Categories: Choti Sardarni

Choti Sardarni 13th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Meher doesn’t contact Sarab

Choti Sardarni 13th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Sarab makes Seher sleep. HE checks her temperature and says see I told you your fever would go away. Meher’s tricks never fail. How do you feel? Seher says thank God. Param and Karan say thank God. Seher says papa please sing a lullaby. Param says yes we want to hear it too. Sarab says I will sing you all a sweet lullaby. He sings terribly. The kids laugh. Param screams. All kids say papa please stop. He says see you loved my voice. Let me sing another one. Seher says no papa. Param says we will sleep without it. Seher says we can’t sleep now. Mama sings so well. Param says you fall asleep right after hearing it. Karan says I miss mama. Sarab says no one can take a mother’s place. A father can never become a mother. Karan says okay but how will we sleep now? Param says

I wish Meher mama came today. Seher says she would sing us a lullaby. Someone sings a lullaby. They run out saying mama.. Sarab says Meher? The kids run out. Sarab comes after them.

It’s Samaira playing Meher’s recording. The kids smile. Sarab recorded Meher’s lullaby once. The kids sleep on the bed. Samaira puts a blanket on them. Sarab sits with the kids. Sarab recalls when he recorded it. The kids fall asleep. Samaira says Meher’s voice is like a sleeping pill for her. Sarab says Meher is a supermom. There can never be anyone like her. When God made Meher ji, he must have broken the mold. Thank God Meher came back in my life otherwise.. Samaira says otherwise we would get engaged and you would regret it. She laughs. He says no, you’re perfect. Your smile reminds me tum itna jo muskura rahay ho, kia gham hai jisko chupa rahy ho. You have always liked me and always been there for me. She says liked? He says loved me. I respect your emotions. Thanks for always being there for me. She says it’s okay if I couldn’t get you, at least I can be there for you. Sarab says I am sure God made someone for you. She says he only makes gossips. She laughs and says joking. When I look at you and Meher I feel like no one can love you enough. I hope you both always stay happy. He says go to sleep now. she says yeah I have to get up early. I am leaving tomorrow. My leaves are over. Sarab says all the best. If you need anything in life, I am always there for you. She says thank you. Samaira leaves. Sarab says in heart Meher ji where are you, we miss you a lot. I couldn’t do anything and in the end, your voice made them sleep.

Scene 2
Kulwant shouts where is breakfast? Jeeto says sorry I woke up late. Kulwant says if my third eye wakes up your eyes would close forever. Ginni throws up. She collides with Jeeto and food spills. Kulwant says she spilled the food. I was hungry. Can’t you see Jeeto? Jeeto says congrats mummy ji. Congrats Rana. Bitu says I will be an uncle. Rana says I don’t know how all this happened? Bitu says it’s time to celebrate. Yuvi says weren’t two idiots enough that a third one is also coming?

Scene 3
Sarab tries to cook. He burns his hand. Harleen comes and says what is happening? Ajay ji why is Sarab working? He says I am making breakfast. Harleen says why? He says Meher isn’t there, I thought I will make breakfast for the kids. Harleen says if she cared she would come back. He says she went for official work. She texted she got late. See breakfast is almost ready. Pizza.. She says it’s a burned pizza. Sarab says white sauce pasta. Try it. Harleen coughs. She says what have you added? It’s so salty. Harleen says get out of the kitchen.

The kids come. Sarab says I will make breakfast in a moment. Harleen says no thank you Ajay will cook. Seher says your cooking is like your lullaby. Param says mama used to cook well but since Meher came, he is out of cooking. Karan says we are getting late for school. Param says breakfast would take long. What will we do till then? Sarab says we will dance till them. They dance with Sarab on Udaariya’s title song. She says Udaariyan means to fly.

Scene 4
Sarab says let’s go to the temple for langar. The kids get happy. They go with Sarab. Scene 3 Rana gives sweets to everyone and says I will be a father. The doctor says are these your reports? She savys according to this report you can never become a father. Your count is very less? Kulwant says what a loser? Rana sits down crying and says Ginni you cheated on me? Kulwant says whose sin is this? The doctor says shut up. She’s not pregnant. The vomits are due to food poisoning. Give her these meds and bring her to me. Rana says Ginni I am sorry. Kulwant says if before Meher and her family’s death, I get any news from you two, that would be your last day.

Scene 5
Samaira is leaving. Harleen says please don’t go. She says I am not needed here. Meher and Sarab are made for each other. THe kids and Sarab love Meher. The love in his eyes is real. I should just go. Harleen says at least meet Sarab. She says I won’t be able to leave if I see Sarab. Give my love to the kids. I hope they always stay happy. Bye. Harleen hugs her. Samaira leaves. She says Meher when will you go away from our life. Because of you, Samaira left this house as well.

Scene 6
The kids come with Sarab to the temple. They prostrate. The kids eat at the langar. Seher serves people. She gives bread to Sarab. He smiles. He sees Meher in her. He takes Seher’s photo and sends it to Meher. I miss you a lot please come back soon. See she looks just like you. Come back fast. I love you.

Karan says today is allocation competition. I thought it’s tomorrow. What will I do now? He says papa.. I thought the competition is tomorrow but it’s today. I had no preps. What will I do in the competition? Should I take off? I will tell the teacher I am not well. Seher says mama will be so mad. Param says mama doesn’t like lies. Karan says but I didn’t prepare. Sarab says papa is here. I will help you prepare. Sarab says what’s the topic? Karan says the live story of mother and father.

Sarab tells them the story. He says this is where I met Meher for the first time. I disguised myself as another man. Param was lost. Meher held him. She took care of me and considered me him and called me a kidnapper. He says then we got married and brought up Param together. Then we saw Karan in Meher’s tummy. Seher says where was I? He says you were with God. She fought everyone when Param was locked in the school. Sarab says Meher is my love.

Sarab drops the kids and calls Meher. She cuts his call and turns off the phone. Sarab says she cut the call? He calls her but her phone is off. Sarab is confused. Sarab comes home. He says di.. Harleen says what happened? He says did Meher call you? Her phone is off. Harleen says she will call you don’t worry. Sarab says I have to go to Dehli. She says for one hour you couldn’t talk to her and you will go to Dehli? Sarab gets a call from Meher’s number. He says where were you?? I have been calling you. He’s shocked.

Episode ends.

Precap-Kids prepare welcome surprise for Meher. They open the door. Bell rings. Sarab says Meher is here. The kids rush to the gate and open it. Everyone says surprise.. It’s someone else. Sarab is shocked to see her.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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