Choti Sardarni 1st March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Meher cries and screams for help. She keeps running on the roads. Her feet are bleeding. The car gets stuck in mud. Meher tries to get it out but she can’t. Sarab is slipping from it. Meher cries and says baba ji please help. A man comes there and tells Meher to take him to the house there. A man tells Harleen that Sarab met an accident. She’s shocked. He says his wife took him to the hospital in my cart. Harleen calls the hospital and asks them.
Meher brings in Sarab. His head is bleeding. Meher makes him drink water. Meher cries. She starts cleaning his wound. Meher looks out. The baba ji is still there. Meher says my husband is very injured. Can I find any herb there? He says the hope is there when breaths are there. You have the treatment. Meher recalls her dad told her that soldiers used to stop their blood with spider web. It heals the wounds. Meher takes the web from the walls. Meher puts it on Sarab’s bruise and ties it.
Scene 2
The police are looking for Meher and Sarab. Meher lights fire in the camp. Meher says you can’t leave me. You told me we will live together forever, I know you will keep your promise that we will always stay together. Police are looking for Meher and Sarab. The baba ji comes there. They ask Baba ji who lives in this hut? He says I go there sometimes.
Meher holds Sarab’s hand. He opens his eyes. Sarab says always take care of the kids. Meher says I won’t let anything happen to you. Everything will be okay by tomorrow morning. Sarab says I lived without you for 5 years. I can happily die in your arms now. Meher says everything will be okay. I will make everything like it was. She kisses his hand. Meher says you just have to be with me. He says it isn’t easy. His hands shake. Meher rubs his hands. She hugs him and cries. Meher gets up and says I won’t let anything happen to you.
Scene 2
Kulwant says the wait is over. Meher’s whole family is here in this city. She burns the truck. Kulwant says Meher’s family will burn just like this.
Scene 3
Param shows the pictures of Kulwant and his entire family to Seher. Karan says mama papa got married? Param says they were already married. Seher says I want to see them together. Seher says I want to go to my mama. Param says the doctor has asked you to rest. Seher goes out. Samaira says where are you going? She says I want to go to my mama. Leave me.. Param says I will handle her the way Meher mama used to. Param says Seher is going to look for mama but what if mama comes here looking for Seher? Karan says then they will not see each other. Seher stops. Karan says what’s the solution? Param says to stay put. Meher mama used to say that everyone comes back home. Seher says you two become roosters first then I won’t go.
Seher comes to her room. Her brothers dance around her and make her happy. Seher is happy. Samaira brings them food. Param makes Karan and Seher eat. Karan and Param kiss Seher and they sleep.
Scene 4
Inspector tells Harlene we looked everywhere but we couldn’t find them. Harleen says they must be here. Meher calls harleen. Harleen gets angry and says who Meher? Meher says I know you’re mad at me but please come here and save Sarab. He’s injured. Are the kids okay? Harleen hangs up.
Kulwant dances and says this would be fun. Harleen calls a doctor and asks his to reach at the spot. she goes there with the police. Bitu and Rana tell Kulwant that Sarab is alive and Meher is back. Why is she happy? Kulwant dances happily. Rana says your plan failed. She says I waited 5 years for this day. Meher’s whole family is here.
Meher goes to get herbs. Harleen comes there. Doctor starts treating Sarab. Harleen comes in and says di thank God you came. Harleen says what is that on his head? Meher says spider web. I put it. Harleen says are you crazy? The doctor says she did right. It stopped the blood loss. He would have been in a coma otherwise. The doctor says we have given him a sedative. They shift him to the ambulance. Harleen locks the ambulance. Meher runs after the ambulance. Her feet get injured. She says di, please.. Don’t take him away from Sarab, please. Please open the door. Meher keeps running. Meher falls down. She screams and cries. Harleen calls DSP and says I found Sarab. Meher says not anymore. I won’t stay away from you.
Episode ends.
Precap-Meher comes to Gill mansion. Harleen says to Meher you can’t come here. You have no relation with this house and Sarab anymore. A lot has changed in 5 years. Security kick her out. All kids hold Meher’s hands and stand in front of her.
Update Credit to: Atiba
1. Param, Karan and Sehar are good supporter of Mehar right now and their bonding doesn’t define that they met after 5 years

and interfare in sarab life

2. Why i feel there are going to be 2 possibilities:-
A) Sarab Memory loss and Harleen showing him Married to Samira
B) Sarab in coma and Harleen using her powers to hurt Mehar, Karan and Sehar
3. Harleen in-laws are tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good, who always allow her to stay in her mayeka
4. Kulwant and family has turned villians who need to die once for all
It doesn’t sound like Sarab will slip into a coma. Meher did stop the bleeding, using her Ayurvedic knowledge. SO HAPPY that Sarab was able to see and talk to Meher before the doctors came and that the kids know that Meher and Sarab ARE MARRIED! So if Sarab has amnesia, the kids will definitely interfere with Harleen’s plan. She is just so horrible not letting Meher in the ambulance!
Yes that looks more to be possible..

Harleen is getting pain day by day.. she is tooo much, always behind sarab to re-marry
Kulwant hatred is unbearable, she is not believing truth at all
Am i the only getting a feeling that we may not get the memory loss and funfilled moments that we so expected instead it is some other drama

@ Radhika I am getting the same feeling…the makers really want to continue to throw us off! Perhaps they thought we’ve seen them apart for so long and that they did an amnesia track with Manav, so they want to do something new or maybe focus more on Dhillon’s revenge and how they solve that together as a family OR they will do the amnesia and are just trying to give us signs otherwise so that we are surprised?
@MD… even i am not sure wht the makers are planning… but whatever it is we dont have to worry anymore… our sherni is back… ready to fight the world…. the determination in her eyes… i just loved it!!!! And the way she said she wont spare the one who caused this accident gives me a feeling that the next war is mehar versus kulwant after she wins against harleen… also if there is amnesia track it will be fun… and if there isnt any amnesia then we can see our mehrab together like before

its a win win anyway…. today i am just happy seeing the montage…. and this time its only mehrab here

So true! If there is no amnesia track, then Samira doesn’t stand a chance….so maybe the writers would just have her as comic relief in the background (similar to P for Pam in Serbia?!) Anyays, whatever is in store, we are over the worst and it will be a wild and fun ride here on out!!
Plz give the update fast
Wht kind of a witch harleen is??

Doesn’t she have sense??
Meher is the one who saved her brother and informed her the location but she didn’t let her to go with sarab …
Choti sardarni is back with full sprit .. as she says she won’t seperate her from sarab
Sarabjeetji get up and slap your sister
No amnesia track?? That sounds different …
Yes Meher is starting to get her strength back and is gearing up to fight for her family (FINALLY!!!!) We don’t know if there will be an amnesia track just yet. I wouldn’t rule it out at this point. There will be drama between Meher getting back into the house and Kulwant planning her next move. Sarab will likely be in the hospital for a while. I’m guessing we’ll know if he has amnesia or not be end of week as a cliffhanger.
Pls update the episode in morning
This is the current montage…. kind of indicates that mehrab is united

so what is this harleens drama about??

Maybe it will take sometime for sarab to come out of hospital and maybe harleen is planning to throw mehar out by the time he returns…. maybe afterall there is no amnesia… because when he got conciousness he spoke to mehar and he remembers everything…. now its highly unlikely that because of head injury he will have memory loss…. even the doctor just said he needs rest…. loved the way they showed the use of spiderwebs… which was indeed used to stop bleeding in ancient medicine long before the modern medicine developed drugs…

But logically she should have tried to contact someone earlier…. now since there is advanced medical facilities available then it would be good to use it
OMG thanks for sharing the new montage! I was looking for it!! IT’S THE BEST!!!!! I wish it had all the kids in it too, but I’ll take it!! I’m just so happy to be so excited about this show again! And I do appreciate the writers trying hard not make it predicatable and stay unique from other shows.
@MD… you are right.. must really appreciate the makers as well as the entire cast of choti sardarni.. especially avineah sir, nimrit maam and all the bacha party.. the makers are so particular about not leaking the plot before telecast that even behind the scenes videos are posted only after telecast…
And here we make our predictions and assumptions only to be surprised at the end
Harleen is still under the impression that Meher is with Kaul and that Seher is not Sarab’s daughter. She’s fuming that Meher moved on while this whole time Sarab has been looking for her. And to save her pride, she wants Samira to marry Sarab. So she has a lot of anger towards Meher, even though she is wrong about it all. If Sarab does not have amnesia, I wonder how Harleen will be exposed for her wrong doings.
I think Param is going to start taking a stand against Harleen as Sarab’s eldest child he has all the rights. Harleen is as bad as Robbie
Those kids for sure reminded Harleen aditi’s plot in the past, when they stands in front of her keeping eachothers hand.
My greatest fear is that one day harleen will tell Karan that Sarab is not his biological father
I hope she does! I hope she says the same thing to Seher! I want her to bury herself so deep that there is no chance for any redemption or reconciliation with Sarab. I want Harleen and Kulwant’s plans to backfire so much that it leads to self-destruction. But then where would all the drama come from?!
Kulwant Kaur thinks she is God she can kill anyone who she thinks is enemy,fact is she never succeeded. The only thing that she did attempt murder. What an evil driven woman she is. Harleen, she is not better than her, she too full of hatred for Meher, spoiled brat. She seems more disappointed that Sarab didn’t came back home for her setup marriage than his accident.
I feel Sarab will lose the memory . Yes , could be in the begging remember but after that strong hit on the head after clínic he could lose the memory also Harleen wont accept seher, dont matter if she is Sarab blood. Harleen doenst want nothing from meher. Somaira will evil because she wants Sarab. So i hope meher fight a lot because that house will be a hell. Also, Harleen could tell to Sarab who lost her memory that meher is his wife but he created on him and Karam and seher are not his children. You know how is choti so drama and if Sarab lose memory could happen. Also kaul could come back and more problems. Enought with somaira.
We dont know if Sarab lose the memory remeber the hit on the head was huge. Maybe, in that moment could remeber but after clínic tratamiento we dont know how is gonna react plus Harleen will believe seher indeed she could know seher is Sarab daughter but she doenst meher. Harleen Will become the next kulwant and samaira will become evil , she wants Sarab plus kaul could come back. I hope meher weak up like a true lioness and dont ask forgiveness to her mom.
Kaul disappeared?? Or will he come back to spices up the show??

Till now Samaira’s character seems to be a supportive one but don’t know will this character stay long or not but one thing is sure her motive is wrong ..
Wht kind of a women she is even though she knew sarab married twice and he is a father of 3 child she wanted to marry him
She is some crazy lady
who doesnt seem to understand the meaning of NO… if sarab ever wanted to marry her he would have thought about it after simrans death atleast when harleen finally got him to agree for a marriage… when he didnt think about samaira then is she mad to think he will agrew to marry her when he is so madly in love with mehar and have 3 kids now?? Anyway soon she will realize the power of mehrabs love… if there is no amnesia track then too sooon and if by chance there is an amnesia track then little later and that too a bigger heartbreak

Samaira seems to lives in lalaland, or she is genuinely good girl, she will desapire fast enough as she came. Otherwise she will be Brocken hearted soon, with or without amnesia her dream future is counted.

New promo guys
Who us the new one in this promo??
This promo ..mahasangamam??…