Categories: Choti Sardarni

Choti Sardarni 24th June 2021 Written Episode Update: Daar ji gets injured

Choti Sardarni 24th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Daar ji says these decorations and festival reminds me of our old days. We never had a sister so Gurbaksh and I would swing each other. We would feel like we would make each other touch the sky. Meher says I will swing you then. He says no I am old now, my knees hurt too. Meher recalls how Jagga used to swing her. Meher says my Jagga Veer ji is no more. I will make you swing. Tai ji says don’t you get it. He says no I will swing for my Meher daughter. She says take your medicines. He says no only sweets today.

Param says to Meher see what happened to Karan. Karan tears all the clothes in anger. He says you don’t love me. You only I act. I know if you loved me you would pay the kidnappers. Meher comes in and asks is everything okay? He hugs Meher and says I love you

Meher mama. Meher says I love you too. He cries. Meher says why are you crying? Why did you tear these clothes? Papa got them for you. He says mama, do you have any clothes that you purchased? Meher I do but they don’t meet the party theme. Sarab, Param and Seher come in. Karan says it’s okay. I don’t want to wear matching clothes. Meher hugs him. Meher says stop crying, let me get you new clothes. Meher says to Sarab Karan is really disturbed. He cut all the clothes.

Param says why did you tear the clothes? Seher says papa got these for you. Seher says you won’t even match with us now. Karan says I don’t want to match with your clothes anyway. Param says what’s wrong with you. Sarab says he’s very hurt. Meher says we shouldn’t speak to him for now. He will be okay once he plays downstairs. I hope Tai ji doesn’t react to seeing him.

Scene 3
The kids come to Daar ji. Daar ji says Karan, why are you not wearing clothes like your siblings? Tai ji says he’s different so he would look different. Sarab says brothers swing their sisters on this day. She asks Param and Karan to swing Seher. Karan recalls what Kulwant said. Karan goes inside. Seher says Karan where are you going? Sarab stops him and says what are you doing here? Go swing Seher with your brother. Meher takes Daar ji to the swing. Karan walks away.

Meher swings Daar ji. He gets very happy. Sarab is happy. Karan looks at the family photo and cries. The rope breaks and Daar ji falls down. He gets badly injured. Meher screams.. Tai ji runs to him. His knees are injured. tai ji says to call a doctor. Daar ji says I am fine. She says Meher he asked you not to. Why don’t you listen? See what you did. You wanted to take revenge on me. Are you happy? You planned all of this. Dolly says your surgery knee is injured. Why did you do this Meher? Meher goes to get an ice pack. There’s no ice pack in the freezer. Meher makes one. She injures her finger. Sarab calls the doctor. Tai ji says she knew your knee hurts already yet she did this. Daar ji says why do you keep finding reasons to shout? Stop blaming Meher. Meher gives him water and massages his knee with ice pack. Meher says Tai ji you can scold me and punish me but for now, Daar ji is in pain. She says are you hurt? Tai ji says don’t do this drama now. I have seen DILs like you a lot.

Scene 4
Karan throws away all the toys. Param says what are you doing? Seher says you’re throwing away the toys. Karan says I don’t want any of them. Throw them away. Seher says papa got them. Seher says what’s papa’s mistake if you fought with your friend? Param says of if your teacher scolded you. Karan says neither of that happened. I am mad at everyone. You, you, and papa. You know why? Because.. Param says why? Karan shouts go away from here. I don’t want to talk to anyone.

The doctor checks Daar ji. Meher cries. Daar ji says don’t cry, nothing will happen to your Daar ji. I am fat, the swing couldn’t carry me. Tai ji says it was intentional. I have proof. She wanted this. The maid brings him turmeric milk. Sarab says Gita ji stay with Daar ji. She says come with me all of you. Tai ji says see this cut rope. Someone cut it before he sat on it. Everyone is shocked. Tai ji says I know who did this. Whoever did it knew that Daar ji would sit on this swing? Gita heard Meher saying that Daar ji would sit on that swing. She cut it.

Gita gives the milk to Daar ji. Daar ji asks Gita all good? Why are your hands shaking? She says it’s numb. Tai ji says proof no. 2 the person cut his finer too, there’s blood on the rope. There’s blood on Gita’s finger but Meher’s too. Sarab says there must be a cut in the hand or finger of that person. Tai ji says Meher show your hand. Meher’s hand was injured from the ice pack. Tai ji says see now? Do I lie? Can you see it? Tell everyone she’s innocent. Dolly says Meher? I can’t believe this. You did all this? This is disgusting. Sarab says you are right. The rope is cut and the hand too. But once again your accusations are in the wrong direction. Even if God says I won’t believe that Meher can do this. Dolly says her hand is the proof. Sarab says Meher’s hand was cut when she crushed the ice and I saw it then only. See this blood on the ice pack. Everyone is shocked. Tai ji says so I am lying? Only your wife is truthful. Why is she silent then? Why isn’t she proving herself? Sarab says silence doesn’t mean you’re a liar. This is the last time I am clearing it. No one can accuse Meher ji. I will forget everything. Tai ji looks at him in anger. For how long will she keep proving her innocence? Enough. After today if anyone says a word against her, I won’t tolerate it. And we will find out who cut the rope. He takes her inside. Toshi says Sarab is right, Meher is a very nice girl. Tai ji says you don’t know her Toshi. She doesn’t like us in this house. Who else would do this? Gita looks at her.

Episode ends.

Precap-Sarab says Meher ji please come with me. Param isn’t well. Meher goes. Kulwant calls Karan and says see Meher left you as well for Param. Karan says but he’s not well. Kulwant says he plans all this so Meher doesn’t stay with you.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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