Choti Sardarni 21st April 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Sarab sits upset in his room. He sees Meher’s photo and recalls his moments with Meher. Sarab cries holding Meher’s photo.
Sandhya picks the gun and says you have done enough harm to Sarab, Meher, and their family. It’s my turn to take revenge. Sandhya calls Rajan. He is shocked. He says Sandhya..
Sarab says I am so lost Meher ji. My happiness my everything is gone away. Everything is over for me. You remember when you went to your mummy ji’s place and Param and I came there as baba jis and you recognized us. I want those moments back. Please come back fast. I can’t live without you. I can’t even think to live without you. He recalls how he used to have fun with her. He says for my love you have to come back. I will wait for the moment.
Scene 2
The next morning, Sarab gets kids ready and says your schools are opening after so long. Study well. Sandhya says can I drop them? Sarab says don’t worry. I will drop them. Harleen says she’s right. It would be very crowded there. You have to reach the court. Sarab says but it’s not safe for her to go out. Sandhya says we can’t be scared because they feed on it. Meher taught me bravery. Please let me go with the kids.
Scene 3
Lal ji calls Kulwant. Kulwant says don’t worry, We will deliver your stuff. We kno it’s very precious. Rana says I will bring all old customers back like this manager came back too. Kulwant says well done.
The kids tease Param and says Param’s papa is a murder. Yuvi comes there and says how dare you say a word to my brother. He scares them away and hugs Param.
Scene 4
Sandhya walks in the hotel. She rings bell of a room. Rajan opens it. Sandhya is scared. He says come in. What is it that you couldnt say on phone? Sandhya says I am so tired. Your animosity is against Sarab, right? You can do it. Give me money, I want to go away from this city. I will give you proof against Sarab. He says to make a video that you are the witness of Sarab murdering his wife. You save me from Meher’s accusation and I’ll give you the money. Sandhya takes out the gun. Rajan sees it in the mirror. He’s shocked. He says bring this down. Sandhya shoots.. Rajan sits down. He says put this down are you crazy? Sandhya shoots again. He hides behind the bed. Sandhya runs out of bullets. She tries to shoot again.
Scene 5
Bitu and Jeeto are disguised as policemen. They stop Yuvraj transport’s truck and pretend to check it. Bitu takes out stuff from it. Jeeto says now mummy ji will be so mad at Rana.
Rajan’s man says make video and say that Sarab sent her to kill you. Rajan shoves Sandhya and tries to take the gun. She runs out.. Sandhya runs on the road. Rajan and his man run after her. Sandhya comes in front of Robbie’s car. she runs. Robbie calls Sarab and tells him Sandhya is running on the road. She had a gun in hand. Rajan and a man are after her. Sarab says which side are they on? Robbie says they ran towards City Hospital. Sarab says I am coming, follow them. Sandhya hides in the garage of the hospital. Rajan comes there.. Meher is brought there. The nurse asks Sandhya are you with the patient? She says yes. Sandhya walks with them. She doesn’t see Meher’s face. Rajan looks for her.
Sandhya walks fast with the nurses.. Someone stops her. Sandhya is scared. It’s Robbie. He says it’s me. Don’t be scared. You were running on the road and Robbie and his goon was after you. What is happening? And this gun? Don’t worry nothing will happen now. Rajan looks for Sandhya. He asks people if they have seen her. Sarab also comes there. Meher takes Sarab’s name. Sarab stops and feels like Meher calls his name. Sarab says Meher..
Episode ends.
Precap-Sarab comes to a hospital room. He sees Meher’s face. Sarab is shocked.
Update Credit to: Atiba
Bitu was in police avatar for this….

I thought he might be helping Sarab Or Sandhya…..
Banda nalayak tha aur nalayak hi rahega
Update it fast please

I don’t think sooo
I knew it noting comes out from useless bitu! He disguised like a policeman for his selfish reasons.

Kulwant Kaur Bravo your sons are really the future of yuvraj transport dynasty

, they are thinking about changing the company’s name too.
Good grief Sandhya! This is why you don’t go gallivanting towards danger with a gun in hand in broad daylight! She’s thinking with emotion and guilt that it’s preventing her from thinking logically! She knows how dangerous Rajan is, so why would she ever think it would be a good idea to face him alone? Bittu in a police uniform was the most deflating part of this episode! I had high hopes that he would be part of some larger scheme with KK to seek vengeance on Rajan, but no…I suppose it’s my fault for expecting anything from such a useless character, LOL! As for the precap, we shall see if Sarab does in fact see Meher. We’ve been deceived by these promos one too many times, so I will believe the reunion when it actually happens! We are getting closer to Mehrab reuniting though!!! I hope the reunion is done in a special way!!!
Right @MD… its our fault we expected something good out of bittu

he is … well i dont have words for him!!!! And i must say makers are in no way helping sandhyas character get some good love….

Precap!!! Dont even think for once that sarab is seeing mehar!!! We have been deceived way too many times with false precap scenes and dream scenes!!! I wont even be surprised of they show a reunion and it turns out to be sarabs dream
@ Radhika we are on the same wavelength! I was thinking the makers may give us a dream sequence for the reunion before the real one
I don’t think Mehrab will reunite in the hospital either. I am surprised to see Robbie still being a helpful and positive character though. We haven’t seen him go back to his old ways…yet
also, I thought it was adorable to see Yuvi stand up for his siblings rather than be the bully this time around!
I am pretty sure that precap is a tease …. sarab will be seeing someone else.. and mehar will be somewhere else… because this is a too easy reunion… and thats not gonna happen in CS

Why does everytime something bad happens in gill family the school reopens the next day and the children are bullied… atleast this time the kids know well enough that everything is false…. they are very much aware how much their father hated sandhya!!! And they like their father believe that their meharmumma is safe…. !!!!
The first 10 mins of the episode remains my favourite… and sarab its not only you who is longing for those good old days… all the viewers and fans of CS are longing for those good memories to become true again!!!
Right, it is better we hold the euphoria back.
New promo…. and she is back!!!!!
YES! Thanks for sharing this!! Please makers just give us a few episodes of Gill family happiness before moving on to the next gut wrenching track! May Mehrab never have to go through another track involving their separation ever again!
Yeah, @Radhika Meher is back….. ridding
finger crossed.
Hey Radhika! Looks like I misunderstood you. I apologise, I just wondered why you were criticising her at every point.
You are right she is being foolish by not sharing things with Sarab, doing everything herself she can turn everything topsy-turvy again.
But she seems to be innocent and good hearted.
Yes @Shruti sandhyas character is good and innocent but hopefully makers maker her do something smart which we will all love…
And no problem dear… no need to apologize… i guess i didnt make myself clear in my comment which is why you misunderstood..
Who else is liking robbie post leap ??? I do!!!!
Definitely! Who would have thought he would become more useful that Bittu/Rana??!!
Yeah true Robbie has changed but I still don’t want him forgiven so easily at least he should confess all of his crimes to Sarab Meher and Harleen.
A drama without a story today.
I am getting a feeling that those conversations with mehar which sarab was having weren’t hallucinations afterall!!! Because since the time sarab was arrested… mehar has started showing improvements and sarab has not had any hallucinations…. i got this doubt after mondays episode because in mondays episode mehar actually gives the kurta to sarab to wear and then disappears but the kurta doesnt!!! Maybe mehar was experiencing out of the body experiences or something similar!!! Makers alone know what they are trying to show…

But now since the time mehar is showing improvement sarab is not hallucinating… is there really some connection or i am overthinking
You might be true, remember the episode where Mehrab’s tilak happened, Meher imagined manav making her wear earrings and duppatta, Manav disappeared but the earrings and duppatta were still there and Manav was alive, so there might be a possibility that your hypothesis is correct
It is hard to believe that Robbie is a changed person. However, his actions are good. I hope it is true. He has done more than enough harm to Mehrab. Robbie and his superficial relationship with Harleen and Khushi.
Bittu and Jeeto crossed all limits. Rana and Ginni are not better either. Both couples are useless and have no bone to think and lead life. Better they stay home and continue their useless activities.
Waiting impatiently to watch Mehrab and the kids together. Poor Param bullied in school. It was nice to see Yuvi supporting him.
Worst serial pulling the thread
Hardoi by paas milia
Guys omg look