i did any mistake please criticize my mistake…i specially want to thank rithu,saranya24,priyanka,shriti,aditiroy,ishni,sandy,abiya,vidhya,raji,nannu,amu,minu,cutevanshu,sethidisha002,sugan,reshma_Pradeep,aishwarya,ashika…thank u guys commenting me…if i missed any name i am asking sry and thank u so much…now let go to dream story..this ff no is 2..the ff begin with the car has stopped..abi is panicked now..immediately abi and purab get down from car.one girl injured her hand and caring her wound…abi and purab try to see her face but it vein..abi called her helo r u ok??i am so sorry i never did wantedly..suddenly a girl wakeup look into his eyes..that girl is our heroin priya…they both r eyelock(background music he look her eyes then playing male sanam re she look his eyes then play female sanam re)after 2min back pragya broke her eye lock told to him actually i want to ask sorry it was my mistake i just crossed the road without looking vehicle itz k itz not ur mistake anyway sorry she said to him after abi talked to her but she never listen his word getting her bag hurrily moved from there…purab also mesmerized by her beauty…actually she is very pretty girl in her college…whatever she wore it suits for her…all guys crazily following her and easily felldown love in her.story move to college one girl sitting in the bench..she look her watch and her phone it our alia(alu) alu messaged to her frnd priya(darlu) darlu where r u plze come fast…actually message not delived because priya phone broke up in that accident..suddenly alu wake up from the bench went to nearby tree it written in alia heart symbol priya..here alia and priya are bestfriends..
they were sharing all things eachother..they were no scrects between them..whole college knows abt them they were bestfriends..suddenly alu thinks about darlu 1st meeting flash back begins 1st day of college..college name is bishpa international college of arts and science..course name fashion designing…alu get down from the car..she is very nervous in 1st day of college..college is too huge all building structure look like the same but inside the class room is different..this is the international all country student studied in there..alu difficult to find her class room…so she thought she wil ask to someone they might be help her so she decided to ask group of girls and boys sitting some corridor bench..alu felt nervous and hestitate to talk to them while minute after she boldly talked to them..called them..excuse me can u know where is the 1st year fashion designing classroom.they told someway to her..she also followed the way…finally know her they r prank on her. .actually they show the washroom of boys and girls…after she knew they r prank with her..she tensed and angry on them but she never show it to them.she actually very tired fought her class room.she finally sat on neaeby bench she thinking about something actually her phone rings she never come in her sense suddenly someone touched her shoulder alu cameback to her sense realize it..look at her .her face is showing yeah she is our priya r u ok actually i called u u never in ur sense thats y i touched ur shoulder r u ok if alu replied to priya yeah i am ok actually u phone is ringing thats y i called u..suddenly alu took her phone talked with phone after cameback to talk with priya thank u alu told to priya..she replied its k no problem…actually r u new from this college..alu said i knew from here wat abt u?? She told i am also new from here suddenly excited and happily asked alia which department u?? She replied fashion designing alu is very happy both were same department after few minutes they became very close..
few month after they were bestfriends and closie..one year after they both celebrated one year friendship that day they registered the name in that tree alu write priya name priya write alu name both ppl put half heart alu wrote half heart priya wrote..both were very happy on that day flashback ends…they promised they wil never leave eachother flashback end suddenly priya entered hey alu where r u i calling u continuously u thoughts some where both ppl shared morning sequence suddenly priya told about that accident alu panicked r u ok priya said nothing happen to me..alu asked about that guy..she described about him actually it was my mistake he said sry to me he is very nice alu…alu suddenly teased to her 1st time u talked about one guy priya said actually i like him thats y nothing more than than…on the other side purab talked about priya she is very nice her looks are gorgerous she look like princess purab complementing and talked about her..suddenly abi told hello stop it yar i accept that she is pretty but one meeting never decided all thing yar..whatever it is i lyk her…abi smirked his lips thinks in his mind i saw her eyes it showing me i saw her somewhere it before..when purab complementing about her unwanted anger appeared in me y i felt she is my girl she is only mine..after a few minute abi think no abi nothing lyk that don’t overthink about her…juz leave it on the other side priya think in her mind y i felt he is very close to me suddenly priya thought no priya don’t overthink just leave it …suddenly bell ring alu darlu went to her respective classroom…
i stopped ff here again they wil meet or not what is god decide about both destiny…let wait and watch…next ff…once again i want to thank who one commenting encouraging me and silent readers..this ff only imaginary its my dream not to hurt anyone.and i want to say based on my mood perday 1 or 2ff i wil upload it…i hope again u wil encourage me forever..if i missed any name in this list i am sry…&thank u for commenting me…
ur so bad gvng a shot epi ? bt love it next tme long epi plz
Sry sandy actually i typed alot but some part unknowningly erased now only i saw that don’t worry i wil upload lengthy episide 2day…thank u so much for commenting and encouraging me…
Nice story dear???..keep going!
Thank u trisha thank u for encouraging me..
its awesome…i am loving this. keep rocking!!!!!!!!
Thank u B_ani thank u for encouraging me..
Very nice dear….i like aludarlu bond..so cute…waiting for nxt part dear..
Thank u priyanka thank u for encouraging me..
Very nice epi.. waiting for the next
Aishwarya thank u..thank u for encouraging me
Thank u vidhya thank u for encouraging me
Waiting for the next part dr nice episode
Thank u abiya thank u for encouraging me..
Nice episode loved all the scenes
Thank u minu thank u for encouraging me
It superb
Thank u sangi thank u for encouraging me
It is very good but I have a problem while reading. Pls don’t take it in other way. Actually in this ff heroine name is Priya so whenever I read any ff I imagine that so while reading the name Priya I don’t feel her as pragya I mean Sriti. I am a big fan of abhigya , So if all don’t have any problem can you please change her name to pragya pls . Hope you understand me if other’s or you have any problem in changing name it’s k. Just ignore my comment . Bye
I can understand ur suituation but sorry i can’t change the name..it is my dream ff..thats y i can’t change the name..
Very nice
Thank u rithu..
Sanam i can’t understand ur suituation but i can’t change the name because it fixed name…i am extremely sry i can understand ur pov..but each and every character is my dream…so i want to make it watever in my dream so sry i know many ppl abigya fans my story is not abigya…try to understand guys this is abiya not abigya…if my word hurted u i m regret and sry for that..
Thank u reshma_pradeep..thank u for encouraging me…
Wonderful story dear…I love it now…it has become interesting…may I know ur age to call u di or friend..take care dear…love u loads…keep writing…
Thank u ashika…thank u for encouragaing me ..u cal me as my name…i never expect that much respect…i think everyone as my friend…just talk with me freely frankly manner…
Thank u asmithaa..thank u for encouraging me…
Awesome epi
Thank u cutevanshu…