Categories: Choti Sardarni

Choti Sardarni 22nd September 2020 Written Episode Update: Kulwant finds out Manav isn’t alive

Choti Sardarni 22nd September 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Bitu and Rana are the highway. They keep looking for the car Vikram mentioned. They see Manav (Vikram in the car). Bitu points the gun towards him. Rana says what are you doing? Bitu says I will end his story.

Param says no you can’t go to Serbia. Sarab says if you come with us who will take care of Karan? Param says who will take care of me? Sarab says we have to go for an important work. Param says what work? Sarab says you need a small sister right? We are going to bring her. He says yayyy. Go and bring her. I will be fine. Meher says how will we bring her a sister now? What if I don’t come anyway? Meher says let’s tell Harleen. Param goes to Harleen and says Meher mama and papa will bring us a sister from Serbia. Harleen says really? She says Sarab,

Meher Param told me everything. You guys are going on a holiday? Go to Switzerland why Serbia? Meher says we aren’t going on holiday.

Kulwant comes and stops Bitu. She says you two are idiots. Bitu says we were killing Vikram Dewan. Kulwant says that isn’t Vikram. I had doubts and I went to CBI police station. I saw Vikram getting dressed as Manav there. And there’s something else that I saw as well. I will show that on Vikram’s wedding.

Harleen cries and hugs Meher. Sarab says we need your support. Harleen says why didn’t you tell us? He says we didn’t want to worry you. Harleen hugs Meher and says God always tests you. I know you will win and we won’t let anything happen to you. Sarab says take care of Param and Karan. We have to leave today. Harleen says and when will you come back? Param runs around and says yayy my sister is coming.

Inspector says to Vikram you said there will be an attack. They must be stuck somewhere. Seema calls Vikram and says it’s your wedding today. He says really? Seema says don’t joke. Stop working today at least. He says smile, I will come back. She says we have to get ready and get shagun ready as well. He says I love you mom. I will be back.

Scene 2
The rituals start. They wash Aditi’s feet. Param says my sister will come soon. Sarab says he’s joking. Amrita says if he wants it, bring it. Amrita says Jagga sent these bangles for you Meher. Param picks the bangles and they fall in the milk. Amrita says Meher all is happening in a series Meher. Meher makes Adiit wear the bangles from the milk. Amrita makes Meher wear the bangles. She recalls Amrita saying they are made by God. Meher goes upstairs. Meher looks at Karan. She says what will happen. Meher keeps a photo of Karan and Param with her. Meher picks Karan and says you’re my brave son. Mama can’t live without you and Param. She hugs Karan. Sarab comes in. Meher says I am going to Serbia alone. Sarab says what are you saying? Meher says our kids can’t lose both of us. You will be with them. Sarab says I will come with you. Meher says that won’t impact the decision. I will be at peace that you are with the kids. Sarab says Aditi and Harleen are with the kids. Someone has to be with you. I consider us shadows of each other, I will be with you wherever you go. He says ask God for anything but the distance between us. Meher looks at Karan crying. Sarab picks him.

Param comes and says I have decided my sister’s name by uniting your namer. Seher. Harleen says baraat would be here soon.

Scene 3
Vikram comes with baraat. Kulwant dances and says congratulations. She hugs him. Sarab makes Vikram wear the garland. Kulwant dances around him. Sarab congratulates Surya. He says you did what I couldn’t. Kulwant says to Vikram I have some complaints. I was very happy but you made me sad. You were to make me meet Manav. I really want to meet Manav. I came to your place to meet him then I saw something. Let me show you a video. She shows him a video of Manav cooking. Kulwant says Vikram Dewan’s house help looks exactly like Manav. The video that Vikram sent me had Manav with the same close. Manav is in Banaras though. But who knows where she is.

Aditi comes downstairs. Vikram looks at her and smiles. Sarab says Meher, you didn’t even look at me. Amrita says and now you can’t stop looking at each other. Vikram and Aditi make each other wear garlands. Sarab and Meher ties their knot together. Param also ties their knot.

Precap-Vikram and Aditi take round around the fire. Meher and Sarab also move around the fire. Manav says I am back Gobi de parathy. No one can come between us now. He recalls everything.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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