Categories: Choti Sardarni

Choti Sardarni 22nd February 2021 Written Episode Update: Harleen forces Sarab to marry Samaira

Choti Sardarni 22nd February 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Sarab says meet my son Karan. She says we met already. He says yes Samaira mama. Sarab says she isn’t your mama. Samaira hugs him and says how are you? Sarab says how did you come here? She says I got to know last night you came to India. You’re still the same, same eyes, smile, He says already flirting? They laugh together. Harleen comes and says I knew you two would be so happy to see each other after so many years. She looks at the broken vase. She says Karan broke it? Samaira says I broke it actually, sorry di. Karan is happy that she saved him. Harleen says it’s okay. Karan says I found my mama. No one can scold me now.

Harleen says the bigger surprise is left. Samaira says you have to guess it. Karan says Param came.. Sarab says how do you know? Sarab

says how do you know? He says I smell desi ghee and prasad. Like when someone comes from the temple. He has a solution to everything. He counts 3.. 2.. 1.. Param comes running in the house. Everyone is surprised to see him. Sarab hugs him. Harleen is very happy. Param hugs Karan. Karan says I missed you so much. Karan gives him parsad. Harleen hugs him. He gives parsad to everyone. Sarab says this is my other son Param. Param says we have met. Harleen says they have been here since morning. SAmaira is Param’s fan. She says I am his AC. Harleen says your sense of humor. Harleen says Samaira come, let’s make pancakes. She’s also a great singer.

Param asks Karan where are you lost? Param asks where did you go? He says to look for mama. Param says story books only have stories. He says no they are right. I found a fairy Godmother. Papa told me everything about mama. I found the same mama. Everything matched. Param says who? Karan says samaira mama. I found her so much. Param is shocked. Karan says Samaira mama called me son. Param says nothing.

Scene 2
Yuvi says where is the news? There’s no news of any guesthouse burning. Bitu says I checked in all Kashmir newspapers as well. Kulwant says to find out where those Sarab and Karan are. We will kill them for sure.

Sarab says to Harleen my di keeps appreciating you. Samaira says I am worth it but di say something to him as well. He will keep getting jealous. Harleen takes Saerab outside.

Scene 3
Seher asks mama, where are we going? Seher says to the hospital. Kaul says but we didn’t even arrange the funds. Why are we going to Amritsar?

Harleen says to Sarab I have to show you something. She shows him photos of Meher. Sarab is shocked. He zooms in her face and smiles.

Meher and Seher get on the bus. Sarab hugs the photo and cries. Sarab says my Meher ji.. You found her. My Meher ji.. Thank God. He cries. Sarab hugs her and says thank you. Where did you find those photos? She shouts Sarab.. Sarab says tell me, please. She says come to your senses. what’s wrong with you? You’re asking the address of this Meher? Dying to meet her? Don’t you see this man> Meher has moved on. She forgot you and moved on with someone else. There is another man in her life. Sarab says di, please.. She says there’s no place for you in her life. They are on bikes, roses, holding hands. Can’t you see all this? She has a child too. Sarab can’t see Seher’s face in the photo.

Sarab says this is all a lie. My Meher can never do that. I know her very well. I trust my love. Do you believe these photos? I don’t. It’s all a lie. She says even after seeing all this you’re calling it a lie? Why didn’t Meher meet you after getting released? Why didn’t she come here or contact you? you don’t have an answer right? Because this is the answer. These photos. You are still calling it a lie? Meher has moved on. It’s your turn to move on now. Harleen says please I can’t see you in pain like this. This house and family can’t be this empty. Samaira coming to this house after so many years wasn’t a coincidence, I called her. Samaira comes on the door and hears. Sarab removes her hand. Sarab says how could you? She says I made the wrong decision. After Simran, I felt like I should get you married to Samaira. She knows and understands you well. She remained unmarried for you, waited for you. But I made a mistake by marrying you to Meher. I didn’t know she would leave you alone like this and before marriage, she would be pregnant with another man’s child. Sarab says enough, please. She says I have decided, you can’t say no to me. You have wasted enough time already. I will do your engagement tomorrow. Sarab says but.. She says you swear on me. I will do this. Sarab cries.

Samaira comes in and says it’s okay di. Don’t force it. Sarab take your time. I waited for you half of my life, a few more days. Sarab locks himself in the room and cries. He recalls his moments with Meher. Meher looks outside the window and cries. Sarab screams and cries. Sarab says why can’t I find you Meher ji? Where are you? I will find you.

Scene 4
Karan writes I will go to shopping with mama, give her a good night kiss, I will tell her stories. It will be so much fun. Sarab comes in. Karan says she will ask me what will I eat? She will make me sleep. I will also tell stories about mama. What else did you do with mama? Param says I hugged her to sleep when I was scared. Karan says I will also hug Samaira mama.. Sarab shouts Karan. Samaira isn’t your mom. Who told you that? He says you described mama. Sarab says Sam.. Param stops him. Karan runs out. Param says he’s too emotional. I have never seen him thi happy. I know Samaira isn’t our mom. But Karan doesn’t know. Meher mama asked me to keep Karan happy. I know mama won’t ever come back. People don’t come back when they go to God. But Karan has hugged someone like this for the first time. I want Karan to be happy, even if I have to call Samaira mama.

Scene 5
Harleen asks Arjun to get a house decorated with Orchards. She says Samaira loves them. He says but Meher liked roses. Harleen says no one will take her name again. There should be no shortcomings in the preps. Robbie says the cards are ready. You’re doing all these preps but did Sarab say yes? Aren’t you doing all this in a hurry? You should wait for his yes. She says all reasons to say no are over. This had to happen.

Meher arrives in the city. Seher says will I be okay? Meher says you will be fine. Karan asks Sarab how do I look? The flower vase was broken by me. Samaira mama saved me. Witch aunty didn’t scold me. I love Samaira mama. Sarab says don’t call Harleen witch. He says sorry.

Harleen comes in and says Sarab get ready. He says this isn’t just a function. This is a promise, I can’t make a false promise. She says you never did but she still waited for you. We all know her. She’s not a stranger. She knows everything. She loves you. You both are made for each other. Did I force you to get married? No right? Because I had hope as well that Meher will come back. I didn’t know she would.. Anyway, I have prepared everything for the engagement. Don’t forget, I gave you my swear. Rest is on you. She leaves. Sarab is teary. Meher reaches near the house.

Epsidoe ends.

No Precap

Update Credit to: Atiba

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