Choti Sardarni 6th July 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Kulwant sees Seher. She says to Param no one should know I gave you this coin. Seher asks what is nani? He says it was a teacher. Kulwant says my last game has started. Both of your kids would hate you.
Daar ji says your tai ji has to leave. Meher says Tai ji can’t do that. Daar ji says there are proofs and witnesses. I don’t care what heart thinks. If Sarab or you did the same I would do the same. Meher says if I prove her innocence you’ll bring her to the anniversary. He says I wish you’re right.
Param says once my wish comes true I’ll take all of mama papa’s love and won’t give to Karan. Seher says why did you lock the room? Karan says where is my story book? Kulwant asked Karan not to share the coin. They fight. Karan cries.
Meher sees the colorful. Sarab says all three kids are in one room. Meher says I want them to be friends again. They go to the room and are shocked. Karan screams my tooth. Meher picks him. Seher says Param hit him and broke his tooth. Sarab slaps him. Param says you didn’t slap him when he being my tooth. I’m step child. Meher says stop using that word. Harleen takes Param with her.
Daar ji says our kids will come close soon. You shouldn’t have slapped him. Meher says don’t cry. You’ll be okay. Karan says I’ll have speak to him. I’ll break his face. Param says I’ll break all his teeth. Meher says very nice. You both should fight and break each other’s teeth. No one will stop. Beat each other. Karan is my left eye and Param right. Hit me. Kids say no mama. Meher says let me do it. Meher hits herself. The kids cry and say why would we hit you? Meher says you do when you fight. You use words like step.. do it as much as you want but decide if you want to be my weakness. She cries.
Meher sits down and cries. Sarab hugs her. The kids hug even. Seher says which eye am I? Sarab says you’re our heart. Meher says you will teach your brothers to love each other. Param and karan plan to hit each other.
Scene 2
The anniversary preparations start. Meher keeps an eye on karan and Param’s location. Meher says they’re still planning something. Meher says let me ask. Sarab says he must be playing.
Meher prepares for the the event. She notices the location.
Episode ends.
Precap- Meher and Sarab come to a cliff. Param shoves Karan. Meher screams.
Update Credit to: Atiba
Already hinting of mehrab going
I no longer want to write anything about the current story and upcoming story… todays dialogues clearly gave clues for mehrabs death and seher as the next lead!!! Mehrab is the heart of the show…. not seher!!
I am so disappointed i dont have words to express the disappointment… we support the show through thick and thin.. endure all painful sad tracks and then the makers do this!!!
This is the worst production house on ITV!!! Sorry to say but the most unique show on ITV has such unprofessional makers and they are digging their own grave..
And as i read on some of the fan pages.. Avinesh Rekhi sir deserves a better production house!!! Not such one that is so disgusting!!! I hate the makers more than my hate towards kk, dolly, tayiji and harleen combined!!!
They still have time to change! This is awful how they treated the guy who saved them when lead was off sick
I hope they see sense
And if Meher is killed from that cliff even worse
@Charl I truly appreciate your optimism! I’m not sure if the makers would change their minds at this point
there would need to be some serious damage control ASAP!
I share your feelings @Radhika. I feel like my passion for commenting on the remaining episodes has been crushed. I am genuinely so upset about the decision made to end the story of Mehrab. I wish Avinesh all the best in his career and I’m confident that he will be flooded with projects, given his talent. He does deserve better and I’m glad he is choosing to leave the show based on the poor direction it is going in. The makers have not only ripped apart the soul of this show but have left a bitter and deflating feeling among fans. I hope they realize how truly destructive this decision was and the talent they will have lost with this pathetic generation leap. As @Ayni mentioned yesterday, I feel betrayed by the makers as a loyal fan. I will truly miss this couple in all of its essence. I will also miss everyone here on this forum and their beautiful insights on this show up until this point. This has been such a wonderful community to be a part of and connect with throughout this pandemic!
As i said earlier @MD we have a good 400 plus episodes worth rewatch… and once mehrabs journey ends we can start from episode 1 daily @7:30 pm.. incase we find it difficult not watching CS at that time… we could use this way to detox ourselves…. But no way i am watching CS after avinesh sirs exit!!! NO WAY!!!! And after the leap i heartly wish the show sees its downfall soon!! I myself cannot believe that i am wishing failure for my favourite show but the makers have disappointed me to an extent that i can no longer think rationally!!!
Even I am gonna miss this forum and everyone over here… hopefully @dropofthought writes some exciting episodes of mehrab and we all get to discuss there!!!
Great idea @Radhika! I truly believe @dropofthought can give us a nice ending for the series and we can enjoy some conversation there. I’ve lost all faith in the makers. I’m in shock and disbelief that they have made such a weak decision. I wish Nimrith didn’t accept the role as grown up Seher. Perhaps that would have swayed the makers to keep Mehrab in the generation leap?! They should have just announced the end of the show and given us fans a wonderful last track full of joy.
As we know where is this show heading now, what’s gonna happen to our favourite lead pair, there’s no point of me sharing review anymore. How sad that even before the leap, the lead pair was not shooting some of the scenes together in today’s scene. I just hope that all the original casts of the show have no personal resentment to anyone, and continue their beautiful friendship after the leap. This production house is the most ungrateful toward their casts. I remember reading one of the makers ig comment on Av’s IG post that she’s excited for more mehrab content. Is this her definition of ‘more’? And what about one of the directors who claimed that there’s no leap. All these are betrayal for the fans! It’s just a 2 years old show, with good audience engagement. How sad that this unique show is heading towards destruction. *sob* *sob*
Didn’t they always say that mehrab will be together in all the 7 lives? Even in 1 live their chemistry wasn’t fully utilized. How dare they do this. I’m definitely going to miss their slogan!
Yes @TheSilentGirl they will be together for seven lives and therefore makers decided to kill both together!!! Which is why mo Mehrab post leap!!! Otherwise not all 25 year olds are orphans!!!
Yes nimrit needs break in a day for sometime atleast according to her doc.. hence the body double at scenes where her back is shown.. like todays scene at the end… scene with daarji.. or in yesterday’s episode scene with param and karan outside the house etc… And that makes me think the makers decide to continue with the female lead inspite of so many adjustments they need to make but for the man who always stood with the show.. hardly took breaks from shoot, stood like a pillar for the show, they couldn’t change the storyline???
If they wanted a fresh storyline they could have shown mehrabs next birth!!! A fresh love story!!! Whatever that was planned for seher could have been implemented as meher and sarab as lead roles… but makers chose the dumbest decision… i feel like hitting myself for trusting these disgusting makers !!!
@Radhika that would have been amazing! To keep things fresh, a Mehrab rebirth track would have been so amazing!!! Honestly, the makers could have just looked to the fans for inspiration and ideas! I feel insulted as a fan and on behalf of Avinesh and Anita, who really did carry the show forward in Nimrith’s absence! And did an INCREDIBLE job at that! I will truly miss their talent.
Absolutely agree! Nimrit and avinesh together make cs there is no cs without them as mehrab
I have not yet seen todays episode but I wonder if their is life beyond the upcoming anniversary of Sarab’s father, where everyone will be ‘forgiven’ apart from KK who probably won’t even be invited.
@AJ the makers have gone off the deep end. I have no clue what there intentions are anymore other than to set fire to their reputation and watch it burn to the ground. They need to wrap this idiotic track asap.
words cannot express how sad I am today hearing about this recent development. I quit the show.. This explains why most people do not like Indian series because most of them end on a sad note. I just wish Nimrit will not accept the role of Seher and they roll in new actors so the show doesn’t interest people again. Maybe the makers will have a rethink if people show no interest in cs at all
Can anyone please tell me what’s going on i have not yet seen today’s episode .
Avi will go , sources said producers ask to be Nimi father. Ilogic . In my country the main actors use strong make up to do senior role and it is a honor but here for me it is irrespect to Avi. Sorry , new actors coudl be amazing but the soul of the show Avi and Nimi. Anyways the show is a mess. I am out of choti .Anita is gonna go too , Avi deserves another shows
Guys Param, karan and seher are younger than meher and sarab, then why do the parents use aap for them? They should use tu or tum for them, right? Why aap? Which parent uses aap for their children??
? Child should use aap and parent should use tu/ tum. Like Kulwant and meher. Like Tai ji and sarab…
There are some parents who like to use aap may be u didn’t hear from anyone but i see most of the people using aap. I also feel awkward at first but i am habituated to hear it bcs most of my neighbour uses aap
even for me too
Plz give the update fast…
If the rumours are correct, Nimrit, having played the role of a mother of three for so long, will look very odd now playing her own grown up daughter, Seher. Imagine Nimrit (now a 20 something Seher) going after boys – with a new Manav all over again. Nimrit will forever be remembered as Meher.
@AJ… I hope nimrit also thinks so and exit the show on her own and then the production house realize that they are in deep trouble!!!
I don’t Radika Nimi will live the show maybe because she is starting but she is a good actress and deserve another proyect . I am about Avi how the could ask to be Nimi’s father but irrespect and IT is not about interprete a senior because he can do it, Avi is so versátil actor, IT is something ilogical. They could bring in other avatar anyways Thanks God he didnt acept because if he could accept this decisition might harm his profesión. He deserves another logic and strong drama and other channel.
Do you think they can change there mind? Mehrab is cs. No cs without the two leads!
Go guys vote for our mehrab!! They deserve it!!! Even if the production house doesnt care for them… we do!! So please cast your precious votes
In Choti sardarni serial nothing left which kept me hooked for so long, am left with broken heart

. Thank you makers for being so thoughtful
(disrespecting) to your main cast and CS fans. You can have your casperli theater for yourself, am officially out. NO AVINASH REKHI, NO CS. I watch your unrealistic illogical writing because of him, because he makes them bareable!! When some people were seeing the fault and accused you for your lack of Intelligence for writing a proper story we fans in this forum defend you because we believed that your concept were unique. Good luck in the future, you may need it.
This is so true

@Radhika do you think they may change there minds! We need the main characters Sarab and Meher not others!
I was a silent reader but today I can’t stop myself from commenting.
The show is loved by audience mostly because of mehrab bonding. I think cs is the only indian show where we can see immense love and trust between a husband-wife. If the show is taking leap so soon and even without mehrab then there will be no meaning of watching this show.
I found Avinash Rekhi ji’s reason for quitting the show as reasonable. How can he play the role of nimrit’s (grown up seher) father as she is his heroine?
I don’t want leap guys.
I dunno what all tv producers care abt TRP….
I mean, what abt all d fans who watch it for so long?
Who will be the Choti Sardarni??
Only our Meher Kaur Gill is the one n only Sardarni!
No one can replace Meher ji!
And again did they forgot the name CS is given traditionally to Gill DIL not daughters
Theory. RUBBISH.
Hello everyone!writing a comment after a long time….
Can anyone of you just please tell me the trp of CS because according to me CS has a good position in TRP of COLORS TV as compared to other shows of it (i guess it remains in the top 3 of it) and has a wonderful online trp among all the channel’s daily soap…..
So is there any that big issue that they are just replacing the male lead role and other actors character too.I truly agree with @Radhika about the rebirth storyline or even if they just want to have SEHER’s storyline , they would have just changed the looks of Avinesh Rekhi like removing the turban, different clothing,etc. as according to me it would have changed his looks a lot (It’s just my opinion as I can bear the storyline till here,and Sorry if my opinion hurted you).
Now only GOD can help us
@Kriti, etc, etc: Absolutely. Having played her husband for so long and having had children with her, how can Avinesh (Sarab) play Nimrit’s (Meher’s) father just like that? Imagine her calling him ‘Daddy’! Even he would feel very uncomfortable. It must be that the writers simply ran out of ideas though given that this serial has run for 500 plus episodes, that is not surprising. Both Avinesh and Nimrit should now move on in their careers with the consolation that CS made them household names.
@AJ that’s what I am trying to say not only Avinash but also nimrit should quit the show
Yes…then all d characters will be new, like a whole new show!
Instead, makers end the show(on a happy note) and start a new show… it cold be abt a family n the relationship of brothers and sisters….thatbwld be much more better than breaking r hearts
How can they literally do this, Mehrab is everything in this series
And the main leads are extremely good and loved. Its just going to be soo awkward seeing another lead role
I literally don’t want to understand why they are changing the main character after the leap
Mehrab is the main show and we love them
I hv noticed, whenever any show takes a huge leap, the kids are big but the parents are always dead for eg Silsila S2 etc..
All parents don’t die when their kids are 20!
Probably ekta kapoor is the only producer who knows this fact that not all kids are orphans at the age of 20!!! Because though i absolutely dont like her show with dead people coming back to life all the time and a husband who always disrespects and misunderstands his wife, but she is professional and respects her leads… the show may take leap of 30 or 50 years but the lead couple remains the same !!!
This is exactly whats happening to us!!!
Guys this cruel makers may end the story of mehrab without a proper closure…I dont know since they are taking such an extreme step they may keep things at a bad or painful condition so that audience keep watching the show after leap… like maybe param and karan may still hate each other (just a guess)… lets be prepared for the worst case scenario…
BUT nothing can be worser than end of mehrabs journey… end of mehrabs journey is end of CS… so after mehrabs death whether their kids love each other or hate each other shouldn’t concern us!!! And whoever decided to quit watching CS after leap stay strong in your decision!!! Donr let the makers take advantage of our love towards mehrab and make us watch sehers love story!!!
Dear Radhika I had the same thoughts. If I had to guess, I would imagine that there would be hatred between Param and Karan leading up to and after leap. I would imagine that post leap, we find out that they don’t have a relationship and it becomes Seher’s mission to reunite her brothers and/or the only reason the brothers come together is to fight over Mehrab’s property and money and blah blah. Whatever the case may be it won’t matter because it’s ruined forever for me. I won’t support a show that has sunk so low. I can’t even defend them at this point. I have hatred towards the makers for ruining everyone’s characters, robbing us of so many moments and now taking away the best on screen couple and relationship anyone will ever get to witness. I honestly hope that the ratings drop dramatically and get no love or support from anyone. Good for Avinesh and Anita for choosing not to be a part of a show responsible for its own demise. They are worth more than gold and this show no longer is worthy of these brilliant actors.
Exactly @MD.. Avinesh sir and Anita maam deserve better makers and not this crappy ones!!! I lost all respect I had for these makers!!! I mean how much more unprofessional can they be!!! And the worst is they talking as if avinesh sir himself quit the show!!! The makers forced him to do it!! They left him no other option!!! Seriously what did they even think asking him to play father to nimrit

the makers deserve tight slap on both thier cheeks for this action of theirs… and they are boasting about this most disgusting offer as if they did some great favor!!! I am sad that mehrabs journey is ending but I am glad that avinesh sir and anita maam made the right choice…. yes they are worth more than gold and diamonds and we will soon see them shining in all their glory as soon as they are ready to take up the next project… i only hope that they dont choose this stupid nasty channel or this unprofessional disgusting arrogant makers again!!!
And let the makers clearly understand that we dont care if param and karan love each other or no when mehrab themselves dont exist… if there is mehrab on the show we want them to see their kids happy… but if they are not there we really dont care what karan param seher does in their lives… and this the makers need to understand!!! They will understand it but it will be too late by then!!! The show will be dead by then!!!
Honestly Radhika I am having dificultly to watch even today’s episode! I will definitely quit after the leap, would never watch something coming from this production house the channel itself. Never again! The kids can scratch their eyes out I really don’t care anymore!
@Ayni I completely understand. I feel so let down and still am in complete disbelief. When the rumours first circulated about the generation leap, I was so quick to brush it off and actually found it laughable with how ridiculous the idea was. The fact that this has now resurfaced and been confirmed I want to fly to Mumbai and burn the set down
I feel like the makers stabbed us in the back and then twisted the knife!! As crushed as I am that mehrab’s days are numbered, I am so glad that the two powerhouses of that show are leaving. What an insult to their talent. I hope that Avinesh and Anita take a much needed vacation and then are overwhelmed with amazing offers for other projects that will only soar their careers even higher than it already is. I don’t know how I’m going to be able to watch the remaining episodes 
Thank you for your understanding @MD, actually I am exosted and at the same time angry at myself for taking them seriously, understood a bit late that serial makers are doing their job, playing with peoples feelings! Exactly agreed with you on Avinash Rehki and Anita Raj they for sure will come back with a much better project with their talent and dedication any sirious production hause be lucky to have them, no doubt at all.
@Ayni I feel like a complete fool! A fool for believing that the makers actually had a heart and cared for fans and their wonderful lead actors, without whom this show would never have been successful. And then this is how they treat them?? They offer some garbage role to Avinesh and announce an exit plan for Anita?! So cut throat
they are lucky to have been working with such professionals who understand the business and politics of showbiz. And just like any other maker…the show must go on, right?! I can’t believe these are the same people who gifted us Mehrab 
@MD that pathetic excuse of a role offered to avinesh sir was only to force him to quit the show by himself!!! The makers can now so nicely say that avinesh himself quit the show and therefore they have to end sarabs character!!! BUT HONESTLY THEY HAD NO PLANS OF RETAINING SARAB POST LEAP!!! What was their plan if they retained him??? Do they mean to tell us they would show sarab without a meher??? Didnt they already proove that was impossible?? Then what?? Nimrit who cannot give her 24 hours for a single role would play double role of meher and seher??? The makers think we are fools to believe that they wanted avinesh sir to continue but he is quitting… NO NO NO!!!! THEY FORCED HIM TO QUIT GIVING A NASTY OFFER WHICH THEY WERE SURE HE WOULD REFUSE!!! If they wanted avinesh sir on the show there were a hundred million ways to do it!!! This is the same production house who changed the entire storyline overnight only so that the female lead to get treated for her sickness and kept the show going for 45 days without her!!! And now to retain the male lead they couldn’t bring up a new storyline which would retain the lead couple same!!!

all our sentiments apart.. i am glad that avinesh sir and anita maam are opting out of this nasty sinking ship…and inspite of all this horrible treatment from the production house avinesh sir is so professional that he hasnt said a word against them!!! OMR SUCH A GEM OF A PERSON HE IS

I wanna hurt myself for trusting such a horrible production house!!!I never believed the rumour of nimrit playing seher because i knew it was destructive and thought makers wouldn’t destroy their own show…But You are right @MD…cannot believe that these horrible people created our CS!!! No production house in the history of ITV has taken such a decision insulting the Male lead who is the heart soul and life of the show!!! They dont realize it then fine!!! But cant they hear the fans crying aloud how much we love avinesh rekhi as sarab!!!
Anyways this decision is for their destruction… I personally am never gonna watch any of their creations in future!!! And I would even tell all people known to me to not watch their any show!!! Infact i wish that the actors of their other shows realize the attitude of the makers and quit their shows… even better if the entire actors fraternity boycott this nasty production house!!!! I wish that their show after avinesh sirs exit has such low trp that they should bot be able to show their faces anywhere in public!!! They have also insulted anita maam who was has given us the best entertainment till date in CS… No matter how much we hate kk… we cannot keep watching the show without her wonderful ji wonderful
I am out. I have hopes but with this and maybe they gonna died and brothers Will hate each other what disguisting and that taji ji course I hope tour children hate you. What sad end for meher and Sarab
Yes…very true…
After immj2 got over, Cs was my only hope…now that also gone!
What do i do??
Plus colours is launching so many new shows like The big picture, KKK 10, Balika Vadhu 2 n whatever…where is d time slot for all these shows?!!!
I think this is a huge mistake on both the makers and the cast who are staying. They could have shown the leap with new actors but not that huge of a leap and with same cast and crew. Teenage version of the kids and Kevina as another daughter to Mehrab. No Mehrab no CS. Kevina tak is also the huge reason the show is successful. The leap is going to kill the show 100% ending the show. Even with leap the show could have kept Mehrab going for another 2 to 3 years but what they are doing is going to end the show by end of Summer 2021.
100% agree with you Jenny! The makers definitely had options to keep the current staff while introducing new characters if they were looking to add some excitement to the show. I also liked @Radhika’s idea of Mehrab’s rebirth as a way of rebooting the series. It was an arrogant move on the makers part, one wish I hope they fall flat on their face for doing!
Do they read comments here on this platform?
I don’t think so
I was getting these negative vibes from this show so I stopped watching it a few days back. I read all the updates today and after reading the comments I am heartbroken. Yes, there was scope of continuation for Mehrab’s story but they opted for leap. They did it because nothing was working in their favour. High TRP’s is what every show craves for. They tried everything but TRP was still low..So they started experimenting and ruined such a great show unaware of the fact that TRPs will never rise this way.
There were only a few loyal CS fans like us who were watching the show daily. Most of people had left watching it after the corona crisis. Now if the show doesn’t get successful in creating a new fanbase, it will sink deep down.
Me too!
I don’t watch, just read updates!
too much violence n hatred…kids will take an example from here..makers are totally crazy!!!!!
I just couldn’t bear to comment yesterday…
I had a dream last night that there was a leap and I was playing Seher lol!
But still, I can’t believe the makers are doing this…do they even listen to their fans??
Do they care abt us???
I still cannot believe CS is dying!!! The makers are killing it by loosing these 2 gems
This scene

feel like we need to say the same dialogues about sarab to the makers now!!!!
In sarabs point he is correct because how handsome he is and he can’t play 2 roles as a husband and father to same nimrith. Anyhow im very sad about sarabji. He is a gem and the most favourite, admirable person for everyone.
Guys do participate in this Twitter trend!!! On Saturday… morning 10 am onwards!!!