Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Choti si pyaar choti si dard- (Episode 13)

In Sanskar room Swara says Sanskarji u have bad fashion sense. Sanskar locks the door and comes near. Swara can feel his breathe. It passes through the gap between her ear and shoulder. Before she could turn Sanskar hugs her from back. Swara doesn’t utter a word. She tries to leave but Sanskar tightened his grip around her waist. Swara took a deep breath. Chinnajiru Chinnajiru Adhisayame son plays. Swara stammers and says jjjjjjjjiiiiii anyone can see us. Sanskar even come closer and whispers NOBODY WILL COME SHONA ITS ONLY YOU AND ME. He can hear her heatbeat and release her from his grip. Swara stands still. Sanskar laughs and says Shona ur face became red ur looking like a joker. Swara says ji I will not tak to u and when she opens the door she looks at him. Sanskar says I have bad fashion sense na then u come and change this room for…………… she turns and he says for life and me too while the song plays in the background. Ap calls Swasan and Swara runs from there and Sanskar follows her. Downstairs Shekar says Prasad its nice to meet ur family and u should come to our house for Diwali. Dp says ofcourse and we will do as we decided earlier and Garodia’s leave. Laksh sees Sanskar staring Swara and says Bhai tomorrow u will meet her in the college so don’t feel bad. Sanskar says bu it will be so long na and realizes Laksh teasing and chases him.

In night
Swara thinks about Sanskar, teir c;oseness and his words She stars blushing and Ragini sees this. Ragini says Oh mere innocent Shona fallen in Love. Swara says sweety jiji just shut up u will know when u fall in love and she sleeps. Otherside Sanskar says Lucky lets see I will also get a chance then I see u and he also dose off. Laksh and Ragini comes to window. Ragini thinks its been 4 years[ It’s a leap Swasn in the second year and Raglak in the fourth year] since I have become a stone hearted because of u lucky it’s a;; because u and cries. Laksh sees the wine bottle and thinks Ragini if u had given me one chance then we would have become one soul its all because u…….

Ragini on her first day of college giving name for music competition and Laksh for cricket match.
Next day asusual Laksh gone net practice and Ragini for competition. Whole college gets mesmerized hearing Ragini voice. Laksh also follows her voice and atlast sees Ragini. Ragini also sees Laksh. Laksh walk towards Ragini and says ur voice so beautiful as u. Ragini says better u try this ball on other pitch and leaves. Laksh frnd and Ragini frnd sees them speaking. Ragini frnd Leka says Ragini I luv Laksh when I saw him first time. Laksh frnd Sudir says Lucky should only help me out to get Ragini. Both Laksh and Ragini starts meeting eachother. On their first meet Laksh says about Sudir and Ragini about Leka. Laksh says Love at first sight I don’t believe in it and Ragini says even I don’t Ok then I will see u and Laksh ask when. Ragini smiles and says college café tomorrow. Raglak leaves.

Precap : First Kiss and Break up


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