Hi guys this is sowji…thank u for your love..thank u for your comment..I commented everyone in my previous ff just check it in my previous ff..thank u silent readers…lets move to dream ff..the ff no. is 37..the ff begin with purvi and nikhil hold eachother hand…they are dancing in the stage.. Suddenly one strong hand closed priya mouth forcibly…she never know who is that person..they moved from party hall to some other room…priya shocked to see in front of person? abishek tum…what is this abishek…y r u forcibly my mouth…I was scared..if anything happened to me who wil answer to my brother…abishek y r u kidnapped me here…she is talking continuously…abishek again forced her mouth.. chup chup just listen..
actually I come here.. I need your help…priya shocked answered him my help????i can’t understand what help??abishek said actually this simmi idiot she will announce in mike I am his boyfriend..actually I reject this proposal they wil ask reason…but please me can u act me as my girlfriend…priya looks shocked?? asked how can I wil do this…abishek your family members what they think about me…no abishek I can’t do this…abishek said actually it is just acting…don’t think it as real..I will ask the time to marry they will give some more time…that period enough to love someone after I will tell the truth can u please help me…priya said no I can’t…abishek said k I wil marry that simmi.
.I never consider and imagine as my lifepartner..he is pretending looks sad ?..priya look in his eyes…inside her heart feels y my heart says help him..how can I do this it’s like I cheat alu family members…what alu think about me..??????she looks at abishek..his mood is too sad..priya can’t see his pain…abishek said sorry ? he immediately goes from the room..suddenly priya hold his hand very tightly pulled towards her.. abishek looks shocked at priya reaction towards him..abishek and priya between gap is very less.. priya said towards abi…I will help u.. because I consider u as my friend..i can’t see my friend suffered in pain..abishek looks at her really?????????????? priya looks at him yeah really but one condition your the rockstar right if u said they wil announce in media…it wil affect my family and career…what wil u do…abishek said don’t worry it never happen..I wil saviour of your life…priya said I trust u…don’t break my trust that enough for me…I have one more conditions abishek said again what…I need your help to do this..wil u help me..abishek said k I wil help u say what’s the matter…she explained that matter abishek looks shocked..abishek claimed what??!!!!is it true??priya…do u know this is true…yeah I am very sure this is true will u help me..abishek said sure I wil help me.
.we wil execute this plan so soon.. priya happily said thank u thank u actually I feel very worried how to execute this plan finally because of u I wil execute this plan…I feel very happy.. thank u cutie pie..abishek looks ?shocked asked what…after priya realize what she said?????? I mean I said abishek…abishek said I heard cutiepie from your mouth..priya said I said abishek…I thought u misunderstood my words.. abishek was not satisfied her answer…priya smirked said lets us move from here somebody see us here they will doubt us…abishek staring at priya.. think in her mind i think she is again hiding something with me.. I heard she said cutiepie..priya thinks in her mind s I said cutiepie…whenever u angry on others u looks cute ? i just love your all antics…she looks at abi…abi never noticed this(background plays female sanam re,un vizlikali vilunthu nan eluzkiraen movie from darling (tamil)).they both reached the party hall…suddenly spot light is on purkil finished the performance…priya goes to stage talking in mike…what a romantic couple u both rocked a floor…nikhil feels shy…purvi is blushing…whole audience once again clap for them..all audience are clapped.now this party make little bit spicy…
suddenly simmi comes on stage..grabed mike from her hand…whole family looks shocked… priya looks shocked…her hand is already paining…simmi touched her wound..priya screamed in pain ouch????suddenly alia comes on stage how dare u priya gesture alia please don’t talk…whole family shocked to see simmi action towards priya..someboys of boys in groom family asked simmi y r u grabbed mike in her hand…she is talking very nicely……simmi said towards that boys guys nothing like that..I am also some interesting news thats y I grabbed my mike…simmi comes to priya said can u please from here…priya smiling leave from the stage..alia is furious…she can’t anger towards simmi.priya hold alia hand left from the stage..the whole family understood they have some problem between them…we wil ask them later.. abiveer purnav alibul purshi are angry on simmi…because of priya they were silent…alia & priya are sitting in the chair..abiveer purbul alishi purnav all comes to priya…asked it’s again start paining…priya see consoles from all eyes…purab abishek said I wil never leave her this time because of u I wil forgive her last time…this time I wil never leave her..priya said guys just cool chillout guys…don’t bother yourself..
.I know her very well…she doesn’t like me..alia screamed and scolded priya…how many days u wil be silent like this way…how dare she behave with my friend I already warned her many time this time I never leave her..whole bride family hearing conversation between them..priya said just stop it guys…Plze guys just forgive her…di how many time forgive her..she crossed all her limits..said bulbul…priya said u also thinking like her…I thought u wil teach good lesson for her.but I never want create enemity between us..that think guys she is also our family member…we want to show good path to her.. so finish this problem here…don’t scope her…dadi,Rockstar dadi,abi mom,sarala all thinks she is understanding girl..she is good in nature..abi mom,dadi think she is perfect match for my abishek…she is perfect bahu…abishek said to himself doll I love you so much…I am mad on u doll..I feel proud to get wife like u…my doll?????khushi said di I never see girl like u in my life..di your the most beautiful girl..I feeling proud di to have friend like u..purab said your right khushi I never saw in my life pure heart girl like u…how can u think somebody did wrong deeds to u…u wil forgive them so easily and think goods for them…
your too crazy…priya said stop praising me just enjoy the party…screen shift to simmi.. simmi take mike in her hand said guys I want to dance My chacha Rockstar abishek mehra..simmi mother forced abi to dance with her…for family’s sake he accept to dance with her..song plays Zara Zara,vasigara…simmi seductive manner dancing with abishek…abishek is actually ignoring her…she is touching abishek…screenshift to priya…priya feels bad…y her touching towards him disturbing me alot…y I can’t see him with any girl…thinks in her mind…abishek looks at priya..she looks extreme jealous..abishek don’t like simmi touching him like this way…but he saw priya eyes feels for him…after performance finished..all claps for them..priya left from there to kitchen…abishek understood looks at priya..she is moving towards kitchen..abishek understood her doll is angry on him..screen shift to kitchen priya feels inside how dare he touching her infront of me…priya scolding abishek continuously in kitchen..she looks at moon ? talking with the moon…she behind to see abishek is standing in kitchen..
I thought some burning smell coming from here.. priya stared abishek?????????she never speak leave from there..suddenly abishek hold priya hand.. said hello I am talking with u..priya said I am not ready to talk with u????just leave my hand…abishek pulled her towards him asked y r u my priya angry on me..priya asked who said I am angry on u..y I wil angry on u…who r u…alia hurriedly come to kitchen baiyya she announced infront of family tum ishko boyfriend..abishek and priya looks shocked…abishek held priya hand tightly goes towards the stage.shouted simmi in front of all..she grabbed mike from her hand…priya understood abishek pain…some of media asked abi sir Madam said tum ishko boyfriend. Abishek shouted media….whole family shocked abishek anger towards media…poo veer aru akku priya all try to stop him..abishek just calm down I wil speak in mike…simmi comes to priya who the hell are you…always come between us…abishek can’t control his anger towards her..priya held abishek hand and gesture him Plze be calm…priya goes towards media…guys u want to know who is girlfriend of Rockstar abishek mehra right.. I wil tell this question…miss simmi can u please shut your mouth…simmi comes to media taunted priya in front of all…suddenly all hear some sound..whole family looks shocked..
Precap: abiya looks tensed..new entry comes in priya life..
I feel like dragging
? Sorry if i hurt u. ????
K sandy…no problem…ur words never hurt me.. I want to say only one thing my story is totally different.. this is the practical love story…watever your comments I wil accept that…my ff is totally covered by surprise…anyway thank u for your comment..
It’s so nice but please unite abiya soon
Sure nila…thank u for your comment..
Nice episode..write next episode fast.i am very curious to know wat is gng to happen in next episode
Sure I uploaded it…thank u for your comment shruthiravichandran
amaizing di ur fantastic plz soon unite abiya
Sure ishni…thank u ishni
Nice dr pls upload next one soon I am eager to know wht will happen next
Sure I uploaded it.thank u for your comment abiya..
Super dear…..
Thank u sugan
Super dear…pls unite them soon…
Thank u priyanka..
supper epi
curious about the next epi
but when will priya know that abhi is her aboo
please unit them fast
Nice to hear the words..sure I wil never separate them…I wil unite them..thank u ayesha..
superb episode sis loved it really excited to what happens next
Thank u minu..thank u for your love…
Awesome princess ????update next part soon really curious..love you♥️♥️♥️♥️
Thank u for your love..thank u suha…thank u all for your support..
lovely nice
Thank u sandy
nice one dear post next one fast I want to know who it is plzx
I already posted just check it..thank u for your comment…