Choti Sardarni 6th May 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Zoravar is in the car, and recalls Dolly and Scarlet’s words. He comes to Kulwant’s house insearch of Mannat and asks his Manager if she stays here. Mannat gives lemon water to Baljeet. Baljeet thanks him. Zoravar comes inside. Mannat gets worried seeing him and comes to him, asking why did he come here? He says I came to meet you and asks what is she doing in Kulwant aunty’s house. Mannat burns something so that her father don’t see Zoravar. She asks him to go. Zoravar says I came to return your favor and says my personal investigator will search your family. Mannat asks him to solve his personal problems. Zoravar says I came to know everything about your father, and says he is Baljeet. Baljeet asks who is he? He couldn’t see Zoravar. Zoravar asks if Bittu uncle is your father. Mannat says she don’t want his help and asks Zoravar to go. A boy comes and asks with whom you are talking? Mannat says to myself. Baljeet says villagers will tie you to tree, thinking she is possessed. Mannat asks Zoravar to keep the truth to himself and says I am not Mannat now, but Manpreet. Zoravar says there is not much difference between the two names. Karan comes near Mannat to get his ball. Mannat gives his ball. Zoravar asks why she wants to hide the truth. Mannat says she don’t want his help. He forwards his hand. Mannat shakes her with him. Zoravar says I will not tell anyone, and will remember that you are Manpreet and not Mannat. He asks her to stay away from him and not to interfere in his company work. mannat gets angry and says he shall fall in muddy water. Zoravar steps his foot in mud and then goes.
Gini and Jeetu tell Seher that they talked about Manpreet’s alliance with someone, but Kulwant got angry and said that she will not get her married to any other guy. Seher realizes Manpreet is Mannat and sees Kulwant feeding food to Mannat with her hand. She gets teary eyes and emotional. She thinks she is Mannat, my sister and thinks to hug her, but stops herself thinking Nani haven’t told her. She thinks to make Kulwant say everything to her. Mannat gets a call and tells Kulwant that she will go and meet the workers. Seher hides. Mannat goes. Seher comes to Kulwant and asks if she is having food alone. Kulwant says she was hungry so thought to eat. Seher says work load increased for you, as tenant came. Kulwant says yes. Seher says don’t mind, why did you bring Manpreet here? Kulwant says what to think, she has given support to her. Seher says she got her family, you got your grand daughter and I got my sister. She says I mean to say she is like your grand daughter. Kulwant says you are right. Seher thinks to make her confess that Manpreet is Mannat.
The workers’ husbands try to make them understand to agree to work on machines. Mannat says they run your house, and wants their happiness which is in their art. The husbands tell that they have to feed their stomach. He says Zoravar is generous to send machines, so that they can do the work and save time. Zoravar comes there and asks why she is interfering. She says she will interfere wherever something wrong happens. The workers tell that they don’t want to compromise. Zoravar asks them to think that art will give them peace and money will give them comfort in their lives. Mannat asks them not to listen to him and says you will repent. She says I already got them a new contract and says he has given us, our first order. A guy comes there. She says these women will work for him now. Mannat says they can start working from tomorrow and this company is giving them more money than your company. Zoravar says how they will run house with just one order. He tells that he will open his factory. Mannat says I will see. Zoravar recalls his father’s negative words towards him. He breaks the glass window in anger. Mannat runs to see his injured hand. She takes turmeric from the aarti plate and applies on his hand. He takes back his hand. Mannat says if you lesser your pain inside, then your problems will go away. He goes away and tries to start his car. Mannat smiles as he gets down and walks away.
Seher calls Kulwant outside and says I found my sister Mannat. Kulwant asks if she came to know that Manpreet is Mannat. A girl comes there and hugs Kulwant, calling her Dadi. Kulwant says she is not Mannat and fooling you. Seher says she has the same mark on the hand. Kulwant says this is ink mark, I will wash it with water. She washes her hand. Seher says she is Mannat. Kulwant says she can’t be Mannat, as Manpreet is Mannat. Seher says I knew that Manpreet is Mannat, just wanted to know from your mouth. Kulwant apologizes and says I should have told you before. Seher says ok. Mannat comes there and says we shall go home together. Kulwant tells her that Seher. Mannat asks if they were going for shopping. Kulwant says Seher came to know everything. Seher hugs Mannat. Mannat looks on emotional.
Precap: Seher reveals the truth to the family members that Manpreet is Mannat, Bittu Mama’s daughter. Everyone is shocked.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
I think sk and nimrit want the whole name fame rights of cs to be gifted to Mahir, as he is the reason for the show to get success and its progress towards next level. Agreed, today’s cs state is due to his performance well done Mahir, keep it up .
You reap what you sow!
First ul call Nimrit greedy and selfish that ul have forgotten that she played our Sarrdaarni Meher(if ul consider Seher to be a nobody)… Ul are now implying that NIMRIT is selfless and is letting mahir take the fame rights or whatever??
Decide properly!
Ul were even ready to even see Sandhya and Saloni with Sarab! Ur hate for Nimrit has gone so far that ul r mixing her personal and professional life… Ul were the ones who lectured me not to mix them up right?!!
Can we live in peace for these last few weeks saam?
Sk you are the one who blamed us by telling we say crap and laugh out loud by the show going off air, if your favourite Nimrit can act with any body? You will say haa Sehraj my Sehraj, how magical

only for you, then why we can’t say Sandhya and saloni could have been Sarab’s best life partners. Meher is she Nimrit or her body double which Meher you are talking about, she is the worst decision of sarab.
You are the one who is responsible for all my comments, you dragged me by saying OG fans will come here and laugh their hearts out and you said we say crap, before telling me ,you follow, Nimrit selfishness is seen by us and original cast her selflessness is seen by you and Mahir. So you be great ful to her, if you want, why you are stopping others from questioning her unacceptable behaviour. If u want peace don’t blame OG fans as per your convenience.
Snowflakes, don’t show your smartness with us, if you want peace, stop blaming us, who will want to come here and waste time by writing back to you. But if write wrong about us or Av or original cast we will write you back, so you stop and expect it from others, i still remember once a fan asked why Av left the Shaw , so you said He didn’t want to play Father to Nimrit, how nicely you shifted Blame on Av , the man who just left the show to proceed in his career. And when the show was announced off air you blamed us telling we will come here and laugh and talk crap how easily you shift blame on others to defend your favourite Nimrit . If you want peace act accordingly, here also blaming us as if we are not letting any peace in the forum.
Seher is smart for sure… Kk caught so fast.. but in a way it good tho!

And this is the begging of Zorat
Started with a handshake… Wait n see into what it will blossom into
Also the typical caring for the wound

Harnoor indeed instilled good values in Mannat… She didn’t deserve the life that she lived
Female lead using body double again, up to her old tricks, can’t be bothered to finish the last few episodes, and overactor is already gone! Pathetic to say the least
Even Harleen… Go blame her also!
But harleen isn’t lead, is she? It is makers who have lost interest, turned cs like a low budget drama. I don’t remember anymore the opening trp but closing will be devastating. Snow when me and Luz said since the beginning of the leap they may finish with trp of 0.4 you said that is haters wants but cs will celebrate it 1000th, so here we are. We weren’t that long 0.6!
It’s some people who radiate negativity here. They comment on real people, not just characters.. This doesn’t go well with me. You never know about what a person must be going through in real life and when someone comments about the work of those who are working to earn a living, you know it’s not cool. Talk about show’s characters, not real people.. You are sitting in your home and criticizing some real people just because they are playing the characters you don’t like. And when someone calls you out for your misgivings, you refuse to accept it. What type of ego is that? Yes you do have a right to give your opinion but when your opinions turn into regular’s plain mockery. Repeating “Overactor”. Can you imagine how demotivating it must be to the person you say it to? Imagine you are trying hard to excel at work and someone doesnt even know about your struggles mocks you, you will be demotivated right? “Female lead using body double” She has a life outside the show and she might have some plans with her family. She might have anxiety and performance issues or some commitments, YOU NEVER KNOW.
I know YOU too might have problems in your personal life but same is with every actor and actress.
It’s called professionalism, doesn’t matter how busy she is or what issues she has, she has a duty to cast and fans to finish this show on a high note, after all she was 100% responsible for this stupid leap, and exit of entire cast, and bringing this over actor/over reactor was her doing, now when things go south she can’t be bothered, rubbish, and it’s people like you who enable this kind of behavior by accepting it and showering unnecessary praise on the female lead!
Look yes the guy playing the role might get demotivated as he should because he’s not good at his job. Imagine if a doctor continued doing surgeries despite him not being good, should we not say anything as “he’ll be demotivated and we don’t know what he’s going through”. Same goes for the female, she signed up to be the lead as Jaery said it’s professionalism. Your suppose to show up and do what’s required of you. Acting is literally the only profession where one can be horrible as the male lead is and still get away for so long, but not anymore as the TRP shows and no amount of Sehraj hugs and eye locks can save it anymore. God they should’ve just had them gone in an accident and they couldn’t tied it back to Mehrab’s end comparing the two as they always have tried to. Also no ones really mixing the professional and personal aspects but the actress is literally leaving because of her personal reasons, the leap happened because of her personal issues so it’s hard to not bring up the same.
@drop said “no amount of sehraj hugs or eyelocks could save greatly show”…

nothing MORE ACCURATE has ever been said my friend, Nothing! Ghar ka jamai should go work on his craft,perfect it and come back on screen

All those who are claiming actors are ‘demotivated’ by hearing honest reviews of their work need to understand that being on screen opens one up to lots of criticism,it’s part of the job and if they can’t handle the heat,the should get out of the kitchen na
Over actor needs to go and perfect his skill then come back on another show or platform,new and improved! Some people are natural born actors ,some learn by persistent practice…no matter what,he needs to hone the skill he wants to make a career out of. Nimrit is also new on the acting scene. Cs is her first show,so she should go and rest and relax after show gets cancelled and work on whatever needs to be worked on so she gets better and better. Nobody is attacking them or their personalities. We don’t care about them beyond what we see portrayed on TV believe me. And I’d also like to add,Mental health is necessary, mental stress is real. If this job was causingher stress and anxiety, she should have QUIT IT. Kratika would have been her replacement and that would have been the end…another actress would be roped in for the role of Seher. And then she would have taken the time she needed to rest,relax and process things in a calm manner. I don’t even know why serial makers do this ridiculous thing of making a child be an exact replica of their parent.
@vaijyanti so many actors in the past and currently also deal with the hectic schedule of acting. It’s hard but also has its rewards, you can’t be willing to reap the rewards but not be willing to make the sacrifices and hard work. My girlfriend is entering her first year medical school. It’s extremely tough and competitive, she got in and she literally has to study all day with barely any time for family or friends. Her classmates and notes are her friends but she realizes being a doctor is a great responsibility and hence works hard without complaining. If anything she’s grateful for getting a chance to do it as so many people try but don’t get into medical school. So your right it’s about being able to handle the pressure either you work hard and you do or don’t do a daily TV show, work on some short movies, TV commercials or weekly shows etc. If your signing up for a DAILY TV SHOW what do you expect to shoot every other week?!
Sk, i am leaving the forum, don’t write something that will invite me back, enjoy the forum. For your self, write what you want, but not about is and Av.just stay with praising Sehraj. Hope not to meet your comments. Now get peace and enjoy. Goodness will win.
@saam..come back na please
…Forum is for all CS fans, especially we the OGs who know and appreciate the soul of the show which was Avinesh Sir.

I’d like to say this, we can all have differing opinions, that’s fine. But we are all welcome to share them on here. No one should be responsible for running anyone off.
Anyway, the show will soon be over and we can all rest our cases or find each other on other forums and continue the banter
Anyway, as I said few days ago,I wish Sarab and Sandya were paired after Nimrit went on holiday due to stress.She could have just quit then and there and taken ample rest until a next script offer comes her way. SanRab could have been a whole vibe na!
Yes I regret for not supporting sanRab pairing. Was one of those fans who insisted for her come back.
Correct@AG! Maybe if more fans showed more interest in peomoting SanRab we would still have CS and Avinesh Sir as the lead. I remember they got to the point of even getting married and then show makers turned into Meher ki baraat spectacle as a way to mark madams grand entry back to frustrate viewers
That episode could have gone an entirely different way with SanRab getting hitched
One thing Is either Nimrit or show execs thought the show wouldn’t be possible without her. Wrong ideology, show would have continued smoothly. Avinesh Sir is who we needed most
Yes Vaijyanthi, the stupidity began when they gave all credit to her for the kids upbringing in her absence. When she was back, Robbie had even to say she is a wonderful mother and her kids lucky to have such a good mother which drove Harlem and dolly mad. Lots of things went bad at that time. Before that they made sarab having hallucinations of Santa meher and seher became the copy of her out of blue just few days back she was the exact copy of sarab. So many regret for supporting for coming back, if we rooted back then for SanRab, we would have CS and avinesh Rekhi as you said. I hope one day we may get lucky and watch him in our TV screen as Sardar because no one can do justice as saradar as he does
I already felt their chemistry to be so beautiful on their marriage rituals, SanRab could have made the story different and more beautiful. Actually sarab and kids were atleast in a peaceful surroundings when Sandhya was their and she was Kulwant choice for her son in law peaceful future, which never happened.

AG you are right, seher is Sarab’s copy, seher is girl version of param

,it’s obvious she is a copy of sarab, which mindless creative made seher look like meher, Seher no way looks like Meher, and kevina is such a cutie pie she is the right child for playing Sarab’s daughter, their eyes ,their appearance, their bonding easily convince audience as father and son and father and daughter both param and seher papa pey gayee Hein, aab Jo bi seher bani Hain badi wali who nakli hain

VJ , i am happy to read your comments, yes i will be there , you are right, it’s only few days till then we talk all the fun things about cs, i just thought why to upset Sehraj fans, atleast let them enjoy their last days of their favourite

@saam, Forum is for us all. We avinesh fans and sehraj fans too. You have every right to be here and share your opinions freely which are valid. Let’s all enjoy the few days of whatever CS has become and exchange our thoughts with each other. Welcome back
Thank you
Agreed the makers had a great angle with Sandhya and Sarab. Sarab was shown as a supportive husband accepting Meher’s unborn child. The makers could’ve shown the show with a similar aspect with Sandhya. Sandhya could’ve married Sarab and accepted his child like his own and also helped Sarab emotionally overcome his loss of Meher. Sandhya could’ve been the emotional anchor Sarab was and it could’ve turned into a beautiful relationship with both relying naturally on the other.
Exactly @dropofthought. Sandya could have easily been made a beautiful part of CS and Sarab’s life because even she had experienced love and loss and could have connected with Sarab o that level. They could have had a mature,warm and comforting bond in addition to some sizzling chemistry as well. Makers would have had more freedom to explore said chemistry because they are both of age and Kratika is an experienced actor. How could they miss such an opportunity, I wonder
When karthika mam was said to be part of the show I thought, may be she has visited sarab looking for her husband who is an humsakal of sarab. But was shocked knowing she was there to take all blame from audience for missing Meher, purposely they have spoiled the story. It could have been a funny track if sandya husband was sarab humsakal, then sarab would say he his different person and would set in a mission to find him and lot of funny incidents at last they find him and unite sandya with her husband. until this Female lead would join back. Missed so many beautiful things from happening. Like that we would have got Av and Kratika mam combination onscreen. Beautiful actors just their potential was wasted on searching Meher .
vJ, AG we OG fans will discuss all possible fun things about Cs, before it ends, we will make this forum happy place for OG fans.
Yes a happy place like it once was befor the fans the leap took over it. So we can say goodbye to our old cs.
The pics that Av and kratika mam clicked in their bride and groom attire from kratika mam last day shoot is so awesome , looking at that pic you can say she is our sardar’s sardarni. In future if they are paired as sardar and sardarni for a fun entertaining new serial it would be lot of fun to watch them .
Yes it would
As always.. you people refuse to realise your mistake. It’s fine, I will just wish you goodluck and hope you get employed. You are definitely going to get your Karma back
@sk, stop hiding under this ‘megha’ monika…its getting ridiculous now
and if you are infact a different person then yes, what goes around will surely come around for some; especially you. so get prepared as well. Avinesh Sir will always be the blood and soul of CS. The show died without him. Point-blank. Deal with it.
Omg Saam, stop hiding under this “Vaijyanthi” title…
Can’t believe u guys think marriage and forming bonds is a joke and a person shld be with someone whom ul like. Mehrab forever ul said, now look ul are regretting I see! Ur hate for Nimrit turned into hate for Meher, the Sarrdaarni of this show
Go watch udaariyaan, ul will get ur fill, makers pair whoever the audience wants!
Also poor Kevina, Anita ma’am…. They were the blood and soul ul said (especially Kev)… Hope that lil girl gets many opportunities in the future…. And gets good and genuine fans who won’t turn against her with one move
Do u watch tbjjn? U miss Avi sir so much na, VJ, why don’t u watch it? Didn’t see your comments there…(unless u are saam!)
Hating on a show coz he didn’t get the credit he deserved? Gosh, he’s happy in his life now!
Continuosly making fun and hating the current actors!
Just look at yrkkh. People can go crazy thinking that Hina Khan and Karan Mehra aren’t getting the recognition they deserved, they were the blood and soul! The OG’s! They were in the show for so many years! But nobody does, coz their track is over, they moved on! New tracks, new actors! Why can’t ul understand???? Everyone moves on!!
This is utterly funny now. So many serials have taken leaps and have new actors. The actors who were originally there are out, yes, they are loved and remembered. But going to the extent of hating the same show, just becoz they didn’t get due credit? Funny!