Choti Sardarni 11th May 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
The manager comes in and says to the kids your mother left you here and ran away so she doesn’t have to pay the bill. He says don’t let the kids go away. Karan says I read somewhere that restaurants make you do the dishes and hit you if you don’t pay their bill. Seher says where could mama go?
Meher is on the way. She recalls about the kids.. She says it’s their time to come back from school. I have to go home. The kids say you can’t make us do the dishes. Seher says and we won’t mop. Yuvi says my dadi is a sarpanj. She will break your legs. Param says shut up guys. Param says I booked this table. My papa is Sarabjit Singh Gill. He says oh you’re Sarab’s kids? Param says our mom can’t leave us. Please look around. She must be here. The kids try to guess the password of the card. Param says it’s the last attempt, we can’t make a mistake. Seher doesn’t listen to them and enters a number.. The card works and the bill is paid. Kids ask whose DOB was it? Seher says papa’s.
Scene 2
Harleen comes. She says doctor Naina you here? Sarab says Meher’s case is serious. Naina says yes it looks like a case of amnesia if we don’t start treatment right now it can be huge trouble. Meher comes in and asks what happened? Sarab says she’s my business partner. Sarab asks where are the kids? Meher says I came to ask the same. Did they come back from school? Harleen says kids were.. Doctor asks her not to. Sarab is shocked. Sarab says I forgot as well. They have done with the driver. They must be coming. You go get freshen up. Meher goes upstairs.
Harleen says at least ask her which restaurant did she take them to. Param calls Sarab. He says papa we came for a breakfast. Karan says but mama left us. Sarab says there was something urgent so she had to rush home. Sarab asks where are you? Param says didn’t she tell you? Sarab says I forgot. Param says we are at the Grand.
Scene 3
Sarab calls Kulwant. Sarab says mummy ji please come here. There’s something serious. She says all okay? Sarab says please come. Kulwant says I am coming.
The kids say we were so worried. Karan says we thought they will make us do the dishes. Seher says her card pin is your birthday. Yuvi says Seher saved us. Seher asks what happened papa? Karan says Meher mama can’t leave us there like that. Harleen says go to your room kids.. Sarab says no di. Our kids are wise. They will understand. We can’t hide it from them. Sarab says kids, this is doctor Naina. And she will tell us what is the problem with Meher mama and how can we treat her. Kulwant comes in and says what’s the problem with my Meher? Sarab says please sit mummy ji. I told you she keeps forgetting things.
Doctor Naina says first of all we need to understand what happened with her. She got a bruise on her head which developed amnesia in her head. Kulwant says what’s that? Naina says she keeps losing her memory. She wasn’t treated days after the bruise.. Kulwant says we didn’t even know if she was alive. Naina says due to a delay in treatment, this has gotten serious.
Meher takes a shower and gets ready. Meher sees the time and asys how could I get this late? Where is my focus. Why am I in such a hurry? Meher asks the maid was there something at 2? She says kids come back at 2. Meher says oh yes. Meher says let me go cook for them.
Seher cries and says aunty will mama be okay? Karan says give her medicine, please. Sarab hugs them. Naina says this problem will increase will time. Soon it will become mix Amnesia. Their memory goes in their past. What was her biggest trauma so far? Anything that gave her a huge shock. If you can tell me the year? Kulwant recalls stabbing Manav.. She recalls how Meher screamed. Kulwant says 2011. Naina says I can’t say much but it’s quite possible that her memory might go behind that year. Robbie says then she won’t recognize us? She says yes. Everyone is shocked. Naina says she won’t remember anyone after 2010. Seher says mama won’t recognize me? Karan says me too? Param says what will happen now, papa? Harleen hugs Param.
Meher serves the food. She says who made this daal? Maid says you made it. Meher says I made it just now. Who made the other 3? The maid is shocked. The doctor says her memory would go back and forth. She will fluctuate between 2010 and 2021. Harleen says how will we handle it when she doesn’t recognize us? Kulwant says we will make her remind. Naina says don’t do that. You have to act. If her memory goes back to 2010, she will ask who are you? You don’t have to force remind her. Don’t even try. Just lie, make any story. Or she will force her mind whoch can worsen the condition.
Meher says I have to tell Sarab, Priya doesn’t focus on her work. She made so many daals. Meher says where was I going? Kulwant says what’s the treatment? She says it’s slow. Your support is more important than medicine. Meher comes there and says when did you come from the school? Karan says we just came back from school. Seher says it was so much fun in school. Meher says Yuvi also came? Kulwant says he came with me. Meher says why are you not wearing uniforms? You didn’t come upstairs to change. Sarab says I ordered these clothes online and asked them to try. Harleen and Robbie leave. The kids leave as well.
Scene 4
Meher says the special siwayan are ready. Taste and let me know how they are. Karan says the sugar.. Seher kicks him. Seher says sugar is perfect. It’s so good. Meher leaves.
Seher and Karan tell Harleen Meher added salt in siwayan instead of sugar. Meher comes back again with siwayan and says kids I made siwayan. Try and let me know how they are? Harleen says but you just.. Seher says they are very tasty mama. The kids eat them again. Harleen smiles.
Scene 5
Meher is about to eat her medicine then forget.. The kids come and tell her to sing a lullaby. She eats her medicine. Meher sings the lullaby.. She forgets it in between.. Meher tries to recall. She cries. Meher holds her head and cries.
Episode ends.
Precap-Kulwant makes her house the way it was in 2010. Meher asks Jeeto who are you? Kulwant says she’s a maid. Meher plays with the brothers. Kulwant video calls Sarab and says my Meher is the way she was in 2010.
Update Credit to: Atiba
Okay 2011 is the year manav was stabbed so that makes karan 10-11 years old and Param 16. Please makers don’t ruin it, unless kulwant too has dementia!
I too have now amnesia even forgot to write my own name correctly.
Good one @ayni
Poor kids….They are ready to do anything to support the doctor so that their Meher mamma recovers from Amnesia.
I just don’t watch tomorrow ‘s episode….I don’t know even am I gone be able to sleep tonight thinking about tomorrow’s episode.
What on earth is going on??

manav died in 2011 and this is 2021 then how is karan a 5 year old???!!!! Mixing up dates and bloodgroup is different but this is mistake in simple mathematics!! And thank God she goes back to 1 or 2 years before manavs death!!! But as the doctor said if this amnesia is gonna come and go … and mehar is gonna oscillate between 2021 and 2010 what are we gonna get ??? Again a Sad and depressed sarab!!!! I hate this… really hate seeing sarab in this condition… OMR.. that painful smile of his in the precap is more that what we can bear…

just when i hope she is exposed of her evil deeds the nakers flip her!!! Basically the purpose of harleens recent negativity was to make sarab realize that mehar has a problem… because if we recall sarab probably paid attention to all the issues before anniversary because harleen created an issue… also mehar forgetting the argument with harleen gave him solid proof that definitely something is wrong!!! And now thats over and harleen is back to being the good SIL!!!

the way the kids are trying to protect their mumma is so cute

just kidding… with the doctors explanation today i really dont know what to expect out of the track… all the gills and dhillons being a team and helping in mehars treatment!!! Thats the only possible outcome i guess
Btw.. harleen again flipped and she cares for mehar now??
The kids are so adorable!!! Loved it that mehars pin was sarabs birthday
Probably the makers thought that since we love mehrab reunion scenes so much if they keep oscillating mehar from past to present and present to past there can be a reunion with every oscillation though mehar doesnt realise it
@Radhika now I think is where they are going to play the generation leap Meher thinking that she is Seher.
@Ayni… but apparently mehar goes back in time!!! So that generation leap news is probably fake only… who knows someday mehar may think she is a 10 year old!!
But still i must say…seeing jeeto and ginni as maids will probably be interesting!!
Though my heart is already crying thinking about sarabs condition in the coming episodes i am excited to know what lie sarab tells mehar about her waking up from sleep in his house in his bedroom!!!

There’s no logic in this …
But just think about it ….

as they don’t know each other (but sarab knew ) .

In 2010 she should be in college , during her college life only she met manav and fallen for him .so, what if the makers makes that be like sarab going crazy for meher and meher falling for him and they start their new love story
If this happens there might be some funny episodes like he tries flirting with meher …
That will be interesting and at the end we will have some massive mehrab reunion
Even i had expected this after seeing the promo @pythagoras.. but now that the memory will apparently keep oscillating between past and present i dont think the makers wanna make us happy by giving college romance… i was so excited about this track initially thinking we will get to see college romance… but with waxing and waning of memory mehar is gonna just keep oscillating between past and present they cannot show romance building up… because everytime she goes into the past she will not remember sarab….
I also have a doubt how are they gonna explain jagga amrita and yuvis absence

That makes sense! Few days ago when they were acting as though they had just met, was that a hint of what will happen next
Yes @Radhika, he and the kids is going to suffer a lot and we with them. Yes will be hilarious to see ginni and jeeto as a domestic helper
I can see yuvi commanding them.
But mehar doesn’t know the grown up yuvi!!! For her yuvi will be a 3 or 4 year old kid right??

Oh oops forgot about yuvi’s age@Radhika, like I said befor I am officially demented

Biggest trauma could have been when Sarab got shot or when her brother was killed?
@Charl if the makers considered these as most traumatic and mehar going back to that period then she would remember sarab and they will not be able to show whatever they are planning to show… so i guess.. otherwise definitely you are right about the incidents
Things progressed a lot in this episode isn’t it?
Oh wow!!! This episode was unexpected! I was expecting Harleen to blow up, but she found out about Meher’s condition before. I love how Sarab was quick to have all hands on deck to support Meher by letting Harleen, the kids and Dhillons know! The fact that Sarab will be well supported to help Meher through this is comforting. I had a feeling that this amnesia track would be trauma based. Perhaps the makers are approaching this track forcing Meher to grieve the pivotal moments in her life that she never had the opportunity to heal from??! And perhaps by exposing these traumatic events, that’s how everyone will come to know what KK and Harleen specifically have done to Meher, along with unfolding the torture she wet through in Govindpur. Addressing all of this will not only serve some justice towards Harleen particularily for past awful acts, but also allow Meher to deal with the trauma which will perhaps be what heals her in the process and restores her memory?! It will be hard to watch Meher go through these traumatic events again! Just a theory. As for Harleen, I don’t think she has much of a choice but to play nice at the moment. Her being unsupportive at such a vulnerable time for Meher would be detrimental in front of Sarab. Even though I was personally hoping she would continue to dig her own grave, maybe we will see her manipulative ways at a later point. She’ll probably get jealous that Meher is getting all of this extra attention or something ridiculous. It could be fun to watch Harleen having to be consistently nice to Meher against her will!! I am loving all of these munchkins! They are too sweet for words!! I love that they are doing everything they can to make Meher comfortable and happy. Let us continue to hope that Sarab’s sadness is limited, perhaps we get to see some form of college romance, we’re already seeing the family come together and for Harleen’s sins to come out and face consequences for a change!
Writers ka dimag karab ho gya hai.. common sense bi nhi bacchi hai..
Show 2019 me start hua, 2021 me 5 yr leap aaya, or ab memory 2010 tak jaa rehi hai
That means 11 yrs back.. yeh kun si maths hai writers

5 yr leap me 11 yr memory back jaa rehi hai

I just wish Meher would have forgotten only Harleen. Then the doctor will explain that she has forgotten the people who caused her pain. We would have seen how Sarab would have reacted to that. It would have been so painful and that would have served as her punishment. Being the only one who was forgotten
Yeah @K.khan a selective amnesia
Is anyone else worried about what the doctor said about Meher’s recovery will be slow? Does that mean this memory loss will be a long track?? I’m concerned about this!!
Absolutely @MD I was worried the slow recovery but at the same time very calmed after sarab trusting his kids to be told the truth about Meher’s condition after Harleen wanted them to go to their room, that way he closed the door for her to use them later.
@MD…i guess we will need 2 to 3 days to figure out what exactly they are gonna show and to guess their plans… only after that we will be able to say about the length of the track… but preliminary assumption of mine is that it wont be a very long track considering all tracks in CS are usually short excpet the one which was during nimrit maams absence due to health issues which was understandable… BUT if mehar stays in 2010 only and if her memory doesnt oscillate then this can be a long track but with the introduction of multiple short tracks…. mehrab meet and they falling for each other etc… but since back and forth memory is already being told i am not expecting a college romance
though i wish so hard that somehow that happens!! So lets relax and see where this track is going…hopefully when mehar is in 2021 the makers give good mehrab scenes which can help sarab puah through the time when she is in 2010
Thanks @Radhika and @Ayni for your thoughts. I hope it’s a short track, given the oscillation of past and present Meher. It will be a missed opportunity for the makers not to pursue a college romance for Mehrab during this track
well…let’s just hope that despite this, the makers do something creative and purposeful with this track and it has a short shelf-life!
That is exactly what is gonna happen…watched today’s precap….lovely