Choti Sardarni 28th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Sarab says Meher ji please go in. Tai ji says no one will go in. Meher asks Karan to go to the room. Tai ji says no one will go anywhere. Who did this? Dolly says you’re acting like Karan did all this. Meher says he’s a kid. Dolly says kids are taught. Sarab says if you people can’t see that he’s a kid, why are you acting like one? Tai ji says ask your son if he did it or not? Karan shouts yes I did and I will ruin all the photos. Even yours. Tai ji says see Sarab, this mother and daughter will eat you up. You married this unmarried girl and gave this illegitimate kid your name. Sarab says tai ji, please. They are my family. she says other people’s blood can’t be your family.
Someone throws water on tai ji. Karan says you burned my family tree. You fell and blamed it on me. You threw ink on my mama. So I threw water on you. Dolly says how dare you? Meher says Karan say sorry. Tai ji says I don’t want it. She’s is about to slap him. Sarab stands in front of Karan and says enough. when I am there no one can ever look at my kids, let alone touching them. Sarab holds Karan. Karan says don’t touch me. You are not my papa. Meher shouts Karan.. Karan says he isn’t my father and if you stay with him or scold me I won’t have a mama either. Karan leaves.
Tai ji says did you hear what your son said? Dolly says don’t know what else is left? Meher and Sarab are in tears. Meher hugs him.
Scene 2
Gita shows the video to Kulwant. She says my game worked. I spilled poison there. I will dig a trench in that house.
Meher says to Sarab you won’t say anything to tai ji. He says I can’t sit silently. Meher says see it from her perspective. She got to know about jail, then Karan, and now Karan confessed he ruined the photo. We can’t answer her anger. Sarab says this looks like a plan. Meher says we can fight it. Meher says I know what Karan said hurt you. Meher says he even said I won’t be his mom. Sarab hugs her. Meher cries. Sarab says I am really worried for Karna. Meher says we have only one way.
Kulwant says I will take your son away from you. There will be a big blast in Gill mansion today.
Scene 3
Daar ji says to Tai ji can’t you see that kid’s pain? You blamed him for the photo? Can’t you see how painful it is for him? She says I can only see that his mom injured you. I will take revenge for that. He says are you crazy? Did you do anything to Meher again? She says you don’t take my side. Daar ji says I only take the right sides. Meher says you will see how wrong Meher is. Daar ji says if Meher is wrong and you are right I would be on your side. You would sit with me all day. Don’t do any more drama.
Karan breaks his toys in anger. Meher Sarab has taken him to a doctor. The doctor says if kids brain is affected they get angry. Sarab says Karan won’t live a moment without me. He would tell me stories all the time now he doesn’t want to see my face. We came here in different cars. Meher says for 5 years I had to be away from Karan. Sarab was there for him only. Their bond was very strong. Why is there’s so much poison today. She says is there anyone in your house who taunts and reminds Karan that he’s an outsider? Meher says yes my tai ji, bua and sister.
Harleen says I am glad Karan got to know everything but I feel bad for Sarab. How is Daar ji and who cut the rope? Dolly says Meher did it. Harleen says let me talk to Meher. Dolly says get freshen up. The doctor says their taunts have affected him a lot. He’s in trauma. There’s a lot of things that he doesn’t want to share with anyone. We have to do this therapy. Daar ji comes there. Meher and Sarab are shocked to see him. Daar ji steps in the room with Karan. He says Karan, come with me. Sarab says Daar ji you here? Daar ji says what are you doing here? Did you bring my child to mental people’s doctor? Karan is shocked. Daar ji says do you think he’s sick? You want to keep him away from all of us. Sarab says no Daar ji.. It’s not that. Why did you come here? daar ji says how could I stay. You have hurt me. Daar ji takes Karan home.
Scene 4
Harleen makes Tai ji eat. she says let’s have tea in the lawn. Tai ji says your Daar ji has asked me not to go out. Meher thinks she would succeed. I won’t let her. Harleen says don’t worry. Karan got to know everything and realized he isn’t a part of this family. Dolly says you are right. You should teach Meher a lesson.
Meher and Sarab stop Daar ji. Karan says I am not sick. Daar ji says you are not, these people are sick. I can’t believe you’re publicizing our family problems here? If you couldn’t handle him bring him to me. Why bring him to a doctor? Karan sits in the car. Meher says when our eyes hurt we go to an eye specialist. When our bones hurt we go to a bones specialist. We brought Karan to a counselor. A trauma specialist. Sarab says yes, he needs counseling. Daar ji says these modern-day dramas. When you have the money you look for a specialist. We would solve everything with our elders and won’t go to the mental doctor. I thought you’re wise Meher but you agreed with this Sarab and brought Karan here? Let’s go home. I will make Karan happy with Seher and Param.
Episode ends.
Precap-Karan sees wire in the pool. He screams Param.. Sarab shouts who did this? Param says Karan did it.
Update Credit to: Atiba
Even if Karan does eventually accept Sarab as his father, he faces an uphill task with others who will always struggle to accept him and will continue to taunt him – Dolly, Harleen and Taiji. For them he will always be a second class citizen. This will not simply go away anytime soon.
The makers have really screwed this drama up, so much trauma for Karan, at such a young age!
@Jaery… thats what the makers always do when it comes to sarab and karans relation… last time during karans custody track everything became such a mess where audience really thought that there is no way this problem getting solved.. but miraculously it got solved… even at that time mehrab was facing problems from all directions…. all this will end … and we will see sarab getting the reward for all his sacrifices till date…just like how every night has a morning even this problem has an end!!! And it will all end before sarabs dads barsi i think… whenever that is
OMR!! The precap!!! Would tayiji stoop down to such a level as to hurt param

KK spoke about current and tayijis blast but tayiji herself gave shock to param… anyways with karan testifying against tayiji she is gonna be i real trouble… and with daarji already mad at her I guess finally she will get what she deserves… but I am still having doubts about that because we really cannot trust CS with precaps

karan rocked and tayiji shocked

added advantage no one scolded karan though meher asked him to apologize she didnt exactly scold him… and sarab was

his eyes and his face when this evil lady raised her hand on karan was terrific !! But poor sarab, his heart was again broken into pieces by his bandru… Loved the mehrab scene… both of them consoling each other… but this meher justifying tayiji is getting on my nerves now..!! Let me see how she is gonna justify her actions tomorrow 

and finally makers remembered that karan was brought up by sarab alone for 5 years
Daarjis reaction is understandable considering his age and approach to problems.. mehrab was right is getting karan to a councellor and daarji is not completely wrong either… because no elders like their grandkids to go to “dimaag ki doctor”!!!… well now atleast sarab knows the 3 witches are responsible for karans condition.. now all i wish is he get to know about the involvement by the 4th witch!!! Well with all these people around harleens looks like a saint now

atleast she seems to be the only witch who is atleast concerned about sarabs emotions!!!

Now the episode was just
Real highlight is that sarab already suspects if this is some plan by someone!!! And thats commendable… because our sardarji is not really someone who suspects “saazish” very fast!!! Well sarab knows his bandru well enough to understand karan is not behaving normally… and so he suspects if someone else is behind all the happenings…
The scene at the councelling centre made me so emotional… sarab talking about his bond with karan
This track deserves a mahasaptah!!! With a stricking promo… when are we gonna get that
Just read update! Is the wire done by Karan or taiji? Is the precap?
No its karan says tayiji did it.. what is written here is wrong
Forgot to mention daarjis involvement gave 2 results one good and one bad… the bad one is that daarji made sarab a villain again in front of karan

and maybe daarji finds out about Kks involvement in this whole fiasco
The good result is that now daarji is a saviour or hero for karan.. probably the only support for him in gill mansion.. because he doesnt consider meher as a confidante for him.. who knows maybe karan will open up to daarji after some time
@Radhika, CS famously known for that their doctors and therapist have no idea how to treat! what they say is, only 1 % chance of curing/surving/recovering , so let us give Daarji old-school treatment a chance. As you mentioned above karan may open up to him

Thanks Radhika I’m relieved it wasn’t little Karan! Loving the track and absolutely love your reviews:) you should be the cs writer!
IT is bad write the pre. Param said Taji ji. I understad bit I didnt hear Karam.
Momsy is taking advantage of tayiji’s temper, but eventually when Daarji throws her out of Gill mansion, lip survice will be the only support she gets from her
. Karan did good by telling her what she did to his project, his mom and to himself will not stay unnoticed. Karan, by any means you get another apportunity pls throw some sticky water on her
Next he should blast on Harleen and momsy that they let him beaten up by Param. Param had unknowngly hurting his Lil brother too. Today I was so happy seeing sarab stand up for his family against those witches. Kulwant kaur and her useless boys having fun out of Meher’s misery is unbelievable. She isn’t even satisfied, wow what a mother is kk
Hey! I just read the replies to my last comment. Thank You everyone who commented and replied

Honestly, I cannot watch Meher and Sarab crying everyday. The heading of this written update literally broke my heart
What an explosive episode!!! I loved how Taiji can understand Karan’s emotions, which is so immaturely lost upon taiji, Dolly and Harleen
I did not appreciate Daarji’s old school opinion on not seeking trauma support for Karan, but it’s a generational thing. I just didn’t appreciate his comment towards Meher. I sincerely hope that Karan opens up to Daarji, since right now he feels that he has no one to confide in
The sadness in Mehrab’s expressions was just unbearable to watch! At least they have each other to console during such a difficult time! My hatred towards Taiji and KK continues to grow exponentially…way more than compared to Dolly and Harleen!! I really hope that Taiji and KK get exposed this week and this track comes to an end soon 
*Daarji can understand Karan’s emotions
CS will be transmitted MON-SUN
@Ayni I checked in the colors tv instagram for CS and it still states Mon-Sat. Maybe it was error on that Instagram page
@MD… apparently all shows upto 8 pm are gonna air monday to sunday… it may get updated by next sunday i guess on IG page
#all shows upto 9pm
@Radhika thanks! So we get to see CS 7 days a week then??!! I wonder what brought on the change to have it air everyday! At least no when there is a cliffhanger, we don’t have to wait a whole day in agony!
Yes @MD… now we have to maximum wait for 24 hours only to know what agony is waiting us that day

I have a strong feeling that this karans anger is gonna reach upto a peak before it all settles down… just like the ginni rana wedding track with sarabs anger.. one after other incidents had lead to sarabs anger increasing day by day untill he realized the truth… i think the same will happen here too..!!
And just like that track this track is also an absolute necessity for sarab and karans bond… their love to be deepened and karans trust on sarab to attain its peak level…
I feel for Karan..the constant feeling of being odd among his siblings is heartbreaking..I just hope this track would end is heartbreaking else let us look for Vikram Dewan and give Karan to him..He is going through a lot now
Guys, precap correction:
Param and karan are near the pool, ready to jump… Taiji takes a live wire n throws it in the pool. Karan sees it. Param doesn’t see the wire and jumps in. Karan screams param….
Sarab is angry asked all the servants and family members who did it karan says I know and points to taiji. everyone is shocked.
I cannot see both sarab and karan crying like this

And todays episode was no less either.. Karan constantly avoiding sarab and sarabs sadness over his bandru not talking to him

Well tayiji better shut her mouth tomorrow or else she will really face sarabs wrath!!! A sad sarab takes only a fraction of second to erupt like a volcano.. we all know its always a sad sarab who gets angry without control!!!! A calm and composed sarab always has a leash on his anger… Never seen a grandmother hurt her grand kids like that. Its beyond disgusting and shameful. Bittu and rana deserve to be arrested and put in jail as well. I think the table will turn when meher tell everyone how her own mother killed Manav by stabbing him in the back. I just hope this doesnt last for too long maybe just 2 to 3 episode at the most. Its Heartbreaking to see a Kid in that state. It can have long term psychological effect. Only 2 to 3 episode please But ultimately he will realize Sarab’s love for him and be reunited with him that will be one of the best scene ever in the whole show. I honestly hate dolly,taiji and Kulwant. All three are just beyond disgusting. Someone please shoot taiji and dolly. They definitely need to exit the show. When karan ask sarab question daarji and sarab will lash out at both dolly and taiji that will be worth watching 1000%. Kulwant truth need to come out soon. Dragging and prolonging this is gonna ruin things in the show.
MEHRAB loves and parenting will eventually win above everything. Kids bond will be unbreakable after this.
Someone just shoot taiji and dolly. Kulwant kaur needs to be buried 6ft under alive. Disgusting beyond humanity.
Just seen the precap! I think it’s Gita ! Under KK instruction framing taiji! If you notice her face is covered!
Yes @Charl.. Even I have this feeling after rewatching the precap… Oh no!! This could lead to karan getting into trouble.. because if tayiji was indeed with daarji during this time then karan will be proven wrong and no one would believe him
worse this tayiji, harleen and dolly could blame karan that he saw all this and didnt stop param from jumping in the pool…

Here we get happy seeing a pool set up in bts and the actual scene make us cry so bad
But the woman doing that, her body structure her hand shoulder, does match tayiji’s, unless it is Robbie’s

. I can be wrong.
@Ayni… its CS… they will shoot the scene with tayiji for now… to confuse all of us and later they will show gitas face
Yeah, your are aboultly right @Radhika, how could I forget again and again? They always succeed in trapping me
. Thank God for reminding me.
I understand Meher more now than before. She is really trying and avoiding to fight back or the adrenaline she used to have when injustice happens, it is rather because of the promise she made to her kids and Sarab the day she came back home. She paid higher prices for her bravery, which she is not willing to go through again! If 4 years of jail would not teach you to stay away from trouble, a two month of torture does.
@radhika hopefully they check cctv or param
Saw the clothes
About the precap… I feel it will end in favour of tayiji and people scolding karan except for mehrab.. probably this incident will strengthen sarabs suspicions about the saazish!!! Daarjis rope was cut and blame came on meher.. now this incident… i feel sarab will believe that karan has really seen the lady doing it who appeared like tayiji.. he has witnessed it before during the bank scam case… this may bring back the old vigilant sarab and he may find gita as the culprit!!! The same way he caught gurpreet and robbie!!! Just hope so… because for no reason they wont put that dialogue of sarab suspecting someones involvement in this issue…
@Radhika I think your right! Which may lead to the BTs train scene today. I hope they get Karan to reveal truth this week
Actually me am liking Karan he is fighting for his mother’s respect
It’s SO depressing knowing that things will get so much worse before it gets better. This is how I feel about the current track. We haven’t seen all of this chaos reach it maximum. I just hope the makers follow through with Sarab’s anger erupting and for Mehrab to work together and have a masterplan to get to the bottom of all this! I’m not sure what it will take for Karan to come around, but I must say that the actress playing Karan has done such a wonderful job conveying such strong emotions!!
the wire was either KK or Geeta dressed like Taijji…
and thats what Karan saw
I understand Meher more now than before. She is really trying and avoiding to fight back or the adrenaline she used to have when injustice happens, it is rather because of the promise she made to her kids and Sarab the day she came back home. She paid higher prices for her bravery, which she is not willing to go through again! If 4 years of jail would not teach you to stay away from trouble, a two month of torture does.
Oh yes @Ayni.. this could be the reason why meher isnt fighting back anymore.. after all her bravery cost her 5 years of seperation from her kids and her husband… and she herself said that she would rather die than ever get separated from sarab…
Okay so karan does try to stop param from jumping.. thank god
@Radhika If at all darji says that taiji was with him the whole day, I guess the witches will turn the blame towards karan. Karan trying to stop his brother might be misinterpreted into Karan pushed his brother into the water. And if they really blame karan for it, then I would say they are all fools! A 5 Yr old has that much of ability? Can think to the extent of electrocuting someone? Hopefully what I think doesn’t happen. CCTVs are always hopeless in a politician’s hse, including the guards! Just like their masters!
@TheSilentGirl… even if karan is blamed sarab and meher wouldn’t believe it… even in anger to what extent their son can do damage they will know… as sarab is already suspicious about an evil plan he will either think that someone made karan do it or someone else did it to frame karan… even if Karan get scolded by rest all members this event may actually confirm sarabs suspicion … so lets see.. I said thank god not because karan was holding param back which may actually be misinterpreted but he said “veerji nahi rukho”… but param jumped thinking karan is probably scared to jump in water
and above all param knows that he jumped voluntarily 

And rather than karan getting blamed for causing the accident there were more chances of him getting blamed for not stopping param inspite of seeing the danger… but luckily he tried to stop param and thats probably good
seriously no 5 year old can do this without getting eloctrocuted himself!!! If anyone in the house thinks so they are dumb as a post!!!