Categories: Choti Sardarni

Choti Sardarni 26th November 2019 Written Episode Update: Sarab to email about Meher’s death

Choti Sardarni 26th November 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Meher is asleep with Param. Sarab says Meher, come. Param says mama where are you going? Meher says I will be back. Sarab takes Meher to another room. Meher says where are we going at this hour?
Jagga comes to his room. Amrita and Yuvi are there. He says Amrita you..

Meher and Sarab get in the car. They are on their way. Meher says where are we going? He says I will tell you.
Jagga says you didn’t value my love. You didn’t come with me. You insulted my mom. Amrita says you asked me what your mom did? My weakness is you. She knows I love you. She blackmailed me and my parents. Jagga says what are you saying. Kulwant said, she will get Jagga married to another girl. Kulwant said Jagga would agree. I am his mother. I need a wife for him. Amrita’s

mom said please don’t do this. Kulwant said then ask your daughter to come with me right now. Amrita says if I didn’t have to lose you, I won’t have come here. Jaga says I am sorry. He hugs her. Amrita cries. Jagga says Meher shouldn’t know all this. Amrita says I won’t tell anyone anything.

Meher says why are we here? They come to her house. Sarab says I have arranged your car. Meher says you have already done a lot. Sarab says none of it is equal to what you did for sarab. You met him for the last time. Meher says last time? Sarab says you will never meet Param after today.

Kulwant calls Amrita’s mom and says you did right by sending your daughter here. Amrita says I only came here for my husband. kulwant says I know you’re here because of my threat. You must have thought Jagga would marry. Meher says two of your kids don’t even listen to you. Kulwant says he listens to everything I say. Amrita says you don’t’ listen to anything though. Kulwant says what did I not listen? She says getting Yuvi in school.

Meher says you can’t do this. Sarab says I had to separate you two one day or other. It better happen in a blink. Meher says I couldn’t even hug him once last time. I told him I am coming back.

Scene 2
Kulwant snakes in Sarab’s office with Rana. She says this is how we will get Yuvi admitted in Param’s school. Kulwant asked his PA, she said if Sarab send a mail to anyone people follow it. Kulwant said then email Param’s school to get yuvi’s admission done. She said I can’t do that ma’am.
Meher says what would he think? I left him. I didn’t even meet him. I didn’t love him one last time. Sarab says I know how it feels when someone leaves you but all you have to do is be patient. How will I tell him where did his Meher mama go? Meher cries and says he will ask for his pizza. I am making his pizza, please bring this grocery. This is my last wish. Meher cries. Sarab says you have to do one thing for me first. Meher says what?

Kulwant and Rana sneak in Sarab’s room. Rana says is this right? Kulwant says yes. She says email from his laptop to Param’s school. Rana opens his laptop.
Sarab says to Meher, I am going to kill you now.

Precap-Some thugs kidnap Meher. Police arrests Sarab for killing his wife.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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