Choti Sardarni 23rd February 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Samaira brings tea. Sarab says I don’t want tea and you don’t need to do all this. She laughs and says this is for me. She says Ajay ji.. He brings in shoes. She says choose shoes from these. I know you don’t love but and it can’t be forced. I know it’s all happening in a hurry that’s why I got you running shoes. Wear them and run away. He says you are such a stress reliever. Samaira says if you don’t want to do engagement, I will say no to Harleen di. I can’t see your face like this. My tragic king. Silence means so this means yes? Don’t take the burden of love. We are just good friends. Let’s get engaged, will see the rest later. Sarab thinks about Karan. He recalls what Harleen said.
Scene 2
Kulwant’s man tells her that there’s a function at Sarab’s house. Kulwant says what are they celebrating? It’s no one’s birthday.. Harleen comes in and says it’s an engagement. I made a huge mistake of marrying my brother in this house. The relationship was not good for any of us. Your daughter ruined everything. My brother respect, happiness, and life. Today I am rectifying that mistake by marrying my brother again to a girl from a good family. So I thought I should give the first card to you. The card says don’t need to come. After today, if any of you is seen near our house it won’t be good. Our relation with you was over 5 years ago. I will never see your cursed faces again. She leaves. Kulwant says Samaira.. She will become a widow before becoming a wife.
Scene 3
Samaira gets ready as a bride. Harleen says you look so pretty. Meher arrives outside the house. Meher says let’s go, Seher. Seher says why are we here? Whose house is this? Meher says you will get all your answers in this house. You will be okay as well. Seher says does God live here? She says God’s pious person lives here. She says sorry Sarab ji but this is my last hope to save Seher. Seher gives her bag and says go in. Seher says will I go alone? Won’t you come? Meher says no. You won’t look back. Just go in. Your mama is always with you. Meher hugs her and cries. Seher goes inside the house. Meher looks at the house and cries. Seher goes inside with the guests.
Sarab comes out dressed. Seher enters the house at the same time. Meher is outside in the car. She cries. Harleen gives ring to Sarab. Karan is happy. Samaira makes Sarab wear the ring. Everyone claps. Seher comes in. Sarab picks the ring. Harleen extends Samaira’s hand. He is about to make her wear it.. Seher comes in and says are you God’s man. Sarab is shocked to see her. Karan hugs her and says Seher.. Sarab says Seher? He leaves Samaira’s hand. Seher says tell me uncle, are you God’s man? Sarab says you here? She says my mama sent me. She said I will be okay when I come here. God’s pious man lives here. She gets an attack.. She can’t breathe.. Sarab says are you okay? The ring falls from his hand. Seher faints. Sarab says Seher.. Harleen says who is she? how do you know her? Sarab says to call the doctor. Samaira gives water. Harleen says who is she? Sarab pours water on her face. Sarab sees her reports of thalassemia. He says we have to take her to the hospital. Harleen says you can’t go, engagement.. He says her life is important. Harleen says someone else will take her. Sarab says her mom saved our life. Harleen says Robbie will take her. Samaira says di please, let him go. Nothing is more important than her life. Harleen says how can someone leave her child? How irresponsible is her mom? Sarab says she must have some problem. Please get aside.
Meher says God may never give such helplessness to anyone. I had no other option but to leave her here. Kaul asks the driver to go. Sarab comes running out. Seher is in his hands. He asks the driver to take out the car. Meher screams.. She says my daughter.. Seher. She runs after the car but Sarab drives fast. Sarab calls the guest house but no one picks. Sarab calls the doctor from the file. He asks the doctor for Seerat’s number. He says I don’t have it but let me try to find it. Sarab says Seher.. Open your eyes. She says papa in unconsciousness.
Scene 4
Sarab brings Seher to the hospital. Karan and Param are also with him. Seher is taken to emergency care. Meher also comes there. She’s crying. Kaul says she’s with the doctors everything would be fine. Meher sits there and cries. She hears someone praying.. She stops. It’s Param. He says I don’t know who Seher is but I feel like I do. Please heal her God. Meher mama said real prayer has a lot of power. I am praying please heal her. Seher’s mama saved Karan, it’s our turn to save her. Meher cries and says my Param.. She looks at him and says he’s so grown up. Meher walks towards him. Meher recalls her moments with Param. She cries. His eyes are closed. Meher is about to touch his head.. Kaul comes. Her anchal falls on Param. Meher walks towards Kaul. Param looks back but only sees her back. He leaves with the nurse. Meher sits down crying.
Episode ends.
Precap – Meher comes as nurse to Seher and says nothing will happen to you. Param says to Sarab can I give my blood to Seher as I am also O+. Sarab says no you are too young. The doctor says we don’t have time. Param tells Sarab that we are Sikh and we help people.
Update Credit to: Atiba
Oh update in progress…. hurry up…do they meet today at least???
No they won’t
I read the update elsewhere when searching around. No they don’t meet today. But it’ll happen this week!
Oh no, at least they will be meeting soon!
hi Snowflake.. Where did u get this name from?? KV Bohra’s daughter’s name is also snowflake
Oh…I didn’t know..Well I just picked up a random username…my real name is not Snowflake though..
Although Samira is coming off as being nice, I don’t trust her. Also, I think she’s delusional knowing everything and still pushing for this engagement. Seher for the win for having a medical emergency before the engagement could be completed. KISMITH!!! Let us hope that the hospital reunion will give us some satisfaction since we were robbed of it in Kashmir, even though it will be short-lived. I truly hope that Meher and Param meet and Sarab knows Seher as her daughter before the accident. I also hope Meher moves into the Gill mansion to take care of the kids and Sarab and that an epic battle begins with Harleen, but maybe I’m asking for too much? Why is Kaulsab still in the picture?? I thought he would be gone by now!
Most evil people start off on a good note, this samaira may end up like Aditi…
I Hope Sardab doesn’t get a memory loss
Hopefully, Param will recognise Meher
I think they will ask for the mother and meher will come..and hope they will reunite and Karan’s belief of samaira being the mom…I don’t know
Make Param meet Meher already!!! Like who r the producers of this show.
But if they do I hope Param recognises and says MEHER MAMA!!!!
Yeah he used to feel her presence from far away. Like out side the court house when he called her name. Meher mama…
My wish list for this show based on the its direction so far:
1. Sarab, Meher and Param have a reunion and find out that Seher is family at the hospital
2. Kaul disappears forever
3. Sarab scolds Meher for her stupidity and then embraces her
4. Meher grows a backbone and fights like hell to get her family united, since Sarab will have an accident and lose his memory
5. Meher nurses Sarab back to health while having him fall in love with her again, gets reacquainted with her kids, who help her plot against Harleen and Samira (maybe Robbie can help her too)
6. Sarab gets his memory back and the family is reunited and is happy
7. Sarab scolds Harleen for being a manipulative sister and to stay out of his marital affairs
8. Samira goes away
9. Dhillons somehow stop hurting the Gills-maybe it gets revealed that Tarkash was the real murderer?? Even though KK I feel wouldn’t believe.
Today’s episode was really too emotional .

Why sarab didn’t feel anything while samaira make him to wear the ring??
Why this kaulsahab interepting again and again someone tell him to stay away from both meher and seher
Because of him param couldn’t see meher’s face
Yes the truth must revealed to everyone that Meher is innocent by Kaul Sahab a they will shut the doors of attacking Gill family,esp harleen she wants to be king in the family everything done or say is hers , she wants to control all by herself ,,thats true karan called her witch
I agree with you
I am dissapoiment of meher. IT is probably she is gonna again with kaul after Sarab accident and hide again or she is gonna fight to recover her family and her love but I dude of that. In choti you can expect the most trafical decisión.but I dont know is gonna take seher meher or Gill family. Gossips said that she Will be in coma and Harleen dont care but I feel Harleen will meher that she help seher If she go away again of the Gill masion and tell Sarab that somaira is her wife. I hope meher change and be a real choti sardani but I dont what think.
What about precap?
These days no precap?!
And anyone has the link?
Whats the matter with karan??? I can understand that in past param rooted for mehar because he never knew anything about his real mom… sarab never spoke about simran to param… karans case is entirely different… sarab never stops talking about mehar.. and then how can he just call samaira as mumma… if its because of attachment.. he should have called seerat as mumma too… but then she was only fairygodmother
not mumma… and sarab!!! Seriously!! Atleast today think calmly… look at the place around where mehar is standing… recognize it as kashmir.. then recollect whatever happened in kashmir..n we all know sarab felt her presence in kashmir… why are makers doing this to sarabs character?? They are portraying both the lead as actors as helpless and also brainless…why????

and this harleens recent proclamation about committing a mistake of getting sarab married to mehar is kind of clear indication that if there comes a memory loss then harleen will not let sarab know about mehar

But sehars entry was really awesome… and the timing
And sarab once you meet your meharji scold her once so that she gets a lesson for her life… and then hug and kiss as much as you wish
And harleen you had to go and inform kk about this engagement… now she will ruin your brother’s wedding and put his life at risk
And lastly mehar… i really wonder what happened to mehar in the past 5 years that mehar has become what she is today… definitely the experience in jail has somehow changed mehar…. the only thing thats constant in her is her trust and love for her husband and her faith in God.. rest all has changed… from being a sherni she has now become a coward who left her daughter at her husbands doorstep without even letting the daughter know her fathers name… ofcourse she has trust in sarab that he would help anyperson in trouble… but seriously??? This is all she could think of
I agree with u Radhika!
Seher seems to be very naughty
Didn’t she worry meher so much that she just tells sarabs name?
And all about her family??
@Radhika ..

As we all knew that Param’s and meher’s blood groups were same and it is O negative not O positive the writers them selve showed us Sarabjeetji’s blood group was A positive but during the gun shot they the makers showed us that he has O negative blood group as the same as manav’s …
As O negative is a very rare blood group the makers used to show the emergency of the situation . ..
And now they are saying seher’s blood group is O positive ??
How can this happen the child’s blood group doesn’t matches with both the parents blood group
Doesn’t it seems a medical miracle??
And how can a persons blood group changes time to time it seems to be the greatest invention of the universe we should send the makers to cern laboratory
Sarab had A positive durings Param’s treatment .

And when he was shot he was O negative …
Param had O negative during his liver transplant .. now he is having O positive
Since long i was wondering..
Lets give them the noble price for biology
I think karan want to practice what Param had told him he has with Meher. He will soon will find out his reality. Because samaira is going to show him her real face. Specially if sarab is going to lose his memories, she don’t have to play nice and with Harleen there, poor karan. Last Friday episode when Param showed up harlee was over acting there was Sam.ignoring karan he felt forgotten.
I’m so disappointed by every character on the show currently. When this track ends, however long that will wait, I want Harleen to fall so hard on her face that it becomes an iconic moment in the show’s history. I think I truly hate Harleen more than Kulwant at this point.
Harleen and kulwant are the same coin but defferent side. They both don’t listen others they both like to control the others they both wants to have the last say. The only different kulwant shows her anger by shouting while Harleen by jumping to conclusions. Pls. Maker give to both of then a Russian bullet to Kell each other.
And seriously param is O positive now?? Wasnt params bloodgroup same as mehars??

Exactly…during the liver transplant…the makers are forgetting
Couldn’t meher give blood?!
Radhika, yeah these changing of blood types even after the leap, better to forget about it. We take it as they wish and hope that Param can save his sister. Param had the same blood type like Meher. Later on sarab and Manav had it to. Better to ignore.
I too mentioned yesterday that Meher might go through difficulties that changed her.
It’s so funny how actors’ blood group changes every time. I thought Sarab was O positive. When Param was sick, he was not able to save him since they were not a match. Now their blood group is the same.

The writers have gone off the deep end and lost their minds. Either they’re not trying very hard anymore or don’t care about the details and only care that they continue to get good ratings. I feel like they are focusing more on creating drama in an effort to continue the show as opposed to focusing on the relationships, which is the heart of the show. It’s been hard to watch as a fan lately. And I’m not sure how much easier it will be over the next couple of months.
Yes… somehow the constant love and trust between mehar and sarab is the only life of the show now… only reason why probably people are still not able to dislike the show… otherwise writers are loosing concepts.. i mean a hall full of people failed to notice resemblance between param and sehar… and even param doesnt seem to realise the similarity… ofcourse param and sehar can have same blood groups… and since they look so similar they probably have lot of features matching…but they are forgetting that mehar and param had same bloodtype
so that means mehar and sehar has same bloodtype right?? Instead they could have just shown sarab and sehar has same bloodtype…

First of all they forget whose bloodtype was what … then they forget whose matches with whom
And mehar please make up your mind.. meet your husband and meet your kids… enough of hide and seek
In choti all is ilogic Radhica. Remeber that Param is AB -in the begging and meher has IT and now Param is O

. And meher doesnt have the same blood group. Believe me I dont who writes episodes
The writers should be congratulated for the way they arrange new entries – Sumaira, Param and now Seher were all quite sensational. But than, they did exactly that with Aditi ( and Tarkash) and in the end they turned both of them into very negative characters. So, they have form and it will not be surprising if eventually they turn Sumaira negative. At the moment Sumaira is particularly positive and could make a very good partner for Sarab (if that happens). This track seems to be far more interesting than the Vikram/ Aditi track.
Agreed! Intros were great and this track is more interesting than the custody battle. I just wish the writers focused more on the strength of the characters. I’m tired of seeing them weak. Yes, Mehrab are stronger together than apart, but their decisions and actions are not reflective of their true characters. Remember when Harleen made Sarab swear to tell her what happened to Meher in Serbia when she saw him in jail? Did Sarab tell her? NO! Because he swore to Meher he would never reveal her identity. So why is he now listening to the swear Harleen forced on him to get engaged when he promised Meher they would be together in every lifetime??!!!
OMR… any track will be interesting than vikram urf manav track
but definitely there our power couple were together and strong and so we as fams had nothing to worry… but the current track though its not monotonous and has lot of twists and unexpected events our mehrab crying over their seperation really breaks everyones heart…
I feel samaira is acting to get into sarabs good books.. getting married to a man whom you love and then not getting wifes place in his heart is the biggest defeat for a woman… if she is ready to bear that by agreeing to marry sarab then that means she can go to any extent to get sarab
YES @ Radhika! I couldn’t agree more with your impression of Samira. She’s delusional and I think she is using the kids to get close to Sarab. I think the only hope I have at this point is weighing on Param and Seher to fix things. Because nobody else is thinking clearly at the moment. And if Sarab loses his memory and Harleen forces a wedding onto him and Samira, I’m hoping that Kulwant interferes in an explosive way as she always does, because at the moment, I don’t see Meher rising to the occasion.
Who knows Harleen must have told Samaira to get in Sarab’s gud books so that he may accept her…?
Meher with all respect need to be scoled from Sarab. Maybe ,Sarah will have accident and there is rumor that Harleen will not permit to come back and dont care that sehe is in come. Maybe she gonna said I help seher but you have to dissapear
Sarab is for know saved, that he is not engaged to Samaira, but I don’t understand why a very successful woman beautiful too, wanting a man with two kids and very much in love with his wife? Way maker not shows a women saying no, has self steemed who takes the higher road.
Good point, but the show is currently focusing on a higher voltage of drama. Introducing a new threat to Mehrab’s relationship is part of it…especially when our Sarab and Meher are both emotionally weak, which we haven’t seen before to this extent. It would have been nice to have a recovery period, but it’s just one twist after another at the moment. AND the actress that plays Samira…if you go on her instagram account, she is in multiple outfits on set, so unfortunately Samira isn’t going away anytime soon. I really hope the track upon is well thought out and planned so that it doesn’t drag like the vikram/aditi nonsense.
Yes, not only they we too need a recovery period, it has been a massiv voltaged, twist after twist. Nothing in between. Even at the new party there were no hugging between the two. Which I was expecting between them.
And the biggest punishment would be if sarab does not remember Harleen di and don’t allow her near him.
If he has amnesia, then he shouldn’t remember anyone! So anyone can feed him lies and he won’t know otherwise.
Yes, but don’t gorget it is CS. Everything is possible, so I wished myself that
Anyone has the precap link??
This is so exhausting
the last time any choti sardarni fan laughed whole heartedly was probably when sarab misunderstood kulwant as mehar and started flirting with her…

when are we gonna get that choti sardarni back?? 

After that show went on to give vibes about seperation and then the seperation and now the drama…
Hopefully atleast after memory loss when its mehar versus samaira
This is what I’ve been feeling for a while now too! The show needs more balance. Everything is so tragic right now. I am hoping that there will be some entertainment as Sarab falls back in love with Meher during the memory loss and the kids making HArleen and Samira’s life difficult. This is why I hope that Meher is back in the Gill mansion, otherwise how will she manage her kids and face off Harleen/Samira. And what will be Kulwant’s plan after attacking Sarab?
I ask sometimes why am i putting myself through this Hardcore? The only reason which kept me here mehrab and thier kids.
Same here. The idealist in me wants this track done and dusted in one month. But the realist in me knows it will be longer.
MD: Indeed, the actress playing Samaira (check her Instagram) is loving every moment of it, and it is unlikely she will be there for a very short period – probably several months more likely, so there must be a story behind all this in her role. Meher faces a long and uphill battle to make her way back into the Gill Mansion, not least because Harleen has already written her off. Karan in particular loves Samaira as she ‘protects’ him from Harleen. That kid is very sensitive. My guess is that Sarab ‘adopts’ or ‘accepts’ Saher as his daughter only to later on find out she is his daughter anyway. Much like the Aditi episode. Seher will no doubt will be star of the show and simply no one can dislike her.
This is what I was worried about @AJ. Things will get much worse for Meher before we see it getting better. If the writers were able to drag the Kashmir track for a month, I don’t even know how long it will take to sort this Seher hospital and Sarab amnesia tracks. I feel like Mehrab and the kids won’t be a united family for months. The show is asking a lot of emotional stamina from its fans. I just need every episode to not be so emotional!
Not to forget the kashmir track ended with no gain

Well this is just it…are we in for an entertaining ride or just being stringed along only to be disappointed?? The older episodes were written better and each new track had a short shelf life, so the show was able to switch things up often. They are now running low on ideas, destroying personas and stretching tracks to the point where it’s hard to watch. At least I have you all to go through this with. We can share our frustrations together
Sarab and Meher are not legally divorced and at no point was Meher ever declared Legally dead. So how can Sarab get engaged and at some point, married to Samaira in the future? Because he is still legally married to Meher. This nonsense as well as the incorrect blood group issue looks like the makers think that we are stupid. This show was the best and now lost its charm and ratings. Before, Meher was shown as brave and always fighting for the right thing, which goes with the title of the show. Now she is seen as spineless and someone who will leave her sick child on the street in front someone’s house. Someone else here mentioned that Meher is spineless as well and I agree. I also agree with what MD has said on this forum. Now Sarab will loose his memory and the kids have their mother right in front of them but in disguise and they dont know it – these 2 plots alone show that this serial has taken the same storyline as other serials out there. Very disappointing as to what is happening. Even if Sarab and Meher get together, Samaira will be the third person to try and break them up just like what Manav was doing at first.
Well said. It’s hard to watch a show you really love start to deteriorate. Not sure how long these kinds of serials last, but after all of this mess is over I wonder if they will consider ending it. How many more love triangles, kidnappings, explosions, fires and hospital tracks can there be?
Forgot to mention wedding tracks! There has been all the wedding functions featured for Meher/Sarab and Manav/Aditi. I really hope it doesn’t reach the point where Sarab/Samira get into all these functions.
I feel like Sarab will donate his blood to Seher. Someway or the other, he might find out he is her father after maybe the doctor finds some similarities and decides to do a DNA test. Just like what happened in Kasam tere pyar ki. Tanuja was hiding the fact that Natasha is Rishi’s daughter. Then Natasha once met with an accident and Rishi donated his blood to save Natasha since they were a match. The doctor then did a DNA test as he had some doubts and it came out that Rishi was the father and informed him.
Or Meher could just tell him! If the writers are making it so that Sarab is going to be in an accident and lose his memory, why not have Meher tell him the truth. He’s going to forget it anyways! Let him enjoy the fact that he has a daughter.
Does anyone think the writers will keep Kaul around for longer? If Sarab gets amnesia, how will she take care of him? She has no money and nowhere to go. She can’t go to Dhillon house or Gill mansion. So is she going to live with Kaul in Amritsar? I’m so confused.
Kaul shld just shrink in the bg

Precap link
Thank you so so so much….If u can pls post everyday