Hi guys this is sowji…I thanked everyone in my 37,38th…just checked it that ff..thank u for your comments..thank u silent readers..lets move to dream ff..the ff no. is 39..the ff begin with priya talked to alu family members…she said dadi,uncle,Aunty Ji I am extremely sorry ?…this family’s only reason 2day I revealed this truth..this family crossed all the limits…I never think ever I am dishonor them infront of others…I warned her lots of time…2day she crossed all her limits…she undignified to
behave with me…I forgive her all the time…but 2day I wil never leave her…whole family looks shattered…abishek never imagine simmi parents was aspired his wealth…simmi parents said don’t trust her…she is liar…she create misunderstanding between us…its all her plan dadi..don’t trust her..priya goes towards simmi
father standing direction really???????.it’s all my plan y I want to do like this way…Mr.uncle Ji..whole family looks sbattered???????????simmi father said because your interested in alu brother
wealth…thats y…she show a fake paper to
entrap priya…priya claimed this is fake paper if I prove it what u wil do Mr.uncle Ji…I have lots of proof if I showed to your family members…they wil never forgive u till lifelong…I tolerated everything because of this family sake…but 2day u crossed your limits…u will see who I am here…I never ask anyone can trust me…I never lied like you…I am saying the truth I have all proof…did u have any proof against me u said I
wil try to steal his property…k call police…I never scared about your words…I am ready to face your problems..let wait & watch…who will caught by police..I don’t care who 1 think about me wrongly…dadi comes on stage…said we will solve this issue later…2day my purvi encouragement function is going on. I never want to spoil that..suddenly groom family talked dadi ji I understood this is your family issue but that girl showing lots of proof against them…we are all see that they will try to kill her…media people also watched all this.. dadi don’t think us wrong we will know the real truth..because as a woman I saw the truth in her eyes…nikhil mother claimed to dadi…dadi said k beta…dadi said to abishek called police..
abishek never expect his own family member cheated him…abishek never speak single word..he went from the party hall to his room..priya can’t see his pain in her eyes…priya goes to purab said Plze goes to abishek room..he need someone to console him purab your the right person to console him…Plze go to abishek room…immediately purab leave from the hall…screenshift to abishek…abishek was totally shattered thinks in her mind who is saying truth or who is saying fake..I can see truth in priya eyes…it’s all simmi mistake..because of her…we are facing this problem…he was shattered..I wil always support the truth…screenshift priya think in her mind god Ji..Plze help this family I can’t see pain in his eyes..whole family looks shattered..I know that they are all doing lots of bad deeds I have all against proof.
.if I wil show to them this family separated into 2parts…I never want to separate this family…screenshift to abishek room…purab knocked the abishek room…abi asked who is this…purab said it’s me purab..abishek opened the door…purab understood he is suituation…purab consoled him…abishek said I can’t understand which is truth???which is fake ??? I can see truth in priya eyes…purab said I am also thinking the same…actually I know that priya never lied with us…wait and watch we will know the truth…suddenly bulbul comes to abishek room said bhai police will waiting for u…abirab goes to party hall…inspector comes to abishek sir what problem…groom family member comes there..claimed about suituation to inspector…inspector ask who is that person…inspector looks at simmi,simmi parents,shocked to see priya…inspector goes to priya salute her infront of whole family…whole family astonished &shocked????????????.inspector reaction make priya feel embarrassed???…abishek comes to inspector what are you doing sir…suddenly simmi parents come complaint against money forgery case…inspector laughed?????????? Mam don’t say silly jokes…she show some paper against her…I am sure this is not truth…did u know who is she?? priya looks confuse reaction..whole MM family members, groom family members,media person looks shocked????????..they can’t understand why this inspectors salute to priya..abishek said can u tell this clearly…priya nodded her head???? inspector claimed sir she is top 5th richest woman in this world…
her name is priya raman…she is very big business woman…she is inspiration of lots of people heart…she is famous scientist…she knows all the job…she is very young woman doing business in foreign…all government follow her rules..she is my inspiration also..all the youngsters,elders,kids loves her alot…she is very simple lady…she never show attitude in her behavior…actually I am big fan of her…whole family astonished ???? abishek is not in his sense…abishek looks tremendously?????????inspector ask Madame can u please give me your autograph…priya never show attitude she is just give her autograph to inspector..
Mam do u have any problem just call me.. I wil help u…priya said thank u sir…no problem…if I need any help I wil call you…media people asked lots of questions..they asked lots of question to her…she said to media this is not time to take the interview…I want to say only one thing.simmi is not abishek lover…she gave wrong statement…she is loving him…but abishek never interested on her.. hereafter don’t make any gossips about abishek…if u make any gossips I wil destroy u…I am his best friend.. If anyone fuss with friend I wil never spare them…I hope u all understood my words…abishek looks at priya?????????media people asked abishek sir her statement is true.she is your best friend??. abishek looks at priya..priya looks at abishek (background plays aashiqui2 theme music)said yeah she is my bestfriend…yes..her statement is true…if I love anyone I wil announce it publicly…now I don’t love anyone…priya looks shocked??
Precap:rishanth knows the truth about alu family member…
Superb ??
Thank u maya
Thank u asmithaa
Wow story going Interesting…unexpected one this epi of Priya….and finally priya’s truth came out that she is daughter of Ishita and Raman to mehra’s….and feeling sad for abhi….nice keep going Waiting for next one…
No varsha… abishek family never know that priya raman is related to his family..only abishek knows this…lots of twist waiting 4 u..wait and watch.. then only u can understand the complete story…thank u for your comment varsha..
wow supeb….. di ur exiting me day by day i have no words for discribe my thought
Thank u ishni…
Wow good episode.i have to ask u one thing why priya is in confused reaction when police salute ..i am really eager to read next episode fast…
Nobody knows priya is the richest woman in this world…but priya hides all identity infront of others but suddenly inspector revealed the truth that’s y she looks confused reaction it means (tensed,shocked,happy,sad)it means all mixed expression…that’s is meaning of confused expression here..thank u for your comment shruthiravichandran..
Thank you reshma_pradeep
Awsome episode!!! U always rock it di. U have it very interesting!! Srry fr not commenting as I am mostly busy with my homework n exams but yesterday I somehow managed to read all ur epis!! Every epi is rocking!! U r really a superb writer now di!! I am a big fan of u!! Can’t wait fr the next epi.take care di…love u loadddds!!! Keep writing!!!
Ashika no needed sorry and all…I know that u all busy with your work…no problem ,just concentrate on your studies that’s important to your life..when will u free just comment me…I am not that much good writer..compare to all writer in tele updates..anyway, I feel proud to get fan like you…thank you for your love…nice to
hear all your words…thank u ashika…
Awesome dear….. Unexpected twist dear…..
Thank u sugan…twist always going like this way…
Awesome epi di…
Thank u cute vanshu…
Super yaar
Thank u priyanka
superb episode sis so much unexpected twists and turns loved it so much excited to read next
Yeah minu twist will go always like this way only..thank u minu…
Semma blast dhi I really love u a lot awesome… Waiting for your next blast episode…
Thank u sugan…twist is always going like this way…
Ha ha ha nice to hear your words….thank u for your love…thank u for your comment saral..
superb u rock it dear
Thank u lopez
Awesome princess??love you♥️♥️♥️♥️
Thank u for your love suha…thank u for your comment suha..
Thank u monesha…