Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Choti si pyaar choti si dard- (Episode 10)

In the morning
Swara does puja in her inhouse temple and prays that jiji should reach there safely and u should protect her from every hurdles. Sumi comes and says Shona ur friend Sanskar had come to pick u up. Swara widens her eyes. She turns and say SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSaannnnnssssssakkkkaarrrrrrr what is he doing here. Sumi says why Shona wat happened. She says nothing Maa where is he now. Sumi says he is talking with ur papa. Swara leaves from there and goes to hall. She sees Sanskar. Sanskar says Hi Shona. Swara ask ji who told u my name Shona. He says ur papa and smiles. Swara eyes her dad and he is surprised. She says Papa y u told him my name and hits him. Shekar controlled his emotions. Sanskar says Swara lets go its already I will be waiting for u and leaves. Swara goes to her room and sees her reflection. Reflections says Swara what happened to u I think u r becoming old Shona. Swara says I am also thinking about this only. Reflection says Shona I think its all because of that Sanskar I think u started liking him. Swara says its not like that I don’t want another one to leave his life for me. Dadi comes and says Shona he is waiting for u go soon and she leaves.

In Sanskar car
Swara is sitting on the back and Sanskar sees her from his rear view mirror. Swara sees Sanskar taking another route and asks Ji where r u going college is on the other side. Sanskar says just keep quiet I have asked permission from ur papa. Swara thinks hey bhawan what is he upto plz help me. Sanskar stops the car and gets down. He opens Swara’s Door and sees her praying and smiles. Swara opens her eyes. Sankar ask her to get down. She sees her school where all happened and sees Sanskar. Sanskar holds her hands and says Main hoo na. Swara with fear walks towards the gate with Sanky. Swara meets the principal, her class teacher and says ji shall we leave. Sanskar says One minute Swara and took her to the terrace. Swara saw the place where Jignesh stood and let his life. All the incidents came infront of her She not able to control shouted aloud and cries. Tears roll down from Sanskar eyes. He thinks y I feel the pain of her soul in me y I cant see her tears I saw so many girls in my life but Swara y feel to hug her y y y y ?

In the medical camp
Ragini and her gang attending the patients and Laksh on the otherside flirting with a girl. Ragini gets call from Dida. She doesn’t get signal and goes to the place where Laksh already present. It was a cliff. Laksh says to the girl Ok I am going to my camp u go to ur house and we should not meet eachother. That girl says U told me that u love me and wont leave. Laksh says comeon yaar I just flirted with u not more than else. Girl says u cheated me and pushes Laksh and goes. Laksh shouts. Ragini hears this and goes there. She sees Laksh hanging.
Laksh: Ragini plz help me

Ragini: Laksh plz don’t lose ur grip I will come. She gets a rope and ties to the tree and throws the other end Laksh.
Ragini: Laksh hold the rope
Laksh: Ragini don’t loose the grip plz and he holds the rope and Ragini pulls him up. Laksh comes up and falls on Ragini and they have eyeock Idhayam idam maaryathe song plays. Both compose themselves and got up.
Ragini: Laksh how did u fell ? Laksh thinks if I tell her the truth she will misunderstand me. He says I was talking on the phone. I didn’t saw that I was in the tip and fell down. Ragini says come all r waiting for us. Laksh and Ragini gang sees Raglak coming together and r shocked. Ani says Swathi pinch me and she pinches her. Josh says what is happening in this kaliyug. Ragini comes to her tent and Laksh goes to his. Swathi says Rago what is this u with that head weight. Ani says if u both r dating secretly. Ragini says just shut up guys and tells them everything. In Laksh tent Josh says so u hidden what actually happened there. Ankit says Lucky I think u started falling for her. Laksh says may be or not but from here I am not going to disturb her.

In the school
Swara gets tired crying and sees Sanskar standing. She runs to him and hugs him. Sanskar says I told u na I wont give reason to cry now stop this. Swara says thank you Sanskarji. Sanskar says Omg I got promotion from Ji to Sanskarji. Swara laughs loud as before Ennode vaa vaa song plays and Sanskar smiles seeing Swara. Sanskar says u r looking so beautiful when u laugh now lets leave.

In Garodia Mansion
Swasan enters Swara ran and hugs Shekar. Shekar gets happy and hugs her. He shouts I am darling is back to me. Sumi and Dadi comes. Swara Sumimaa I am very hungry. Sumi gets so happy. Fb shows Swara calls Shekar darling paa , Sumi as Sumi maa , Dida as rockstar and Dadi as traffic signal.
Sumi says two minutes Shona. Swara says u forgot I am darling Shona. Sanskar says then I will also call u darling Shona. Swara turns and says Sanskar ji I will not allow u to call me darling but u can call me Shona and winks at him. Sanskar says I am so sorry. Shekar ask y beta. He says u were free from this danger but I have again made this Shona to speak so much. All laugh. Swara says Sanskarji I will see u in the college. Freezes on Raglak and Swasan.

Precap: Swasan sensual dance and Raglak closeness.


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